18 Reviews
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The Barber (2002)
The Anticritic reviews The Barber
3 January 2003
By Trevor Stevens (The Anti Critic) 01-03-2003


Hair today, dead tomorrow, life goes on. In a remote town in the far north of the world lies a town where citizens die out of blue, but to hell if they die without great hair thanks to the barber known as Dexter Miles (Malcolm McDowell). In a town where everybody sleeps with the same woman, hunters kill in the off season, and the chief of police is about as smart as the village idiot one would never suspect a serial killer to waste his time messing with these people since their existence alone is as depressing as the 24 hour darkness they live in.

Suffice to say, bodies of the few and pretty women of the town start showing up and the chief's answer is to get p***ed about his fax machine. The locals know the answer to this of course, it's called S.A.D. which stands for Seasonal Affection Disorder and blame the darkness for making people crazy. Maybe they should change it to Stupid A$$ Drunks. With all of this going on who would ever think it would be the one man who wields a blade as a living?


Wonderful serial killer flick with a smooth mix of dark comedy and thriller fare. Malcolm McDowell was the only known star in this and the main role as the satirical mass murdering barber was made for him and no one else. He also narrates through most of it and with his voice that only helps.

The town is covered in darkness throughout the entirety of it's runtime and it only brings out joy from me. Living in darkness would be wonderful, minus a barber that imbibes in killing of customers of course. This brings a wonderful morose mood to the movie and FOR ONCE the serial killer isn't some lame one dimensional single tracked fiend set out on getting himself caught no matter what. Malcolm's character is written very well and in a scene where he says "Come here I have a nice sink to do you in" makes me crack up everytime cause when you see it you'll know why, it just works on so many levels. Not to mention his comments throughout the film are just observations on people's preconceptions of psychopaths and are not only great satire, but also make since and can even dare I say, be informative.

Slick production and some nice Canadian supporting actors make this a sure fire hit that people will surely pass off as a cheap horror movie. Nothing horror about it really, if you love dark comedy it's perfect.


The only thing wrong with this movie is that I couldn't stop laughing long enough to see some scenes. Wonderful flick.

Eventhough it is damn funny throughout, I digress to say that the comedy in this is dark and you have to have the right sense of humor to enjoy that. It mostly tries to be a thriller so don't feel bad if you don't laugh....maybe i'm just "special"
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8 Mile (2002)
The Anticritic Reviews 8 Mile
25 November 2002
Warning: Spoilers
**Warning, may contain spoilers, I try never to use any but there may be accidental ones in my reviews**

8 Mile (2002)

By Trevor Stevens (The Anti Critic) 11-22-2002


The breakthrough vehicle for rap artist Eminem and a chance for Curtis Hanson to prove that he can make quality movies just like he did with L.A. Confidential. Hype galore and a trailer reminiscent of other rap star films would make anyone think this movie bombs. The story involves Eminem playing his quasi self (No matter what they say, this is a movie based on em's past, official or not) who is a struggling white collar worker in Detroit who gets a chance to move up by entering in the local rap battles and milks his chance for what it's worth.


Brittany Murphy - Extremely sexy in a trashy skanky sort of way. She always lights up the screen every time she's on it. Playing both a muse and sex object, she doesn't get much screen time, but it's probably for the better because if she was up there too long the screen would melt, ok ok I'll stop. Brittany Murphy - Extremely sexy in a trashy skanky sort of way. She always lights up the screen every time she's on it. Playing both a muse and sex object, she doesn't get much screen time, but it's probably for the better because if she was up there too long the screen would melt, ok ok I'll stop.

Kim Basinger - Working again with the director that got her the Oscar she deserved and turning in a fine performance as the frenetic mother of Eminem.

Eminem - Great job is all I can say. I admit he is playing a role that is a direct caricature of himself so he doesn't have to stretch his acting muscles, but just watch a certain scene which involves him standing up to Kim Basinger and showing he can play a tug of war for scene chewing with Kim and you'll see what I mean.

Mekhi Phifer - Odd but endearing performance from one of the better black actors in Hollywood. Reminiscent of his role from Hell's Kitchen with Angelina Jolie, and that's a good thing.

Reality - Loved the gritty look of (what I would guess) is the real streets of Detroit. Every scene had a dark and bleak look to it, which went well with the drama throughout cause it set a good somber mood.

Rap battles - Great and I wish there was more of them, but I understand they wanted to support the characters and story more. Not only the rap battles, but the occasional freestyles (although scripted) that appear from random people are fun to watch as well. Almost seems like a sub language and sure as hell beats ebonics.

CONS (not what I hated, but what others might not like and need to know):

Sex - yes there is sex, but it's not very graphic, you see Kim Basinger's and Brit Murphy's behinds.

Language - Yes, lots of language throughout, this is an urban movie after all. I would say a little more than average for a movie, but not to the point of being gratuitous.

Violence - The fighting in this film is more verbal than physical, but there are some semi-brutal beatings and a comical scene involving a gun.


Janeane - An apparent part of the story disappears for huge chunks at a time, more odd then anything.

Brittany Murphy - I was hoping to finally see some nudity from her, although this would be an odd movie to `debut' that on, she was in two different sex scenes, and the most that happens is Eminem gets to grab some luscious rump..oh well, one of these days she'll turn around.

Memorable - My personal favorite `rap star' movie, I also like watching Ice Cube when he does serious roles, but I'm talking solely about movies that involve rap stars rapping. I would like to see Em try other acting endeavors.

Ignore your bias - Just cause this movie involves Eminem, don't toss it to the side just because it stars him and you hate him and his music, that would be a bad move in my opinion and no it does not play out like a 2 hr music video and you will be seeing a real dramatic and not MTVish movie.

Disclaimer: Remember as always, I do not intend to criticize, but give you information as an informed viewer. Critics look too much for flaws and refuse to just enjoy most of the time. As such, I do not rate movies as they all have merit of their own and I almost without exception like every movie I watch.
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The Anticritic Reviews Die Another Day
25 November 2002
Die Another Day (2002)

By Trevor Stevens (The Anti Critic) 11-25-2002


Once again we are bombarded with a new james bond film. With each new installment desperately trying to outdo its predecessor. Die Another Day is no different from any other bond film as far as the usual flow goes and we are treated to a healthy indulgence of pyro technics with a side of lean grade A women.

This film is openly simple and one dimensional and to make it into anything else is not only silly, but stupid. This is meant to be nothing more than trashy fun, which is what we all need every once in a while whether we admit it or not.

Pierce Brosnan once again returns as the super british spy/assassin and probably will continue to milk james bond as much as he can. Come on Pierce, lets see you do something else now. I know that filming big movies like this can take up time, I mean how else can we explain why we haven't seen Keanu Reeves and Laurence Fishburne in over a year becuase of Matrix sequels filming. I just hope Pierce continues on into something else next time, although seeing him as bond is enough for the time being.

Along for the ride is Halle (I got an oscar for raunchy gratuitous sex and being black) Berry. She almost becomes a catwoman sort of character to bond who must deal with her for the most part. The supporting cast is nothing noteworthy aside from John Cleese having fun with Q.

Although all the bond gadgets in the world can't penetrate Harry Potter's magical force field, at least this is a nice diversion from it.


Sets - I must say that the sets in this film is excellent. The ice palace alone had me gaping in awe and wanting to see what else we would see, whether it gets destroyed or not.

Theme song - i'm asking to get beat down for this I know. I hate madonna, but to hell if that song isn't already playing on my computer while i'm writing this, cursed addicting song...

CONS (not what I hated, but what others might not like and need to know):

I can't see any real cons that I can list. Nothing is really "bad" in the movie and with a pg-13 rating you have minimal exposure in most controversial areas. Even the sex scenes lack sexiness and you just hope they end fast. Don't worry soccer moms, you're children won't be infected by this movie except with maybe a few more corny one liners.


Women - why god did they not include the infamous lesbian scene with madonna, that would've been great...along with an R rating so we could actually see something besides ourselves getting angry.

Disclaimer: Remember as always, I do not intend to criticize, but give you information as an informed viewer. Critics look too much for flaws and refuse to just enjoy most of the time. As such, I do not rate movies as they all have merit of their own and I almost without exception like every movie I watch.
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Tunnel (2002 Video)
Movie Realm Review of Tunnel by NeCRo of Movierealm
27 May 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Movie Title - Tunnel Date of review - 5/26/02 Year of movie - 2000

Stars - Daniel Baldwin, Kim Coates

May Contain Spoilers

NeCRo's Rating - 5 skulls out of 10


Well, 90 million dollars worth of diamonds are stolen by Kim Coates and in some weird DA deal that would never really happen Kim agrees to lead the authorities to the diamonds. On the way to them though he takes the whole train hostage and it's up to Daniel Baldwin to stop him.


Atrocious aside from Kim Coates. Why on earth has Kim made more than 1 movie with Daniel Baldwin? He is a good actor in my book, but why does he stick with Daniel? Probably to make himself look better although over time it will only damage him. Kim plays the terrorist/diamond thief and as usual is pretty fun to watch. I saw him first in the movie X-change (with yet another Baldwin albeit a good one named Stephen) and he was awesome as the bad guy in that. Don't even get me started on Daniel Baldwin, he is truly up for grabs as one of the worst actors who keeps getting work. His facial expressions and odd physical movements that he does while acting do nothing more than make him look stupid. Let alone a vocal delivery that makes my friend's mute dad look like Tom Hanks. He attempts to do different acting styles all the time, but fails utterly. Him and William Baldwin are the banes of the Baldwin family. William has kind of gone underground and pretty much just enjoyed his ride while it lasted, but not Dan, no no, he seems to always have 2 or 3 movies on the shelf when I go to rent a movie with more on the way. Sorry for the rant, but basically Dan does nothing more than his usual crap in this movie. Why I keep watching his movies is beyond me, maybe I just want to see how bad he can get. Ok ok so his acting cracks me up, leave me alone.

Violence and Gore

Magical guns that kill people without inflicting wounds and fights that look like they were choreographed by Joe the pig farmer. When the violence does come you usually miss it due to laughing from what happens in between the violence.

T&A Nudity Factor

I have yet to see an actress get naked in a Daniel Baldwin movie, this one follows in suit. Not even gratuitous nudity could save this one.

Overall View of the movie (review)

In his directing debut, Daniel Baldwin thinks that he's acted in so many crap movies that he can make his own movie and that it will rise above all other B movies. Sadly for him, this movie is much worse than anything he just plain acted in. This movie was just bad from the start. When you have gunfights where people get shot, but there's no wounds then you know something's wrong. Baldwin thoroughly does everything you can do wrong in a B movie and if this movie wasn't so laughably bad I would've probably given it a 2 or 3. That is real low for me, but that would only be if I truly didn't have a good time. I was having too much fun pointing out to myself all the weird and funny stuff that kept coming up. Also Baldwin's body movements, reactions to people and stimuli, and just plain overall demeanor were just weird, but you can't help but laugh.

As I said in the section before this, I really like Kim Coates, the man with a woman's name. He is a very intense actor and is best at evil and nasty people. Why a man of this caliber follows Daniel around can probably never be explained. Maybe he hopes to get friendly with Daniel so he can come to a family dinner and talk to Alec about future ventures, at least that is purely logical. If so then he has a good plan, but if you're going to act with a Baldwin then go with Stephen cause he is at least really good. I still remember the first time I saw Daniel Baldwin was in his best performance to date and that is in John Carpenter's Vampires as a vampire hunter named Montoya. He fit the part perfectly and after that I thought for sure he was able to make good movies. About 5 or 6 Daniel Baldwin flicks later... I now watch them to see if they can really get consecutively worse. They still entertain to a point....but you have to be like me and just really be into movies. The average movie goer would turn off any of Daniel's newer movies in about 5 minutes. Does that mean I have an advanced movie taste? hardly, I just can stand very bad movies and find them humorous.

I have yet to really talk about Tunnel yet as Daniel makes me very blabby, but what is there to say really? There is nothing original or special about this movie at all. It seems as though so little money was spent on this movie that they would've been better off to just add the funds that went into this into another movie to make it better. I'm guessing they got Kim for either free or very cheap (IE: reasons above, hehe) and I also see other actors from Daniel's other endeavors in here too so you can guess they all want to tag along with him. He must have as much charisma as he does physical girth to be able to have people follow him.

Overall, please do not view this expecting any form of quality. If you are a die hard Baldwin family fan, then check out Stephen's new movie Dead Awake and see a VERY good movie in my opinion. Stay away from Daniel Baldwin until he either gives up acting or magically changes his whole approach to movies and makes movies of caliber. Tunnel is below normal action fare, the fights are horribly bad and the gunfights are about as entertaining as watching Baldwin talk about children....

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They Nest (2000 TV Movie)
Movie Realm Review of Creepy Crawlers(They Nest)by NeCRo of Movierealm
27 May 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Movie Title - Creepy Crawlers  

Date of review - 5/26/02

Year of movie - 2000

Stars - Dean Stockwell, John Savage

May Contain Spoilers                                                                                                                                                                        NeCRo's Rating - 7 skulls out of 10


A doctor who is too stressed out to work takes a vacation at a sleepy little island town in Maine and at the same time a deadly African version of a cockroach has made its way to the shore of the island. People start disappearing, fingers start pointing, and much more lovely horror scenerios.


Well of course this is a horror movie so I wasn't expecting too much besides a few corky characters followed by some cheap violence and gore. Acting wise though this thing wasn't too bad mainly because the only 2 known actors in it. Dean Stockwell of Quantum Leap fame plays a sheriff and works effectively and it's always good to see working again. Also John Savage plays a town drunk who is rowdy and mean as hell. He's real fun to watch and you can tell he enjoys his character. The rest is filled with unknowns and newcomers that frankly didn't make that much of an impression on me.

Violence and Gore

Kind of tame for a horror movie I'm guessing because it was a made for TV type movie. The DVD version apparently was the gorier version too I read. Well you have people being bit by cockroaches, throwing up blood, and being cut open post mortem to see what happened. None of those are as gory as they sound. Besides those not much. 

T&A Nudity Factor

Well any horror movie worth it's weight in "horrorness" usually adds in some gratuitous nudity for little or no reason. They passed up the tradition on this one.

Overall View of the movie (review)

Well I have seen many Nature Vs. Man horror movies in my time. I've seen crocodiles, piranhas, mosquitoes, sharks, snakes, apes, spiders, even komodo dragons for god's sake. Cockroaches though I never would've thought of, let alone attempt as a horror movie. Well these film makers did and one of them is the future director of the upcoming movie Eight Legged Freaks. Although I found the premise pretty odd, I must say that they made me fear a very non-deadly but highly annoying insect. The medical garble and some technical stuff in the movie could've been reworked, but I must say that I was thoroughly impressed and entertained. I can easily say that it's better than any of the so many damn snake movies coming out now. Although it doesn't even come close to Anaconda, but that is a major motion picture and not a straight to video project so that's different.

I was very curious to see how they would make cockroaches deadly and they didn't make them carnivores or something stupid like that. They just used humans and other mammals as breeding grounds and in the process that kills the host. The idea worked throughout and somehow avoided horror corniness that exists in many horror movies. Nothing looked blatantly fake and the characters while mainly just live cartoons never annoyed but only added to the movie to make it enjoyable. The movie does have its problems though as one would imagine, but most of them were alleviated by the heart the movie had. If the movie wasn't made for TV I bet it would've been much better. Either way I'll be sure to look out for Eight Legged Freaks now if this is the kind of innovation that the director has in store for us.

Overall, see this if you love Nature Vs. Man horror movies done right for once or are a fan of John Savage or Dean Stockwell. Both of them have good parts and impact and their fans won't be mad. Also any horror fan in general should be able to appreciate this.

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Insomnia (2002)
Movie Realm Review of Insomnia by NeCRo of Movierealm
26 May 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Movie Title - Insomnia

Date of review - 5/25/02

Year of movie - 2002

Stars - Al Pacino, Robin Williams, Hilary Swank

May Contain Spoilers

NeCRo's Rating - 9 skulls out of 10


A veteran uber-detetective Al Pacino is sent in to Alaska from L.A. to investigate a murder that the locals haven't the foggiest what to do. He quickly finds the culprit that committed the crime, but why is it not over at that?


Oh yea, this is a perfect movie for people like me who are more about actors and acting than other aspects of movies. Al Pacino comes back after his 2 year hiatus from movies back into a role made for him. Yea Al does his usual shtick and verbal mannerisms, but who doesn't like those, hehe =)

Also along for the ride is Robin Williams who does his first evil role and he is awesome and never breaks down into comedian status. He is relentless as the murderer with an often weird persona about him. The supporting cast which boasts all nobodies and no character actors does pretty well. 

The only real downside in the acting dept. is Hilary Swank, but only because her role was small and feeble. If she was given a better character I know she would've pulled it off a lot better. 

Violence and Gore

oddly nothing too nasty or violent. You see a body, but nothing bad and the only real violence comes in the form of normal gun violence with minimal blood. Also has some women being shoved and slapped around. For a dark and seemingly violent movie it's really prude friendly, sadly.

T&A Nudity Factor

dead body which happens to be a woman, has some nice cleavage though (for a dead chick of course).

Overall View of the movie (review)

Well what can I say, I went in with overly high expectations and damn near needed it to be perfect to make me happy. Why? Cause it's directed by Christopher Nolan of course. Nolan, who directed one of my favorite movies of all time Memento came back with more funding and this is his second outing. Although this movie is not up to the level of Memento it is still a great movie. I don't want to get off on a rant about Memento, but that movie had the perfect amount of originality and original film concepts. Insomnia...well he tries to redo the odd circumstance of memory loss only in this movie it is about insomnia and it's effect on a detective that must be aware and attentive at all times otherwise he would be screwed. 

I thought the execution of the actual insomnia infusion was not too clear throughout because even though you could tell that Pacino was physically feeling the affects of insomnia he still managed to be, to me, sharp and as attentive as he was when he first arrived. There were some parts like when he was driving that it was blatantly shown, but still it wasn't like how the memory loss affected Guy Pearce in Memento. Enough about that though, that is my only real complaint besides Swank's role which just should've been more, but he gave Pacino and Williams great roles to make up for it.

The tension between Pacino and Williams is the main aspect of this movie. It's not a "whodunit" like most movies of this nature, this one has a twist that I have yet to see and I think it's a very good one. This is not about the chase but the morality of it all and makes this a very emotional movie at times and only adds to the psychological terror. The acting I must say again from Pacino and Williams is top notch and a must see. You could see traces of Memento in Insomnia though mainly through the editing which was near the same. Insomnia also had something that Memento didn't which is GREAT scenery. It takes place in Alaska and the area they filmed in was beautiful and made the dark atmosphere of the movie only that much better because of the remoteness of the scenery.

I still rate this movie very high cause even though it has some flaws that Nolan should've fixed it is still light years ahead of any thrillers that have come out this year and I highly recommend you catch this in the theatre so that you can get the full experience.
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Tart (2001)
Review of Tart by NeCRo of Movierealm
26 May 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Movie Title - Tart

Date of review - 5/26/02

Year of movie - 2001

Stars - Dominique Swain, Brad Renfro, Bijou Phillips (barely), Melanie Griffith (barely)

NeCRo's Rating - 4 skulls out of 10

May Contain spoilers


An "outcast" Dominique Swain wants to be with the "in" group and so she abandons her real friends and joins them.......much annoying rich people talk occurs. Acting

ugh, I guess I got what I wanted in that Dominique was ok, but man, the rest of the cast besides maybe Brad Renfro were bad or at least not interesting or likable at all. I know some could say that the others were good because they made me hate them....trust me....I like unlikable chars but this group is unlikable because they can't convincingly be bad people.

It figures that the only other people I got this for were barely even in it and that is Melanie Griffith and Bijou Phillips, but the little time they had they were ok. Melanie spoke maybe 2 lines, but at least Bijou had a good character although small.

Violence and Gore

My mind was constantly under attack from horrid dialogue and very very annoying characters, that's violence enough!! ok there was one bludgeoning with a rock which was ok.

T&A Nudity Factor

hahaha, they couldn't even add in any nudity to help spice up this movie, probably because no one would want to bear their body for this crap. If they are going to expose themselves they should do it in a movie where they will be remembered as their character and not for "oh hey I heard she gets naked in this one."

Overall View of the movie (review)

ok ok I know I pride myself on being the person who can like most if not almost all movies or at least find some good in it. Well this movie is one of the few I really struggled to find anything worth while in. The problem with this movie is that it is so damn annoying. I already have a deep hatred for snobby rich people attitudes and that didn't help either. All this movie really is, is just a bunch of rich people sitting around acting depressed and stupid. I can't stress the annoyance factor enough. This movie tries to rehash the tried and true "In group" plotline which can usually be done ok with little difficulty.

Why do I not have a pic from the movie or the box cover? Well I felt this movie didn't deserve that glory so I decided to put a pic of the reason I rented this, and that reason is none other than Dominique Swain. Yes I too was wooed by her in Lolita and thought she was so good that I decided from then on to check her out in any movie in which she acts. At least I keep my promises and yes I have seen the majority of her movies, minus a few hard to find ones. She herself is a great actress and I would defend her actively, but man she chooses some of the crappiest movies to star in. This movie and Smokers are both in the same boat of crappiness, but at least Smokers had a cool idea for a story and even some real good scenes.

Also the dvd box tries to fool you into thinking that this movie has stars as well in it by putting Melanie Griffith and Bijou Phillips names on the front of the box. If there's one thing that P****S me off it's a movie that plasters the names of stars on a box to make you think "wow it has ____ I wonder how good ___is in this one I saw ___ in that movie and thought she was great!" only to have the big names in the movie for a total of maybe 10 minutes between the 2. Bijou actually had a part that semi-meant something. Melanie on the other hand, only has 2 lines about.... Granted I don't like Melanie that much, but this is about ethics and not star acting.

Out of all this mess though props must go to Brad Renfro for turning in an ok performance along with Dominique. Brad may be one very messed up kid in real life, but at least he can act. So the only reason this movie gets any skulls is because I got what I basically wanted which was Dominique Swain and Brad Renfro. Also I had the added pleasure of seeing underrated actress Bijou Phillips make me like her even more. So even though I was annoyed throughout I still came out with some positives, although this was pretty hard this time.

I recommend you to ONLY see this if you've seen Lolita and know how good Dominique is or if you are some offbeat fan of Brad or Bijou. Uber Melanie fans will be sorely depressed. Also if you're a fan of crappy movies like me, please do not assume this be a guilty pleasure because you will feel guilty alright, for the money spent on buying or renting.

Some movies are "so bad that they are good" as the saying goes. What they forgot to add was "so bad that they are good (to pass up)."

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Finally, A movie that lets Matthew Lillard shine like he should!!
24 July 2001
Wow, I can't believe i'm the first and only one to post a comment on this great movie.

Although the movie itself seemed interesting enough the real thing that attracted me to this one is Matt lillard, granted most people probably either think he's too caffeine happy or just plain sucks but we're both the same age and from the same generation and i've watched this guy so many times that he's one of my favorites now. This is one of the few movies where he is the big shot and main star kind of like in SLC Punk, another great Lillard film.

Baiscally this is storywise your usual heist movies but with more twists than anything, which start to amount to craziness. Also very notable in this movie is another great actor named vincent D'onofrio, a very under appreciated person in the film industry. The woman in the movie is a newcomer and she isn't too bad although you know they hired her mainly for her accent and the nude scene =)

It's a game of jack vs jill vs bob as each want to reap the rewards but share with no one. They all try to get eachother to kill off the other and it's a timebomb waiting to explode. Matt shows his true prowess as the scheming JAck who initially starts the whole scheme. Vincent and woman play a couple of art thieves who are in need of money due to a lack of business. Vince's character is a bit deranged and skitz's throughout the movie but that only add to the intensity of the film.

The surprises left and right are well welcomed and the ending is very non cliche and makes you feel happy, well maybe that depends on the type of endings you like. This movie kept me very interested besides the fact Matt was in it, it's a great movie and i'd highly recommend it to anyone who likes movies. Critic's probably won't like this movie, but they don't watch movies cause they like movies anyway.
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Club Land (2001 TV Movie)
Great movie about agents
9 April 2001
I had my doubts about this one since it is about agents and not only that but family stability of a father son agent team to boot. Well my worries were quelled almost immediately. Alan Alda does great as the father who is struggling to make it as an older more broke down agent with his son constantly in his face. I know this is a shorter review, but it' late and i'm tired. Point is, try to see it if you can. It's only on showtime right now i think, but if you can, see it.

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Seventeen Again (2000 TV Movie)
Pretty good for a twin movie made for young kids
22 November 2000
Like the subject says it's a pretty good twin movie made for kids. It was exactly what I expected. Young kid humor with tons of lame but good acting, you could tell this was a family oriented movie. I normally don't like these types but it was on showtime so i thought what the hell, might as well watch it. I was pretty surprised to have liked it as much as i did, but i did and i recommend it to anyone who likes either family friendly movies or just a lighthearted comedy.
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My 5 Wives (2000)
Sweet, Yet another Rodney great!!
15 November 2000
I'm a huge fan of Rodney even though he is way before my time, I'm only 19 so most of his stuff was done before I was around. Now I just watch as many as I can and I was amazed to find out that he is actually still working which is great because he is one of the funniest guys I've seen, I saw Wally Sparks and Godson among others in the past but now he came out with this masterpiece called my 5 Wives. It's simply a Rodney Dangerfield look at mormans, mainly the sexual side heh. I can't and won't spoil anything of course but trust me if you love the usual Rodney then he has nothing to let you down with in this flick. Keep em coming Rodney never retire!!!

The only reason you could hate this movie is if you are a big prude or just not a fan of Rodney's type of perverted humor, if none of those bother you then I can personally guarantee you will love this movie like I did.
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Lucky Numbers (2000)
Go Al Bundy!!! a.k.a Ed O'Neill
6 November 2000
well first of i'll say that i'm a big Ed fan, I wait for movies with him in it and watch reruns of married with children all the time. This time they actually gave him a part where people will actually notice him. He did great as the scheming station boss, he should get more parts, maybe even his own movie someday where he's the star. oh the movie itself huh, it was pretty good, mainly cause of Ed, john was his usual cool guy and Lisa was the usual bend me over girl like she always plays.

Go Al that's my overall opinion
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Great movie with an all star cast and intriguing story
11 October 2000
I loved this movie from beginning to end. In the beginning i thought it was gonna be just another mindless violence movie which would be fine by me cause i like those a lot, but the point is that it caught me by surprise with a great plot about national security and actually good drama too between the stars. Natasha Henstridge does her first "real" acting in this movie as the girlfriend and is great. Andre Braugher is as good as he always is. Lou diamond phillips fresh off of Bats joins this movie as the FBI agent and does a great job. The guy who plays harry takes the show though, i don't even remember his name and i'm too lazy to go look here for it, but point being he is a really good actor and i'll look for him in the future. I recommend this movie to anyone who likes action movies with substance or just good movies. Enjoy.
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The Fixer (1998 TV Movie)
My Favorite Jon Voight Film, and one of my top fav movies in general
1 October 2000
This is probably one of if not the best movie about one man fighting his inner demons to change himself. Jon voight gives a powerful performance as the fixer of the rich people's problems who has a change of heart. This movie will make you feel for jon the whole way through and never stop. The cast is great too besides him, everyone fits nicely in their role and are neither too over done or under done. Jon Voight is the only real shiner in this one but god does he shine. I can easily say that this is my favorite jon voight film and i've seen quite a few of his movies. I highly recommend this for anyone that wants a feel good movie with added in thrills and drama. I promise that you will like it as much as i did.
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Perfect Assassins (1998 TV Movie)
I don't know what's wrong with everyone, this one's great!!!
28 September 2000
First off I'm a huge Andrew McCarthy fan and I usually like anything he puts out. This movie is a damn good movie. You got the premise of the perfect assassins which they show in the beginning why they are. Andrew plays a FBI agent who gets personally involved with the case and does good at it. Also having Robert Patrick along for the ride was great too, he played the cool guy con friend of Andrew. To top it off you also get Nick Mancuso to play the wacko behavorial scientist. All those guys were great and so was the chic in it but I don't remember her name. Plot is a lot better than most action movies and there's even a little comedy at times. This movie will make you feel for the people in it and therefore makes it more than just a shoot em up movie. When it does have action though the action scenes are grand. I don't know what's up with the other reviewers but trust me this is a great flic and if you like Andrew McCarthy then it's a must see.
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My kind of movie, dark, sadistic, and has a porn star in it
25 September 2000
this movie is so funny it's insane unless you're a prude or some extreme churchie who goes around going god this and god that. All the stuff that happens to them is so off the wall and crazy that it makes this movie so good. Lastly what movie can be called a good movie without porn stars in it, for any fellow perverts out there kobe tai is in it as the stripper and she also is a big time porn star, i love when they put porn stars into real movies it just is too cool. overall see this movie unless you are one of those boring prudish people.
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Woohoo nudity!!! Jane march is beautiful
24 September 2000
first off, yes i am that shallow that i watch that movie whenever it's on tv just to see jane march naked (at least i can admit it). I love the plot and everything else too but as long as it has nudity and good sex scenes i'm most likely gonna like it. Why go rent a porn when you can near have it on hollywood?? i recommend this film to other fellow perverts and anyone who like psychological thrillers, really a great movie i say
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The Guilty (2000)
One of the best films i've seen in a while
23 September 2000
what can i say? i'm a sucker for movies that just look creepy and thrilling. I watched this movie and wasn't bored from beggining to end. Bill Pullman as usual is awesome, it's hard for me to hate him in any role. The previous reviewer must've fallen asleep while watching cause Bill Pullman was great as the backstabbing lawyer. I like the theme of destiny in the film, pretty much what they are trying to say in the movie is that everyone gets what they are deserved in life. Along with Pullman is Devon Sawa, the new sensation is damn good in this role too as the son. I like his way of acting, it's hard to describe, but after final destination i'm hooked and i'll watch anythng that has him in it. This is a great thriller for anyone who likes movies.
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