3 Reviews
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Not everybodies cup of tea
26 January 2004
After reading the feedback of 25 on here it seemed the film was going to be worth watching. However it was quite a disappointment to me. It may be more a problem with me more than the film but be aware this film will not be everybodies cup of tea. You can read the positive comments on other reviews but here is some criticism:

  • Why did Hepburn give up her family and career to become a nun? She didn't seem so religious? Was it solely to help in 'The Congo'? She was feisty and intelligent. There were much more logical ways, as shown by the film, that she could contribute to society. It seemed such a waste of a life, a blatant square peg in a round hole. It didn't ring true that it would take so long for her find out. I guess it shows a different time when 'losing face' was more important.

  • The film was slow and predictable. We could see from day one she didn't fit and it was just a question of time. With that being so obvious there was little else going on in the film to keep me interested.

The film wasn't without redeeming features but I'd only give it 5/10 and I'd like to point out that I found similarly old films, like A Town like Alice, Brighton Rock, The Lost Weekend and Carve her Name with Pride (along with more obvious ones like Some Like it Hot and Casablanca) much better films. I'm not an action film fan and love the deep and meaningful stuff but this just didn't do it for me. Beware!
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A beautiful film and a very moving story
23 July 2002
I loved the film because it shows why kids should be treated as real people and what a disgrace it is that society attempts to marginalize so many. The characters were very believable, and whilst all of them had their faults, I like them all and cared about their plight.
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Screen Two: Coast to Coast (1987)
Season 3, Episode 1
I'm desperate to see this again!
10 February 2001
I remember this as a great film that was in my all-time top 5 in 1987 and I'm really keen to see it again. There was great music, great Lake District scenery and some great humour.

If anyone has a copy then I'd pay good money to have it a duplicate produced.
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