
2 Reviews
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Origianal and hillarious hollywood satire
14 August 2000
Cecil B. Demented, the latest from John Waters, is a very funny and original hollywood satire. Melanie Griffith plays Honey Whitlock, a hollywood star who is captured by "cinema terrorists" led by Stephen Dorff as the title character. Their mission is to "punish bad cinema," as they fight against the crap that hollywood is pushing on audiences today. They force Honey to act in their movie, where they invade movie theatres playing bad films (when they got to a theatre playing Patch Adams: The Dircetor's Cut Cecil yells "Patch Adams does not deserve a director's cut! The first one was long enough!")and, in the most inspired scene in the movie, even sabotage the set of Forrest Gump 2: Gumped Again, starring Kevin Nealon. The movie is very funny with a great script by Waters (sample line: when Honey asks one of the terrorists why he uses so many drigs, he responds, "before I took drugs I had many problems. Now I just have one.) The performances are great, with Griffith giving her best performance since...well ever. I actually liked her in this movie! Dorff was good too, and the rest of the cast is fantastic. There is one very lame scene where the whole cast sings "Demented Forever" but the rest of the movie is strong. Hollywood gets a good scering, but Waters does not let his cinema terrorists off the hook without getting some good laughs at their expence too. Very funny.
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Jurassic Park (1993)
The one that started it all for me
14 August 2000
I am a 17 year old who wants to be a film maker. How did I decide that is the job I wanted? It all started back in June of 1993 with Jurassic Park. When it came out, I knew it was going to be awesome. I had been looking forward to it for a long time. I mean a movie about dinosaurs coming to life! I couldn't wait. In fact, since then I have never anticipated a movie as much as I anticipated this one. When the day finally came for me to see the film (I was going to see it opening day, but then I was invited to see it for my friend's birthday party on the second day, so I had to wait 24 hours) we got to the theater a full hour and a half before the movie started. We waited at the front of what became a very long line, at 10 in the morining, outside the theater. We finally got into the huge theater and I sat in th middle seat of the middle row. When the movie started I was enthralled from start to finish. I was thrilled by the first appearence of the dinosaurs, having the same feeling that the characters had. I was on the edge of my seat for the scenes with the T-Rex and the Velociraptors. I loved every character in that movie. When it ended, and the rousing John Williams score played again, the theater broke into thunderous applause, and I was clapping the hardest. I knew what I wanted to do when I grew up. I wanted to make films that will thrill audiences like Jurassic Park thrilled me. Now I look back on Jurassic Park very fondly. It is no longer my favorite film. I have moved onto more, more adults films like Fight Club and American Beauty. But I will always love Jurassic Park, and will never understand any of the critics who did not like the script or thought the characters were thin. I will always love it, because I will always look at it the way I first did- through the eyes of a 10 year old who is experience at the movies has changed him forever.
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