
102 Reviews
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The death of a once great program
11 December 2021
The enjoyment of live episodes is a strange one, whilst if done well it's unnoticeable that it's even live for shows with actors without ability it can be a minefield. Mrs brown often showed mistakes or scripted them and they worked brilliantly, but a once enjoyable and quite fresh show has devolved into a farce. The unedited mistakes, then using an established character as a husband to just look confusing to the errors and poor acting it was just a mess, I used to howl laughing, fighting those who hated the show but this was it for me, after a bit of a rebirth to former glory this for me killed any interest in seeing it again.

Characters were stale, having non actors can be charming but having those be so awful on tv is just ridiculous especially by the company who charge us a tv license. Characters often change actors and that's normally down to issues behind the scenes, the barmaid was different but I guess that could be covid reasons. Either way this was god awful.

There's nothing new to save this, the joke about viewers declining I felt came from a bitterness to know it's on borrowed time.
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Eternals (2021)
Screw you Jon Snow
8 November 2021
Creating a film for Jon snow to love a character called Cersei and play second fiddle to his younger brother was about the most amusing part of this film, oh no except for one directions accent. Marvel have become a people pleasing soulless mess. 3 films on the spin to either be awful or boring. There's nothing fresh here, some ideas that seem like theft... the deaf flash?

Average film with poor casting, played out effects, bland characters, slow meandering story.
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Stath Lets Flats (2018– )
It's really not good
2 November 2021
It's repetitive, same humour " oh I say words in wrong order" "oh I said words in wrong way to make it funny"... it's just kinda boring, the humour just falls flat, there aren't people like this in real jobs, they need to reel it in a bit and it could be fun, the girls especially are garbage, Natasha is good in wwdits so she can act.

Don't get why so much bad tv exists now. I hate giving stuff 1/10 but there's nothing here, no story, humour or script. Just morons trying to please the morons who watch it, it's made for Impressions and clipping so stupid social media generation can concentrate with their minute long attention span.
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Untouchable (I) (2019)
Horrible human being but glamorising abuse felt cheap
22 September 2021
Just watched this documentary and wasn't a fan, I don't even see equality as a thing, I'm pro people, colour creed or gender we are one, it's sad that women have had to go through these things, anyone goes through anything against their will is devastating, as a victim of armed robbery I know how traumatic things can be let alone things so personal and invasive.

However I watch this and I've never been convinced the message or original equality message of me too was kept to, it became more about tipping the scales towards women whilst continually hating and shaming men inthings like media,music and film. There's been a lot of good done but also a lot of hypocrisy and selfish behaviour that has caused new rifts and issues. It's so simple to treat people nicely irregardless of these things yet in 2021 people still don't get how to be good true kind people on the whole.

This documentary is a bit bad to be honest, the glamourising and filming for overlong times whilst circling victims of abuse to pretty backdrops of cities etc it just feels cheap and forgetting the information is important it shouldn't be about entertainment.

The women.. it's tough, you want to believe them all but the dialogue and nature of recollections is just a bit questionable with some, he deserved to go to jail but guess there's a reason not all charges stuck, because some of this is either not true or embellished. If I listened to how they talk and mannerisms etc I'd question so much of the validity, the choices they make, the obvious conversation they had internally, it should never happen and is horrific but you do think many of them openly admit they could've avoided the situations but risked it anyway for gain, I 100% know it shouldn't even be a potential outcome but surely rational adults are going to see the choices and then question them? I hate thinking like that but it's just infuriating hearing a couple of them, infuriating like in a horror movie you shout get out.

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Black Widow (2021)
Do not understand the hate
14 September 2021
It worries me that I've been naive about the problem in equality as the old reason people could hate this movie is female leads, I just don't get it, I recently saw the new 10 rings film and thought that was the worst marvel film I've seen, not production, more just story and character wise, I found it cliched and sadly felt if you weren't blown away by the concept of the rings then your not going to love the movie, when I say my least favourite I mean 3-4/10 not unwatchable but not for me, then all the reviews said it made up for this film, I don't get it.

Th effects were great, story was fun, the family were well cast and Florence Pugh was outstanding, I like sj and thought she was easily the most likeable I've seen her in marvel. Thought everything was perfect for an action movie. Thoroughly enjoyed it. I mean I don't read comics plus the lawsuit I think might cause other people to hate on this I guess but as a movie, just taking that into account with no outside issues then I don't get how this is any less than an 8.3. It proved yet again females can be seemless badass leads and can have great chemistry without desperately needing love angles, also this idea that women can't beat men up is silly, strength wise I get but if your a trained fighter, like top top level unless the guy is that level he's getting beat, don't get the problem with that, I'm also content with blokes being the bad guys but not for being men but just the casting, I'm cool with that, it's when it becomes man hating I reject it.
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People Just Do Nothing (2014–2018)
A bit overrated but decent
27 August 2021
I enjoyed the show first time around 9/10 for sure so thought I'd come back and rewatch before the questionable movie is watched to catch up, it was mostly how I remember it but I found after a few series that I was really tired of grinda and chabuddy, just felt rewatching shows is a big thing for comedies but rewatching this just irritates me. Grinda especially I just found to be so ridiculously obnoxious and nasty that I hadn't picked up on that and equally CG was just forcing humour it didn't feel organic this time round, I enjoyed beats family dynamics and Steves is just awesome but I also couldn't understand why decoy is even there or who the other rando was added in S3, but decoy visibly didn't like them wasn't getting paid so it made no sense.

Dunno second time round it was decent just not as organically funny as I remember.
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Invincible (2021– )
Do yourself a favour go watch Harley quinn
27 August 2021
I'd be looking forward to this for ages, I love this style of animation and humour, Harley Quinn for me was so much fun, I expected a little less language that that show though. Found myself 4 episodes in, I just didn't get it, I didn't like any of the super heroes just thought it felt lazy, I think I missed the point why they were rip offs of other heroes but to me it wasn't funny, the script was atrocious and it was way too slow, pacing is key especially with humour but unimportant moments were dragging. I think it maybe helps if your somewhat familiar with the comic but it should be. It turned from must see to background tv quickly.
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Miracle Workers (2019–2023)
I don't get it
16 August 2021
I don't get why they left the being in heaven angle, it's like they pitched a cool show, got a deal and now pumped two series of trash since, just not fun or exciting or a time period that anyone wants to see, you could've easily got 3 seasons out of heaven before these awful series. Dumb decision making, guess maybe because of the good place you wanted to change location.
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Worst tv show of all time
14 June 2021
Soccer am Is bad enough now with the over bearing Bullard, but atleast it's semi watchable. This is garbage and beyond unprofessional, crouch is an awful host, mumbles, speaks awfully and is out of breath moving and talking, not to mention inappropriate comments that have already caused friction embarrassing a co host.

In case you didn't know maya has boobs, she needs to make everyone know. She has no football knowledge, joins in and says the wrong thing, has no chemistry with anyone and although I usually like her, she is awful on this, why not give a women's player a role. Strange

I like taskmaster but hate the Horne section, Alex is awful on this, the jokes don't land, mannerisms are off, terrible music, it's just really bad.

It's an uncomfortable awkward watch with strange replays, trying to act like crouch is super popular, he definitely wasn't. Just an absolute train wreck. There's not been anything good to say about this, to have 3 likeable hosts and make them just awful to watch is an achievement of sorts.

0/10 don't watch. It's worse than watching England and hearing the bias and celebrating mediocrity whilst trying to act like a multi hundred million pound squad on millions a week are somehow underdogs... ok.
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Sally4Ever (2018)
Worst thing in 2020
3 June 2021
Honestly I say with no lie if a man made this there'd be outrage similar to little Britain etc, it's beyond hypocritical this show was ever made, I actually loved nighty night, but with shock humour if you just do the same rehashed show it's beyond awful. From referring to an Asian guy as the little brown man with bad breath, to sitting in poo in a bed with sick everywhere this just isn't funny, I have a dark dry sense of humour but this just wasn't funny, awfully unlike able characters especially the charisma vacuum sally. She was in peep show and she's awful, ignoring looks she's just literally awful to watch, dry, poor acting. The everyone fancying her stuff was rubbish. Only ok character was Nigel.

This show mocks racism, mental and physical health issues and is not even toilet humour, more sewerage.
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Snackmasters (2019– )
Great show great concept ruined by fred
14 May 2021
Greer show, concept and really interesting but ruined by the awful Jayde and Fred who is only tolerable in small doses. His quest to make fake tension like these successful chefs value a trophy is ludicrous, get a better host and fact finder and this would be good tv.
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Tv is dying. If you fling enough something might stick.
14 May 2021
Tv has gone down hill. Too many panel shows, mock the week now is more challenging to find one laugh that isn't Hugh or dara, it's poor boring tv, whether it's cus it's pg or just too structured for real humour that may offend comedy is dying. If Jon is the 3rd most popular comedian then the uk should be ashamed. This isn't entertainment it's one boring guy with no charisma with a girl acting stupid and ditzy and what's worse is it's scripted. Boring cameos, repetitive dialogue and thoroughly unlikeable and untalented people stealing a living. Considering they did two intros and could only find one boring clip of proves you are not a comedian. I believe in equality but believe the best person for the job is the right one, stop shoe horning and people pleasing as it's ruining tv. Man woman whatever race if you're the best or funniest then awesome. Stop ticking boxes with idiots.
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An old new show
27 April 2021
The negative reviews are silly, everything on tv has been done at some point. There are very few original series so to judge on that is naff. It's fun, innocent humour, the little girl is the absolute star. Like the big show show. The laugh tracks corny, music is fun addition, there's an arrogance to it where it feels unnatural but it's on you to get over it, it's cheesy, predictable but fun content with above average actors who are clearly talented. Really fun watch.
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Wellington Paranormal (2018–2022)
Clever in a simple way
14 April 2021
To say this show is clever is strange but it's clever that it works so well but jokes so simple and obvious that it's just hilarious, Aussie and New Zealand humour for me is just the perfect level for good honest laughs, no two way political messages just good spoof fun.
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Not aged well
14 April 2021
Don't get me wrong as a nineties kid I'd be closer to 9/10 but rewatching it in 2021 with the awareness and the breaking of the 4th wall it just hasn't aged well an£ now I see a completely different show to the family fun show that I remembered liking.

There's only one aunt viv, that's huber, there's no discussion there she was superior in every way and the show suffered from it, we now know that will got her booted for various reasons after watching the awful arrogant cast reunion they did. I no longer like smith, find him and his strange family really irritating,arrogant and just well past it.

All this show was is a vehicle for smith, he's everywhere and without the pathetic audience laughter which sound very similar each episode none of these jokes would land. His awful mannerisms, arrogance and ridwardrobe just show an inflated ego. When every cast member had their moment will had to be there trying to steal the show. The endless hot women, shallow unfinished storylines and smith just make it a tedious affair watching one man try to make love to himself cus there is nothing here of depth.

Cast were fine except the awful Hillary who can't act at all, the rest served as wills ensemble to build jokes or set the scene for him.

He's no doubt talented but the ego stinks, his son seems the same minus talent

A nineties hit that should stay there.
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Peppermint (2018)
Idiotic critics
6 April 2021
Critics are just people like you and me but sadly get paid and their opinions given too much importance, I loved this film, I actually personally think the heart in it makes it more enthralling than taken which will be unpopular, nothing I can fault here, acting was great except the odd cast me ever, but energy, heart, love and passion all on show, I really rooted for her as a hero. Was believable she wasn't super human just tough, built up how she was tougher and learnt few skills. Was great. Definitely recommend, sadly covid has killed few films, shows and dvds so not sure this got a fair crack. Should've been a huge hit.
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The Walking Dead: Diverged (2021)
Season 10, Episode 21
Stop making excuses
6 April 2021
I get restrictions etc but that's no excuse for bad dialogue, pointless stories and filler, there's literally no reason why a really good story couldn't have been told. Absolutely pathetic. This show has gone from excellent to terrible and with the whisperers it had started back to a good place which was amazing to see. I think it's good it's ending, the movie spin offs will suck, the next series should just be it. Movies would've been better when show was better.

I hated Morgan found him a painful watch, saw his other work and think I just don't like his style, delivery or acting. Find him unbearable, boring and frustrating. Same with carol, she had spells of being great but they've done way too many carol heavy story lines and episodes that all go along the lines of her going crazy, pushing others away, having breakdown then Daryl then all's good, are they gunna bang? I don't get their dynamic anymore, the once beautiful friendship just seems a confused mess but please stop carol heavy episodes, she's to one dimensional, the same excuses, same crazy and it's just boring, she just adds nothing anymore, I never loved her even in glory days of the show but I literally cannot stand it when episodes revolve around her acting fine when she's not. Terrible writing.

This and the episode before were abysmal but atleast I could respect the intent in the last one but just failed as it's a character no one cares about, maybe yumiko as the lead may have been better or the deaf girl I forget her name.
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How can you review this objectively
21 March 2021
Well honestly I went in thinking that if anyone would create such an event in the royal family then Meghan would probably be the stereotype, being an actress and American etc. I detest social media and the ignorance to the damage it causes in the world. I watched the interview and believe that to them that was the truth, whether context or opinion may vary if everyone saw every event is irrelevant to them I believe they believe it's true.I see arguments of them being rich and influential and poor the, but there's the main divide whether race, money, any orientation that we are all people all the same and nothing else should matter. So people hating on them for being rich etc when they're poor are just as ignorant as anyone. It's well addressed the institutional racism in history when times were different but today especially it's just reprehensible.

In the uk the response was typically pathetic, doing a show to look impartial but stacking it with royal fanatics and former staff that would never be objective and the only objection coming from the common people who were gogglebox style viewers. The problem is white people clearly don't fully understand how bad racism is where any mention any person of colour of this show was instantly offended, there needs to be a medium or then these wars will keep happening, people have to be understanding, more objective and just better. I hate that race and mental health is used and abused to excuse behaviour or blind people from bad behaviour etc.

I felt sad for Harry but I didn't like Meghan, I didn't feel a warmth or introspective attitude that showed her anything than other as a victim with no wrong doing, most events no matter what you hear, it's rarely ever one totally wrong, there's always blame on both sides in some way.

The royal family is dated and in my view I hate one comment more than us by one pompous guy, that the security issue, that uk tax payers would not want to fund security for an ex royal, not being funny we don't want to fund any of them, their renovations on elaborate properties and various other things. It's ridiculous, he deserves support as he's a target due to how he was born, they should pay, tax payers should not pay for any of them, if they're not self sufficient it should end, simple as that.

This world has no privacy, less respect, worse people, stupider people, more opinionated, ignorant and entitled based on nothing other than social media power. Scrap social media and rebuild future generations with actual social skills, the worlds slowly regressing in quality as technology takes over, people seem worse now than ever and people need to take responsibility and be accountable.

Stop airing stuff and just be better, these conversations need to end eventually and everyone should realise were all the same and the worlds hard enough without people hating for no reason, love as one be as one, end classes, race wars, sexism and just love people, hate for valid reasons or actions is ok. But hate based on ignorant idiotic views needs to die. I hope the royal family release a better statement and actually adapt and change their outdated, fake fuddy duddy ways. They may do a lot of good. But there's to much segregation and silence around important views, if tax funds them clarity is owed.
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Black and Blue (I) (2019)
Hard to watch
19 February 2021
I'll preface this review with saying I'm a white 34yr old who's has a pretty stable life financially. In the UK race is a huge issue right now and although serious I feel the USA have got it even worse, all lives matter, we're all built the same, I watched this and obviously knew bits were dramatised but stuff similar happens, I can't imagine the fear to have life which is hard enough and then have that kinda hate on you for something you can't help. I cannot wrap my head round why anyone can hate for colour. Some of the stories have broken my heart over the last year, I mean even in the world right now in a pandemic people still manage to make it worse. I hope one day everyone lives equal and happy, irregardless of gender, race or anything your born with.

The film was fantastically acted except the skinny guy who shot the cop and the guy who she rode with, I thought they had no presence and poor delivery, the tension, build up was great, although the realisation that this sometimes mirrors reality can bring you out of the moment and into sadness
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Twist (2021)
Introducing raff law.... you shouldn't have bothered
14 February 2021
I don't get why sky make movies, they're free to air for customers so no big money and they have billions of films they can use and release I just don't see a point, they have all been so bad,from final score to Blythe spirit, secret garden and this, the kids and it one was mediocre but watchable but this was poor.

First 2 mins seemed interesting, but there was too much parkour, way too much just felt padded out, Lena was good in the movie but the rest sucked, never got the appeal for Caine, he's not bad but very one dimensional, his Russian rubbish was bordering offensive. Not only can't Rita Ora act she can't run either, that was best bit of movie. The lad in glasses and red haired girl were pretty good but the male lead was possibly the worst actor I've ever seen, he is awful, for his first lead role he should feel humiliated, his delivery, mannerisms and screen presence were worse than David Williams.

Cheap, cheesy, rip off of films from snatch to oceans franchise, obviously had to throw in pointless gay story to, Caine looked too ill to act, there was nothing good, stop making films SKU and just go back to ripping off customers
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Soul (2020)
Not for the usual crowd
14 February 2021
If you want a light hearted laugh this isn't the film for you, in coco I found them embarrassing deeper more grown up themes and I was pretty glad, I didnt read up much about this other than it being the first black lead character, I for one don't mind as long as it's not forced, anyone who does care is just small minded. I have to admit I found it nice for kids to get these kinda life messages of a POC as I think instilling them early that all life is important can stamp down the nasty internet generation of ignorance.

I found the film interesting, it was a bit slow to start, I also didn't particularly enjoy the realms in heaven or the character design up there. The staff especially I just felt seemed off. I liked the concept and depth of the earth badge but no5 about personality being randomly assigned as I felt how can a message sink in to a person who's straight away bad. But the film picks us, has bits of humour and some warm moments. Is it an all time classic... for message yes, for rewatching definitely not, it hasn't got that appeal of a pick me up film, or light headtedness of a moana etc. It's good no doubt but I didn't love it and didn5 particularly love the main guy, not sure why, he isn't bad but for me just needed to be built up more before the journey

Overall a good watch but one I'd not want to buy or see again. The animation was the best I'd seen but the characters were some of the most bland one dimensional characters that I'd seen in a Pixar film, there was no nuance, no follow up on side storylines, no future shot of either characters, I know why this films being rated higher even though it's definitely no better than a 6/7, it's kinda obvious. It's not funny enough for adults and way to deep for kids, I can't think of a target audience outside people who claim to be spiritual.
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Dragon Rider (2020)
I'm a big animation fan but this sucked
14 February 2021
How to train your dragon is epic and also underrated compared to Disney films but this isn't even fit to be in the same league, like Netflix sky struggle with own brand films and whilst Netflix have had a recent gem in over the moon, sky is poor. This film is awful, script is bad, animation is beyond dated, characters were one dimensional and there's no humour, there's literally nothing remotely interesting to say.
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I like Harry Potter films but not Harry potter
10 February 2021
This is an overall rating based on binge watching the six during lockdown, admittedly when it came out first I fell asleep in the cinema to the philosophers stone but my tastes changed so thought I'd try again, thoroughly enjoyed one and two and three was my favourite, 4,7 I thought were really average with 5 6 and 8 being a mixed bag in between, but overall I feel it's a good series but massively overrated film and culture wise.

The bad was worse than the good was great so going beyond 6 overall is tough, I felt after 3 it became a bit to real world based for me, a lot of the charm kind of died and it felt more teen film than classic, I'm amazed it's as popular as it is because let's face it as they grew up the main three must've made the writers so gutted as Emma Watson was the best at an average level but grint and Radcliffe are terrible actors as proven by their poor careers since, Radcliffe especially took emotions out of scenes was an ungrateful entitled selfish child, didn't appreciate his help and was just a charisma vacuum, the last two especially in big moments his mannerisms and delivery were pathetic. The extras and elder actors kept the quality decent though.

I genuinely didn't like potter as a person found him thoroughly up likeable and just got little enjoyment from him, the story on the whole is good, bit long, the ending was fun, would be interesting to see if the kids is something they revisit but even there the three had no presence and delivered a flat ending. How this is such an iconic series blows my mind as not one film for me would even be in top 50 of all time. The swerves were good however most were predictable.

It's worth watching but overall it's overhyped
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Follow Me (2020)
The reviews are hilarious
27 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I love how every review that's bad is saying it's a rip off of saw, hostel, escape room like those were all highly original films that took nothing from other films, bar blood it had not much in common with saw, yeah solve puzzles but the puzzles were safe. Anyway my point is, most movies aren't original anymore, shockingly the ones from 2000 aren't either. So calling a film with some minor cosmetic similarities a rip off just goes to show that you're being kinda dumb, also one review commented the gf nearly died, clearly paid no attention. Others said what if it didn't work, it's a film, what needs to happen surprisingly happens.

The films good, main character grows on you, I actually think it has a message that's missed, I hate social media, I hate the entitled brats on YouTube from Logan Paul to the sidemen, vain vapid, often genuinely stupid, these people have this sense of thinking what they do is important, because cretins follow them, they're mega rich from doing not much yet moan they work hard, real people genuinely think that kinda narcissistic behaviour is crud and that acting like that could genuinely cause them danger as not everyone would think of them as important, it scares me future generations role models will be idiots who play video games whilst making inappropriate jokes. That part I like of the film, having real and SM self.

The effects were good, was too obvious though they weren't dead, too much covering body's or poor view or dim camera, I worked it out quite quick, but if you switch off I actually think it's a great little movie, it's easily better than escape room, that was poor, I loved saw but thought hostel was ok but sequels blew.

Only thing I didn't like was the reveal at the end, obviously any man or woman would react the same going through that, I know he was warned but tbh the friends suck, they've ruined his life to the point he will die in a Russian prison, but that's glossed over by the funny friends, again there just generic, the gf I thought was nice then they had the generic people pleasing friends
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Motherland (I) (2016–2022)
First series is great, Series two is genuinely awful
19 January 2021
I saw the Xmas special and thought it was alright so bought the first two series to watch whilst exercising during the lockdown. I'm unsure how the comments about not being able to breathe etc but it's slowish moving, funny in places hilarious in fewer but more the realism is interesting The first series is great, funny, well written, fairly realistic and enjoyable, the second was garbage, all the bits people enjoyed in series 1 dialled up to eleven to kill realism and make it a chore to get through. If it wasn't for Liz I think I'd have switched off, comedies rely on characters being likeable and whilst liz, Anne and a few others are Julia and Amanda absolutely ruin series two, they're both selfish nasty users that are genuinely not good people, I assume we're supposed to root for the three outcasts but especially after using the guy in the coffee shop, liz, Kevin, vile to her mom, somehow trying to play the victim when she just makes idiotic choices. She's so horrid in series two it's unreal, I went from liking her to hating her after three episodes. Honestly can't state how bad this series is written, I get the premise, but her attitude and treatment of others is inexcusable and just bad, whilst Amanda is played by the god awful actress whose ruined many a rom com I've seen her in, it's unrealistic that no one would call her up on it and take the ridiculousness of her actions, the ignorance, selfishness and acting is just awful to watch.

I'll see out series two, it's genuinely unfunny, for example a dad, obviously with gay undertones working in a child environment and speaking a sentence he verbalises perfectly later to liz but at work uses words to obviously imply he's a kiddie fidler is just idiotic lazy writing.

The humour went from effortlessly natural to ridiculous cheap and embarrassing
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