
10 Reviews
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Gem of a movie
11 December 2008
This was a gem. Amazing acting from the leads Liam Cunningham, Orla Brady and all the supporting cast. The movie raises a subject not only pertinent to Ireland and Irish history but to many communities around the world and many marriage units within those communities. With intensity and sincerity the movie shows how the religious convictions and traditions drove a wedge on a loving and passionate family. The title "Love divided" couldn't capture it any better. Even though it was a true story and happening in Ireland of the 50th seeing how the life of the whole village erodes and "pogroms" are starting reminded me of Russian history. The intolerance and prejudice are still too powerful in the world and unfortunately it's deeply hidden inside the human nature. Just like in the movie the Liam Cunningham's character says "the hatred had always been there under the surface". It was interesting to watch the moral choices people were making in this story. Also the character of a catholic priest and what happened to him in the end of the story was quite meaningful. The story however gives hope that love of two people can conquer everything and love makes us better, stronger. Liam Cunningham's character goes through the whole transformation in the course of the story becoming a man he always wanted to be. Again acting is a top notch. Story is fast-paced. Irish countryside is as beautiful as ever. Highly recommended.
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"Big" on outfits, small on script
30 October 2008
What used to be a masterpiece of the modern TV became a very mediocre movie. The format – 50 min episode – was great for TV. Two hour movie drags for too long, seems whiny and short on humor and quirky script. Fans can still appreciate the ladies friendship, fabulous outfits, but the movie is so short on substance. The acting is indulgent for the most part. It seems that many actors (especially Mr. Big) were dragged to the shoot and there only for the money. The Jennifer Hundson character – unnecessary. The movie is not without charm though, having sweet and subtle moments. One of those is when Carrie wears glasses at the end of the movie, reading her book on LOVE, while in the beginning with Mr. Big referring to not needing them. Or nice and traditional for SATC way of playing with words –"got Carried away" or "meeting St. Louise from St. Luis". Other than this you'll be disappointed. Rent all seasons of SATC DVD instead. Worth every penny.
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Pretty good, light comedy. Gorgeous Pfeifer
21 March 2008
I read an article on how and why this movie went straight to video. It's not because it was bad or wouldn't find its audience. It's actually pretty good, light comedy. Not a great one, but very watchable with many industry-insider jokes. Movie has lots of references to Clueless movie of the same director and the TV series based on the same movie. It shows in using the same actors and the "show within the show" set. Michelle Pfeifer looks gorgeous and Paul Rudd is cute and funny. The scene stealer again is talented Saoirse Ronan (pre Atonment). Daughter and mother relationship is sweet and moving. I also appreciated although somewhat puzzled by the use of British actors in many small and slightly bigger parts. This movie is a comedy that is created for the audience to relax and enjoy. It doesn't venture into the "truth" territory on what really happens with older mentor and younger protégé and how their real career and personal paths turn out to be in real life. This movie is fairly enjoyable even though far from cultural phenomenon that Clueless became.
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Nice watch, excellent female leads
19 February 2008
I was pleasantly surprised by "Definitely, Maybe". We went to see it on Valentine's weekend and expected an inferior movie. I knew that I did not care about Ryan Reynolds as a lead actor. His performance was bland. However, he looked the part – tall, approachable guy from Wisconsin. His lack of performance was quite compensated by 3 female leads and of course Abigail Breslin. All 3 women in his life were notable, likable, and mature. Special applause goes to Isla Fisher, who I thought was best thing in "Wedding Crashers". In "Definitely, Maybe".she brings such a sunshine that everything lights around her. Abigail Breslin purveys true genuine feelings of a pre-teen girl that is dealing with her parents divorce. The premise of a story is a bit unrealistic, but in order for the rather clever and true to life story to span, we have to forget the fact that a father would hardly discuss his love life with 9 years old. Story itself has several twists and turns which doesn't make it a cliché. I even felt some Woody Allen-esquire moments within the movie. Especially when the character of Rachel Weitz started to sing. It doesn't carry any meaning, but it's a nice moment. One of the many nice moments in this movie with a happy ending.
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North & South (2004)
Great literary adaptation!
30 January 2008
Watching "North and South" was a revelation. I did not know about the book and learned about Elizabeth Gaskell only after watching BBC production of her unfinished novel "Wives and Daughters". After watching "North and South" I read a book and liked it as much. I was surprised by its swift pace. What differs movie from book is that the book is mostly focused on the heroine – Margaret rather than the hero - Thornton. In the movie Richard Armitage performance is so mesmerizing that you cannot forget it long after watching. He is ruggedly handsome, whole and enigmatic in his performance. I also very much appreciated Senead Cusack who played his mother and conveyed enormous strength of character and love for her son. Cinematography is great in depicting the differences between industrial north and picturesque south. The difference of the surroundings is in many ways a character by itself. The ending where the characters meet right where north and south meet is quite symbolic and nicely done. The book ends differently and also in a sweet, but not melodramatic way. However addition of the last scene even though not realistic is quite pleasant.
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Mansfield Park (2007 TV Movie)
Terrible, unwatchable
29 January 2008
Why did they have to make such a dreadful adaptation? The whole "Complete Jane Austin" series as a part of Masterpiece Classics looks like a huge disappointment. Characters are totally miscast and there's no chemistry on the screen. The whole thing feels rather rushed. The 1999 movie release based on the same novel seems like a masterpiece compared to this. I really want to forget it. I'm really happy though that "Pride and Prejudice" won't be re-made as part of this project and we will see the iconic and magnificent Colin Firth and Jennifer Elle as protagonists. if you skipped this "Mansfield Park" production consider yourself lucky!
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Damages (2007–2012)
Good acting and visual style, incomprehensible writing
11 October 2007
I've watched all the first season episodes and do wait until next week season finale. I tuned to this show because of Glen Close and also because I'm generally impressed by the shows that FX comes up with (Nip/Tuck being my favorite). Having said that, I find the writing of this show somewhat incomprehensible, characters unbelievable and inconsistent. I was warned that it is not a legal courtroom drama, but rather a thriller. However, I still feel the absence of the legal consultants on the show so it feels more believable. It's difficult to explain Ellen Parsons choices. Is working for Patty Hughes and winning the case more important than your own wedding and family? Maybe the season finale will bring proper explanations. if show continues the next season with new story, I suggest the show producers focus on better writing.
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Six Degrees (2006–2008)
It's a Gem. The finest cast on TV. Why was it cancelled????
1 August 2007
I watched the un-aired episodes online and I was so sad that the show won't be back. It had the best cast of mature, talented actors and an amazing chemistry. It seemed like all the actors are personal friends in real life. Towards the end the show became engaging, sexy and highly watchable. Of course, some of the story lines are not realistic, so what... The characters are all likable and you root for them. The show reminded me a cross between 2 other favorites: "Sex and the City" and "Felicity". Big kudos to all the cast. Note to ABC execs: Nielsen ratings reports do not show you true results. The show audience will mostly record it. I've been very disappointed with major networks for flooding us with reality-TV or teenage oriented shows. Why to get a mature, thoughtful, well-acted material we have to switch to HBO or FX? I can only thank the network for putting the rest of the episodes online. The new stream media will gain more and more popularity among viewers.
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I cannot believe the way this movie was marketed...
27 April 2007
I watched it on DVD since my husband and I wanted to have a relaxing evening. We thought it's going to be a comedy and it had funny moments. But ultimately, it is part political farce, part thriller and part drama. It has a political message and after watching the movie it made us talk politics for a good long hour. I did like Robin Williams performance and pacing of the movie. Most of all though, I preferred Christofer Walken as his manager and narrator of the story. Laura Linney line is in many ways unbelievable, but this movie is a satire, so it's not supposed to be believable, but it is needed to carry the plot and to deliver a message. Importantly, this is one of those movies that you do not mind watching again and paying more attention to details.
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Babel (I) (2006)
Liked Amores Perros much better
13 April 2007
My husband and I watched Babel on DVD and it was much easier to digest in its 3 hrs running time. I did not find much of a message there, stories did not really connect and brilliant actors like Bernal and Blanchette were not given a lot to do. We happened to watch Amores Perros quite recently and I liked its authenticity and pacing much better. I had hard time believing in some of the story lines: I did not feel that tourists on the bus can be so heartless as they were portrayed; illegal Mexican immigrant decided to go easily back to Mexico without a fear of not being able to come back; Japanese hunter in Morocco - the desert landscape there did not seem much of a hunting playground (but truthfully I'm not an expert on this). Yet, "Babel" is a sort of a movie that makes you think, ask questions, connect the dots and wonder what the creators meant by placing the stories in 3 different parts of the world: Far East,Middle East and American West. Maybe stories even occurred in the same geographical parallel . You wonder, what does it mean that Japanese girl mother shot herself and does it have anything to do with her husband's rifle. And finally, what does the movie title really mean?
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