26 Reviews
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Foreclosed (2013 Video)
Dependable horror film
27 October 2022
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Best movie I've seen so far based on a true story, definitely a lot of white moments in a hostage situation movies that I laugh at, but it's really thrill worthy. I definitely think it's worth the watch I was on edge the whole time. The works done amazing actresses and actors were a great part to this story. The movie does start off pretty slow but eventually breaks out into a horror hostage situation that made it more interesting. It was a slow developing semi break in movie. It is weird to me however that the son came back and saw a new family inside and decided they shouldn't live their anymore and it is in fact his house. Obviously we all know it isn't. I don't know why he went to great lengths to get "his home" back when it never belonged to him in the first place. Even his own mother kicked him out several times and didn't write him in the will or give the house to him. I can understand the man is sick but all this for a house of his own was kind of a long shot. There were plenty of scenes where I wish they tied together. Like most of the family didn't second guess that this "mad man" was dangerous and that they should do something about it before hand before anything got worse. Lot of things in this film didn't make too much sense. However the fact it's based off of a true story makes it even more gut-retching.
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Didn't mind this film at all.
27 October 2022
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Genuinely gut wrenching and terrifying, based on a true story that happened to this man, the footage felt like I was the one opening it and being there with him, the dark web is a terrifying place and he knew the outcomes before hand even so this shows what not to do and what not to mess with, very real scenes that scared me with him. A lot of people could disagree on this documentary but I found it personally entertaining and enjoyable to say the least. The acting done by him was fantastic I thoroughly enjoined this. The experiences people endure with the paranormal doesn't have to be realistic to others but sometimes it can be just as terrifying. Even the slightest creek or footstep feels like you are experiencing the same thing they are.
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The Retreat (I) (2020)
Wasn't all bad, but the storyline wasn't so solid.
27 October 2022
Honestly all of the men in this movie were very attractive, about the film it took a while to actually get interesting or entertaining. The storyline was pretty good but the movie was all over the place which I didn't really understand it, would be an OK movie to watch with your friends on a Saturday night. The ending made more sense then the rest of the film. The scares were pretty good and well thawed out, they really twisted around the version of the Wendigos which didn't make sense either. I wish they stuck to something more consistent and realistic in a sense. This film was too messy and all over the place in my book. The characters were hard to read or even likeable but their acting was better than expected.
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Hypothermia (2010)
I wish they did more with this film
27 October 2022
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Very good strong story line, Not that bad of acting I only really watched it for Micheal Rooker, the fish could have been way better made to be scary, there was lots of blood and gore which I loved, a couple good jumps scares, it's a good movie to watch on a rainy day. I felt so bad for Micheal Rooker in this film because he has done some amazing work. This film in itself wasn't amazing like I thought it was going to be. The deadly fish thing that they have wasn't anywhere near realistic like I suspected. The visuals were absolutely gorgeous. Everyone else's acting however couldn't compare to Micheal's. I wish they did more with this movie, get into depths about the characters and give us a better backstory and such, but no such luck. I probably wouldn't watch this movie again.
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Grimcutty (2022)
Movie is actually worth watching
27 October 2022
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I personally love the actors and actresses for this film! It honestly looked really stupid to me at first but by the first minute I was intrigued into this film. The whole asmr thing throws me through a loop though. I personally can't stand listening to it but that isn't what the whole movie is about. Just a part of it. The whole storyline is very intriguing even if it's been done before. Online challenges are never taken seriously, obviously this is all cgi but it was very well done. I loved the actual story behind this movie that made it worth watching. The internet can be a very scary and realistic experience that no one usually talks about. The characters had depth and hidden values that most parents now a days wouldn't even pay attention too. My focus was driven by the minute this film started. I thought it would be another film like Slenderman but the way they created a whole different outcome of this creature and it's background made it much more believable in a sense.
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Fragile (2005)
A really well done film.
27 October 2022
The acting was phenomenal from the little girl, the mechanical girl honeslty could have been more realistic, had some pretty good scares, storyline made me cry, ending was very well written, loved that the workers took the girls scares into consideration and not acted dumb. This is the first film I've seen in a while that has amazing visuals and characters that are very well written into the script. We had backstory and backgrounds that made sense and made the storyline even more emotional and compelling. This film had its twists and turns that brought on a little suspense and surprise in a great twist till the end.
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Beneath (I) (2013)
Terrible effort
27 October 2022
Amateur acting, again every horror movie the worst character is the one to live at the end sort of. I loved the ending bad ass grandpa all in all, I absolutely hated Simon. The fish was hilarious, the way they make the animation was very funny, the grandpa gave it a really good ending besides that the movie was awful I'd watch it again only for the ending. The film mainly has the requests that you'd seen in a typical highschool film. 6 teens a blonde, and jock, a nerd, a stock character. It was very cliche I just wish they took it more serious and put it with more hidden depths and actual scares.
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Interlaced (2018)
Wish this movie was better portrayed
27 October 2022
The storyline was non existent, the acting wasn't all bad for a little kid, the movie sucked it was all over the place it was kind of filmed like for a drama class from grade 8 students, jump scares were there but not scary, too much happening that didn't make sense at all. I wish they portrayed this film better. It has so much potential and depth to this film. Unfortunately it looks so cliche and poorly thought out. I don't know what the directors were thinking about this film but it could have been so much better. The boys acting was the only thing keeping this movie up to par. The scenery was beautiful for the film but that was probably it that made it pass the time.
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I liked this movie! It had great potential but not perfect.
27 October 2022
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Acting is impeccable, loved all the plot twists, definitely average gruesome deaths, good storyline! Mainly predictable like most horror movies but it took me by surprise with the deaths, the hunt made it even more entertaining and the killers were very unpredictable! This movie kept me on my toes through out most of this film. It definitely could have been better. I have seen plenty of films like this before, I do wish this movie wasn't as predictable as it was. The payoff for the rest of the film didn't seem to indulging but the film it's self is worth it to me. It is very interesting and fun to watch! The plot twists and surprises were well payed off by the end of the film.
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A good watch
27 October 2022
Personally I loved the story line, really good actors and actresses, had a funny ending and some good visuals, definitely would have been better maybe some more content too or more scares. It had effort with the story, effects, acting and it was pretty convincing! This is a movie you can watch with friends on a Friday night. I keep rewatching it and noticing a few differences of opinion on how it can be better. The horror is pretty subtle in the film, it's not too out there, but it is enough to keep it to suspense. They built the mood for this story pretty quickly and we're able to keep it going throughout the film which was a bonus.
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All over the place
27 October 2022
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Knew everyone was gonna die like I said they only keep the main character alive no good plot twist dumb actors and actresses. This film didn't capture anything worth watching. They tired to force so many comedic timing and lines that this movie was even worse to watch. I love a good scare and anything with the paranormal. This unfortunately was plain awful. The characters weren't even remotely relatable nor funny to even watch. The idea of this movie however was done so many times before, if these directors want to keep reusing ideas and material they need to amp it up a little, not by completely smothering this entire film.
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Not worth watching
27 October 2022
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Storyline is all over the place starts off with a paranormal twist then ends with a girl being raped and killed and how are some characters connected like it's so confusing, acting was ok could have been better, and it was too drawn out. This review was written a while ago so I know now that this film is not worth remembering or watching. This film doesn't have any sense of meaning or a great storyline in that matter. The beginning of the movie wasn't all that bad, I liked what they tried to pull off, unfortunately afterwards it went downhill from there. They really did a number on this film since it had to end so differently than it started. I wouldn't recommend this film at all.
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Frozen (I) (2010)
Great idea and amazingly precise!
27 October 2022
One of the best survival movies I have seen in a long time I felt everything that they felt the only thing that wasn't realistic was the wolves but besides that it was so suspenseful I feel like I was in the movie with them. Very well directed, amazing storyline, and really phenomenal actors! This movie had an amazing detail, and very realistic features that are very likeable in this film! Getting stuck on the ski lift most likely wouldn't happen since workers would be able to tell that someone is still there. Either or the suspense was very intense and it creates that atmosphere that you are stuck in the moment with them. The scene with the wolfs too was very intense. I couldn't imagine what I'd do in this situation. They brought this experience to life!
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Bratz Rock Angelz (2005 Video Game)
Definitely my favourite film
17 December 2021
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This film is how it all started with the Bratz coming up with an idea to start their own team magazine. When they come up with the name of their magazine I loved that they used what they twevilles call them "Bratz" well played. I liked the storyline with "Your thing" (Burdine, Kirsten, and Kaycee) being the villains in this film. A personal best idea. After Jade being fired she remembered what she kept from working for Burdine and they fly off to London to pursue their magazine. There they met the infamous Byron Powell, judge from America Rocks. They give us relationships and love and friendships. I personally liked the storyline they gave to Chloe with Nigel teaching us that not all Dukes are good boys and she had one right in front of her (Cameron) them coming together and being able to grab that interview and make a rock band out of it seemed obviously rushed but it's the Bratz what can you expect. When they were in London I also like how they show us the downside of our consequences when Yasmin never wanted to tell the truth that she lost the tickets (even though they were stolen) and she ends up telling time everything, just goes to show this film gives us a lot about honesty and loyalty. The exclusive opening of Pinz the new punk our club was a perfect touch of choice to this film which tied the overall feel of the movie all together. The acting and visuals are prefect. I also loved the cinematography and atmosphere of this film it gave us lots of attention. The soundtrack to this film is absolutely brilliant and have it on repeat at home. The twevilles even giving up their side of "your thing" was a great twist in the end as well showing that they don't have to follow everything Burdine says. I loved the shot with how they redid the office in the building (even though it's not realistic) I still loved it! Definitely a well done film and can watch it over and over again!
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Bratz Fashion Pixiez (2007 Video)
Personally loved this film
17 December 2021
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Definitely one of my favourites in the Bratz franchise. The relationships between Cymbeline and Brianna with their mother and father were very sweet to watch them grow and bond as a family. I loved how the Bratz are always knowing of a "bad feeling" and like to help their friends in need. Sometimes it may not be needed but they always know what's right. I loved the villain in this film Lena was a great choice for this movie. Dylan never fails to impress in these films, his comedic timing is impeccable! I can understand Cymbelines frustration as the oldest thinking her mother abandoned them and she wants to be the rebellious child, any sibling who is the oldest in the family can definitely relate to her. Other then some technical flaws in this film it was perfectly executed. I did feel bad for the father when her daughter never showed and when she did it was to get wings before she was 18 to disobey her father right in front of her. Also when the bratz didn't show either but it was to save their friends. I felt bad when Yasmin and Chloe were turned into pixies and they had to break the spell. Of course everything worked out and I loved the ending of this film.
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Great film for any age
17 December 2021
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I personally love this film. I have watched Bratz for years and I never thought this film would be as good as it was! My favourite is Bratz Rock Angels. I love the style and atmosphere this film is set in perfect time. Technically some flaws in this film obviously but that doesn't mean this film wasn't amazing! I loved Burdenes line of "well he tried to kill me with French fries" she is one of the best characters! Personally Mandy is the worst character I saw someone saying she didn't deserve what she got well excuse you but karma will come back to bite you. This film was flawlessly executed by the characters and I loved Sheridan who was able to come out on top and make her dreams come true. The soundtracks are always killer in the Bratz franchise and they keep getting better. Well done film! And Byron never fails to impress. Another thing, even though the Bratz were upset with his "pranks" I can understand there anger and frustration with him because they weren't told of his plans, sure it was a reality show but it all worked out in the end.
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Pretty predictable but overall nicely finished
28 October 2021
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This film is a typical drama teen horror flick I've seen over and over again. But who they chose for the actresses/actors I kinda dig it. This storyline has been done multiple times through out most horror films, but the suspense kept me on my toes not knowing who or what was going to happen next.

The scares kept me intrigued and the countdown really made me wonder how they were going to die or who was dying next.

I personally really liked this twist on a newer version of the same story but I'd definitely watch it.
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Cool twist in the atmosphere
28 October 2021
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I loved this movie at times but some of this film was very unpredictable and kind of unsettling in ways that I loved. This Canadian northern setting was a perfect atmosphere for this film. One of the best scenery and visuals for a horror movie I'd say.

It had some comedic lines which tied it together, overall this film was heavily confusing and others the unsettling ness was more so a random ass deer in the woods that spoke in a really deep voice and told them what was going on and what was about to happen something really weird but I loved it in another sense.

The ending was not the best in my opinion it could have been 10x better and could have put a lot more thought into it.

It took a while for the storyline to also get to the point and to keep in interesting bit eventually it gets better.
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More so waste then many
28 October 2021
This movie was all over the place, the storyline did not make any sense to me or to others I've watched this film with.

The comedic timing in the film was alright and well put together but that's about all this film had to bring.

It was overall very confusing and it was heavily drawn out to not a good end. Every actor/actress was way too dramatic and very over the top I would not recommend watching this film.
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Perfect view of motherhood with a troubled teen
27 October 2021
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I necessarily wouldn't call the teen so troubled but more so psychotic, this film is pretty well put together I was kinda iffy with the camera work I didn't mind it, but getting to see the teenager develop into something more psychotic and a complete sociopath really put this film into a touch of reality.

This film is pretty chill worthy and seeing an actual person change into something totally different near the end of the film was chill worthy. The scares in this movie was so realistic it was very terrifying. The film "M. O. M" had a very ideal feel overall and will probably want to change your mind on childcare. It portrayed reality very well and the acting was really well done.
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Overall chilling
27 October 2021
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The storyline was pretty well done and exquisitely written, the plot twists were well unknown until the end of the film which they added really well into the storyline. The acting on the other hand was more poorly executed but the characters tied in the movie together.

Overall the movie is not a bad film, I would suggest only the watch it if you can stomach it, the idea of this film is in the title "the child remains", so basically you have the feeling of cannibalism.
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Cabin 28 (2017)
Worst film of the year
23 October 2021
Now this is based off of a true story might I add, the Keddie murders you can look it up and read more about it, now the film here did not portray the actual events of the tragedy or try to make it seem even remotely realistic.

The acting was the worst I have seen in a film in a very long time, the shadows and the cinematography was awfully put out for this movie, basically nothing you would actually expect for a film being based off of a true case.
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21 Days (I) (2014)
Haunted house jumble
23 October 2021
The acting done by the main two characters were definitely off putting to me they did not do this film Justice, I personally did not like this film at all, the storyline was all over the place and did not make any sense to me, they kept trying to protrude the scenes and trying for a better outcome but it did not succeed in the end for me.

This film did not look even remotely realistic in any sense, nothing intense happened this entire film it just kept getting worse and worse, the ending wasn't all too bad of an outcome but it doesn't get interesting until the very end which no one likes about a film. Their chemistry they had was about the only thing that kept this film a float.
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Dead Sound (2018)
Sucky Comedy
23 October 2021
Now this film began with pretty good horror scenes and good visuals, but as this movie progresses, it does get pretty predictable and boring and drags on for the rest of the film, some of the death scenes are pretty sad, I definitely teared up a bit at some of the characters deaths, but even still there is definitely some comedy that kind of ties into the film but pretty irritating and irrelevant at most parts but kind of a sly comedic timing in my opinion.

They casted pretty decently in this film with hotter actors and actresses and that may not mean much but sometimes it does. The acting wasn't all too terrible I've definitely seen worse. The vibe for the whole movie was a really weird feeling and felt pretty off putting to me. All in all if you don't know what to watch this could be a film you possibly could enjoy.
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Quick Scare
23 October 2021
This film is perfect for a quick change of a little scare, I believe this film has a pretty good story line, and they chose pretty good characters with them being well portrayed by decent actors and actresses, this film is quite on the comedy side of things in my opinion, but the ending of the film did not fill up my expectations.

This film had a bad ending and I mean that in a good way, it surprisingly didn't leave you with that fantasy of seeing most films with a happy ending like the girl gets the guy or the main character lives. But this ending completely changed the twist on this horror movie ending.
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