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Civil War (2024)
These reviews are badly inflated
14 April 2024
DO NOT waste your money on this film, it plays like a bad "straight to DVD" production. In the first 90 minutes, there's literally ONE scene that has any resemblance to a civil war situation. Prior to that, it's all poor dialogue, boring scenes with nothing going on, and no back story whatsoever. This is the result when the budget is low, and everyone involved in the production is trying not to generate an ounce of controversy, or discussion. At no time during this film, did we care about the characters, we felt absolutely nothing, (except one scene). It's no wonder no A-listers signed on for this.

Finally, in the last 15 minutes, (when the main characters FINALLY get to their destination at the front lines, do we see a few battle scenes, (where everyone is wearing the same uniforms, and you can't tell who's who). The whole film is like an episode of the Walking Dead, only there are no zombies... Just 'aftermath' scenes where "something" took place. I got the feeling the production was scrapped, and they threw something together to try and make some of their money back... However little that might be.
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A solid documentary
7 April 2024
At times, a bit repetitive and wordy, but overall engaging. News hounds who've been watching stories about Jan. 6th since, well... Jan. 6th, won't find a lot of new information here. What is new, is some insight into the history of Christian Right Nationalism in America, how it never really went away, and how (and why) American veterans are getting sucked into violent groups. What I found most surprising, is that the U. S. has no laws that allow these groups, or their members to be prosecuted as terrorists. There are plenty of knowledgeable people (on both sides) interviewed for this film, (including former & present members), and it gives an even-handed look at the problem of extremism. Most importantly, it exposes the important fact, that extremism isn't a "middle east" problem, it's a human problem, and there are American extremists in-country that are just as dangerous as those we fear from outside. Maybe even scarier, because some of them are our neighbors.
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Great improvement on a classic
11 December 2023
IF you enjoy Godzilla movies, you'll like this "redux" of the classic origin story. It's got everything the old "Saturday morning" monster movies had, minus the bad english dubbing, cheap effects, and 'man-in-a-rubber-suit lead. The story is good, & the effects are pretty good too, considering it's $15 million budget. My only nit-pics, are the so-so acting, and occasional slow spots. (but those are staples of classics, as well, aren't they?) All things considered, it was a great time at the movies, and the wife and I both loved it. Keep expectations in check, and you won't be disappointed, it's much better than it's small price tag would lead you to believe.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
High quality, avg entertainment
11 December 2023
It says something about this 3-hour film, that we were both able to sit through it without dozing off. Having said that, we both felt it was a little too heavy on Oppenheimer's education, and girlfriends, and too light on the atom bomb he created, and it's (pardon the pun) 'impact' on the world stage. While the dialogue is well written, there's an awful lot of it to sit through... Our patience is rewarded with a scant 10 minutes or less, of an atom bomb test. Do we see any of the horrors suffered by the Japanese, no. Anything of the thousands of bombs set off around the US and the Bikini Atoll? No. (Over 2000 tests, all the way up to 1992, in case you were wondering.) Despite it's flaws, it's a well-made movie, with fantastic acting by all involved. It's worth a look, but if you don't think you could sit through a stage play, and prefer action to words... You should avoid it.
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A great addition to the Dracula canon
19 October 2023
A pleasant surprise of a film, full of actors we've never heard of (Except for one), and a director we're not familiar with. With so many re-makes and copycats out there these days, this fresh take on Dracula, based on a single chapter out of the novel, was a great watch. If we'd paid to see it in a theater, we feel we would've gotten our money's worth. Everything from creature design, effects, production values, dialogue, acting, and story were good. It was refreshing to see Dracula "the monster", vs the well-dressed ladies man typically portrayed in these tales. This film has been called "drawn out" and in need of editing, but we never felt that way, and were completely engaged to the end credits. You can always nit-pick the choices characters in movies make: (Ex: why didn't they just hunt the a-hole down together during the day?), But, if you just sit down and watch the movie for the enjoyment of it, and leave your analytical mind at the door... You won't be disappointed.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
The Flash is a supporting role in his own movie.
26 June 2023
There were moments in this film that excited us, unfortunately, they were scenes with "other" heroes in them. Most notably, Michael Keaton's Batman from the 80's puts on a much better show than Ezra Miller's 'Flash', and his younger, dumber self. The pair of time-traveling twins were so loopy, and neurotic, the overall feel when they were on screen was that of a Saturday morning cartoon. When any of the "other" heroes got screentime, it was as if the movie completely changed tone, and we all started paying attention again. DC needs to quit trying to copy the success of GOTG, (mixing humor and drama)... They're not good at it, and it really screws up the feel of their movies. Overall however, we do recommend the film, just keep your expectations on the low side... Think: "One step down from the theatrical version of Justice League".
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Decent Until Season 4
7 March 2023
The first 3 seasons of this series are fantastic. Fresh visual effects, unique technology, a diverse cast, lots of action, and story lines with universal impacts keep the viewer engaged. Season 3 into season 4, the focus of the show really changes... The plotlines change from science, exploration, alien encounters, and occasional action, to what amounts to repeated personal therapy sessions. Scenes focus on interpersonal relationships, varying emotional issues among the crew, deep emotional conversations, (with a heavy focus on female/gay/Bi characters), and a male "empath" character who can't get over the emotional pain of losing his planet/family to a spatial anomaly. Any strong, male characters have all but disappeared, and only occasionally show up as guest cast members. In short, the producers decided mid-stream to change their intended audience: The Millennial, LBGTQ, crowd. It's ironic that in the quest for diversity, they've missed the target, and gone in the opposite direction. I'll get my sci-fi fix from the likes of "The Expanse" from now on, I guess.
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Clerks III (2022)
Only for the "hardest" of die-hard fans.
19 December 2022
I'm 53, the original "Clerks" is pure art, with something to say, and a witty, clever way to say it. The second offering was pretty good as well... This final (I hope) film, is obviously a last ditch effort to rake in some cash, and/or say goodbye? It looks and sounds like it was written, shot, and acted by people without new ideas, desperate for something to do, and maybe a desire to come together for a reunion of sorts. Probably more fun for the actors, than it was for us to watch. There are some bright spots here and there... (the doctor treating Randal's heart attack was a gem), but most of the film is just sad to watch. Jay and Silent Bob in their 20's: Cool & Funny. Jay and Silent Bob in their 50's, still acting silly in front of the store... It's a whole different feel, more pathetic than laugh-inducing.
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Just About Perfect!
18 December 2022
It's 2022, and let's be honest, "it's all been done before". It's damn near impossible to be completely original, and Avatar: The Way of Water certainly isn't... That being said, James Cameron and crew manage to overcome a rehashed story with mind-blowing production values, next-level CGI, (the underwater scenes will amaze you) terrific actors, and an engaging screenplay. There's something for everyone here, and, surprisingly for a 3-hour film... Few "dead spots". (my wife, a movie napper if there ever was one, was engaged throughout, and never even went to the restroom!) If you like action, go see it... If you like emotion & drama, go see it... If you're tired of being inundated with messages about "mother nature", and how mankind is mucking it up... Stay away, (There are scenes of "whaling" that drive that message home, HARD, maybe a little too hard for young viewers). If I could describe the film in two words: "Beautiful", and "Emotional". (Dave: 53 year-old reviewer)
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Men (2022)
21 August 2022
After reading critics' views about the meaning of this film, I thought it sounded interesting. It's pure arthouse crap... Like a vulgar piece of art that only the artist fully understands. My wife and I just shook our heads at the end, and said WTF?! You'd be better off renting ANYTHING else. If I had to take a wild guess, I'd say the lead character, while recovering from an abusive relationship, subsequently viewed her ex's worst traits in every man she came across on her "retreat". What's sad, is that the writer/director couldn't think of any better way to express a woman's pain, or emotional state, than this violent, twisted piece of incoherent, cryptic, garbage.
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The Northman (2022)
Vikings meets Conan the Barbarian
12 June 2022
This is not a film for short attention spans looking for non-stop action scenes, it's a film for fans of movies like The Green Knight. It plays like a movie based on a fable or legend, with dream sequences and visions, intermixed with Viking culture, family drama/complexity, and violence. If you enjoyed Conan the Barbarian, the Vikings series, or the Green Knight, there's something for you here. Props to Alexander Skarsgard for the obvious commitment (physically and mentally) to the role. My wife and I are in our fifties, and while we found the plot itself pretty simple... We couldn't look away, and were engaged for the entire 2hrs 15minute runtime. Anyone looking for an action movie will be disappointed.
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As good as the first one, because it IS the first one.
5 June 2022
As an older moviegoer, it's hard to dismiss all the scenes and plotlines "borrowed" from the original, and other films. Geez, they stole the "Death Star" exhaust port attack from the original Star Wars series, and actually had the nerve to have "Goose's" son play the exact same song, in the exact same bar, on piano... REALLY? Having said all that, I enjoyed the film immensely, and expect it'll do well. I just wish Hollywood wasn't completely out of ideas... I'm only 52, and it gets old seeing the same movies from 30-40 years ago, with different titles and younger stars doing the same scenes. I still give it 8 stars, because while not original, it's so well done, you can't NOT see it, and the story arc is nicely finished off at the end.
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The Batman (2022)
Doing More, With Less!
5 March 2022
The Batman takes cues from many films, but the first that comes to mind for me is 'Batman: Hush'. My wife and I both loved this more 'basic', damaged, revenge-focused, 30-something version of the crusader. This tale dispenses with copious amounts of CGI, high-tech weapons, super-human feats of strength, and other "less believable" attributes, and gets back to what a more realistic anti-hero the Batman might be: Soul-searching, rage-filled, focused, and yet doubtful he's making a difference. His "batcave" is more like an engineer's garage... The Batmobile, much like the man himself, a blunt instrument of rage. Even the detective's fighting skills differ from the smooth, trained, martial arts style we've seen in past iterations... Now he's a brawler, beating men down with a speed and harsh pounding that could only be delivered by an adrenaline, and rage fueled victim of crime, seeking a release of said rage. The usual chase, fight, and flight scenes are all here, but the film doesn't rely on them as past films have, and there may be some blowback from viewers looking for more eye-candy. The Batmobile has one major appearance... But it gave me goosebumps, I could watch it 50 times! This is Batman, RAW... And it's a beautiful thing.
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Old Henry (2021)
A Poor Man's "Unforgiven"
10 November 2021
I rented this from RB, and was REALLY surprised at the quality of the film. Well chosen actors, great script, cinematography, you name it. No dead space at all in this one, it's an engaging plot that flows nicely and keeps the viewer interested in the characters. I don't want to give the plot twist away, so I'll just say this film "feels" like Unforgiven, both in production quality, and 'feel'. Not your typical "shoot-em-up' western, and worth a look. Ending was perfect. I can't believe the guy who directed this is just getting his start, and also directed the Jay and Silent Bob reboot?
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Definitely a retirement film
5 November 2021
If this had been the first or second Bond film, it might be passable... But it's not, and we're used to better offerings. What we get this time around, is a tired Bond: No more running around on roof tops, no jumping, one memorable car chase, and a short romp in the woods. We've got to take it easy this time, he's in love after all, for real... And apparently has a bad knee to boot. The plot of this film need a retirement as well: A madman with a grudge, and a high-tech virus... It's all very familiar (The Rock, and Mission Impossible come to mind). My wife liked the film, and I suppose she's got some reasons, a female 007? (And other important ladies I won't bring up, to prevent spoilers). All in all, it's average fare we've seen before, and it's been done better. The worst offense, is that instead of going out with a bang, Bond is retired with a whimper, and the whole thing felt like everyone involved was ready to quit. This one should've been relegated to the "box", and if you wait a month or so, you can see it there, and save $8.
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Dune (2021)
A Redux for New Moviegoers
31 October 2021
I write this review as an older (52) movie fanatic, who's seen the original Dune. Overall, it's a good remake, and the acting, production values, and writing are excellent. I offer a warning for those in my demographic though... There's nothing new here. Sure, the faces of the characters have changed, the spacecraft look slightly different, and i'll admit... The plot is easier to follow. (The original had so much internal narration, and telepathic communication, it was hard to know what the hell was going on.) However, when it was all over I felt the same way you do when you're bored, and rent a movie you've already seen 5 times. New audiences will enjoy this, however, and the studios will rake in the cash. That seems to be the business plan for the foreseeable future: Rehash/reuse and sell it as new... everybody's out of ideas.
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Coma (I) (2019)
The Matrix, and Inception just had a baby.
9 August 2020
Younger sci-fi fans who haven't seen aforementioned films will find this one original, and intriguing. More mature filmgoers will recognize quite a few similarities between the three films. (Hell, they even borrowed the name tank, and the term reaper for cryin' out loud!) And just like "Neo", the protagonist is plucked from the real world, and thrust into a new strange one, seemingly to bring something special to residents there who need his traits. But I digress. This is a decent movie, and well worth a look for it's production values alone. There are a few interesting twists, and a decent plot. It's Russian, but the English-dubbed menu option makes it easier to watch.
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Checks all the Boxes
30 April 2019
Endgame is everything a grand finale should be. It's an epic drama that takes place in different time periods, involves multiple plot lines from other films, and neatly, and (believably) wraps up many unresolved issues. At 3hrs in length, there are occasional slow spots, but this is forgivable given the emotional depth of the subject matter here. (I wouldn't take young kids with short attention spans.) As expected, however... It also holds you in suspense, excites, and even makes you laugh, though not quite as often as previous Marvel outings... This one leans toward the dramatic. Rest assured, you'll leave satisfied, and maybe teary-eyed... Easily the best of the bunch, and obviously a labor of love for all involved. (Reviewer is 50)
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Glass (2019)
A whole lotta nothing
20 April 2019
Being a "meta-human" based film, especially one that follows the likes of "Unbreakable", and "Split"... This film falls really flat. The first 2/3 of the story take place in a hospital, and everyone's locked in separate rooms. At this point, I'm thinking the great acting might save this thing... But Mr. Glass barely has any lines, and either does David Dunn. James McAvoy shines as usual, but doesn't have has much screen time in this film as he did in "Split". There are a couple of short, uneventful fight scenes, with no outcome... As well as a surprise ending that's a bit of gut-punch to fans of the series. Overall, while watching this, we felt a little like Mr. Glass, sitting in his room, eyes glazed over, and twitching.
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Cold Skin (2017)
Simplistic, but watchable
16 April 2019
The first thing that comes to mind when watching this movie, was that it plays like a 'prequel' to "The Shape of Water". There's not much going on here plotwise: It's all about the three main characters, and their interactions/relationships with each other under extreme circumstances. Starts out slowly, but picks up in intensity over the final 2/3rds of the film. Part sci-fi, part human/creature drama, part action film. "The Shape of Water" meets "I Am Legend".
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Well, it didn't "suck".
15 April 2019
Wife and I were looking for something creepy/suspenseful, and this movie fit the bill. It relies on a build-up of clues related to "something" stalking the woods surrounding a small town at night, with missing animals etc... Footprints, and claw marks. The movie kept us engaged throughout, with some good scary moments that didn't rely on "gotcha" techniques. This is a low-key, no-gore film that tries to tap into your fears of the unknown out in the dark, and in that, it succeeds pretty well. The payoff at the end was lackluster.
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Getting to know Ruth
15 April 2019
While RBG is definitely an inspirational historical figure I was interested in knowing more about, this story about some of the more important parts of her life was about as interesting to watch as, well, a tax trial. Good acting throughout, and the last 15 minutes almost makes the slow first half worth the wait. An inspirational history lesson for some, but some will doze off before the payoff at the end.
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Emotionally powerful, and well acted
14 April 2019
As a 50-yer-old man, I rarely get into films like this unless watching with my wife. I found this movie entertaining enough to keep me engaged, and even got choked up a few times. The story is good, the music is well written, honest, and tugs at the heart. There's more than romance here as well... The relationship between two brothers holding resentment, the music industry transforming a singer into someone "marketable", a singer's battle with substance abuse, and all of this as two people fall in love, each at very different times in their lives. Watch with a box of kleenex.
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Well done, and informative.
13 April 2019
This is one of those documentaries that checks all the important boxes... It's riveting, it's informative, it's got interview subjects that you KNOW are knowledgeable in the subject matter, and it deals in facts vs. hyperbole. While it won't make you laugh like a Michael Moore film, it WILL keep you interested. By the time it was over, I wanted to watch it again. Found myself rewinding a few times due some "WHOA! WHAT!?" moments that were true revelations to me. Gives enough circumstantial evidence against the Trump and his entourage... I expect some major charges are coming down the road for that guy.
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Bumblebee (I) (2018)
7 April 2019
While this movie wasn't without it's moments, it's essentially an exercise in "what-if"... As in, what if a Transformers film was written with adolescent girls in mind, instead of adolescent boys and young men. I liked that the film takes us back to the Transformers of yesteryear, as seen in the animated series, and the backstory to Bumblebee was cool as well. My complaints however, are the poorly timed, often inappropriate soundtrack, cheesy writing/acting (John Cena? Seriously?) and most annoying... The overly emotional script. After a great first 20 minutes or so, the film devolves into an E.T/Herbie hybrid, clearly geared towards young women, to the point I felt like I was watching a "chick flick". Bumblebee goes from being a kick-ass warrior, to a cowering "lost puppy" doing stupid pet tricks. It's touching, it's sweet, and while OK in small doses, it's way over done, to the point most guys will feel they're in the wrong theater. While it could be argued that the original series was overly sexualized, and a little over-the-top with explosions... This film is a drastic over-correction. Still worth a watch, but viewers should go in knowing this is "Disney" Transformers... Intended for a younger, feminine audience.
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