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Welcome back John!!
12 May 2006
Though I'm a "Ghosts Of Mars" fan for reasons I cannot explain, Cigarette Burns is the best thing JC's done since Prince Of Darkness. I was blown away, it truly is an awesome short film. Excellent acting, great storyline, nothing cheesy. I was starving for more. I wish it could have been a full slate film. I admit, when I first heard about it, I was worried, because I didn't want to see John make another Escpae From LA, type embarrassment and get bashed by the critics. I was worried out of all the short stories on "Masters Of Horror", John's would be the worst. Not only was it "not" the worst, but in my opinion, it was the best story on it!!! I'm looking forward to another full length film from John, and hope it doesn't end up like escape from L.A. 4 stars on Cigarette Burns!!!
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Alice Cooper in Paris (1982 TV Special)
Excellent! early 80's "punk Alice" delivered
12 May 2006
Dismissed by the 70's die hard Coop fans, and what a shame, because some of Alice's best work came from 1980 to 1984, when he was in what now is known as his experimental stages. The known shock rocker, came in Paris with his trash-punk-disco garb, wearing his traditional makeup differently, and almost completely ignoring the play of his successful 70's era. Though some claim the early 80's Alice was garbage, they couldn't be further from the truth. Alice's best album may have been "DaDa" released in 1983. In this 4 year span Cooper released some great songs such as "Clones (we're all)", "Former Lee Warmer" "Zorros Accent", "Pain", "Who Do You think We Are", "Seven And Seven Is", "pass The Gun Around", and "Enoughs Enough". This Alice Cooper Special Forces in Paris DVD is filled with songs that you'll next to never get to see him perform in concert via live or DVD, and it features Vincent Furnier interviewing Alice Cooper!! It is extremely hard to find, so if you see one, grab it!
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Split Second (1992)
You people make me laugh
11 May 2006
The nerve of some of you. "I was expecting a Hollywood masterpiece" WHAT?? It's a Rutger Hauer movie you mindless spawns of ignorance! For what it was, It was a damn good film. Anyone with a brain knows before buying it, renting it, that it it ain't Oscar material folks. It's a low budget sci-fi that happens to be pretty damn good. I thought the alien was good, and not cheesy or hokie looking, the idea of the flooding and constant raining was pretty clever, and the time frame was believable to me. Lighten up losers. This "B flick" blows away a lot of "A flicks" see "War Of The Worlds". Yes, different strokes for different folks, but those of you who thought this flick was a waste of time, should't be renting sci-fi videos but probably should be sticking to your typical mainstream cinema, you know the stuff you think is so "movie genius", like Broke back Mountain.
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ACO... In Cooperstown, no doubt...
11 May 2006
A Clockwork Orange, one of the greatest movies of all time, without question, and THE greatest of all time to some of us. No need to go over the story or plot, if you're reading this, you've seen the movie, or know the basics. If you haven't seen the movie, Then by all means go buy a copy right now!!!! This is no rental, this is a keeper! The late Stanley Kubrick's best effort by far. ACO is a timeless master piece and no other movie grabs new fans on a daily basis like this one, and it's 35 years old!!!! I'm 40, and recently allowed my 15 yr old daughter to view it (with me forcing her to look away at some scenes) and now she's a huge fan, that's what this film does to people. I've not yet met anyone who doesn't like it, though I'm sure there are some, but not many. You wouldn't know it buy watching it, however. Malcolm Mcdowell was born to play the role of thug-druggie Alex Delarge. ACO is such a good film that it has inspired culture in the lives of European and American youth, HUGE cult followings, and yes, unfortunately some bad behavior from people in the real world acting out their Alex Delarge fantasies. See it! Also check out MalcolmMcdowell.net for all your ACO viewing.
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Nightbreed (1990)
Night Breed
11 May 2006
I'm a fan of this movie..... oh yes, of course there's a "but". It certainly could have been a LOT better. I have no beef with Barker's directing, in fact, I think he did great considering. I too, was unimpressed with Bobbie's acting, she made you want to ring her neck throughout the movie. Sheffer, I liked, it's a shame his career didn't take off, though he seems to have found a home in TV roles. Cronenberg and Oliver saved the movie, and made it worth watching. The obvious flaws were the editing staff needed to be fired, the cop actors were all terrible beyond funny, especially the sheriff. Even though this movie had a 10 million dollar budget, the makeup was dreadful, like an amateur play. The monsters should have been more scarier, the movie inflicted to much a "feel sorry for us" vibe. 50 monsters with powers, and strength should have taken out 20 rednecks in 15 seconds! Barker should have turned 'em loose more. I gave this film 6 out of 10 though it's more of a 4 out of 10, but I'm bias towards it, I like it for some damn reason. And yes, I'd like to see another attempt, or some kind of sequel, only if they this time, let Cronenberg direct it (no diss on barker) or get more involved in the production. Though I doubt a sequel is or will ever be considered.
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