
19 Reviews
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The Batman (2022)
A Real and Honest Review of The Batman
13 March 2022
I really don't understand all the love for this new Batman movie. It was very long and boring. It was filmed with no light. You can barely see anything. Ever character is speaking just above a whisper or mumble. The story was weak. The villains were not interesting. There were a couple of stupid scenes in the movie too. Emo Batman was not cool. I know Pattinson can act, but the script and direction let him down here. Riddler and Penguin were wasted here too. Bottomline, this movie is way over rated. Save your time and money.
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Cat People (1982)
13 February 2022
3 stars for the only 3 things this movie has going for it. 1 star for Annette O' Toole's boobs. Some of the best in the biz, absolutely beautiful. 1 star for Nastassja's boobs, very nice, but her little toe on her right leg is disturbing. 1 star for Annette O' Toole period. She's gorgeous! The rest of the movie is long and boring. Weak payoff in the end. Not recommended.
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Billy Budd (1962)
They don't make them like this anymore!
9 February 2022
Great movie! It made a big impact on me when I saw it as a teenager. I just watched it on TCM and it still has impact. The Master of Arms is just as big of a villian as Darth Vader was in Star Wars. I love movies that have moral quandaries as well. Justice is not the law in every situation. Shades of "Paths of Glory" here. This movie is a favorite!
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Funny Games (1997)
I like the remake better...
18 January 2022
The German version is good. I understand the 4th wall breaking and the "rewind" sequence. However, I enjoy the Naomi Watts and Tim Roth version better. The remake plays straighter, but is just as disturbing. My recommendation, see them both. The movies are brutal. If that is not your thing, move on.
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The Hunted (1995)
One of the best Ninja movies you will ever see!
16 January 2022
We all know Ninja movies are campy, especially all of the ones made in the 80's. However, for Ninja fans they are still very enjoyable to watch. Well Ninja fans, look no further! This movie is hands down one of the best. John Lone is awesome as the Ninja leader Kinjo. Smart, ruthless and cunning. The movie is brutal, bloody and relentless. Exactly how a Ninja movie should be. The train sequence alone is worth watching this movie. Don't listen to all the hater reviews. It's a Ninja movie. Eat some popcorn and enjoy it!
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Excalibur (1981)
The Land and the King are One!
11 January 2022
By far the best King Arthur movie ever made. Amazing cast too. I fell in love with Helen Mirren when I was a kid and saw this movie in the theater. A King without a Sword, the Land without a King! Come father, let us embrace at last...So many great lines!
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Dredd (2012)
Where is the sequel for this movie?! I've been waiting 10 years!
28 December 2021
Karl Urbans Judge Dredd is awesome. This movie is awesome, very close to the comic stories. Stallone's Dredd was a joke. This movie should have started a Dredd franchise. We need a good sequel NOW!
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Dune (2021)
So dissapointing...
22 October 2021
Have you seen the David Lynch Dune movie? Well, it 10x better than the 2021 version. Lynch's movie has so much more interesting and cool elements. Better actors, story telling, costumes,and characters. How do you water down Dune? Watch the 2021 movie. Plus you only get half the story. Mentats...boring...Harkonans...boring...Bene Gesserets...boring...Poe, I mean navigators...where are you? Dumb dragonfly ships that don't make sense. This movie is overhyped and very disappointing. Why can't anyone get this story right?
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Very dated...
7 October 2021
I know this movie is iconic and all, but I found James Dean's acting to be comical. He over acts, and it's laughable. James Dean was supposed to be a high school student in the film. He was 24, but looked 30 years old. Natalie Wood looked great, she was actually 17. The story is really stupid and dated. Now I know why my parents were dumb. They grew up watching idiotic movies like this one. Remember, there is still one in the chamber after you remove the magazine...The "gang" was a joke too. This film is way overated. Maybe a "masterpiece" in the 50's...but a unintentional comedy today.
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Malignant (I) (2021)
A honest review...
10 September 2021
The movie is a good Bad flick. Much like The Happening or The Room. "Oh Hi Mark". It's sub par at best. The music/score is terrible and out of place. Some of the acting is poor. (Not by the lead or supporting actresses) Some of the scenes are right out of an 80's Sam Raimi movie...and that is what makes it fun! I liked the plot "twist" in the 3rd act as it was unexpected. If you go into this movie with very low expectations, I think you will have a fun time. Especially in the 3rd act. It's not Insidious or Conjuring quality. It's more of a Tales from the Crypt movie. Not as good as Demon Knight, but better than Bordello of Blood. There you go. An honest review.
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This is not the movie you are looking for...
30 August 2021
Peter Dinklage gives it all he's got and aside from the H as F Summer Glau, there is nothing redeeming about this movie. The story is boring, the comedy is lame, and the FX are cheap and awful. Amazingly I got 45 minutes in before I had to shut it off. This is not the movie you are looking for...
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Deep Cover (1992)
A honest review...
25 August 2021
This movie could have been a classic. However, it steps out of it's own realm of reality with stupid plot "twists" that don't make any sense. It starts out taking the story seriously, then becomes a bad graphic novel. Too many unrealistic situations that lead to a completely un-plausible, and stupid ending. Fishburnes acting is really good, but other cast members are directed poorly and the acting is off. This is evident with Jeff Goldblums character. Goldblum is awesome, but he was a victim of bad direction here, as were some other characters, like Charles Martin Smith. Very unfortunate. A tad better script and better direction would have done it. 6 out of 10 at best.
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Movie Madness (1982)
7 August 2021
As others have reviewed, the only redeeming quality about this movie are the topless scenes with Theresa Ganzel and the beautiful Ann Dusenberry. The rest of the movie is awful. Three stories that only serve to waste precious time of your life. No point at all. Not funny in the least. I have no idea what National Lampoon was thinking here. Simply boring.
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Started great, then got ridculous fast!
8 June 2021
I thought I was in for a good movie as this started out really well. The way the serial killers plotted out their murders to be a close to perfect crime was a great premise. The cold reality of it reminded me of "Henry: Portrait of a serial killer". Then the movie sinks faster than a rock in a lake. As soon as the detective went into "think like the killers" mode, it got stupid. Then he makes so many bad decisions that don't make sense, which ends up getting more innocent people killed. This movie could have been good, but the writer got in the way with some unplausible stupid ideas. The ending was just as bad and didn't make sense. The big emotional moment in the end was meaningless. This is a good example of how NOT to make a movie. Pure stupidity.
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Movie 43 (2013)
Raunchy and funny!
27 May 2021
The first time I tried watching this movie, I couldn't get past the first segment and stopped watching. Then one night, nothing was on, so I thought I would give this movie a second chance. I'm glad I did. Most of the segments are hilarious! A couple of them were not. "Kids in machines" for example. The two final segments, "Basketball" and "Beezle the cat" were great! If you enjoy twisted humor and are not easily offended, you will enjoy it. If you are "Woke" or very PC, you won't like it, and I recommend you skip it.
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Roar (1981)
Bugnuts crazy!
17 May 2021
The movie is bad, but entertaining at the sometime. There is no acting here. You can see the fear in every actors face during the scenes. I read about all the attacks and injuries during the filming of this movie. What did the filmmakers expect? I was surprised to learn no one died while making this film. I lost a lot of respect for Tippi Hedren. What made her and her husband (director) think it would be safe to film with live lions, tigers, jaguars, cougars and elephants? With their real family no less? can't get any stupider than that! 4/10 stars, because of how astonishing it is. Real blood, real attacks on film.
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Rock of Ages (2012)
So bad it's good...
4 May 2021
This movie ruins classic hard rock and metal songs by draining the soul out of them slowly and painfully. Tom Cruise is supposed to be the ultimate rock God, but he can't pull it off with his acting or singing. Jullian Hough is nice to look at, but her voice is terrible in this. Every song is a rock hit, but ruined by the actors singing them. It's bad Karaoke, plain and simple. It's a train wreck of a movie, but it will make you laugh at how bad it is. It's like watching "The Room". It's bad, and you know it, but you can't stop watching it. That is this movie in a nut shell. So's good. Enjoy the stupidity!
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Venom (2018)
Venom is an "O.K." movie
13 May 2019
See Venom. (7/10) If you liked it, but thought it was lacking something special, then see the movie "Upgrade"! (9/10) Similar premises, similar looking actors, but "Upgrade" is the superior movie by far. Interesting fact, Venom cost $100+ million dollars. Upgrade cost $5 million dollars. Proof you can make great movies on the "cheap"!
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Upgrade (2018)
Best Sci-Fi movie since the original "The Matrix"
13 May 2019
Do you remember seeing "The Matrix" for the first time and being blown away by how good it was? I do. That was the same feeling I had after seeing "Upgrade". I heard about this movie on one of the movie websites. I watched the trailer and I was intrigued. My daughter and I went to the theater to see it. The movie is SO COOL! Great story, great pacing, great SFX, great characters, cool twists! A beautiful vision of the near future and a great AI cautionary tale in the realm of Ex Machina and Terminator. Most of my friends have never heard of it. It's definitely a sleeper hit! SEE THIS MOVIE! It shows you that you can make an exceptional film on a $5 million budget. Similar premise to Venom, but much, much better in my opinion. Consider that Venom cost $100 million too! NOTE: Leigh Whannell, PLEASE make a sequel! If you need story ideas, contact me! Great job on this movie!
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