
33 Reviews
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Senua's Saga: Hellblade II (2024 Video Game)
Great Presentation, Reduced Interaction
2 June 2024
Hellblade 2 is a bit of a strange animal in the sense that it's a very cinematic-heavy game, almost to the point where I would hesitate to call it a fully-fledged video game and instead would argue that it borders closer on interactive cutscene for the majority of its run time. This isn't necessarily a flaw, as the original Hellblade was very cinematic in its presentation as well, but I feel that in case of Hellblade 2, a few decent gameplay mechanics were sacrificed or simplified to amp up the visual experience. As a result, 2 feels looks and sounds amazing but noticeably minimizes player participation compared to its predecessor.

Combat suffers the most in this regard. In the original, the player is often confronted with multiple enemies and is forced to manage space and positioning to keep from getting surrounded and overwhelmed. 2 completely does away with this mechanic, allowing for only one enemy combatant at a time and throws the player through mini in-game cutscenes that stitch together individual fights. Again, this isn't necessarily flawed, but fans of the original will likely feel that a great deal of their agency in combat has been completed eliminated. Not only that, but attack types have also been reduced from three to two different options, further limiting variety in gameplay. As a result, the fights in 2 come off as far more staged and far less engaging.

Thankfully, world exploration remains fantastic in 2, and in many ways feels improved. Optical illusions and clever puzzles litter the gorgeous environments, and more hidden collectibles are scattered throughout the areas. The vast majority of the game spends its time utilizing these mechanics, and it does so very much to its benefit. The music and sound design also contribute immensely to the look and feel of the world, and paired with headphones, make for incredibly realistic and palpable environments.

Ultimately, what Hellblade 2 chooses to build upon, it improves, but it is painfully evident that delivering the cinematic experience of the game took priority over combat mechanics. Fans of the first will probably be satisfied with the sequel, but it sadly feels like a watered-down follow-up rather than a strong successor. Still, I'd recommend a play through.
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Stellar Blade (2024 Video Game)
Mostly Awesome
7 May 2024
Stellar Blade is a blast. For external reasons, it'll likely be one of the most talked-about games of the year, so for the sake of brevity, I'll avoid those obvious points and instead get onto what the game itself has to offer.

The world of Stellar Blade is both beautiful and terrifying. The game strikes a nice balance between gorgeous aesthetics in environment design and brutal (and often bloody) enemies and combat. The two meshed quite well for me though, and this pleasant combination was helped by an absolutely phenomenal soundtrack that adds to the future/post-apocalyptic vibes in every level.

Combat is great. While I wouldn't venture as far to say that Stellar Blade is a soulslike, the difficulty in both random enemy encounters and boss fights is comparable, if not quite to the level of intensity that From Software games generally boast. Nonetheless, I found Stellar Blade to be a compelling and rewarding experience all on its own. The combat is quick and dynamic, and relies heavily on its dodge and parry mechanics, which it utilizes to (mostly) great effect. It functions as a risk/reward system that punishes the player severely for mistiming a dodge or a block, but it opens windows to decimate the enemy as well.

World exploration is mostly excellent, with a scanning system that reveals potential threats and secrets in a wide range. Numerous chests, costumes, and power-ups litter the multiple maps, making exploration and side quest-completing very worthwhile. Platforming is enjoyable, but wonky aerial movements and overly-precise detection zones for ropes and ladders can often contribute to frustrating retries that come off as cheap and unnecessarily difficult. It doesn't break the game, but it definitely detracts from an otherwise great setup.

In terms of the story, Stellar Blade walks a fine line between dark and melodramatic, but never quite ventures into standard levels of cheese found in your average JRPG. The characters are well-written and (mostly) well-acted. I can't say much more without spoiling the story, but suffice it to say that it worked for me, and you'll simply have to experience it for yourself.

In short, Stellar Blade is an incredibly promising start to what I hope will become a long-standing franchise. Its combat is excellent, its story and characters are loveable, and apart from a few mechanical hiccups, the world traversal makes for a very engaging experience. Whether you're a fan of tough, soulslike action games or are just looking for an awesome new game to drop 40+ hours into, definitely give this one a try.
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The Killer (2023)
"It was boring though" isn't an argument
1 May 2024
The relatively-low reviews this movie has gotten display a depressing reality in the world of modern cinema: people love dumb blockbusters and fail to recognize the masterful details that separate sludge from the genuinely great stuff like The Killer. Mostly, I blame the likes of the modern MCU and movies like Godzilla x Kong, but these are only symptoms of the real issue, being that the average audience likes colorful explosions, which is why a soulless, brainless movie like The Force Awakens can still be pushing an 8/10 audience score while The Killer sits below a 7. After watching this movie, I was stunned to see the mediocre ratings it had received. Had I seen the same film? Was I missing something?

After some decent investigation, I found that a common sentiment among the average ratings went something like this: "It was mechanically impressive but slow" or "nothing happens in the movie for a half hour". I always despise hearing these kinds of arguments because the conversation always boils down to "I was bored." Cool. I wasn't. End of conversation.

The Killer is a masterfully told story through the perspective of a meticulous hitman, and the "slow" moments are great examples of the excellent writing in this film. While assassin-style movies are often romanticized in Hollywood, this one pulls no punches in displaying the monotonous reality that this type of career would likely entail. Great detail and emphasis are given to illustrate the point that roughly 85-90% of contracted assassin work would consist of waiting nervously in silence. These scenes are thoroughly engaging, not in small part due to Michael Fassbender's narration which gives the audience ample view into his obsessive and hyper-cautious lifestyle. Not much action ensues during these scenes, but this brutal realism is played up to punctuate when something even mildly consequential does happen. In other words, the slow scenes work perfectly to make the action scenes hit that much harder.

The rest of the movie follows the hitman in a similarly-meticulous series of scenes that never rely on coincidence or luck to move the plot along. Each story beat allows the protagonist to remain perfectly in-character as a man who has made a living by being incredibly paranoid and preparing with intense attention to detail. It was very refreshing to watch a film in which the main character is an expert in his (admittedly horrific) craft, and at no point did I feel I had to suspend my disbelief because he made a stupid or out-of-character decision in order to create drama.

Ultimately, The Killer is a masterful film. It's deliberate, well-written, well-paced, and engaging from start to finish. It isn't one for the masses (as much as I would like it to be) only because the masses have been trained to lose interest after 15 seconds without a quip or a pop-culture reference. If, however, you are one of the fortunate few that are capable of paying attention for longer than this, I highly recommend this film. It is easily one of the best I've seen in years, and I can only hope that others eventually come to understand this as well.
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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth (2024 Video Game)
Mechanically Phenomenal but Overly Convoluted
20 March 2024
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is a behemoth of an RPG experience. My play through clocked in at over 100 hours, and although I made an effort to complete the vast majority of side content, there was still a surprising amount of material that I have yet to complete. I do, however, feel that I have given it more than enough time to give an informed review.

As my title suggests, this game is astounding on a mechanical level. The sheer amount and quality of varied content available to the player is easily this game's greatest strength. Mini games, world exploration, and combat mechanics are all virtually flawless, and I cannot praise the dev team enough for the evident love and care they used in crafting these aspects. While a depressing majority of modern RPGs fill their runtimes with generic fetch quests as side quests, FF7 Rebirth gives a plethora of great side missions and content that never got bland or repetitive. I would go as far as saying that in this regard, FF7 Rebirth is the standard to which future RPGs should be held. Square Enix outdid themselves in this category a thousand times over, especially in comparison to its predecessor on the PS4.

As far as the story goes, I will avoid spoilers, but suffice it to say that I have some issues. FF7 original already has a hyper-convoluted story in typical JRPG fashion, but Rebirth dials it up to 11. A good chunk of changes made to the new game seem to require a decent amount of knowledge of other games, and I can't help but feel that players unfamiliar with expanded FF7 lore will find themselves confused on multiple occasions. The story still has a lot of strong moments, but longtime fans will likely be scratching their heads at some of the decisions the writing team made. It didn't ruin my experience, but I felt that many story elements were actively competing with each other, as well as with the otherwise very cohesive gameplay mechanics. Ultimately, it's something that everyone will have to decide for themselves.

In conclusion, I would highly recommend this game. It's story isn't a masterpiece, but the gameplay was so consistently and reliably engaging that these issues with the writing were minimal for the most part. Strong world exploration, variety in side missions, and a very polished combat system make this one of the best modern RPGs I've played, and I'll happily sing its praises despite its flaws.
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Incantation (2022)
Interesting Concept, Poor Execution
22 February 2024
Incantation had the potential to be great, and the earmarks of a great horror movie were present in the first five minutes: a creepy score, unsettling imagery, and the unique application of optical illusions, as well as legitimate audience participation. Sadly, the film wasn't quite able to capitalize.

Incantation's major downfalls can be found in its overuse of what can only be referred to as horror cliches. These include but are not limited to telegraphed jump scares, nonsensical character decisions for the sake of advancing the plot, and excessive "found footage" that heavily strains believability. When done well, a found footage film can be one of the most immersive horror experiences, but when characters consistently film themselves in ways that make no sense and actually become detrimental, the film tends to break the suspension of disbelief. Incantation is a particularly bad offender in this category, and frequently has protagonists waste valuable time reaching for the camera or aiming it to get a good shot rather than do literally anything more logical.

Upsides? The concept is fascinating, and the aforementioned mechanic of audience participation is implemented in a clever way. There are some genuinely haunting visuals that are absolutely not for the faint of heart, and the sound design and score of the film do a fine job of creating a creepy atmosphere when they aren't screaming at the audience to prepare for a jumpscare.

Overall, Incantation is a technically competent found footage film that fails to rise above mediocre in most aspects, but it's good enough for a single watch.
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Spider-Man 2 (2023 Video Game)
High highs, lower lows
12 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Spider-Man 2 is a mixed bag. While the combat and world traversal brought over from the first game are polished and enhanced and the visuals and mechanics are pushed to the absolute-bleeding edge, much else was lacking. This was primarily evident in the artificiality and milque-toastiness of every side character apart from a select few. Dialogue is mostly just safe, to put it lightly. NPCs blather on about the latest trending social topics, meaning this game will be severely dated in a matter of months. Characters granting side quests frequently come off as plastic and inorganic, largely due to their hyper-sanitized way of speaking about science projects, current issues, and infuriatingly bland topics that have no business being in a Spider-Man game. Additionally, Insomniac seems hell-bent on forcing players to endure several MJ stealth missions (a feature of the previous game that was almost universally despised) as well as a handful of other pedestrian-level side quests that barely even qualify as walking simulators.

On the upside, Kraven and Venom both steal every scene they are allowed to be in through sheer charisma and intimidation. The main story, while occasionally taking obligatory breaks to waste time, is pretty solid as a Spider-Man story goes. Long time fans will have more than enough to be satisfied in terms of respect being given to (most) legacy characters.

Ultimately, I'd recommend a play-through, but it's a far cry from the masterpiece so many seem to think it is.
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A Poster Child for Style over Substance
26 December 2023
Rebel Moon is a movie that deals in compelling concepts and worldbuilding and boasts amazing visuals, but it sadly fails to deliver on more basic storytelling fundamentals. It's easy to see the parallels Snyder was trying to draw between his film and Seven Samurai/Magnificent Seven, but these only serve to cripple the story in the character department. Kora is given a somewhat decent backstory, but virtually every other side character is given only one introductory action scene before they are shelved to make way for the next. This results in a collection of exciting but shallow set pieces that fail to function as the director intended simply because he has not given the audience nearly enough material to sympathize with most of the characters. It would've done the movie a lot of good to cut an action scene (or three) in order to show the cast interact with each other and bounce off of each other's vastly different backgrounds and experiences. Instead, the audience is given only the bare minimum in terms of character description before the plot moves along to the next scene. It makes it very difficult to feel the emotional impact of a character's sacrifice when the audience knows basically nothing about their motivations.

In summary, Rebel Moon has some gorgeous cinematography and impressive (albeit very Snyder-ized slo-mo) action scenes, but lacks basic writing techniques needed for good characters. Good for one watch, but the script needs some serious re-drafting.
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The Perfect Sequel
29 May 2022
Top Gun Maverick is a perfect movie. I do not say this lightly, as I reserve my 10/10 ratings only for the best of movies (i.e. Lord of the Rings, the Godfather, Alien, The Shining, etc.), but after having seen Top Gun: Maverick, I can say beyond any doubt that this movie did absolutely everything right. The past was given tribute without being heavy-handed, the new characters shined without overshadowing the legacy characters, the story was intense and emotional, and the action scenes were unparalleled. Every self-respecting moviegoer must see this film, and do so as soon as possible.
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A Hauntingly Great Game
1 December 2021
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is a phenomenal game. I arrived a little late to the party, but after nearly 20 hours of gameplay, I can confidently say that this is one of my all-time favorites.

Everything about this game is fantastic. The gothic horror setting is enough to satisfy any Castlevania or even Bloodborne fan. The creature and world designs are more creative, distinct and memorable than most any other game I've come across. The soundtrack is composed masterfully and transitions organically between gothic cathedral organ numbers and heroic-sounding rock pieces accompanied with violins. The gameplay is fluid, and the map system allows for easy traversing throughout the castle. Boss battles are tough but rewarding per classic Metroidvania tradition, and the Action-RPG combat and weapons allow for maximum customization.

In conclusion, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is a visceral and rewarding experience for any gamer looking to be immersed in a fleshed-out world full of creepy monsters, memorable characters, and expertly-crafted environments.
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Painfully Obnoxious and Soulless
1 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Psycho Goreman is one of the worst movies I've endured in recent memory. It doesn't make me happy to say this. I went into the movie with high hopes, already being a big fan of smaller budget indie horror flicks of this variety like Color Out of Space and Mandy. Sadly, Psycho Goreman falls far short of the mark of an even tolerable movie.

Positives out of the way first: The practical effects are pretty impressive. Psycho Goreman himself is a sight to behold, and all the different monsters and special effects give off a sort of "R-Rated Power Rangers" vibe. Psycho Goreman's character is merciless and sadistic and creates for some mildly humorous situations when he's bouncing off of the child actors' indifference. Unfortunately, the positives end there.

About 95% of the jokes in this movie fall flat. This is in no small part due to the over-acting of the main character, Mimi, who fails to resemble a human being for even five seconds of screentime. The dad is played off as the lovable idiot for the first half of the movie, but then it decides to make him a selfish deadbeat loser for no reason other than to create conflict between him and his wife. As a result, I never knew whether I was supposed to laugh at him or hate him.

The movie makes many attempts at dark humor, and does so while dispatching countless innocent bystanders in grisly fashion, but fails to elicit any actual joy or horror in the audience. Dark comedies can work when there is at least some semblance of stakes or moral compass at work in the film, but Psycho Goreman is lacking in every sense. Its nihilistic take on literally everything from parenting to sibling abuse to child murder shows that the makers of the film want the audience to care about nothing. There is no joy, catharsis, or even sadness to be found in a movie when every single character is a sociopathic degenerate.

The greatest sin this movie, however, is Mimi herself. I legitimately thought that the film was setting up a brutal and horrific comeuppance for her by how ludicrously irritating and downright evil she is. She's not a misunderstood anti-hero or even a tragic villain. She's just a heartless maniac who regularly threatens to kill her brother and feels absolutely no sympathy for causing the violent death of a police officer or the permanent and nightmarish transformation of her supposed crush. Despite all this, the movie seemed determined to set her up as some sort of lovable, middle-finger-to-the-system rebel. I was beyond disappointed when the movie didn't end with her getting disemboweled by Goreman as punishment for her irredeemably evil acts. It didn't have any qualms about showing other kids exploding in a bloody pulp.

Ultimately, Psycho Goreman is not only a waste of time, but will actually leave the viewer feeling worse than before starting the movie. Yes, the creature effects and costumes are impressive in a campy sort of way, and yes, Psycho Goreman's character is occasionally funny, but the funs stops there. The acting is terrible and over-the-top for the most part, the main cast is completely devoid of any redeeming qualities, and the movie's nonexistent morals make for an experience akin to throwing a paper plate into a bonfire. Sure, it may look nice, but it does nothing other than provide absolute surface-level visual entertainment. Avoid this movie like the plague.
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Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (2017 Video Game)
A Tedious but Still Incredibly Entertaining JRPG
3 June 2021
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is an interesting subject to tackle. It is an epic story to rival its predecessor and will surely be engaging for most fans of the genre. That being said, it is not without flaws.

For starters, the story is incredibly convoluted, even by average JRPG standards. For some reason, JRPGs never seem satisfied until they throw in 17 nonsensical plot twists and over-complications, and XBC2 is no exception. On top of that, the fanservice is pretty cringey and excessive, and often distracts from what would otherwise be very emotionally poignant moments. Finally, the main antagonist is hellishly irritating and unlikeable (enough to rival Seymour from Final Fantasy X), and any scene he was in had me nearly clawing my eyes out and ears off.

And yet, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is fantastic in so many other ways. The soundtrack is absolutely brilliant, and is perfectly matched to the gorgeous landscapes throughout the entire game. The world-exploration in particular felt noticeably improved from the first game, as I noticed that I spent much less time walking through empty spaces in my 72-hour play-through. The combat system is less clunky and gameplay in general feels more fluid. The characters seem very well fleshed-out for the most part, and despite some cheesy dialogue here and there, a good balance between levity and seriousness kept me very invested in the story and protagonists.

Ultimately, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a great, if not quite as awe-inspiring, follow-up to the original. Yes, it commits some of the typical JRPG tropes (i.e. Excessive fanservice, annoying villains with idiotic motivations, and an unnecessarily complicated plot), but if one looks past these flaws, a truly enjoyable and rewarding adventure is to be found. Just be prepared to hear the same battle-dialogue lines a good 7000 times.
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Persona 5 Strikers (2020 Video Game)
A Worthy Successor to one of my Favorite JRPGs
11 May 2021
Persona 5: Strikers is great. While it's not the nearly-100-hour behemoth of a game that P5 is, its 35+ hours of Action-RPG gameplay are more than enough to qualify it as a full-length and fleshed-out JRPG experience.

While the combat system takes some getting-used-to, when understood, it becomes a fluid and rewarding experience to rival gameply from greats like Ys VIII and Trials of Mana. Many beloved systems from P5's turn-based combat are adapted flawlessly to the Action-RPG style, and overall, Strikers truly makes for a rich and immersive experience.

Apart from the mechanics, the story elements and character interactions combine to make Strikers a true P5 sequel in every sense of the word. New lovable characters are introduced while existing ones are fleshed out and expanded. The music is great and the level designs are stylish. Fans of the original will not be dissapointed.

Overall, Persona 5: Strikers has the strength to stand as a great game on its own merits and is not simply a "Dynasty Warriors with Persona characters". Fans of the franchise as well as general Action-RPG gamers will find plenty to enjoy. Hopefully, the P5 franchise will continue on in many mediums.
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Final Fantasy XV (2016 Video Game)
An Enjoyable but Flawed Entry in the FF Series
4 April 2021
FFXV gets a lot of things right. The world is stunning, the music (as usual) is exquisite, and the character and monster designs are awesome. Sadly, the game is bogged down by an excessive amount of empty space and wasted potential.

Open world RPGs are a difficult thing to perfect. Games like Skyrim are able to incorporate a massive map because of the sheer content and substance within. While FFXV definitely has the geographic size to compete, much of the gameplay is spent simply traversing from point A to point B in silence. While enemy encounters are relatively common, they don't do quite enough to liven up some of the game's downtime. Longer distance journeys in the game are made via driving a car, which can take several minutes and get long-winded very quickly.

The combat system is entertaining, but it can become a bit monotonous as character attacks are made by simply holding down a button. It's helped by item usage and special moves with team members, but it still feels a bit like the game is playing itself.

Despite these drawbacks, FFXV shines in its worldbuilding and story. The voice acting is top-notch, and in Final Fantasy fashion, the player is taken on a thrilling and emotional adventure. Dungeon exploration is great, and the boss battles are wondrous spectacles to behold.

Ultimately, Final Fantasy XV is a mixed bag. It will definitely please die-hard fans of the genre and series, but newcomers and casual fans may have difficulty with the monotonous world travel and sparseness of some of its environments. Either way, it's worth a try.
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Xenoblade Chronicles (2010 Video Game)
A Vast, Ambitious, and Breathtaking JRPG
4 April 2021
I was late to the party with Xenoblade Chronicles, having just played it for the first time on the Nintendo Switch. After 52+ hours of gameplay, I can confidently say that this is one of the most masterfully created RPGs I've ever played.

Xenoblade Chronicles presents an original story in a beautifully rendered world. The scenery is amazing and the mere scope of the environment is almost too much to handle. This is paired with a phenomenal soundtrack that ranges from gorgeous piano tracks to riveting electric guitar riffs.

Aside from the world, the characters are well-acted and very likeable for the most part. Relations between party members build in a realistic way and each person's arc is compelling.

Finally, the combat system bridges the gap between turn-based and Action-RPG styles in a way that allows for seamless world exploration. While it can seem a bit confusing at first, it becomes very satisfying as battles increase in difficulty.

The downsides are few and far between, but I'd say this game is right on the cusp of being too big for its own good. Map completionists will find themselves spending a significant amount of time running vast distances with relatively little interaction between NPCs, items, or enemies. It's a small gripe, but a sprint button would be a very welcome improvement.

Ultimately, Xenoblade Chronicles will likely have a little something to give pretty much any fan of JRPGs. The story is great, the combat is awesome, and the music ranks up with the best of the best video game OSTs. If you haven't played it yet, do so ASAP.
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One of the Greatest and Most Impactful Superhero Movies I've Ever Seen
19 March 2021
Zack Snyder's Justice League is easily one of the best superhero movies I've ever seen. Its four-hour run time may seem a daunting task to overcome initially, but rest assured, it'll be the fastest four hours of your life. ZSJL takes its time to flesh out every character, including Steppenwolf, who went from being a disabled Thanos parody to a genuinely gripping and sympathetic villain. The action does not disappoint, and Junkie XL's score is perfectly matched to every breathtaking scene. After seeing this movie, I can only hope and pray that there's still a chance of restoring the Snyderverse.
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Octopath Traveler (2018 Video Game)
One Of the Best RPGs I've Ever Played
6 March 2021
Octopath Traveler is fantastic. From its flawless soundtrack to its addictive combat system, it simply refuses to dissapoint. The world is gorgeously rendered, and while the character models are in 16-bit form, they never feel out of place. It took me more than 60 hours to beat the main story, and I still hadn't done most of the side quests. An absolute must-play for any JRPG fan.
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Ghostrunner (2020 Video Game)
Absurdly Difficult but Awesome World and Killer Soundtrack
2 January 2021
The reason i first played this game was because I heard that Daniel Deluxe was doing the game soundtrack, and I, being a big fan of his and of 80's sci-fi and synthwave, was more than enthusiastic to get into this world.

Ghostrunner is a bit more of a traditional game in the sense that it's a one-hit kill for both you and your enemies. This makes for the most sweaty-controller-hand gaming stress I have ever experienced. It also contributes to a feeling of absolute superiority when you finally manage to stick a perfect speedrun. The levels are about evenly distributed between obstacle runs and enemy fights, and a single mistake can cost you dearly very quickly.

The world-building and ambience of the game are my favorite aspects. It is dripping with Sci-Fi darkwave vibes around every corner, and if you manage to calm yourself down for a moment and take in the environment, you will realize just how visually stunning Ghostrunner is. Fans of classic movies like Terminator or Blade Runner will feel right at home in this universe, and if I could have a wish granted, it would be to translate this game into a gritty Sci-Fi Action/Thriller movie.

A word of caution to the potential player: Prepare to die. A lot. At the end of each level where stats are shown, I had died over 100 times each.

Ultimately, Ghostrunner is a visceral sci-fi experience for anyone brave enough to meet the challenge.
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Final Fantasy X (2001 Video Game)
Fantastic Battle System, Forgettable Story and Characters
23 December 2020
Final Fantasy X is a PS2 RPG that is difficult to describe in short terms. On one hand, it's a bit obnoxious and cringe-worthy, and on the other, it's a fun and rewarding adventure. The best I can say for me (after 45 hours of gameplay) is that it's a mixed bag.

I'm not exactly a stranger to the FF series, having played 7, 7 Remake, 8, 13, and 15, but 10 seemed uniquely difficult for me to get into. The voice acting is hit-or-miss, the story is very convoluted (even by Final Fantasy standards), and I didn't find a single character among the protagonists or antagonists particularly memorable.

Notwithstanding, FFX ended up being a blast to play. The quick-paced and easy-to-master combat system is easily one of the best in the series. Level grinding is always a difficult subject to approach in RPGs, but it was easily my favorite aspect of this game.

The soundtrack, not surprisingly, is another masterpiece, keeping with the always-astounding tradition of the franchise. The aesthetic of the game overall was not my favorite, but the summon monsters (Aeons) in particular were awesome-looking and a very welcome addition to the gameplay.

Overall, I'd reccomend this game to die-hard Final Fantasy Fans, but anyone looking to introduce themselves to the franchise should look first to other entries in the series. When they have truly proven capable of completing the challenges that Final Fantasy games often present, they may be ready and pleasantly surprised when they finally make it to this one.
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The Legend of Dragoon (1999 Video Game)
A Legendary RPG From a Simpler Time
15 November 2020
The Legend of Dragoon is a fantastic JRPG from what I consider to be the golden age of RPGs, the 32-bit generation on the original Playstation. After having played Final Fantasy 7 and 8 some 20 years after they were released, I decided to try my hand at an RPG that wasn't part of the FF franchise. 46+ hours of gameplay later, I find myself very impressed.

Legend of Dragoon is a beautiful, original, and highly-entertaining game in its own right. The character designs, background artwork, and numerous enemies make for a very fleshed-out and epic fantasy world. It's very clear how much work and love went into making this game.

The true highlight of this game, however, is in the battle system, which uses a unique set of combos called additions that keep the player on their toes and rewards them for precision and timing. I realized very quickly that I would look forward to the random battles rather than dread them as usual.

The flaws in this game are few and far between. TLOD only allows you to carry 32 items max, which can become a bit bothersome for completionists, but is understandable to keep the boss battles realistically challenging. The full-motion cut scenes are still pretty amazing to look at, but a combination of mediocre voice acting and some wonky face animations make for a slightly unsettling experience. Fortunately, these are not too frequent and don't detract from the otherwise endearing and captivating experience that this game creates.

Ultimately, I reccomend The Legend of Dragoon to any fan of RPGs or games in general, especially those who long to return to a time when games were simpler and more pure. This game has loveable characters, a compelling story, and a top-notch combat system. My only hope is that the higher-ups at Sony will revisit this gem by way of a remaster or even remake a la Final Fantasy 7. Until that day comes, though, I reccomend anyone looking for a great game to dust off their PS1, grab a soda of their choice, and get lost in The Legend of Dragoon.
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Final Fantasy XIII (2009 Video Game)
Near-Perfect Entry in the Final Fantasy Franchise
3 October 2020
I write this review as a relative-newcomer to the Final Fantasy games, having played 7 Remake, 7 Original, and 8 (in that order) only months before this one. After 52 hours of gameplay, I can confidently say that 13 is fantastic. It's a beautiful, intense, and satisfying experience.

Firstly, the visuals are absolutely phenomenal. This game is over a decade old, but it's still probably one of the most visually impressive games I've ever played. I stopped playing at least a dozen times just to get a screenshot of the gorgeous landscapes.

The gameplay itself is also great. The combat system takes some getting used to, but is very fast-paced and rewarding when understood and utilized.

The story and a couple characters take a while to really get traction (specifically Hope and Lightning) but it all comes together about halfway-through. The voice acting was top-notch for the most part.

Overall, this game is an amazing ride both aesthetically and mechanically, and any FF fan who hasn't played it yet should do so ASAP.
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Final Fantasy VII Remake (2020 Video Game)
Fantastic in Almost Every Way
2 August 2020
This game is pretty freakin amazing. From the openimg cinematic to the credits roll, I was completely immersed. The voice acting is great. The gameplay is accessible without being too simplistic. The boss fights were phenomenal. It just worked. I absolutely loved this game.

I only played about an hour of the original FF7 before playing this, but from what I saw, this game both faithfully recreates the magic while successfully expanding the story, characters, and overall experience. The side quests can be a bit fluff at times, but I never complained about spending more time in the world this game created. It was beautiful and gritty in a way that seemed to really bring back the feeling of what games were like in the late 90's and early 2000's.

The flaws are few and far between, but if I was picking and choosing I would have removed the majority of the Wall Market chapter. There were a few moments and cutscenes in particular that I would have happily done away with. Other than that, though, no glaring errors come to mind. Without the aforementioned portion of the game, it would be an 11/10. With it, it still gets a 10 from me.

In conclusion, I believe this game to be an immersive and moving experiences for both fans and newbies alike.
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The Turning (2020)
Not Bad, Just a Bit Convoluted
10 May 2020
The Turning is not your average horror movie. While it can't exactly be called a masterpiece, it's well-shot, well-acted, and for the most part, well-paced. Though at times it can fall into cliche territory, it mostly remains an ambiguous and bizarre film.

Its strengths lie in the performances of the main actors, especially the performance from McKenzie Davis. She captures very well the sense of paranoia and slow mental decay that the movie tries to portray. Some great cinematography also adds to the film's dark, psychological vibe.

The problems really show themselves in the plot and underlying structure (or lack thereof), specifically towards the last quarter of the movie. While I believe it was the intention of the director and writer to be strange and difficult to follow, I can't help but feel like this film could have been much better with a few changes and resolutions to the ending of the film. Couple this with a few easy-to-predict jump scares, and the movie just doesn't quite reach its potential.

At the end of the day, this film is a unique and intriguing horror movie. It's definitely not for everyone, but those seeking a dark, psychological detour will probably view this one multiple times. It leaves much up to the imagination and leaves the viewer with many questions. If not an instant or cult classic, The Turning is at the very least a fun and intellectually challenging thriller.
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Doom Eternal (2020 Video Game)
Hell Hath No Fury
1 April 2020
Doom Eternal is quite possibly one of the greatest games ever. The sheer rage and masculinity of gameplay first discovered in Doom 2016 are amped up to unholy levels in Doom Eternal. The Doomslayer is an unstoppable force sent by the heavens themselves to vanquish the fires of Hell, and you feel every bit the part as you rip and tear through level after level. The weapons are amazing. The enemies are vicious. The glory kills are brutal. The boss battles are visceral. Not a single flaw comes to mind. This is FPS evolved. This is Doom.
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Bloodshot (2020)
Unapologetic Sci-Fi Action Mayhem At Its Best
15 March 2020
Bloodshot is a 2-hour testosterone-fueled knockout of a film. One should not go into this movie expecting a deep, intellectual journey with moving and bold themes. Bloodshot is not Oscar bait, nor does it try to be. Instead, in a world of preachy films with ulterior motives, this movie decides to do exactly what it should: give an escape from reality via explosions, fistfights, and shootouts.

Vin Diesel stars as the protagonist and, though he won't be getting nominated for best actor, gives a solid performance that captures all of his best characteristics. His supporting cast plays well off his screen presence and there are some legitimately great moments between his co-stars. Eiza González especially does an impressive job and plays the role of female action hero believably, though to be honest, she could have stood there for two hours and still would have made a valuable contribution to the movie.

Bloodshot truly shines, however, when it dives fully into comic book mode. Each action scene is deliberate, beautifully shot, and captures perfectly the essence of what a comic book is. One scene in particular was absolutely stunning with its use of colors, focus, and transitions. Fans of the genre will feel as though they have been sucked into the pages of a gritty and color-rich graphic novel.

In summary, Bloodshot does exactly what it sets out to do: tell a straightforward story about a comic book anti-hero. Fantastic action, beautiful cinematography, and a likeable cast set it several notches above the majority of Vin Diesel's other films. I can only hope that this is not the last we see of him in this role.
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Underwater (2020)
A Quality Sci-Fi Thriller That Alien Would Be Proud Of
11 January 2020
I love sci-fi horror movies. Alien, The Thing, Predator, and Terminator are all examples of timeless 80's classics that continue to captivate audiences. Sadly, today's movie theaters rarely see an entry in this category. That's why when I saw the trailer for Underwater, I was very interested.

Underwater follows suit of its predecessors in being set in a very quiet, isolated, and claustrophobic environment. It's not the first of its kind to be set in the depths of the sea (see LEVIATHAN, THE ABYSS, etc.) but it does very well in giving the film a dark and otherworldy vibe. The musical score is phenomenal and is perfectly matched to the setting in its hauntingly beautiful chords.

The cast is one of the best parts of the movie. Kristen Stewart shines as a very likeable and relatable protagonist. She's not indestructible or fearless but instead presents a realistic underdog reacting to terrifying circumstances. Her co-stars play off each other well in a way that is genuine and avoids horror movie cliches.

This movie works best building tension and mystery. True, there are a few predictable jump scares here and there, but there is greatness in how Underwater chooses to not reveal everything instantly. Less is always more in these situations. The creature effects are cool and the sounds effects are intense.

At the end of the day, Underwater might not be quite the monumental achievement its ancestors from decades past are, but it is intriguing, moving, and and captivating in its own right. The fact that a great sci-fi thriller like this can be made in 2020 gives me much hope for the future.
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