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Childish and ridiculous
1 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was really tough to watch until the end. I still love the original TV series with Thomas Ohrner and Horst Frank. That was intelligent creative writing and acting. But this one here is just childish and ridiculous. You will see talking mice, that were actually laughable demons (one is a man dressed up as a woman) working for the Baron. The story itself is also very different from the original series. It is set in another time (30ies or 40ies from the look of the cars and fashion). Then Timm's father brings another woman with her son into his life. After he died poor Timm has to live with the evil stepmom and stepbrother. The Baron comes across as an Idiot who has lost everything and is trying too hard to get a purpose in his life. The develish portrayal of Horst Frank from the original series is totally missing here.

Overall this remake as a movie absolutely missed the mark. It is totally forgettable and utterly garbage. Thomas Ohrner, the original Timm Thaler has a cameo appearance in this movie. That was at least one good thing.
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Return to Go! (2000)
Boring and horrible singing scenes
8 July 2023
I was with high hopes when i discovered this movie but i got really disappointed. The story and its development is so slow and somehow going nowhere. Sam's life seems really boring and i wasn't really warming up to the character. The dialogues are often dull and pointless and a lot of them could have been cut. Sam's singing scenes when recording his songs are horrible to me. But of course it's a matter of personal taste and it's simply not my thing. The opening song is really strange, the vocals and lyrics are bad and to start a movie like this was really a risk. I give the movie 2 stars for the effort shooting this movie and trying to tell a story, but i still keep wondering what the reason behind it might be. A big plus was Michael Ande, mostly known from the crime series - Der Alte - seen as a total different character he usually plays and i loved it.
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Sloppy writing and again no strange new worlds
29 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, i somehow enjoyed this episode which started with an interesting plot but quickly went downhill because of the sloppy script. Without having any clue about what the reason of the timeline travel is and why suddenly being transported into the 21st earth century La'an Noonien-Singh and Kirk just take time to walk around the city, play chess, stay at a hotel (or Appartment) and sleep etc. - Totally illogical to not do anything useful to find out about their "mission" on the first day. They don't know if they might be transported some place or time again by surprise, but they don't seem to care. And when they had been arriving in the 21st century they touched both the device but quickly could not be bothered that now they might get seperated the next time by just letting Kirk keep the device? Okay, they thought it is defective, but then not starting to worry how they will get back to their timeline? So many holes in the plot.

But that's not all, but i guess my point is clear.

What i still miss are Strange New Worlds - so far the show was more about anything else but this.
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From: Ball of Magic Fire (2023)
Season 2, Episode 9
This episode is dominated by the "F"-word
19 June 2023
Season 2 is really boring and the story doesn't really continue. The episodes are filled with boring discussions and dialogue without going somewhere. And this episode really annoyed me with a countless usage of the "F"-word. I don't mind If it sometimes comes up, but If it dominates an episode when you hear it every few minutes it really bothers me.

I wish the characters would simply stay focused and not become aggressive all the time. To me the most of the characters are not really likable, especially the ones who act like the leaders of everything. They are irrational and jump from one conclusion to the next - they work against instead of with each other. I hope the season finale will deliver and it really has to after this "let down" in season 2.
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Lifeless slow start
5 May 2022
I just finished the episode and I am torn if I liked it or not. The acting is very stiff and the whole show is kind of lifeless so far. Everyone just say their lines but it doesn't come across as acting. Somehow something is missing. The music doesn't add any suspense, the scenes are boring and there is too much talking. The actors walk around and talk like they are on a stage and not a TV show. And the Enterprise seems empty and you don't get a feeling that there is a big crew. It's more like a few friends are out there. The story itself of this episode is very weak and as a pilot not very promising for having a new good TV series. I will definetely give it a chance since and hopefully I will be positively surprised by further episodes.
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Star Trek: Picard: Two of One (2022)
Season 2, Episode 6
What am I actually watching?
9 April 2022
This episode was so idiotic and boring. Agnes singing was the most ridiculous idea in writing. The singing abilities of Allison Pills was not the issue. The overdramatic stupid scene when she appeared in the dark starting to sing was an embarrasing moment for Star Trek. But honestly I less and less see Star Trek in this show each week. The characters (Picard & especially Seven) are ruined, the stories boring and confusing. And Agnes is the most annoying character. It is hard to watch the humour the writers try soooo hard to put into this show through Agnes. Why do they even do that? It is not cool although they actually try exactly to accomplish that - but fail. It is not necessary and it makes me not to be able to take "Star Trek Picard" serious.
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Chucky (I) (2021– )
Downfall of the show with Tiffany and Nica
6 February 2022
I loved the beginning of the show. The first few episodes really rocked. It was interesting, suspensefull and full of great scenes. It was a good adaption of the first movies to a TV show. But when suddenly the Tiffany and Nica characters appeared the downfall of the series started. It turned into a stupid comedy show and it was hard to go on watching for me. It was a great "serious" horror / slasher show and when they changed it by adding senseless humour it was not the same anymore.
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Amazing Stories: The Cellar (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
So boring...
11 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking forward to this and I was so disappointed. The opening title looked like it's a kids' show and if I didn't know what show it is I would have turned off right away. The story of the first episode is so lame and boring. The acting is average, especially by Micah Stock - it's like he is falling asleep while talking. When suddenly the main character is "transported" in another century it doesn't give you a feeling of being back in time since the characters act and talk similar to today. The clothes and settings alone won't do. The main character is not even concerned about how to get back to his time. Someone who uses dating apps wouldn't adapt so easily - the whole story is so idiotic and badly written.
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Next in Fashion (2020–2023)
Average Copy of Project Runway
3 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
We have Project Runway which is already a great show and even without Heidi Klum it still is. So why now "Next in Fashion"? I really don't get it. It is an average copy of PR, nothing more. The episodes are really rushed and the contestants don't really interact with each other - only with their partner. So not even comments about their rival's designs or techniques. The runway show is okay, but i don't want to have to listen to judge's comments while the model is currently walking. And basically the real judging is backstage after the runway but only between the judges and two contestants who had been working on a design. The others don't really get to know what has been said to the rival team. When the decision is made who won and who lost it is done so boring and also rushed - no suspense whatsoever. The two presenters of the show are a pain to watch, over energetic and soooo unnatural - not cool at all. So If you like Project Runway you might watch "Next in Fashion" too, but it's more likely a filler between PR seasons.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
Season 2 turns into a children show
26 December 2019
Since i loved season 1 and couldn't get enough of it i was anxious to finally watch the second season. But i was highly disappointed. CGI took way too much over and the storyline(s) became boring. The whole show turned into a children's show. The scenes and dialogues are idiotic in parts and too comedic. I couldn't take the show serious anymore and wondered why they changed it so much? Also a lot of reminds me of other movies like the scene in the waste dump - haven't i seen it in Star Wars before? And the last scene of the season... Reminded me of Disney's "The black Hole" or also of "Event Horizont"... Not very original writing and ideas in Season 2 - unfortunately
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Das Traumschiff: Norwegen (1992)
Season 1, Episode 19
Lame and boring episode
8 July 2019
This episode was the first without Sascha Hehn and it does make an impact. His absence really shows how important his character was. The connection between passengers and crew was not really present although there had been interactions. This episode was almost like watching a different show. The storylines were so boring and without depth - absolutely forgettable. It doesn't contribute to the whole series at all. If you skip it you would't even notice.
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Cheerleader Nightmare (2018 TV Movie)
Unprofessionell and boring movie
25 August 2018
This movies is quite disappointing. The actresses/actors are more saying their lines than actually acting. The dialogues are lame and so unnatural. The scenes dont appear like a story happening, more like too obviously scripted in a non professional lacking entertaining way. It's really boring and forgettable
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Bad Tutor (2018 TV Movie)
Nothing we haven't seen before, but likely way better
24 June 2018
This movie is one of the many Lifetime thriller movies we have seen a lot of times with some love violent weirdo who is calm and sweet from the outside and totally disturbed on the inside. This is the basic content of "Bad Tutor". I think the casting of Alex Frnka is the biggest let down and mistake of this movie. Her lips and teeth are creepy to look at and the way she is acting is like in a kindegarden / high school play. With her the movie falls to a cheap unprofessional production which isn't worth watching this one more than once and should just disappear in an archive. Vanessa Marcil isn't her best too in "Bad Tutor" but it's something you can overlook because the distraction is more by Alex Frnka. The story is acceptable but has its illogical moments and holes. I wouldn't really recommend it
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Honeymoon for One (2011 TV Movie)
Boring and forgettable - total waste of time
9 December 2012
I watched this movie just because of Nicollette Sheridan and I must admit... I really didn't get this one at all. What kind of thin story was that? I can't understand why these movies are actually shot. Who really wants to watch such a boring movie. The plot / script is so forgettable and they even want to try to be funny but it's more embarrassing. The musical score is as sleepy as the whole "Honeymoon for One". Why Nicollette even took this role I will never understand. It won't certainly be a career pusher. And I wonder... who and where is the audience who enjoys watching this? A nice scenery doesn't make an addition enough to spice up anything. A total waste of time and money which was used for this production
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Happy Endings (II) (1983 TV Movie)
Boring and forgettable movie with bad acting
28 June 2012
This movie is somehow forgettable. The story is harmless, nothing special at all. It's getting boring just after a few minutes and I've never seen Catherine Hicks acting so badly. Almost every scene is overacting, too much wanting to be funny and she can't manage it at all. "Happy Endings" tries too hard to be a comedy and fails with its overload of "funny moments". This movie is way over the top and it seems like all characters are mental patients outside their facilities. If you don't have anything else to watch it's maybe the chance to check out this movie. But for an enjoyable movie night you should better pick something else.
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Tru Calling (2003–2005)
You'll be hooked !
6 April 2004
Wow, this is a great series. The storyline is about the main character Tru who whorks as a morgue and when a murder has happenend and the body is delivered or she is at the crime scene the dead person suddenly opens the eyes and asks for help and then time rushes backwards and the days starts over again. Tru is the only person who remembers the day that she relives and now she has to prevent death. The stories are well written and full of suspense. You can't help it but sit there and watch the show and try to solve by yourself who is the murderer or how the actual crime can be prevented. The was no episode yet that was even a little bad. If you're looking for an intelligent mystery series you can find it with "Tru Calling". And besides the main story, the characters are all more than interesting and fun won't be missed at all too in the show. I hope the show gets lots of seasons.
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One of the worst movies ever
8 November 2003
I'm a fan of horror and splatter movies but this here absolutely is one of the worst ones. The plot is stupid and quickly forgotten while watching. The dialogues are much more stupid and seem to be only written of some dirty words repeating all the time. And talking about acting, it's so typical for a german production, they don't care about how good the actors are, they just want to present perfect sets (from a well known swedish furniture company *smile), blood and violence. But as bloody and violent "Beyond the limits" is you more laugh about it during the whole movie, because it all turns out to be a comedy what was not intended. There is almost not any scene without dirty language (for exampe a sentence with about ten bad words in a row) and people getting killed and blood spreading all over the place. I wonder what the screen writers expected to create. This one will never be a big movie and will be quickly forgotten. Watch for yourself and I guess you will agree.
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A Christmas Visitor (2002 TV Movie)
Boring, bad dialogues and middle-class acting
26 October 2003
I bought the DVD of this movie because I am a fan of William Devane and I was really disappointed about "A Christmas Visitor". The story of the movie is so boring and slow in the development that you just want to turn off your TV or DVD player after about the half of it. The dialogues are really bad and belong to a daily soap opera but not in a TV movie. William Devane was alright in his part and he was acting quite good, but he did so much better in other movies and projects. Meredith Baxter was horrible and couldn't really bring the warm hearted mother to the viewers. Instead she was playing very cool and wasn't better than a middle-class actress. I absolutely cannot recommend this movie. Spare your time and your money for this one.
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Double Vision (1992 TV Movie)
Total Disaster in acting, looks and music
2 August 2003
I couldn't believe Kim Cattrall ever made a bad movie like this one. The storyline is okay but they could have made so much more out of it. The movie starts with a totally boring scene showing the twins as little girls and grown-ups talking with kids' voices pretending to be the little twin girls Lisa and Caroline. Who did the producers think the viewers are ? When the story went on the next disaster started with bad acting of most of all of the cast. Even Kim Cattrell could not convince in her parts of Lisa and Caroline and her look with the black short hair is a real pain for the eyes. And the music in the whole movie was so typical for low-budget TV movies for this time. Pop music with no inspiration with vocalists who should get more lessons in giving more strength to the voice. I really can't recommend "Double Vision", but if you're a fan of Kim Cattrell don't expect to much and just add it to your collection
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Hush Little Baby (1994 TV Movie)
Great movie with good actors
26 April 2003
I really love this one. The story is about the reunion of an adopted daughter (Susan) and her biological mother (Edie). All seems fine and much too perfect when they get closer but Edie gets jealous of everyone who is near Susan. There is the babysitter and house-girl, Susan's son, her husband and the parents who adopted her. Nobody knows at this time that Edie spent several years in a mental hospital and prison for murder. So you can imagine what will happen... Well, I didn't like the ending very much, it was too cheesy and looked a bit cheap done, the only bad thing in "Hush little baby".

Diane Ladd gives a GREAT performance as Edie Landers. She is so believable and also when she tries to come on to Susan's husband Martin (Geraint Wyn Davies). Diane Ladd can be so sexy :-) And she is so perfect playing this mental disturbed character.

Wendel Meldrum needed a while to give a good performance. She acts a bit shy and helpless at the beginning but then turns out very good. The storyline between mother and daughter is played very believable.

Not to forget Illya Woloshyn who played the son Dylan. This guy is really cute for his age and will turn out very good looking. This movies was shot 10 years ago and I wonder how he looks today. His acting was very good and he should do more movies or even TV series. His talent should be pushed !

Ingrid Veninger is acting a bit bored and seems not to be that comfortable with her part.

Enjoy "Hush little baby" - you will like it. I'll give it a 10 out of 10 which I don't give very often :-)
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Doing Dallas (2000 TV Special)
Promises more than you actually get
11 August 2002
It was great seeing the Dallas stars after all these years and even Larry Hagman without toupet (do you say this ? It's a kinda wig for men I mean). He really looked old ! But he and Patrick Duffy had some funny stories to tell about the time when dallas was shot. Also it was nice to see Morgan Brittany again and she really looked different. It was a pity they didn't interview Barbara Bel Geddes or Victoria Pricipal. But what I was missing are more details about the sets they used or about the production itself. The title "Doing Dallas" promises more than you actually get in the end. And the part about the tourist sightseeing tour at Southfork was boring. Who wants to see rooms that actually never were used in the series ? But you should find out for yourself. It's worth watching it anyway :-)
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An Element of Truth (1995 TV Movie)
Sexy Donna at her best !
10 March 2002
This is a story about a woman who is stealing the hearts and the money of men. Donna Mills plays Vanessa Graves who gets to know Sidney Wiltz, choosing him by using a dating agency that offers videos of single men. Sidney falls in love with her very fast and asks her to marry him. Vanessa says "yes" but is only interested in his fortune on his bank account. She plans on getting rid of Sidney by killing him very slow giving him "medicine" every day to cause a deadly heart attack... Well, if you want to know if she will be successful you have to watch the movie ! Donna is great, sexy and bitchy like she used to be as "Abby" in Knots Landing. Who else could play such a character this perfect :-) You won't get bored here ! Sit back, relax and enjoy Donna Mills at her best.
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Great movie, great movie and Michele at her best !
10 March 2002
I was never interested in country music and not familiar with Dottie West's music. I bought this movie because of Michele Lee. She is doing more than well in this movie. Michele proved again that she's a GREAT actress and such a talented singer. Not to forget, she looks fabulous, sexy & totally different from her character in Knots Landing. She was the perfect one for portraying Dottie West. After I watched the movie I had to buy Dottie's music. Michele brought her to me ! Wish I could find the soundtrack in Germany with Michele singing but it was never released here. But I can enjoy the original tracks by Dottie. For anyone who loves Dottie's music and wants to follow her career, just watch this movie and "be" a part of her world. You'll be sad that "Big dreams & broken hearts" is over in 90 minutes. You can sit there forever and keep on watching. It's worth it !
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Fire (1977 TV Movie)
Total waste of time !
10 March 2002
This is one of the most boring disaster movies I have ever seen. The actors are playing really bad and walk around like zombies. Donna Mills was the only reason I watched this movie and I must say, she is the only one who seems to be talented in "Fire". Her part is very small and the storyline around her part is sometimes very illogical. She portrays a kindergarten teacher who is out in the woods with a bunch of kids. When the fire gets close to them they try to escape and one child is missing. When she manages it to be saved with the kids she seems to be the only one who was really concerned about the missing child. Nobody else was interested. I must admit they tried to make a good movie by telling several stories about the different characters and how they finally get together in this disaster. But they totally failed by showing everything so boring and characters you won't be interested in. A total waste of time and money, it so forgetable.
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