
94 Reviews
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Vanguard (2020)
It's a Chinese action movie.
28 May 2021
Jackie Chan has made many action movies - some were great, classics from their time - this is not one of those, but it's not horrible either.

If you've ever watch any of Jackie Chan's really old movies and enjoyed those well enough, then this one is no different.

Yes, there's some bad acting and questionable CGI, and of course it's going to toe the party line as it's a Chinese movie.

But if you can get past that and you have nothing else to do, it's an OK movie.
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The Oscars (2021 TV Special)
And the Oscar for most boring show ever goes to...
26 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, so if this were a school project I can hear the teacher commenting it was too dry, not enough variety in presentation, not enough visuals.

All of this it true of The Oscars.

The location looked great, very old Hollywood. I expected to see Humphrey Bogart at every turn.

The initial opening by Regina King was great but it was pretty dry after that.

There were endless speeches and luckily a fast forward button because I was watching it on an hour delay.

There were boring descriptions of nominees - show don't tell people.

I am sure their viewing figures will be at an all time low and remember there was the Hathaway / Franco year and THAT WAS A BETTER SHOW (and it was awful).

Do better Oscars. I watch every year, but not for much longer if this is the best you can do.

You could have recorded musical numbers and other skits to put in between, but instead we got to watch the teachers dry slides and lack lustre performances in general with very few highlights.
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MegaFault (2009 TV Movie)
How did they get so many well-known actors in this turkey?
2 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
OMG, I thought people were exaggerating but this movie is like the Edsall of bad movies. It's so terrible you just cannot believe it is that bad, but it is. Apparently, we live in a world where there is only ONE seismologist and she's neither believable or able to deliver her lines without sounding confused.

The fun part of the movie is you can pause it and predict the next cheesy line and you will probably be 95% correct.

Lasalle tried to be real in this, but even he couldn't save this pile of trash. Hartley was in one of his earlier roles and his acting was fine, not stellar, but ok.

And who knew setting off some explosions could trigger the end of the world kind of scenario in this movie? Yeah you're right, no one knew because it's not possible, and that is why this movie is so ridiculous.

The special effects are made for TV level but even then things were bursting into flame inexplicably.

I mean why was the tanker truck slaloming down that road, side to side as things blew up and the world's slowest earthquake fault trailed after them? It made no sense.

I watched all the way to the end just to see how bad the ending would be - it was laughably bad.

Best part - Justin Hartley pulling the pin to unhitch the tanker.

Worst part - all the nonsense relating to earthquakes.

I have this a one out of ten because in all honesty it really IS that bad: bad script, bad directing, cheesy special effects, terrible acting and apparently no scientific advisor was hired.

It makes The Core look like Citizen Kane!
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Mistletoe Over Manhattan (2011 TV Movie)
One of the worst Christmas movies from Hallmark.
30 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I am usually a Tricia Helfer fan but this particular Christmas story is terrible. Divorce could work as a conflict in a plot, but in this movie the couple is in splits like right up until the "boyfriend" suggests sending the kids to boarding school. Yes, this is the exact plot from many other movies including Three Men and a Little Lady. What I really disliked was the parents were splitting over HIS work issues and yet she had the same issues and none of this got resolved.

She simply finds out boyfriend is a controlling jerk, shocker, and then goes home and it's all lovey dovey for her and hubs again.

I know it's Hallmark, but this was ridiculously simplistic and unbelievable and left a sour taste you really don't want from a Christmas movie.

This is one to avoid!
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Cats (2019)
Awful movie - but check the high scores who NEVER wrote a review ever before!
23 December 2019
Bogus good reviews abound on this movie - all you have to do is check to see if the reviewer ever wrote a review before and then ask yourself why they would choose this to be their first amazing review. You have to assume the studio paid for those ones because they needed to have some good reviews.

This movie is peppered with stars, so you'd think it would be good. CGI has come so far, so you'd think that would be good too. But somehow it just added to how terrible this is.

The CGI is awful. The script is awful. Some of the songs that were great on stage are somehow awful. The blame lies with whoever decided not to animate this and went with CGI instead.

I have never seen so many famous names in a cast and thought wow, this was a pile of poop.

Wait for it on Netflix for free, it's that bad. And there were only about 30 people in my showing and 4 of them left and never returned. That's how tragic this movie is, and it's a great musical on Broadway, just so NOT in this movie. It's a razzie contender for sure.
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Welcome to Christmas (2018 TV Movie)
Terrible Christmas movie - at no point did I believe the couple even cared a bit for each other!
23 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Christmas movies on Hallmark are schmaltzy, they're predictable, they're feel good movies - this movies was as formulaic as they come. Successful businesswoman comes to small town to check it out for big resort meets local sheriff and his kids, blah blah blah.

The thing is, there was NO chemistry between the couple that I saw. Yeah, she fell in love with the kids, but where was the OMG they're in love moment?

There are dozens of Hallmark movies that I have watched over and over and they are heartwarming, feel good, christmassy, and they make you believe in love.

Skip this one - it's no Christmas Card, Operation Christmas, etc etc.
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This is one for the true HP fan - tons of details, tons of subplots!
17 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I will agree with many people who have said they had trouble following all the subplots because if you're not a fan of the books, which had tons of words in them that never made it onto screen, then you might not enjoy this one as much as the first movie.

Having said all that, we really loved it and I wanted to put this out there now: Nagini and Credence have a kid and that's who Tom Riddle is, and that is why Dumbledore rescued him from the orphanage. (It also is why Tom could talk to snakes, and Harry could too, and is why he was so close to Nagini - anyone else feel this could be how these two connect?)

OK, it's out there, this is where my mind went during the movie.

I do think there was not enough of Newt Scamander in the movie - that would be a gripe (and not enough beasts perhaps too).

My biggest gripe is how DARK the movie was, and I do NOT mean "sinister", I literally mean it was murky, hard to see, needed more lighting.

If you read these comments and have anything to do with the movie, PLEASE brighten it up a little for the next movies - I'd like to be able to see some details!
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The Grinch (2018)
Christmas fun for the whole family!
9 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
If you don't like Illumination movies, or Minion type movies, you probably won't like this version of The Grinch. Personally, I am not a fan of the original TV special, so I was dreading being dragged along to see this with the family, but I really liked it.

It's a very modern take on the classic Dr. Seuss story. The plot line is basically the same, but the humor is a little different and it does play more for laughs.

Personally, I prefer this one - my kids said they liked it equally with the original Grinch special.

Unlike another reviewer who gave this a 1/10 and said Illumination animation was basic, I don't think it is at all. I think it is crisp and modern, and in comparison to the original, much softer and more likeable, but that's just me.

I thought Benedict Cumberbatch was a weird choice for the main character's voice, but on seeing the movie, he was perfect of it.

Go into this without any pre-judgment, unlike me, and you're sure to be highly entertained for around 90 minutes.

I expected it to be terrible, but it will be a future Christmas favorite for our family!
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If you saw a Wrinkle In Time and were disappointed, do NOT see this, it's not THAT Nutcracker!
2 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Earlier in the year I believed the ads and hype, and we gave Wrinkle a chance, it was dreadful. Fast forward to THIS movie, I saw the ad's, they gave me deja vus about the earlier movie, but we gave it a try because we go and see The Nutcracker every couple of years and even if my husband doesn't like ballet, he gets the story and likes the music. Do NOT go and see this if you even vaguely like the classic Christmas Nutcracker ballet, I doubt you will enjoy this strange adaptation.

Yes, it is chock full of famous names, just like A Wrinkle in Time was, but that doesn't make it good. Mackenzie Foy is the stand out here, but she cannot save this. It will not be a classic Christmas movie to watch every year, my daughter said she won't even watch it for free on Netflix.

The saving grace from my daughter (10 years old) was that it wasn't as long as some movies are, but she would gladly have walked out about an hour in because she wasn't enjoying it at all.

I would honestly not recommend anyone to go see this, it takes a classic story that many people love and tries to make it into something it isn't.

I gave it 1/10 because no one in our group liked it at all - thankfully Disney does have some great movies coming soon (Ralph Breaks The Internet, etc).

If you are a parent, make sure you go to the cheap day showing at your local AMC (Tuesday usually), or to an early showing where you don't have to pay full price.

I'm not sure what the people who gave it 10/10 were watching, but I can hardly think it was this movie.
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The Conners (2018–2025)
As a fan of the original show, this was disappointing.
17 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Why couldn't they just have had her character die of a heart attack? Why make it an opioid overdose? Was this done to try to make the character look bad? It was just a very grating way to kill off a character and made the whole show very weird. I am not a fan of Roseanne as a person outside of the show, but the character was unique, with a unique perspective. I tuned in to see how they would handle her demise, and I wasn't impressed. Won't be DVRing this show again.
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Love on the Sidelines (2015 TV Movie)
Very average plot line - luckily likeable actors save this one.
14 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Hallmark movies are meant to be romantic and have a happy ending, so this movie is exactly what you'd expect from a Hallmark film. But, seriously, the female characters were supposed to be SO clueless about football that they had no idea about the game at all, and no clue about celebrity sportsmen? Come on, we live in the digital era, you might not watch football, but most people know the names of the top guys - I mean I don't know a thing about Tom Brady's team, but I've heard of him. You might not know the rules of a sport, but to make the female character in this movie so clueless about football was a little old-fashioned in my opinion, but luckily for Hallmark, they picked an actress who could pull this off without making it too annoying. Also, she's driving a classic car, but the guy has to step in and help her when she keeps on trying to start it, making me cringe for the poor engine.

Then the guy was a bit of a jerk - totally self-absorbed most of the time and quite selfish, but again, good casting made his character more likeable than he should have been.

I gave this movie a 5 because there were too many stereotypes and even though I'm not an all-out feminist, the not knowing anything about sports and the car part, was frankly a little insulting.

My 10 year old daughter's comment watching the movie at the car breaking down part was - "Doesn't she know how to take care of her own car?" Amen to that.

Hallmark, step it up - formulaic is one thing, out of touch with real women is plain irritating.
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The Orville (2017–2022)
Things that need to change on this show so it doesn't get axed!
2 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I actually like this show a lot, but then I'm a Seth McFarlane fan and a sci-fi nerd too.

I have to agree with some of the critics who say it's trying too hard, it is.

I think the characters are all pretty good, with exception to the blob character - he needs to go, he's a waste of space.

That would be change one for me. Another change would be just having the main characters get over their divorce because the constant references to it are annoying.

Another change I would love to see in all these shows, but won't, is make the place look a little untidy. Everywhere is so pristinely white and it makes it look fake to me.

I think, given the time to develop, this will turn into a good show that people will really enjoy, in much the same way that shows like Buffy started out a little iffy, but really found their feet.

So far, so good on this one for me, but jettison that blob, OMG, it's gotta go!
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The 5th Wave (2016)
A good book, spoiled.
7 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
If golf is a good walk spoiled then it surely applies that this is a good book spoiled.


All the things you didn't like about this movie were probably things they changed from the book, so I'd advise reading this trilogy (there are two more books after the conclusion of this particularly titled one).

Cassie, Evan, Ben and even Vosch are all real characters in the book. Huge elements of the story were pointlessly changed or sanitized perhaps for a lower rating.

Vosch is a monster and Cassie knows it from the camp. The camp is not just a place they stumble into as a family, it's a place people have run to, it's a place where loads of people died, there's an ash pit where bodies have been disposed of, it's chillingly horrific and when Vosch arrives as the savior, he's clearly no savior.

Zombie / Ben barely survives the epidemic, he is trained by a sadistic soldier to kill, all of the kids are.

Evan is an alien, he shoots Cassie but she makes him feel something human again. There is so much more to him and to the Cassie / Evan story.

Vosch and the Others are definitely bad guys, there's no subtlety - they blow up the camp after killing all the adults and Cassie barely survives and Vosch thinks she's dead.

The implants actually can explode and kill you if you're not performing as a good little soldier.

Don't all of these things seem important? The 5th Wave was a good book turned into a weak-assed screenplay.

They will never make the other books because they screwed this up so badly. Maybe in 10 years or so we can start again?

Shame on you Hollywood for ruining what could have been a scary, ominous alien invasion story and making this lame toned down version.

I give it a 6, it could have been a 9 or 10!
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Dirty Dancing (2017 TV Movie)
OMG, just awful.
25 May 2017
I'm sorry, I don't know what they were thinking wanting to remake this movie, because there is no one quite like Patrick Swayze. I mean, Swayze wasn't super good looking, but he had charisma, swagger and he was a great dancer.

None of the dancing in this rehash is up to par, I'm sorry, but it's the truth. It's OK dancing, but in the original the dancing was vibrant and real.

The guy playing Johnny is OK, he just doesn't have what Swayze had in spades.

But the casting of baby, yikes, I think it was so wrong. They should have put Sarah Hyland in that role and see what she could do.

The music was as great as before, but again, just buy the original soundtrack.

It's hard to grasp why this is just so painful a rehash / remake, since it has a great cast.

I think it's just one of those cases where the original cast was just superior and you can imitate it but it just won't work.

If you liked this, watch the original and you'll feel the steamy heat between Swayze and Grey!
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It's a good movie, but it's not a great one by any means.
18 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
So, I was dying for this story to come out, I mean who doesn't want to know how the rebel alliance got its hands on the plans to the Death Star so they could destroy it.

**SPOILER** So we get a female hero, yay to that, but did she have to be ANOTHER abandoned child? I mean really? She gets found by Saw Gerrera, played in Razzie winning fashion by the usually great Forest Whitaker. We don't really know what happens after that because it's glossed over very glibly, but somehow she turns into a criminal, etc.

So much of the movie is just a gloss coat of story. I would have liked to hear the characters telling of their back stories at least, but there really wasn't much development there at all.

The story itself was OK - we see our hero gathering together her rag tag band of heroes, and off they go to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Did I care that they didn't make it out? Nope, didn't really care about any of them at all.

Did I care when Han Solo got killed by his douche of a son in The Force Awakens? Hell yeah. I was like NO!!!

The best parts of the movie were when Darth Vader was in it (briefly) and when R2D2 and C3PO made an appearance. Those parts cheered my Star Wars fan's soul.

It wasn't like it was a bad movie, it was quite good - but will I buy it when it comes on DVD, well maybe to complete my collection, but I doubt I will watch it over and over like the others.

The music was great and the special effects were stellar as always.

The casting was ho-hum, but mostly it was the 2 dimensional scripting that bothered me. I like to have back stories, I like believable motivation in my characters.

Mostly, I expect to give a damn who lives or dies.

This latter point bothered me the most, and to be totally frank, when Forest Whitaker's character died, well, it was a relief because his over-acting was awful and his character's arc made little sense.

I gave it 6/10 because I wanted to be honest, as a Star Wars fan of 39 years and counting, that it wasn't as great as I have been hearing from everyone else.
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Bull (2016–2022)
Hmm, the jury is still out on this one for me!
21 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, I should say I am a huge NCIS fan, so when Michael Weatherly was announced for this show I was really excited for it to come on as the premise sounded intriguing and I thought it had promise.

I still think it MIGHT have promise because Weatherly was great - he was likable, personable and a great lead character. As to the rest of the cast, well, they were OK and might improve with time.

What I didn't like was the weird mini pictures at the beginning and the talking to "real people" about their ideas on the law - that came across as both lame and fake. Then there was the whole part where Weatherly looked at the jurors and started imagining what they were thinking, which involved the actors looking at the camera and saying their thoughts. I cannot even express how much I hated that part, if that remains a weekly feature of what is going on in the show, and also the shadow jury parts, then I will switch off and not watch again because that surely detracted from the whole look and feel of this show.

I will persevere for a couple more episodes, so let's hope I can up my score in a few weeks, otherwise, it's Hasta La Vista Bull!
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The Muppets. (2015–2016)
My daughter was waiting for this all summer - she was not happy!
24 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I consider the Muppets to be a family oriented show so for me it should be funny for all the family. What we got with this first episode of the NEW Muppets was like watching a reality version of the Muppets, with the meetings etc, and my daughter didn't find ANY of that entertaining at all. I can't say I really did either, although I could perhaps appreciate what they were trying to do, but it just didn't work for us at all.

We may give this a second chance next week, but if the format and content is the same, well, for us, they sucked ALL the fun out of the original Muppets and it's just not the same.

I gave it a 4/10 for the effort, but anything that gets a 4 in my book will be canceled in a few weeks, or else it better improve pretty dang fast!
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Home (II) (2015)
OK movie, MANY BOGUS 10 scores!!!! Beware!
29 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This was an OK animated movie - not a great story at all by any stretch, very predictable BUT the two lead characters were voiced well and were very appealing. Rihanna and Jim Parsons are carrying this movie for sure, which is a good thing.

Now to the BOGUS "10" score reviews - check out how many USA reviewers gave this movie a ten score and have been members of IMDb for the EXACT SAME AMOUNT OF TIME - at the time of writing this I believe it was 1 week and 2 days for every single USA IMDb member review that gave it a ten and they NEVER reviewed any other IMDb movie at all - only this one - ooh spooky? Or ballot stuffing? you decide!

This says to me that the studio got a whole load of their people to create accounts and log in here and "big up" the review score because they didn't think it was going to do so well by itself.

Make sure when you're reading reviews they are from someone who has reviewed SOME OTHER TITLE and not just this one single movie as their first movie and they just joined a week ago.

Bogus 10 scores to get parents to take their kids - very uncool! So, my review is, if you have a little extra cash and your kids are really bored, they will probably like this, just don't expect a Toy Story level movie, because if Pixar gets an A, then this gets a D+, maybe a C- at best because the script wasn't well developed at all.

Congrats to Rihanna though, she did a great job!
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Liked it a lot BUT worst 3D ever - go for 2D instead!
20 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, I want to start with how much I enjoyed the movie, although it was a lot different from the book, but I still liked it. They developed the characters nicely enough, but there were no real major twists.

It definitely lacked the pace and action of the first movie as some of the action in this one was a little boring and too much centered on simulations.

Having said that, I have a MAJOR peeve with this movie - I went to see it in super wonderful 3D and it WAS NOT WONDERFUL.

I would say it was possibly the worst movie I have seen made in the modern 3D (I was around for the 70's version which was horrible).

There was no need at all for 3D in this movie in my honest opinion and you'd be better off saving your money and just seeing the 2D, you'll have more for the concession stand.

There were a lot of birds flying around - ooh, how exciting - and there were things falling and coming apart, and then there were just scenes with people walking around that was enhanced with the 3D, to what purpose I'm not sure - just for the hell of it? Just so they could make us pay more thinking it was going to be this major 3D event?

As to the movie and the development of the story, it was OK, I will go and see the final chapter, or most likely it will be chapters as they love to make 2 movies for the last book of any series and that's just a money grabbing effort in my opinion too.

All in all a good movie with some interesting cinematography and special effects, just not quite as good as I was hoping, and especially not the 3D part.

I gave it a 6 which in my book says solidly watchable, but not one I'm likely to be quoting lines from any time soon.
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OMG, this is SO bad.
13 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say right from the start that I read the entire first book and that I thought it was absolutely horrible - badly written erotica at best with a lame plot and a horribly pathetic female lead and a very unlikeable hero (who was no hero to me).

That out of the way, I saw Jamie Dornan was cast and heard they changed a lot of the story for the movie script and thought maybe it would be OK, but it wasn't.

I counted 10 people who left at some part during the movie and never came back, which is rare these days as people tend to stay to get their money's worth out of the price of the ticket.

The settings are nice at times and so is the music, but the acting (Jamie what were you thinking????) was so wooden. It was almost like a Saturday Night Live skit, except they weren't playing for laughs in this movie they were serious, but it was cringeworthy at best.

Christian Grey is no hero, and Dakota Johnson was so understated it was like she wasn't even there at all.

Not a good movie - definitely not a date movie (I was so irritated by it by the time I left, no one was getting lucky!).

The good parts of the movie - really the music is the best part and the end, because it was finally over - could have been a good 20 minutes shorter! The bad parts - the script was like a really bad 1960's Mills & Boon romance, and it was so slow you could honestly fall asleep if the acting weren't so painfully wooden.

If you are looking for a good mainstream movie to watch to get turned on, find one on Netflix, Google movies that are sexy, you'll find something much more titillating.

I am so glad some of the actors who were originally considered decided to say no, this movie could be a career killer! I hope it isn't the number 1 movie this week purely because it would be a shame if this drivel is what Americans actually want to watch and think is sexy. Men of course will enjoy the naked parts, of course they will, Dakota has a nice body, but as a woman, I don't ever want to be as wussy as Anastasia and I sure don't want women in general thinking it's OK to be abused by a guy in the name of sex.

Being tied up is great in a committed relationship, it's fun, it's NOT abusive - BUT in this movie, it's creepy, borderline degrading and just uncomfortable.

The funniest part for me (apart from the script!) was how uncomfortable the men who had clearly come in with their wives thinking they were going to get lucky later, and clearly wanted to leave and couldn't. Hilarious! I gave it a 1 out of 10 because you can't go any lower and the music really was quite good, but everything else, give this one a miss and wait for the UV code to come out - at least you won't waste as much money as 2 movie tickets, drinks, popcorn etc, and there's an OFF button on the ROKU, so you can switch this crapola off and just go have sex with your partner instead.
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Days of Our Lives (1965– )
This used to be an OK show for a soap...
5 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I really would give this show a 1, but it used to be OK, maybe 5-6 at best, but it was OK. The actors can for the most part act, in the way that is expected from soaps, which is slightly exaggerated, and some of the prior actors have moved on to make prime time shows.

But the writing is what is bringing this show down to a dreadfully, mediocre show at best.

**SPOILERS** We have a female character drugging a priest to make a sex video, and then we have another female character drugging another male character to take compromising photos. Every character who comes into the show has a horribly shady past, going so far as murder perhaps in some of the latest story lines. People get murdered regularly, they get people kidnapped and attacked, they drug people, stalk them, they break up and have incessantly ENDLESS conversations that go for episodes and episodes (broken up by other silliness in the episodes).

Is it any wonder so many people are getting out of this show recently? EJ's character murdered (oh, yet another murder!), Sami (let's face it, this actress can definitely do better!).

I don't know what the ratings are on this show but I am done with it because the latest story lines **SPOILERS** college boy in bed with his girlfriends mother who is the one who had him drugged to take compromising pictures to break him and her daughter up AND ALSO Theresa being pregnant and Kristin paying for her to disappear AND the whole reappearing Chad thing.

I can't watch this anymore, it's turned into a parody of a soap and I keep expecting Dustin Hoffman to rip off his wig and declare who he really is.

NBC, I'd really really rather watch Access Hollywood in this time slot again!
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The Mysteries of Laura (2014–2016)
OK, changing initial review - which rarely happens!!!
18 September 2014
My initial review was on the pilot and I said this has the makings of a decent show. It has a great cast, great location, limitless crime stories to take from real life and fictionalize.

I still stand by my "pilot episode" review in which I said it was irritating. I don't care if a cop has kids and a soon to be ex husband, that's fine. But the kids were so cartoony and cliché it was just painful to watch.

The characters in the police part are great, but NBC needs to either cut the kids part in the show to a bare minimum, or stop with the ridiculous behavior that they are trying to pretend people's kids get up to. I mean, everyone's kids are naughty at times, but these kids were so OTT I wanted to turn it off.

Well, since the initial pilot episode this show has improved weekly, to become a pretty strong police procedural type show. Debra Messing is a good actress and the rest of the cast has grown on me since the pretty poor first episode.

Maybe NBC has some people watch the first few episodes and give feedback as it seems the kids are featured much less, and that is how it should be - they are too young to be of any great use in the plots of a detective show anyway.

I'm going to see how this show goes for the rest of the season run - I have upped my rating to 7.

My only real peeve is PLEASE stop her from wearing the baseball cap backwards - I don't know when that became passé but for someone her age, it was a LONG LONG LONG time ago!

7 out of 10 - probably the most improved show from a pilot - doesn't usually work this way, usually they go more downhill!
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Sharknado 2: The Second One (2014 TV Movie)
So completely and utterly silly but entertaining!
30 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I gave this movie a 6 because it was thoroughly entertaining, once you switched your brain off to how totally ludicrous it was.

There were moments where Ian Ziering should get nominated for SOMETHING simply for saying the lines and keeping a straight face.

There were sharks, lots of sharks, in places where you will never ever see a shark. Sharks in the streets, on stairwells, falling from the sky, swimming down NYC streets - yep it was completely silly.

But, I still enjoyed it because all of the actors did a fantastic job of B-movie acting - not a single one of them acted like they thought the premise was stupid, or the dialog corny as all hell, or some of the special effects unexpectedly dumb.

If you're going to make this kind of tongue in cheek type disaster movie, this is the way to do it.

Great fun, beyond belief, but an entertaining way to spend a late night couple of hours.

It's got to be seen to be believed - don't just listen to what your friends say about it - watch it, it makes every other cheesy movie pale by comparison!

Favorite part? Ian Ziering's "shark walk" - watch it and you'll see!
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Blended (2014)
I went into this movie praying it wasn't like Grown Ups 2 AND it was NOT, it was funny!
4 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say I am an Adam Sandler fan and I really enjoyed this movie.

It really was on a par with Grown Ups (the first one!) and 50 First Dates and featured family friendly humor for the most part, and there were these guys who kept popping up and singing and that was hilarious to me too for some reason that some others might not get.

Humor is very subjective, so if you've never liked one of Sandler's movies you might not like this one.

Drew and Adam are a perfect pairing - the story features them both as single parents and they are struggling and many of us can relate to that. Factor in a horrible blind date and a set of circumstances that sees both of them and their families on vacation in South Africa and you've got some really funny, touching, cute and hilarious moments.

I have an 8 year old and it's suitable for her, any sexual innuendo type jokes go right over her head anyway.

This is a return to some A grade comedy from Sandler and is easily going to be in profit just from a couple of weeks of its USA release, so it's going to be a money maker overseas.

But again, if you have never liked an Adam Sandler movie then I really don't understand why you would bother to review this because it's likely you're going to hate this movie.

If you're on the fence because of Grown Ups 2, please reserve judgment and go see this movie - it's a cute date night movie because it's not so romantic that you'll be uncomfortable on a blind date yourself! I rated it 10 because I will buy it when it comes on DVD and no doubt watch it a few more times.

5 stars and a 10 rating from me!
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Great movie for the under 10's and for Sophia Grace & Rosie fans!
22 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
My daughter is 7 and is responsible for the 10 rating on this movie.

Obviously it's not an Oscar winning movie, but it is on a par with the movies that Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen used to do when they were young.

It's a cute story about the Ellen Show sending the 2 girls to an invented country to report on the coronation of a new queen being chosen from 3 princesses, one of whom is socially inept in almost every way. This is where the girls excel by helping the hapless princess to discover her true inner princess.

There are lots of cute songs, lots of genuinely cute moments as these adorable kids take over the whole movie.

If you have kids under 10, especially girls, they will likely have a lot of fun.

As a parent, I found it cute and not as annoying as some of the cheaper straight to video kids movies out there.

In all, I'd say definitely rent it, your kids will be giggling and you'll be dancing along with all the catchy songs.

And remember, it's aimed at under 10 year old girls really, so don't expect rocket science and if you really don't care for these 2 girls then avoid this one like the plague because they are in virtually every scene. (In my opinion they steal every scene with their totally lovable personalities!) As an adult I'd give this a solid 6/10, but as I said before, my 7 year old is the one I based my rating on and she said 10/10.

I can see a lot more movies for these girls, perhaps with a slightly better storyline!
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