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One of the worst horror sequels I've seen
26 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is, without a doubt, up there with the worst horror sequels I've seen, below the likes of Howling 7, The Omen 4, and even Lake Placid 2.

First off, the characters, save for four (two of which barely have any roles) are borderline sociopathic. Now, there are horror films out there with a cast mainly full of unlikable, horrible people. Rob Zombie's Halloween remakes and Sorority Row are examples of this where it's bothered a lot of people. This film makes the characters in those look like Mr. Rogers. Even the adults act like a mix between crazed criminals and violent five year olds that can't get fired for assaulting kids, giving them wedgies, and basically having them go through the kind of hazing that most colleges even frown upon. Even the main character is a screwed up, annoying, whiny, overly-aggressive, crazy, creepy, disgusting bully that would normally be the opening kill in a by-the-books 80s slasher flick.

Next off we've got some of the dumbest writing I've seen in awhile, and this is coming from someone that watches crap like Birdemic, Jack Frost 2, etc. Lemme give you two examples, both of them spoilers. Skip this chunk of text if you don't want to be spoiled. First we've got a scene in which a man has the following done to him: He's tied to a tree, his pants are undone and dropped to the ground along with his boxers, another rope is brought around his neck, and another smaller plastic thing is tied around his dick. He's not blind, he can see, and he thinks the person doing it is a woman who walked off away from him, within his vision. He watches her walk off, and seconds. SECONDS. later this happens, as he's still watching in that direction. He somehow. Somehow. Can't see who is doing this, and the way this is handled, the only way it could even be plausible is if the killer was revealed to be telekinetic. Alex Mack, they ain't. Secondly we've got the big twist ending, which... actually might be the single dumbest twist I've seen in a horror movie. I've seen so many, and this... just... I need to explain, and I know many of you won't believe me and will end up, sadly, watching this just to verify because it just sounds too stupid. One of the few likable characters is this like, 60 year old cop...guy that dresses more like a mix between a 1950 southern sheriff and a WW1 soldier, and he has to talk with one of those electronic devices you attach to your throat, only the people behind this film have never heard what those sound like and instead just altered the actor's voice in post with a cheap robot effect that makes him sound less like a throat cancer survivor and more like a fracking cylon. This guy? Is the killer. We barely see him at all... and also it's Angela. Angela apparently is the next Tom Savini and was able to make super convincing makeup so she could... pretend to be... a 60 year old man? ...Beyond how ludicrous that sounds, I just... ...why? Why do that? How did she do that? What about her gender identity issues? Why does the film keep trying to retcon 2 and 3 (far better sequels, despite not being hilariously bad but still enjoyable in the same way one can enjoy the later Nightmare on Elm Street movies) by implying she never got a sex change, and then we see her and she's obviously a woman in makeup to pretend to be a 60 year old man and... my brain hurts just writing this.

In short... pass on this. It's like trying to watch the first film, only you have a hangover and there's a screaming child in the room with you. The writing is moronic, the effects are awful (though the fake blood looks delicious. It's... it's this pink kool aid stuff. Pink. PINK), the acting is terrible, the script is flimsy, the plot twist is absolutely ridiculous. Just pretend Sleepaway Camp is just a trilogy, or if you want to count the unfinished fourth film, a "quadrilogy"(sic, because damn it Fox that isn't a word, no matter how much I love Alien.)
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I'm actually dumber for having watched this
15 December 2011
Instead of reading my review, you're actually probably best off reading the reviews for those that rated this movie positively, as you'll note that your head will hurt trying to read them. That's what watching this movie does to you, it makes you write like them.

Young Einstein is a moronic mix of 80s clichés and the kind of dumb, low brow humor that makes Dumb & Dumber and Billy Madison look like Royal Tenenbaums.

I love myself some dumb humor, I can even laugh at some films that most people bash for being extraordinarily stupid like the aforementioned Billy Madison, but this... just no. The jokes are unoriginal, unfunny, and moronic, the characters all behave like complete idiots, and there's really no plot. It's just an excuse for a bunch of terrible puns and poorly done slapstick.

Please, avoid this film, a mind is a terrible thing to waste. There's much less harmful things for your brain out there. Even huffing the paint used for the DVD-cover and case is probably better for your brain cells than watching this.
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The single most boring theatrically released horror film of all time
28 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Avoid this like the plague. I can't believe anyone actually found this film scary, as there's only two even remotely creepy scenes in the film. One occurs about midway in and just involves everything going stopmotion while a ouija board burns a bit, and the other is like 10 seconds from the end and involves the wife killing her husband offscreen, dragging his corpse out, and running to the camera. You're better off watching home movies for two hours and then watching one of those "Can you spot the difference?" flashes where a still frame of Linda Blair pops out at you.

I believe -some- people were scared, but mainly people that have never seen a horror film before. The kind of people that also genuinely enjoyed The Grudge 2 or the remake of Amityville House. Those people you hear that talk about One Missed Call like it was their generation's The Thing. The only way to even enjoy this film is to watch it alongside the Rifftrax done by the always amazing Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy (Tom Servo), and Bill Corbett (Crow) of MST3K.
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Now we know why it had such a hard time getting a release
11 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I want to say this now. I strongly suggest that instead of reading the review or seeing the film, keep with you your image of what you -thought- the film would be. Whatever you imagined is at least twenty times greater than the final product.

For starters, throw out everything you've been told about this film for the past three years or however long. All the urban legends about why it hasn't' been released, and how terrifying it truly is. This film is... a rather campy anthology horror in the (attempted) style of Creepshow and the like. Sadly, unlike Creepshow, there's not much to enjoy. The humor is sub-par at best, no real chills, it's not even the kind of bad horror film you'll watch just for gore, bad acting, and random nudity. Instead, you get the following:

1. Couple have a little fight, woman is sort of a strawman to set up the theme of the film (there are rules to Halloween, follow them or the kid from The Orphanage will kill you.) Woman hates Halloween, she dies (not really gory, beyond the sounds and a quick glimpse at her remains.)

2. Doctor guy is a sociopath, kills a fat kid that destroys pumpkins, acts like he's going to kill his own kid, but then it turns out he's training his kid. -Really- terrible work on this one.

3. Mandatory Jerkass Chick (they're sort of a genre staple, so I won't really bash them for this) pulls a prank on a mentally challenged girl, but then the prank becomes reality and everyone but the mentally challenged girl dies offscreen (you hear it, however.)

4. Vampire kills some chick, stalks another. Then it turns out the vampire is actually the above sociopath doctor in a costume, and he gets killed by werewolf-sluts to the tune of Marilyn Manson's cover of Sweet Dreams. I'm willing to say most of the budget went into this one really awful segment.

5. Old cranky guy gets a visit from That Kid From The Orphanage, who is apparently a skull-alien thing with a pumpkin for a head. He pulls off an homage to the first Childs Play, then leaves the old guy severely wounded. It turns out the old guy was responsible for the death of some mentally challenged kids in story #3, and in the end they kill him (kinda offscreen, you just hear it and see a few comic stills of it.)

The only reason I'm giving this a 2 out of 10 rather than a 1 is that I only felt bored and longing for the movie to end during about half the film. I've seen films that felt more like I was watching paint dry for an hour and twenty minutes. This was more like reading bad attempts at creepypasta.
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Fear Itself (2008–2009)
Breakdown of the episodes
25 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Since with this style of series, you can't judge the series as a whole without judging the individual episodess, I'll go ahead and do so.

Sacrifice: Painfully awful. Terrible pacing, the blonde haired blue eyed Romanian women can't act whatsoever, the sound effects are overly gory while what they depict is nowhere near as gory (priest screams bloody murder over disgusting sounds, then they show him and he doesn't really have a scratch on him) Not believable in the slightest. I love the little fire thing at the end. A few drops of gasoline on a metal covering with holes in it that is attached to a stone well. Surely lighting a little bit that was on top of the cover will cause the contents of the well to be entirely engulfed in flame as depicted, even though very little gasoline save for maybe a medicine cup's even entered it, over a period of a few minutes.

Spooked: Great episode until the end. The end -really- disappoints me because you want -something- to be done to the chick. It just feels like you're robbed of that. Aside from the ending though, this is great, one of the better episodes.

Family Man: -Excellent-. This is beautifully written, the actors are top notch, the twist... oh god the twist hurts. In a good way. Honestly, this deserves to be its own full fledged film. The amazing part? This was done by the same guy that did Freddy vs Jason. Don't let that fool you, this isn't anywhere near like that. Without a doubt, this was the best episode of the series, and one of the best horror anthology episodes I've seen in a long, long time.

In Sickness and in Health: You know that thing it sitcoms where someone acts really angry, but then suddenly they're complimenting you? Like Superintendent Chalmers on Simpsons? Imagine that played straight in horror. Pretty bad, doesn't feel like Landis did this at all.

Easter: Great work. It managed to make me jump a few times, and the ending was highly creative.

New Years Day: Great until the fridge logic pops in and you realize that the plot twist creates a lot of plot holes. Also, the shaky camera gets really annoying.

Community: Terrible. Really hamfisted attack on suburban life. I honestly suggest watching this just for how bad it is.

Skin & Bones: Not bad, slightly above average. Doug Jones makes this episode worth watching, but the rest is not really that good. If you're a fan of the Wendigo legend or a Doug Jones fan, watch this.

Something With Bite: -Hilarious.- This feels more like a John Landis episode than the John Landis episode did. Amazingly done, really good werewolf costume too.

Echoes: Decent. The plot twist isn't predictable, at least.

Chance: Confusing, feels really unfinished. I'm thinking maybe this episode -was- unfinished, maybe one of the last episodes made.

The Spirit Box: Plot twist was -extremely- predictable. Also, the acting in this one is pretty off. If you can stand hollow teenager clichés solving a murder mystery, ...no, even then I'd suggest avoiding this.

The Circle: Must watch. It's so bad it's hilarious. The actors seem to just be having fun with it, like they -know- what they're doing is bad. One chick is trying to act like she's reading, but she keeps forgetting how to. Forward two pages, back one, forward one, back two, etc. Light pokes in when it's supposed to be night time, light only effects the monsters when it comes to flashlights for some reason, even though there's lamps and fire and... y'know, I'll just leave it at this: This feels like it could be expanded into a bad film that the Mystery Science Theater 3000/Rifftrax guys would love to riff.

Overall, I'd say just watch Spooked, Family Man, Something With Bite, and Eater. If you love to mock stuff, watch The Circle, Community, and Sacrifice.

Also, don't base your decision on who directed what episode. The better directors actually did some of the worst episodes, to the point where they don't feel like they were actually made by those directors.
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