
40 Reviews
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Archive 81 (2022)
Something some what original for once
6 February 2022
The series was somewhat original and its promise but it did leave some things lacking and that mainly is loose ends from the story

The show is fairly entertaining and fairly original the originality really helped Propel the show forward and I wish Netflix would do things like this more often and not only that to have a solid concrete ending that was definitive where we knew what happened to the main characters was nice as opposed to an open-end an open to interpretation ending

I will say the fake God and fake religion was very cringe-worthy there's so much evil things in the world that they could have pulled from last thing they needed to do was make something up entirely.
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A little nonsensical
6 February 2022
At first it all makes sense as it goes over what sounds like a single mother looking to get back into a relationship and how she could have been manipulated and then it devolves into what it happened in the past and how people were let on by these dumb stories and Lies by one guy and how he had had a group of people on the run for nine years it at that point became kind of comical because at no point none of these people challenged him they accepted the stories and the lies so you have to question their intelligence to begin with.
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Silent Night (I) (2021)
Tone deaf
12 December 2021
Like all modern movies, actors who are woefully out of touch with the common person, try to push a message of going green and being progressive yet instead of using clever dialogue and good acting, they bludgeon you to death with their message.

These actors and producers live life's of luxury that consume and burn more resources than the average american could ever hope too. They are some of the most hypocritical people on the planet pushing a message that they need to practice more than they preach.
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Hold the Dark (2018)
Excellent action sequences, story was opened ended
11 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The movie has a good story, opened ended and allegorical at best which can leave certain plot points in the air or open to interpretation.

The action sequences are by far the best ive seen in a while, down to weapons usage to the persons reaction to the carnage. Its visceral. The rape scene in particular was very brutal in that the knifing manuevers were spot on professional then the m60 ambush perfectly shows automatic vs semi automatic firearms so when liberals cry about rednecks owning machine guns, show them this movie and the reality of those firearms.

Then the finale where Vernon uses the bow is equally as brutal. As a guy who loves war movies and action movies, this flick packs a whole hell of a lot of action.
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The Joe Rogan Experience (2009 Podcast Series)
What got me into podcasts
8 August 2021
Great episodes that show how a podcast can outdo TV presented information in every way shape or form great content and great guest and topics ranging from poop jokes to top scientist with new information. Pretty much something for everyone!
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I Care a Lot (2020)
Weak sauce
20 March 2021
Really dumb. Movie literally gave me a headache and it's rare to want a main character to be killed in the first five minutes. Lion or lioness? More like a khunt
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Rango (2011)
Secrets of the universe
13 March 2021
For pretext I will inform all of you know that I had eaten an organic substance which altered my perception of the movie but the movie itself is a perfect allegory for life as it's every movie we've ever seen before everyone is so predictable but it's all done so well
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A good vanilla view of a very real problem
7 February 2021
On a strictly movie basis it was a great drama, well acted, well directed and the story was great. So on a movie front it checks the boxes.

As far as the problems associated with the almost shocking third world poverty of the Appalachia region the movie could've shown a little more. There are people in the Appalachia mountain range that unfortunately live a life of such poverty it is humbling. Even people who live with inner city poverty have access to some form of medical care, education, and even more basics of running water and electricity. The "hill" people are so downtrodden that those basic amenities are so foreign to them it is truly eye opening to the levels of poverty right within americas most beautiful mountains. Coupled with mental illness, constant instability, lack of education, lack of employment or other opportunities and with drug addiction in the mix it truly creates a sad situation for those involved and this movie could've done a little more to represent those effected. And 98% of those effected are white, where no privilege due to skin color, exists.
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Valentine's Day (I) (2010)
11 years later and it's still trash
4 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie promotes the worst stereotypes about women, relationships, and teenagers. All the men are simps, not one stand up guy in the entire movie. All the women are devoid of depth or any character arcs that are meaningful. If the teenage boyfriend banged his girlfriends mom at least that would've been funny.

Watched this on tv and now I want my cable bill refunded.
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The Waterboy (1998)
27 January 2021
Water suck It really really suck


Water sucks It really really sucks

Seriously funny movie
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White Chicks (2004)
Back when movies where funny
26 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's crude, sexist, racist, and homophobic. In other words it's insanely hilarious! For those who like to cry about humor being offensive, it's supposed to be! This movie deserves more than 5.6 rating... maybe crybabies shouldn't expect every movie to be citizen Kane.
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Everybody Loves Raymond (1996–2005)
26 January 2021
A show that sums up the baby boomer generation, dysfunctionally hilarious. The show has been a long time favorite of mine even though by the time I reached adulthood it was syndicated on most networks. It's a fun show that shows how funny a dysfunctional family can be and how sadly relatable it is, again by-product of boomers. (Although the dysfunction shown is mild at best)

But the actors make this show so real feeling, it's like some one dropped a camera into a families living room, they really make the show shine, especially the old guy who plays frank
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Jeopardy! (1984– )
The best show on prime time TV
12 January 2021
I don't know what to say other than this show and Alex trebek have done more for our nation than anyone could've ever expected.

We love you Alex, ken did good for his first night of many.
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6 January 2021
Not bad. Not good either. Just fun. Don't think to hard no it's not citizen Kane so don't listen to these brainless reviewers who are acting like every movie needs to be the same level of quality when in reality this movie was made to just entertain. It's not meant to be some magnum opus for the director to showcase their skill so again stop over analyzing this movie and just enjoy it.
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MeatEater (2012– )
I have learned so much.
4 January 2021
As a new and frowning hunter this show has been downright educational in the sense that Steven rinella is going the distance and doing it right by following ALL state and local laws everywhere he hunts.

The value of conservation is presented in the most educational manner and informs the average American of how very special and significant hunters are to conservation and wildlife protection.

Furthermore whenever an animal is hunted it is always cared for properly and never, I will say again NEVER, disrespected. Most of the animal is used and waste is kept to a minimum.

The show is top notch and I'm addicted to it. If you have an interest or are a hunter this show is up your alley. Plus you can also learn how to prepare fancy dishes.

It is sad to see low star reviews from individuals that just attack the show and it's viewers based off an ancient ritual. The hunt. The true cruelty is when animals are forced to live in factory farms and are inhumanly treated, often succumbing to a slow demise. Yes to hunt you must kill but all shots taken by these hunters are ethical to ensure minimal suffering.

Thank you to the team at meateater for such an inspirational and educational show.
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9 December 2020
Kurt Russell portraying Santa is utterly hilarious, his chaotic and manic screen presence makes a believable Santa and the movie is pure fun and joy. Simple premise semi simple characters and fun. It's a family movie so no it's not citizen Kane levels of writing so don't expect it. Just have fun
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Klaus (2019)
The best Christmas movie I have ever seen hands down
5 December 2020
I'm a grown man, work in construction, shoot guns and eat meat. This movie reduced me to tears...

It truly encapsulates the human side of the Christmas season and how important it is to be selfless and kind. Not only being entertaining but the movie provided a nice back story for all of our Christmas traditions like leaving milk and cookies for Santa or a lump of coal for bad kids and even subtle things like how the good kids brought the teacher a fresh apple.

Granted the movie left out the religious side of Christmas and the story of the baby Jesus in the manger, it wasn't hampered by the omission. For some that may be a deal breaker but it also makes for a heartwarming yet family neutral movie.

I truly could not recommend a better Christmas movie and can see this becoming an instant classic.

Flat out well done.
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Too much of a chick flick
22 November 2020
The first movie was for sure geared for a female audience no doubt and this one doubles down on that. The movie can be entertaining but...

My problem lies with how these over the top mothers are allowed to carry on and no one says anything! Granted the idea is that the movie is set up towards the mothers and daughters to ironing out their problems, but any normal person would've called out these old women for the way they act. A hint of realism could help...

A side note that has nothing to do with the quality of the movie but one has to wonder what would happen if the gender roles were reversed...
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Waking Life (2001)
Fun movie but preachy
19 November 2020
The movie is fun on a casual viewing and on a more intensive viewing the film does contain numerous outlooks on life and the human experience which is cool and mind blowing if your first viewing is when your are young this movie is great but a mature viewer will see these messages as pretentious because many of the views stated are an over-analyzing of life that take away from any meaningful experience with the notion that it could all be a dream, which it all may be but, that takes away enjoying the moment.

So in a nutshell great if your a 16 year old stoner Weak and pretentious for a real world adult.
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The Wire (2002–2008)
20 September 2020
My family has been east coast from upstate New York to central Virginia and yes Baltimore. The east coast person is a hard individual not broken easily and this show displays in full color how strong and smart these individuals are.

The wire is probably one of the most addicting crime shows out there with the nitty-gritty of both ends of the spectrum of crime. The show isn't afraid to show Baltimore for the hard squabble life that it's citizens live through or how black communities prey on themselves and how police only want to propagate their own agendas whether it be crooked or actually to help a community.

I refuse to spoil the story other than no one is safe. Go watch it
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The Family (I) (2013)
Not sure what this is..
19 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The movie isn't quite a crime thriller and not quite a comedy although aspects from both genres are present. The movie came out about 7 years ago but does a good job of hiding most technology in the film so you can't pinpoint the year the movie is taking place in to get an idea of how powerful the italian mafia would be.

I will say I liked the subplot from the perspective of the mob hitmen hunting the family and how in the final act the whole clean up crew is pictured getting off at a train station on the town where the family is location and Clint Eastwood by the gorillaz starts playing upon their exit from the train, excellent scene.

The ending is very different from the rest of the film in that any comedy is used sparingly and drama is the main tool of the film, and it does a good job of keeping you on the edge of your seat as the family and hitmen clash.

It's not goodfellas so don't expect it to be.
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Basic sitcom
16 July 2020
Watched the pilot and second episode last night and although it's nice to just have some light viewing with subject matter we can all understand... I just don't see the need for a laugh track we don't need prompts when something is funny, it is either funny or it's not.

Other than that the show is pretty much light viewing for a working class audience and I'm glad to see tv cater to that audience again but not at the cost of a laugh track.
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Raising Cain (1992)
Unintentional comedy gold
13 July 2020
This movie is balls to the wall insane just 5 minutes into the runtime and it stays consistently crazy. I'm sure by the 1990's standards this movie was amazing and thrilling but with advances in the fields of mental health and wellness much more is understood about multiple personality disorder so this movies comes off as an unintended joke when viewing now a days.

I don't want to spoil the plot I really feel like this movie is great if you don't think about it and just sit back and enjoy the ride
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You killed it Gilbert
18 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I re-watched recently with my wife who is a champion for individuals with disabilities and has never seen this movie so we watched it together.

I myself am always blown away by the acting for large Hollywood stars to depict small town life so well, and how suffocating it can be.

Of course Leonardo di caprio steals the screen as Arnie, Gilbert's disabled younger brother whom he has to care for along with paying bills and keeping the house physically intact with repairs.

The boys have 2 sisters one who is your average bratty 15 year old the other is playing the surrogate mother/wife role for the family, why you might ask?

The mother of these children is morbidly obese and depressed after her husbands suicide after Arnie is born.

Watch Gilbert over come all this and find love in the movie that is a pure gem of the 90's
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Otherhood (2019)
Over embellished
10 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand these types of movies, where parents are so overbearing. This is a story about 3 senior women who are all very attractive and could bring any man home they wanted to. meaning they could have fulfilling relationships. So for these characters in these movies to be dependent on their grown adult sons for a relationship is just odd...

This movie isn't conveying any type of meaningful message. it is simply a self service for women Who are insecure in relationships that it's okay to be insecure and ultimately damaging to said relationships instead of fixing yourself is the answer.

I did view this movie in it's entirety and paid full attention so this review is not blind hate. I can see the direction the way this movie intended to go but it's just a little overblown to be realistic...
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