
23 Reviews
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Fight Club (1999)
Awful, awful, awful
31 May 2001
Fight Club is a pitiful movie. Awful. I reviewed it twice already, but those reviews didn't make sense. I finally nailed what was the main reason I hated this movie. There are a lot of reasons why. But there are two major ones. All Fight Club is a giant, anarchy propaganda "film". We have laws for a reason. "Start a fight with someone on a street". What is that going to solve? Anything at all? Although the "film" doesn't glamorize violence, it does show it being used for no reason whatsoever except for a cheap laugh. Fight Club becomes the epitome of everything that is despises by the end. Sure, I agree that "things we own end up owning us" but what I don't agree with the actions that characters do in Fight Club. However, Fight Club would simply be an awful film it tanked, but the fact that so many people like it and agree with it is far more disturbing. These people are idiots, more harmful to society than any Adam Sandler lover you'll ever meet. These are the same 20-something punks who like anarchy, who think Bush is too conservtive. (so I can't spell) Why do moms like to go destroy little videogames that are not harmful at all? Where's the banning of this film? This film has more negative influence than any violent videogame could offer. They offer violence as a solution, and millions of people agree. What a sad day in America... Now of course, there are the "filmic" (err...) flaws, such as the stupid, pointless, long monologues and philosophies, and the "hey! Look what I can do with this cool camera!" direction, and the fact that Brad Pitt couldn't act his way out of a paper bag, and Helena Bonham Carter adds nothing to the story, how stupid and pointless the surprise at the ending is, how the film skips long periods of time, leaving us confused...I could go on.

I strongly detest anyone who declares this the best film of all time. This is nothing. This is just trash. So, email me if you want with your little gen-x comments and what-not, but one day you'll realize that violence is never an answer, and rules are enforced for a reason., and then you'll realize that Fight Club and everything involved is evil! I feel like going to church now. No stars. Negative stars. Negative 10 stars. I p**s on this.
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Little Nicky (2000)
22 May 2001
Why do people dislike brainless comedies? Stop being so pretentious and enjoy yourself. Besides, half of you haters can't even spell, so ha! Anywho, onto the movie. Little Nicky is awesome, the best Adam Sandler movie of all time. I waited for the video because people said if you want a good time see Charlie's Angels (which was AWFUL) so I did. I am sorry. Little Nicky has everything from action to comedy, to just a hint of drama. The plot wasn't much, but the jokes were crazy and worth it. From the humping bird to the beginning, to the demon at the end ("popeye's chicken is the shiz-nit!") the jokes were always fast and coming at you. A few times there'd be a painful one, but that was few and far between. I especially love the basketball scene. It has the perfect mix of everything. One other major good point is the MUSIC. Awesome, what can I say! I'm not a real fan of rock/rap, but POD's songs were fitting, as well as the badass acoustic version of "Everlong." Plus the greatest band ever Incubus was in it too. As well as Linkin Park. Anywho, I didn't go a single scene without laughing. If there was a particular dry spell, there'd be a big joke at the end to revive itself. The Chris Farley and Chubb's bits were hilarious too, and I strongly disagress with whoever said the ending was boring. The best joke is given here (when the demon says, "Popeyes chicken is the shiz-nit!" the way it was delivered, and the fact that the fact is true, it had me crying. I went back and forth, rewinding to hear it over again) And the pillow fight ruled as well. The whole montage thing at the end was hilarious too. Little Nicky is the prime example of a comedy. All good comedies are underrated, while crap comedies are overpraised. So it's fitting this did bad, because AS's two most successful films (Big Daddy and Wedding Singer) were his worst. Little Nicky is perfect for 90 minutes of laughs, you won't find a finer comedy. 10/10
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Joe Dirt (2001)
Dont over analyze and enjoy...
28 April 2001
I can't stand anyone who hates these kinds of movies because of what they are. Just enjoy it, dammit! And who was the arse who said it wasn't a stretch for kid Rock to play an illiterate redneck? That was below the belt man. And maybe, if you actually saw the movie, you'd realize that a lot more goes on than the mullet jokes. And for that other dude (bifcritic or something), the dog balls thing was funny. How dare you condemn the movie to go as far as say that they were mean and hurt the dog! Lighten up folks. Being an David Spade (yeah, i admitted it, namely because my head isn't shoved in my ass) fan, I really was expecting something stupid, but funny. Joe Dirt was so different, really. I mean, it was nasty and crude, but pretty funny. It also had an underlying message (I think......wait, no.) Anyhow, its was good 90 minute fun. 8/10
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Pretty Good
1 March 2001
The trailers didnt really make me wanna see the film, and after my sister hated it, I decided to wait for video. I am sorta sorry I did. MMAI is a pretty solid comedy, with slapstick, some pretty funny lines (price check on VAGICLEAN) and a passable plot. Some of jokes just die on impact-the much talked about chicken scene wasnt all that it was cracked up to be, the cow scene was too long, the midget guy was trying to be the easily offended, all purpose black guy, but wasnt really funny. Also, there are so many lines stolen from other movies: the movie says Charlie's fiancee was named Layla, after the melody-this one's a dead give away. There is no bigger Big Daddy rip-off to be ever written (unless of course, Jim Carrey got dressed in a kangaroo suit and sang the song) and theres one other joke I remember hearing somewhere else. (I cant remember-I saw MMAI about a month ago) Although more watchable than Outside Providence and the horrible Something About Mary, it doesnt have the overall zany feeling of Dumb and Dumber. There's nothing spectacular about it, and the jokes are really hit and miss. But the great ones you will repeat over and over. (case in point: I cannot get the "Wrong answer, f***face" line outta my head) I'd only recommend buying it to the diehard Jim Carrey/Farelly fan, but for everyone else, you can get by with a weekend rental. 7/10
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Okay At Best
9 February 2001
TSAM is an okay comedy, but honestly, not that funny. All the jokes get lame after a while, (the zipper? the dog? the gel? all stupid now) the characters are too stupid to be clever or funny, and it is WAY too long. Something like Happy Gilmore I could see over and over-funny, solid characters, a good plot, and just right at 90 minutes. This goes on for far too long, and the characters especially make it dumb. It goes long stretches without belly laughs, and then goes for some unnecessary raunchy stuff. Ben Stiller is usually very funny, but is just dumb here. And the old lady's boobs? What's up with that? And the dog fight scene? That's supposed to be funny? I mean, the Farrelly's got lucky with Dumb and Dumber (a classic) but then this came, then other tragedies (Outside Providence anyone?). Frankly, there is nothing seriously wrong with TSAM, it is simply not funny. I don't get it. If you want something stupid but funny, go rent Tommy Boy, or better, buy it. 4/10
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15 January 2001
Art of War is a definition of a sub-par action movie. I didn't want to believe that but it's the truth. First of all, it has a WAY too complicated plot-many times I'd view a scene and then later wonder what it's about, or what was going on. However, the worse thing of all are the characters-none of them have any real personality, all fitting cliches (although the guy from Mortal Kombat was cool) and when the twists at the end occured, I was halfway between shock, and feeling cheated. The movie could have been good-the first 3/4 or so of the movie is pretty solid, good action. However, the ending is an exercise in cliche-ville. And to make things worse, we get two unsatisfactory twists, a semi-ripoff Matrix climax, endless scenes of the chick in the UN office, and a horrendous chase that recalls the chase in the beginning. Art of War may be tedious in the end, but doesn't completely fail as a whole thanks to three main factors: The soft-core porn feel it starts getting into (sorry, but I am a guy), some decent action scenes (the beginning is more suspenseful than the climax), and through most of the movie you do keep guessing about the plot-until the end, and then by that time you figured it all out. I wouldn't warrant a purchase-but if you have nothing else to rent and are in a mood for a mediocre action flick with nekkid bits, than Art of War is up your alley. 6/10
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19 December 2000
I had the unpleasant pleasure of watching this on my birthday. It ruined it for me. I wanted to see this movie-the HBO Making of Special made it look like a badass action flick. Unfortunately, it isn't. What the hell is this? Parody? Action? Comedy? I know the the show was a parody, but this isnt. It shows the girls as badasses and stupid chicks at the same time. I wanted to like it, but couldn't. I figure this-they should've made it a serious film with comedy in it-the angels should have been badass comedians, not the other way around. This results in cheesy, sink-in-your-seat cheese, and it's almost to much to handle. Billy Murray worked because he was straight on what he was-comic relief, not badass. CA is a boring trip through brainless action sequences, and explosions for the hell of it. I did enjoy the Cameron Diaz dancing scene, because it was funny and had more excitement in it than cheesy, wire kung fu fights. Once I got bored with it, I began playing "Count the Matrix Rip-Offs" with my sister, who was equally bored. We found like five. Plus they rip-off Mission Impossible 2. 3/10
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To Die For (1995)
This Is the Internet MOVIE Database...So why is this included??
11 December 2000
I remember seeing this movie when I was about twelve with my dad, brother, and mom. I remember how exruciatingly bad and painful it was. How Nicole Kidman is the biggest no-talent whore in all of Hollywood. I just saw it again a few days ago, and it seems to have gotten worse. The plot is okay-it could have been a great sorta killer movie-but instead it is long, and boring. Why Illeana Douglas or Matt Dillon starred in this trash is beyond me. When I saw a few years back, we stopped it from the VCR about halfway through, quickly returned it to watch Mortal Kombat again. My oldest brother attempted to watch it, but alas, told us he stopped it about 30 minutes in. Nicole Kidman, you should be ashamed. 1/10
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Mortal Kombat (1995)
11 December 2000
I saw MK on opening weekend in August (17 I think) in 1995, when MK was all the craze. I have owned since it was on video. And I still love it. MK is arguably one of the best martial arts movies ever, perhaps THE best, because it blends REAL fighting to great atmosphere. It is far better than the Matrix, or more recently, Charlie's Angels, because of all the fighting is real, not wires and computer effects. The plot isnt great, but it's passable. The fight scenes are intense, more bone crunching than anything. I also love the movie for its "moral". Im not into that in a movie, but if you learn something while watching a movie, hey, all the better. It basically says that you are what you are. To try. Never let anyone live your life. Everyone should be forced to see this movie. I honestly love it, and planning to buy it on DVD. Its probably my favorite movie of all time (battling against Happy Gilmore and Mystery Men) and sad it is overlooked. I love the game, and its faith to it is very respectable. It doesnt overdramatize its material (as in say, X-Men-which was a good movie) nor does it poke fun at it (the horrendous Street Fighter) or make it boring (Wing Commander...yeah, that was a movie) and it obviously appreciates its fans, rewarding them with the little things (Johnny's Friendship; Liu Kang's bicycle kick; the awesome Scorpion fatality) and the ending is fabulous. (although I found it one of the weakest fights-the way the fight started should have been the way it ended-although the Chan thing was a nice touch) I feel it could have been a little better with Kung Lao (hes mentioned a lot) and if Sub-Zero (one of my favorites) wasn't reduced to a supporting character. Its also really funny and tongue in cheek-(almost all scenes involving Johnny Cage with-hmm, any character). Although the sequel was VERY disappointing (it destroyed the story-line and fell victim to usual Hollywood traps-not to mention Rayden, Shoa Kahn and Sub-Zero sucked) the first is the best. I hear Paul Anderson is making the Resident Evil movie. Although Im not a fan of Resident Evil, and most people consider him a crock, I am anticipating another winner. Mortal Kombat rules the world. 10/10
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Bulletproof (1996)
9 December 2000
As a fan of Adam Sandler, I was expecting something a little funnier. I wont waste time going through the plot, but it was pretty good for an action movie. The movie in my opinion couldnt decide whether to be a comedy or a drama. The film starts off great, but slowly dies in the middle where it becomes serious. It jumps alive in the "sandwich action" sequence, and becomes funny again. The rest of the movie is randomly funny, sometimes going for long stretches without laughs. Now, seeing as I barely saw it, when it compares to other Adam Sandler movies made after it, its not that great. But as a follow-up to Billy Madison, its okay. 6.5/10
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The Pest (1997)
How could anyone NOT like this movie?
21 November 2000
Whoever hates this movie with passion is a loser with either a) something up their butt or b) does not a humorous bone in their body. People talk about him trying to out Jim Carrey Jim Carrey. Shut up and let the man act. Since when is Jim Carrey the only actor to act crazy in a film? And for the poster that said that Pest was stilling stuff from the Nazis and they didnt notice-they did notice, thats why he was digging through his bag because he had caught him stealing his stuff. And, who cares if the performances arent great? Who cares if there's bad editing or cinematography? People, its a COMEDY. Say it with me, COMEDY. Okay, maybe the sexual and race slurs were popping up left and right, but who cares? Everthing thing in this movie was done in good taste, and John Leguizamo was in no way (I think) trying to make anyone mad or trying to insult them. Besides, you have to admit you smiled when they were Jewish rabbis. (funniest part) And the Snake Boy was crazy, funnier than any character in most "comedies". Maybe because most of my favorite movies are retarded (Billy Madison) or have no really educational value (Tommy Boy) but what matters is you have a good time. You go to the movies to get away from the troubles of life. Not to get caught up in some complex and confusing plot and end up more confused when you left than when you entered. John Leguizamo was trying to make you laugh, and he succeeded. 9/10
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FreakyLinks (2000–2001)
8 October 2000
FL is a great show. Truly wonderful. FL is a little cheesy and rough around the edges, but the premiere had me a little spooked out. There were surprises aplenty, and some pretty good performances throughout. Some of the story is a little hard to follow, but since it's a good show, you can keep up with it. FL in my opinion, is the second best new show this season, and I think it should succeed. The commercials (especially the ones they showed in theatres) rocked. NEWAY, what bothers me most, however, is that it has horrible buzz. The show premiered and no one liked it, and before it even premiered people were already saying it sucked. Well, I hope it stays on air because it is great. Ethan Embry holding his brother in the tub really got to me. Don't skip it. 9/10
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Guess what? I'm not a virgin anymore!
2 October 2000
Ready to Rumble is a truly excellent film. After Deuce Bigalow, there were a few months without a really all out, stupid comedy! But this filled the void! In fact, it's a little funnier than DB. The film never stops once it starts, and David Arquette rules the world! His acting would win him an Oscar for most believable nerd. The fight scenes are also intense. Few problems however: Upon second viewing, it's not as hilarious. But, the few good laughs still get to you.

When a movie like this is made, it's usually trashed by critics and brainless viewers thinking every movie has to be of Saving Private Ryan calibre. But, really, you should ignore all that. If you're in a mood for a good laugh, or have two hours to kill, check it out! It's one of the funniest movies of the year. Oh, and Scott Caan is great as well. Oliver Platt is okay, but I picture the role more suited to someone like Ben Stiller, or even better Eddie Izzard. To me, a comedian would have made it the perfect cast, but it's still great. Also has an excellent soundtrack: Lit, Kid Rock, Van Halen, and that song "Were Not Gonna Take it!" It's best-ler, movie-ler, Jimmy the King! PS: Martin Landau is hilarious! 9/10
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2gether: The Series (2000–2001)
Wonderful, Hilarious, Great.
5 September 2000
2Gether is one heck of a show. Funny and great. I was a big fan of the movie, and the tv show is even better. It's filled with the usual 2Gether humor, the dorkiness of QT, the goofiness of Chad, the hilarity of Doug (who proves that he is funny...and not just "Chris Farley's brother") and the outrageousness of Micky. Jerry is the leader, funny and cool. 2Gether has already garnered a spot (number 7) on my all time favorite shows. It's about girls...and, stuff and the humor is a little of the same. (Miscommunication, girls, onstage) but it's still great. Take it for what it is, and enjoy the 4th greatest thirty minutes (behind Simpsons, South Park, and Family Guy) of the week. 8/10
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Hollow Man (2000)
"Invisible Man is going, my a**hole is hurting." SPOILERS!!
11 August 2000
Warning: Spoilers
HOLLOW MAN ROCKS!!!! I loved the heck outta of it. The FX were awesome, the vioence was cool, there was a healthy amount of suspense, and the movie crept along at a pace that kept you on your toes. SO WHAT if it's predictable, it's mindless, fun, summer blockbuster. I must admit I hate all other films by Paul Verhoeven, but this one was awesome. The ending was okay... I think Sebastian shoulda died when Linda was torching him w/the flames... It would have been a cool death, and a believable one at that. HOWEVER, he MUST come back, because this IS a horror film... I also noticed that the footsteps in the carpet, the part where Linda throws over the blanket and finds Sebastian, and where she goes "this is not funny" we cut out. Why? I don't know... Also...I must go back to this.... The ENDING! If this were an action film, the ending would have rocked, but it's interesting and not boring (AHEM MI 2), but spirals badly.... It reminded me a bit of Deep Blue Sea which was horrible, but it came out better.. (thank God no rappers were in this) Also, I LOVED the joke about Superman and Wonder Woman... BRILLIANT! All in all, Hollow Man is an okay horror movie, and a kick a** action one. I recommend it. 9/10
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What Lies Beneath? More like, what you don't see scares you.
11 August 2000
WLB is pretty cool. It's 130 minutes long, and if you were to cut out all the boring parts, it would equal to about 100 minutes. Most of the film uses the time wisely, however, it does creep along. The beginning is an utter waste of time, and THE TRAILERS! If you saw them, the movie is spoiled for you. Everyone except Michelle Pfeiffer and her weird friend fall flat, but those two ladies act fine. The ending was awesome, not too action packed for its own good (Hollow Man) or too anitclimatic for its own good. (X-Men) Also, WLB is more of suspense than real horror or suffering. We jump because the music stops, then BLAMS at full blast. We jump for stupid reasons, because some music plays, Harrison Ford is sstanding there, the dog opens the door, HF jumps up... The part where Michelle Pfeiffer is stuck in the tub had me at the edge of my seat, but little else. My mom hid behind her popcorn, but I told her too relax. WLB is boring mostly, beginning waste of time, plot given away by trailers... But it's not a bad movie... I;ve seen worse this sumemr (Myself and Irene, Pokemon) but I've seen better. Hollow Man made me jump more... But it's not terrible. Only see it if you REALLY want to... Otherwise wait til video. 7/10
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X-Men (2000)
Why ask questions you already know the answer to?
14 July 2000
Warning: Spoilers
SOME SPOILERS: READ AT YOUR OWN RISK I walked in expecting a great movie. Walked out, and saw a movie that was basically a masterpiece. First the cast: Hugh Jackman as Logan/Wolverine: Hugh Jackman IS Wolverine. His gruff looks, beard and mannerisms. Everytime he SNIKTS his claws, you almost feel transported into the comic book. However, I agree that he did do a little too much, but he was awesome. Patrick Stewart as Professor X: Perfect. PS is the spitting image of Xavier, and although he didn't require much physical activity, he did a great job. Anna Paquin as Rogues: Good. Although I know she's still a teenager, I kinda wanted her to do more. She screamed a lot, and gave a hard look a lot as well. But she was still good. Ian McKellen as Magneto: AWESOME! Ian McKellen portrays Magneto in all his nastiness. When he flies, it's outstanding. He's just so evil, and looks cool in that cape and hat. Everyone else: Famke Janssen was good, a perfect love interest for Scott, but didn't do much. James Mardsen was great as Cylcops, he looks like him, but also acts like him. A no-nonsense leader why immediately despises Logan, and the two chit chats make up for some of the funniest lines in the movie. (gotta love it when Logan flips off Cyclops) Halle Berry wasn't that great at all with Storm. She didn't do much, (the most underdeveloped character) and she had few lines and when spoke them, sounded like she was reading cue cards. Ray Park was kool as Toad, and ended up being the most interesting baddie. He had these eyes, his mannerisms, and gotta love it when he's onscreen. And finally, Ray talks! (well, not a lot) Tyler Mane did his best job as a disappointing Sabretooth, who sadly was riddled with bad cliche lines (like when he picks up Storm and tells her to scream for him) but that wasn't his fault. And finally Rebecca Stamos (I wouldn't even bother trying to spell her maiden name) They made such a big deal about her, but she was onscreen for like a total of ten minutes. But she did surprise us every now and then. Bruce Davidson was the perfect condescending baddie, who in one scene made me almost throw up... Xmen surprised me a lot. It had way more humor than I expected it to, (just seeing Logan and Scott onscreen would equal a chuckle, because of the tension between them) I personally thought that Storm and Sabretooth (two of my most favorite characters) were a little under developed, but good. The action is relentless, and I only counted one boring scene. Some people had say this is a short movie, but really isn't. It's around 105 minutes, but so good it seems like, 80 minutes. I loved the way Bryan Singer directed it: but of course, we gotta respect the writers, because without em no movies would exist. We gotta thank them for giving us a real, dimensional comic book movie, for healing the cuts Batman made. (sure, Blade and Spawn were good-but not this good) And of course, making everyone forget Marvel went bankrupt and made Punisher. (but lets not bring that up) I know it wasn't a comic book movie, but Xmen in my opinion blew Matrix out of the water, simply because I thought some of the characters were better developed than in Matrix. I loved the heck outta this movie, it was so good. Look out for Shadowcat, Jubilee, (I think I saw Nightcrawler-but not positive) and Iceman had a small role... And of course, many answers aren't answered. Mystique is still alive, judging by the Sen, Kelly video, Magneto isn't dead, and I'm not quite sure if Sabretooth and toad are dead either. Wolverine's got to come back, and of course there's Bishop, Cable, Gambit, Angel, and many others (especially Beast) to explore. Also, we saw shots of Prof. X walking, and Wolverine having dreams of his surgery. These are never explained, so all this adds up to another Xmen movie. I hope it's as action-packed, funny, suspenseful, surprising and downright awesome as the first one. 10/10
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Fight Club (1999)
truly awful
7 July 2000
I wrote a review for Fight Club earlier, but then I was emailed by someone who said to see it again with a more open mind. So I did, but I just couldn't take it anymore. Like someone said before, just realizing that you're doing something bad makes it okay? And, Ikea catalog to fight club-i'll take the catalog, because if anything I will get more from that than fighting for no apparent reason. Sure, they're journeying for self-discovery, but how does that excuse them from it? People don't realize, that you don't (gasp) have to sink this low. This is not a movie-this is a statement by the evil lords below us saying to dump everything you own and fight, and you will be closer to discovery. This is truly awful cinema, so rotten I wonder how any studio in their right mind would pick it up. It's too preachy, cynical, and just downright offensive and stupid. Please, before you make this movie 3 dollars richer by renting it, reconsider. You can get the same message (is there even a message in this trash) by inviting your friends over to IKEA and fighting publicly. Hmm, not so smart is it? I gave it a generous 3 I think, (earlier) but now even the first 30 minutes don't interest me. Wanna stupid, pointless movie? Fight Club is right down your alley. 1/10
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Fight Club (1999)
28 June 2000
The first 50 minutes of Fight Club, are wonderful...We see how Edward Norton relates to this materialistic world...Then he meets Tyler, and then this move spirals into the most offensive, stupid movies ever created. The FIGHT CLUB scenes are often violent, and how come no one realizes that the'yre fighting for no apparent reason? Then, we see how stupid this gen can the end of this trash, demonic movie, we see one of the stupidest twists ever...However, the scene about Tyler working the reel thing at the theater is hilarious....but overall, this movie sucks...2/10
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Next Friday (2000)
Hope the crackakillers pay well, or its back to the ghetto you go!
19 June 2000
First off: Why is Craig smoking? Why is Craig pimping? Why is Craig beating up Pinky? Where are the good Female Characters? Where is Smokey? Where is F. Gary Gray? Why is Craig's dad poop gag (good in the first one) so played out? Why is Baby D a rip-off of Felicia? Why is day-day's gf a rip-off of Craig's gf in Friday? Why is the soundtrack not as good as the first one? Why, in spite of all this, it's still funny!!!! If you haven't seen/don't like Friday, check it out. It's cliched (fat girl, crazy white guys, crazy mexican guys) but it's pretty good. 7/10
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wobble, wobble and drop it like its hot
18 June 2000
BMH is outstanding. It's so funny. People try to take it seriously, but shouldn't. Its funny for what it's worth. It might be a ripoff of Kindergarten Cop (didn't even think of that one) for Ms. Doubtfire or Nutty Professor it ain't. It's funnier! Did Robin Williams deliver a baby with oven mitts? Did Eddie Murphy dance and say s*** in NP? No! That's what makes it so good. Some parts are so funny and catch you by surprise. Also, the soundtrack is awesome. I love that song, "I Got To Have it" By Jermaine Dupri...It's awesome. BMH:9 BMHSDTK:10
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Clerks (2000–2001)
Omigod Bears driving? How can that be? Car full of midgets!
1 June 2000
Clerks is funny. Really funny. I mean it's so funny your jaws hurt after watching it. The first episode alone had me rolling, along with the Korean ending. Dante and Randall are kewl, but of course Jay and Silent Bob rock. You cannot say this is a bad show. I think everyone thinks its funny. I mean, the jokes are really cool and some are really bad, but everything is funny. I swear, the ending is the funniest thing I have seen in some time. The drawing and the exaggeration is just like that kinda animation. The animation looks kinda Daria/action figure like, and the animated writing combine to make a really freaky head trip. Only watch if you're well rested. Twenty stars out of ten.
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Mystery Men (1999)
25 May 2000
I saw this movie the day it came out last year. Hilarious I thought. Well, now it's on video and I saw it again. I love this movie! The things they do are sometimes dumb but that's what makes it my third favorite movie of all time. The special effects are okay, but the witty dialog will have you rolling. I'm the kind of person that'll say i'm inspired by this movie, so if you like dramas and other stuff, avoid. But for all others, enjoy! The acting is superb. Hank Azaria is hands down the best (he's neither a commie, nor a fruit) followed by Ben Stiller (uh, don't correct me. it sickens me) and then William H. Macy delivering his best performance (outshining fargo) Everybody has praised everyone from macy to garafalo, but I think Kel Mitchell was pretty good as Invisible Boy. Two problems: The most boring part of the film is the subplot of the romance between Stiller and Claire Forlani, and the Casanova parole hearing. Some scenes absolutely advance the story in no way, but they're a blast. Kinka and especially the writers tend to drag on a scene untill all it's hilarity is gone, but bam they switch and you're ready for more. I swear after seeing this, you will be tired from the explosive climax (which I think was pretty cool) The camera is pretty cool also, moving at a furious pace with the actors. Also, Tom Waits delivers an outstanding performance (he has this kinda cool bad hero coolness to him) and like someone else said, the best parts are when the characters show some humanness to them. Captain Amazing is pretty funny, (especially his speech to Casanova about his perfect plan-I was rolling) and rush is pretty cool as Casanova. One beef: the funniest comedian ever (eddie izzard) is almost wasted, but his heart is in the right place. So all in all, a wonderful movie. I give it twenty stars and hope that someday, everyone will see the brilliance in the film's best parody, the Six Million Dollar Man one. Laughing right now as I think about it. 20/10
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