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Pretty interesting
25 January 2008
The movie focused on several people from all walks of life (professional, younger, older, etc.) who have decided to take on the challenge of the marathon. It presents all of their compelling stories and gives us insight into the training (both mental and physical) that goes into preparing for such an arduous run.

Additionally, the movie provides a good amount of detail about the history of the sport, with commentary from writers, historians, athletes, etc., who all think of this as the ultimate human competition.

The movie is well-written, well-scored, and has very, very genuine people who I could relate to. It does a great job in helping the audience live the marathon race through these characters, feeling elated at their successes, diminished when they fail, and anxious when they see the finish line in the distance.

Big thumbs up!
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A movie I will cherish forever...
9 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
For those not familiar, BBM is the story of two cowboys who are hired to work together watching sheep for a rancher. After many lonely nights, the two start up a friendship that later evolves into a romantic relationship. However, after the ranching job is finished, both go their separate ways, and yet, are never out of each others' hearts.

For the next 20+ years, both get married and have children, but are able to go on "fishing trips" to Brokeback Mountain where they emotionally and physically reunite. As each of their families grow farther apart from them, and as they realize that, more than anything, they want to be with one another, the story takes on the air of a classically epic romance.

The movie is absolutely gorgeous, not only in its portrayal of the rugged landscapes, but in its understanding of human relationships. The story understands that these two men, having grown up in the circumstances that they have, can never come out of the closet and must keep any of their natural human desires under wraps. Sometimes, when they don't understand their own feelings, it even manifests itself as violence against the other. The movie, at times, can feel a bit restrained, but then again, isn't that also a reflection of the attitudes of the main characters and their choice to be apart? Whenever Jack and Ennis reunite, the movie explodes with life and happiness, just like the characters do. And it's heart breaking when they have to part again.

As we see these men age, kept apart by conservative social conventions, and all the while, longing only to be with one another, their lives and dreams unrealized forever, we understand how great a tragedy this story is. How many of us could bear to live a life where we can only see the person we love once or twice a year with no hope of permanent reconciliation? Jack even says at one point, "I wish I knew how to quit you." This movie touched me on such a deep level that I cannot get these characters and their lives out of my mind. My heart aches for them. My stomach was in bends as I walked out of the theater. The movie is that powerful. Moreover, the actors all do such an incredible job of making their characters believable and natural. And Heath Ledger's performance should get him an Oscar nomination. When everyone in the world expects gay people to be overly-flamboyant and feminine, here we have the paramount of masculinity (cowboys). Ennis almost has to have the words pulled out of his mouth. After a conversation about his family, he tells Jack that those are the most words he's spoken in a year. He's so blank at times, and yet, if you look at his eyes and the way he keeps his mouth, you'll see the layers of conversation and thought he is having in his own mind and yet culminate in only one or two word sentences when he speaks. Jack is the wide-eyed, hopeful partner, with one foot always in a fantasy world, while Ennis' are deeply planted in reality. As you see these two men wandering in and out of their forced heterosexual relationships, you can't help but wonder what could have been had they followed their hearts. There's always that feeling in the hearts of the characters and in the audience of "if only." This movie shows the consequences of not being true to yourself--how these characters slowly degrade over the years from not being with who they truly love. However, this is one of the most tragic and yet, life-affirming movies of the year. It shows us the sadness of not believing in who and what you are, and yet, the all-encompassing power of love.

In my opinion, this is the best movie of the year, and I hope all of you get a chance to see it. Ang Lee (the director) has done it again. It is a thing of beauty when a movie is this good.
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Still has way too many problems
20 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
There was a ton of hoopla determined to have this version of the Exorcist prequel to be released. It was said to be a lot more psychologically intriguing and genuinely more scary than "Exorcist: The Beginning." Well, here it is, and the answer to whether it is any better is a matter of opinion. The only thing I can make out clearly is that this movie is not very good, at all.

Some critiques: The film has a wonderful concept and story that are very much engrossing and stand out as a positive note in this movie. The film centers around a priest who has to deal with his questioning of Catholicism while mysterious forces surround a newly excavated, ancient church. Like I said, good premise.

However, like in anything, it's not just about the idea, but how the idea is presented. The movie feels overly long in certain segments and too vague in others.

Another major problem is that many of the characters are very quickly (and poorly) drawn. The young priest seems too scared and vulnerable to be in such a hostile environment. The Chief of the British troops undergoes a change of heart that is completely out of character and feels completely out of place with the pace of the film. Also, I hated the treatment given the tribes people in the film--it makes what may be their sacred rituals and condenses them into "spooky" omens of the devil. Along with these script problems, you also get major acting issues. Mainly, the nurse, the young priest, and all of the British cavalry are severely limited in that department--that leaves Father Merrin as the only good source of acting.

Next up is the special effects. Apparently, the movie studio didn't want to spend any money at all on this movie, especially since the previous one was so terribly received. This results in hyenas looking ridiculous, snakes and cows that look like stuff made on a 1995 mac computer, and a devil who pales in comparison to any of the previous "Exorcist" work (including the original's). Basically, the CGI in this movie is worse than a badly conceived, low-funded, early 1990's SciFi network TV movie. It's harsh to write this, but it is SOOOOO true.

And finally, the film suffers the most devastating blow of all: It's not scary. At all. Not in the least. There are a few moments when lighting and situational aspects could have made the movie more tense and taught. But it doesn't explore those aspects, and instead, gives us a movie that tries to be what it inherently isn't. The beauty of the original "Exorcist" was that it gave us a truly creepy theological background paired with scary action on-screen. It was masterful. Unfortunately, this movie focuses too heavily on Father Merrin's problems without giving enough time to the demonic issues and the stomach-turning chills that we sorta expect from this genre. So, just to repeat myself: not scary!

After all this, you might be wondering why I gave this movie five stars and not zero. The short answer (after all this writing) is that the premise is just too good. The movie makes one point that is just heartbreaking--what would a good man do when he is given the worst choices in the world? And what would have happened if he could relive that moment and change his actions?

And while this is truly the heart of this "Exorcist" movie, it would have worked better as a drama rather than something half-parading as a scary movie.
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22 April 2004
Kill Bill Volume 2 is an amazing piece of work.

I loved Kill Bill 1 and if you liked that one solely for the action sequences, then this movie is not for you.

However, if the things you loved about KBI was the dialogue, the beauty, the story, and QT's style, well--this movie is perfect! It demonstrates how in-charge QT is over the movie-medium, how well he can handle all the little genre-trademarks of kung-fu and spaghetti-western movies, and just how deliriously beautiful he can be when he is the master of the universe (at least the "Kill Bill" universe).

This movie more than shows the beauty of film when directors have full control.

I loved it!

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