
12 Reviews
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20 May 2000
Four years before this sequel was the first Exorist . Now four years later this movie wasnt even close to as good as the first one . The acting is worst , and the script is Horrible . It does have a good cast but still maks this movie broing .

It is about a priest ( Richard Burton) who has a believe that something is still wrong with the girl ( Linda Blair ) . This movie was very hard to understand . It had James Earl Jones on the cast and he was only in the movie for 1 little scne and Max von Sydow also on the cast and i didnt see him once the hole movie . Kitty Winn also stars . * of of **** stars . It got * only cause on its cats .
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Not Bad !!!!!!!
27 April 2000
This movie is about to adults who visit a town possessed by children. If anybody reaches 18 years old they must kill themselves. In the beginning the children kill all the adults and now two more adults visit the town three years later and the children are out to get them . It sounds stupid but its pretty good . Stephen King did a good job on this one . I give it ** and a half stars out of ****
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Its a classic !
21 April 2000
True story about a family who moves into The Amityville town into a haunted house where a whole family was murdered years before. BIG mistake because the house is still hauted . The stupidest part of the movie is the family has so many chances to get out of the house . And when they do get out of the house the father goes back in because he forgot his dog . Well they all live . Excellent cast ! ** and a half out of ****
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The first of Jason's hockey Mask .
14 April 2000
This happens to be one of my favorite Friday the 13ths . This movie starts out with a few young adults driving in the car to a farm near camp crytal lake . There are tons of characters . Theres the star (Dana Kimmell ). Kimmells boyfriend (Paul Kratka ) . Of course the hot lady who has sex in the hamock then takes a shower and gets killed . Theres the bike punks. The funny guy (Larry Zerner) . And of course Richard Brooker as JASON .

The bike Punks get into a fight with the funny guy . Jason then kills one by one every biker. Then Jason go's to all the campers one by one and kills them to until theres Kimmell and Kratka Great horror film but some people may hate it . I give it ** out of **** .
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Its ok !!!!!
14 April 2000
I loved this movie . Actually I love evry Friday the 13th movie for some reason . I'm probley the only person who loves this Friday the 13th films .

The beginning of the movie starts with (a.king) (the star of the first one ) gets killed in her apartment . Jason then returns to camp crystal lake again .

Crazy Raulph (IN the first FridaY MOVIE) WARNS THEM but it does know good . Jason kills pretty much evry teen acept (AMY Steel ) who luckily lives . Jason comes back at the end only to hit to you that Part 3 is coming. Followed by Friday the 13th FINAL CHAPTER .

I give it * and a half stars of of ****
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Thinner (1996)
OK so its not a classic but you cant say its not great
2 April 2000
Warning: Spoilers
Is movie Thiner is based on the book by Stephen King . Watable movie to almost all horror fans . It is about a really fat (F A T NOT PHAT )He just cant lose weight . He has been on so many diets its not even funny . Well one day when his wife is in the car with him he is gets a blow job . ( They dont show anything ) By accident he runs over a gyspy . A few days later a gyspy goes up to him and toachs his head and says Thiner or thingthing like that . Days go by and he is gets thiner , thiner , thiner , and thiner . Well he still keeps eating but he is still gets thiner . His wife and family is very worried about him . His friend starts killing all kinds of the gypys family . Finally the leader of the gypsys tells him away to get the spell off . *** Spoiler coming up *** If your going to see the movie dont read this part . Welll he has to give the spell to someone else to tyake it off . The spell is in a cake and he give the cake to his wife to eat . *** stars out of four . Watch this movie if your a horror fan .
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Puppet Master 5 (1994 Video)
Direct to video bore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 April 2000
This movie never made it to threaters . I saw every puppet master movie and this is the seond worst one of them (The SIXTH BEING THE WORST ) . I'm not even going to get into this movie . Just igore it and dont watch it . If you do you will 9 times out of ten go to sleep . 0 *'s out of four .
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Puppet Master 4 (1993 Video)
Not bad !!!!!!
2 April 2000
In this third sequel Gordon Currie makes his first really big role of a movie . Rick (G.Currie) is the caretaker to a hotel . Him and three other friends find the puppets Pinhead, Jester , and you know all the others . In this moviee the puppets are good and are fighting evil . Tons of action pretty good . Followed by Part 5 witch is horrible . Believe me . If your a horror fan you should watch this movie . ** stars out of four . Guy Rolfe ( Toulon also makes his return . He was in the third .
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Best of the Friday the 13th's .
2 April 2000
I loved this movie . The plot is pretty much this Jason has died so many times its hard to keep track . Almost every Friday the 13th is the same he kills teens then dies . This last so far sequel is about how Jason always dies but keeps coming back . But one man knows how to kill Jason . He knows that this one girl who could kill Jason . Tons of humor , horror , of course the gore . How can a movie be called friday the 13th with no gore . Great ending and great plot . *** and a half stars out of four .
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Ok not great . Not that scary
2 April 2000
This was one of Wes Cravens first movies about a boy who gets trapped into a house where a family that never goes outside lives . People live in the basement but turn out to be good guys . At the end the boy gets a million dollars . Not great . Watchable to some but not many . one * of of 4 (my rating )
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The big apple watch out . (Even though more than half the movie takes place on a boat)
2 April 2000
Ok I broght this movie last week because I'm a huge!!!!!!! jason fan and i have seen this movie three times already . Horror fans (espially Jason fans ) will love this movie . If your not into blood , ax , gore etc. you will find this movie a waste of time. It is about a ship where Jason V. makes his kills in this seventh sequel . Only five people make it into the big apple but when they reach the big apple all hell backs losse .***Spilor*** At the end Jason dies as usaul with only two surives ( in most jason movies there only one survor)If your not into the Friday the 13th movies dont watch it but if your a FAN YOU WILL FIND THIS VERY WATCHABLE . ** AND A HALF STARTS OUT OF FOUR .
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Not as good as the first even though the first was ok not great!
1 April 2000
Not that great . Most horror fans will feel ripped off . Some might like because of its star Burt Young ( STARRED IN THE ROCKY FILMS AS PAULY) . One and a half *'s . (Out of 4 )If you like burt young you might find this movie ok but still not great . The first one was better . Followed by so many more boring sequels .
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