
14 Reviews
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Out of Africa (1985)
***Two Smug Dullards**
4 June 2024
Watched movie on TCM. By the time it was halfway finished I had fallen asleep. I am trying to understand how this Oscar-driven hoedown bore of a film won so many Oscars. Someone wondered in another review if a cast member slept with someone on the awards committee and then blackmailed them afterwards; and/or large amounts of money changed hands. Lol.

I find Redford and Streep to be smug dullards in most of their movies...this one was no different. I'll take Bogart, Davis, Marsha Hunt, Jack Carson, Ruth Roman, Joan Crawford, and many others from the 1930-40s BW films any day. Blessings to TCM.
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Dateline on ID: Deadly Desire (2014)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
************Flirty Felicia***********
9 May 2024
Have seen this episode of flirty Kandi Hall several times. Who goes to bed with a married attorney (with five children) within weeks of their employment...married Kandi Hall with children...that's who (Kandi even appeared to be flirting with Keith Morrison the host for this particular Dateline).

Rob Hall, Kandi's husband seemed like a normal man driven to behave in a jealous deadly manner. Kandi even fibbed on the stand to try and save Rob...a little late don't ya think?

I believe OWN had a follow-up and one of Kandi's children is not even speaking to her; and Emmett's ex married several more times and has several more children. I feel sorry for Emmett's and Kandi's children; and the person that caused the devastation comes across as clueless.
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Stolen by Their Father (2022 TV Movie)
Over Wrought - Over Emoted Drama
30 March 2024
Finished watching the (true life) movie on Lifetime. All I can say is ack! Horrible acting and plot line. "Not Without My Daughter" with Sally Field is 1M times better.

The acting by Sally Field is credible, fully dimensional; whereas the actress playing the mother tries to interject today's MeToo attitude into the role. Today's women according to Glamour and Cosmo must be brash, rude, obnoxious and classless because all men are pigs and misogynistic. Unrealistic scenes and the mother acts like an a** in Greece. I understand the need to have your children back...but. The reviews on Amazon of the book are not very positive as some do not believe all the components of the story. Also not needed is the soul saving she (mother) does on her job. Wasted 15 minutes on job stuff when more time could have been devoted to the story line (if you want a story on abuse and shelters then do it). Towards the end wanted to give the actress playing the mother a chill pill or a blunt as her acting was so annoying, so overwrought and nondimensional. So cut and dried; every problem solved in a minute and makes it look so easy to get kids back from a foreign country as long as you act like an a**. Don't bother.
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Stand by Me (1986)
***Absolutely Non-Satisfying***
25 January 2024
I finally watched this film on TCM due solely to the prior hype. I wish I hadn't. What a waste of time. One issue for me is (I understand things were different back then...but), watching four young children traipse off into the woods, travel a number of miles, spend the night in the woods with no obvious parental concern or supervision.

The dialog was banal, with no resolution to any of the issues, and presumed stereotypical characters. Watching Keifer Sutherland with his overly blond, bleached hair...all I could think of is his character from "Lost Boys." As one reviewer said: "It wasn't funny, it wasn't touching, it didn't show any "coming of age." Could have been better, don't think Rob Reiner was the appropriate director.
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Tattletales: Episode #2.234 (1975)
Season 2, Episode 234
Breathy Voice - Not!
25 January 2024
Love Tattletales. However, every time Janice Lynde (soap opera actress) was a guest, she would always use a fake breathy voice to answer her questions. Many innuendos too. She probably thought it was sexy...not. Don't mind innuendos, but the batting of the eyes and putting her finger in her mouth (gross) was not attractive. She is probably a holdover from the Marilyn Monroe generation.

The other celebrity that used a fake ultra breathy voice was Buck Owen's wife/girlfriend Lisa. With hair teased to the moon, she probably thought it was sexy too. Blech!

Side note: Janice was also guesting with Reiko (an author's wife). She was absolutely hilarious with no pretension.
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Disappeared: Mountain of Mystery (2023)
Season 11, Episode 3
24 September 2023
Thanks for coloring the city of Mt. Shasta (a safe city) with such horrible strokes. Person missing in 2020 and the usual card is played. I have seen seasoned detectives of all persuasions exhaust themselves trying to solve a case regardless of hue. The allegations drive away the narrative of finding someone...and the fact the family needs to being this up becomes exhausting. I looked up other resources to see if this fine person has been found. No such luck, and prayers to the family for his discovery. Always sad to lose a family member and to never know of their whereabouts. I hope he is located for the family's sake.
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Fear Thy Neighbor: Bloodland (2021)
Season 7, Episode 4
Victimology is Strong in This Episode
12 May 2023
Just finished watching episode and found that others on YouTube see Denise as a modern-day Karen. Very vindictive and plays the victim very well. I felt the episode was biased as she had all her relatives supporting her side and one on Richard's side.

The issue could have been handled via civilly or through a mediator. What about eminent domain? Many details left out such as who was responsible for maintaining the road? The County or all the homeowners? Did the Real Estate agent disclose the problems with the gate?

With her attitude and unwillingness to work with the homeowners she basically ruined lives. The only ones I feel sorry for are the child and Richard's family.
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"TLPS" - Why So Great? (Minor Spoilers)
23 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have TRIED to get through "TLPS" several times, but since the movie was on TCM tonight I held steadfast (and suffered). TCM host Ben Mankewitz is an obvious fan of producer/director Peter Bogdinovich and Peter's movie, "The Last Picture Show" (TLPS). Mankewitz aired a comment made to Bogdinovich by Orson Welles...Orson said, "dont make this movie." Bogdinovich should have listened to Orson (Paper Moon aired before TLPS and is definitely a better Bogdonovich choice).

Maybe this movie was considered awe-inspiring in the 70's, but I found that Hollywood's depiction (superficial, sterotypical sexual-driven hicks with no redeeming values) of of a small town in Texas to be typical and frustrating.

1. What compels Cybill Shepherd's character Jacy to jump off a diving board nude? Why try to sleep with everyone in town including her mother's boyfried?

2. The scene with Cybill and Jeff Bridges in the motel room was cringe-worthy (unfortunately Cybill throughout the movie is semi-wooden with no depth...also bad choice to cast your current squeeze - sorry Peter).

3. Jeff Bridge's hair drives me nuts. Maybe Jeff was resistant to cutting it ultra short...his hair hanging out of his graduation, and later military cap is downright laughable.

4. Movie jumps from one person to the next without having one strong lead to intertwine the (boring) characters. The premise would have been better as a daily soap opera.

I could say much more, but I will refrain. As a comparison to the emptiness of "TLPS" is the character-driven movie, "Cinderella Liberty." James Caan and Marsha Mason are both superb. Again..."TLPS" - Why So Great?
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Even a dog would bury this turd...barf.
17 April 2022
Referencing the review made by gigabyte in March 2007. They refer to a fat, old, horny, repulsive Hollywood executive (I can think of one) approving this script and salivating at the thought of seeing naked women. The Hollywood crowd always think they are so cute and we (the dumb public) never see through their agenda (especially this movie - powerful women my arse). Hopefully the writer of this crap no longer works in Hollywood.
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Tour of Duty (1987–1990)
What BS
19 September 2021
What an absolutely horrible show. Good old Hollywood can't make a story about anything without injecting their ultra liberal views. Better military shows to view rather than this...
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Deliverance (1972)
If We Can Stop People From Marrying Their Siblings.......
17 July 2021
Then we put a stop to southern democrats?

Is that the story.

The story is brutal. The scenery is fantastic and the boy's banjo playing is enthralling.
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Klute (1971)
Fonda - 3 Stars
18 April 2021
First, I agree with much of Justin's review dated October 25, 2020. Aside from that, it is so evident that Jane's goal throughout her career is to distance herself from her "staid, old-fashioned, establishment" father. Not saying she hasn't done well in several films; however, looking at Henry Fonda's work there is no comparison.

Is she proud she spent time with hookers to get a "feel" for their gritty lifestyle. She needn't had done that as the history of prostitution has been well documented throughout the years; and one that has not fundamentally changed. It is not known to be a pretty lifestyle, however Jane's character and physical appearance do not seem to fit. A stylish-looking hooker that takes acting classes?

Although I do not agree with her wayward politics, I will say I do enjoy her earnestness she carries over from role to role. One such movie is 'Agnes of God' (interesting to find the movie is based on a true event that occurred in 1977). However, the movie 'Klute' overall drags and is not enjoyable especially in terms of today.
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A Hairy Ride
28 February 2021
DWW was on cable channel tonight. I saw and enjoyed the movie when it premiered; however, years and age are not kind to Costner's vain wooden acting and PC implausible script.

However, the most noticable did the actress playing Costner's love have hair apparently styled by Vidal Sassoon (while on the plains) on a regular basis. Very distracting. Between the precision haircut and highlights it looks like a commercial for a volumizing shampoo. Native Americans lived a harsh life and did not look like they stepped out of a salon with a full mane, straight teeth and glowing skin. Don't know why this movie was so lauded, but today would probably not be even made. I guess it was a different time back then.
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Still Cringeworthy in 2020 (Mini-spoilers)
18 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Saw movie when first came out. I was rather young, but was very uncomfortable with the mother's rotten behavior and her ultimate reward for that rotten behavior. At the time could not understand fully why. Watching today, the father Ted (played by Hoffman) was penalized for supporting his family and putting food on the table, while poor little Joanna got her fee fees hurt and mysteriously abandons her husband and child for months and months with no explanation. Joanna, played by Streep is almost embarrassing with her overacting emos. Joanna had plenty of options available to her, but took the coward's way out. There was marriage counseling (Ted would have at least tried), or how about just talking instead of acting like a wounded teen that can't go to the movies on a Sat night. Of course Hollywood always likes to "cherry-pick" history to support their hypocritical lecturing, but there are instances where the man did receive custody. Wasn't comfortable with the premise of the movie, nothing has changed.
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