
15 Reviews
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Reacher (2022– )
Series 1 is better than Series 2
2 March 2024
Have just binge watched both series of Reacher. Really enjoyed Series 1. The actor playing Reacher is very different to Tom Cruises version. Loved the story, the pace it moved, getting to know the characters, the twists in the story and the sound track. Looked forward to series 2, what a let down. I felt like I was watching a real life cartoon, some of the dialogue, fighting scenes and set pieces looked very staged. One of the characters tells Reacher that he looks tired and dogged and he does. I believed him more in the first series and had no desire to champion him in the 2nd series. Will be interesting to see what they do with series 3.
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Grey's Anatomy: In the Midnight Hour (2008)
Season 5, Episode 9
I don't get it!
30 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
We have watched these interns throughout this series being neglected, abused, disrespected and not learning.

They use their initiative and make a mistake and the golden residents save the day. I hate the fact the interns did not stand up for themselves or that they have never gone to the chief to complain. I hate the fact that Bailey considers the residents to be mature and have grown during this process. Surely this sort of drama does not go on in real hospitals?

The residents are spoiled, unprofessional, abusive narcissists and I would hate to have any of them as my doctor.

I know it's meant to be TV entertainment but still!!
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Terrible, terrible movie
6 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There have been some good Australian movies that are more than the scenery. This is not one of them. The scenery is of course picture perfect and a great advert for Queensland but that is about it.

The 2 leads are wooden with no chemistry and what's worse totally unbelievable. Why on earth is Delta Goodrum cast as an all Australian Air line pilot who wears more makeup than when she's on stage, who comes across as a diva and not a down to earth empathetic character at all. Some UK Yuppie is there to shut them down and we never know why an upmarket financial company from London has investment in this tiny Australian business in the first place!

I love Rom Coms and can suspend realistic belief to a degree but this is just plain terrible.
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Exactly what I expected
20 October 2022
Great suspenseful dark movie, gritty, terrifying and believable. Made me think of all the people that have been held captive in spaces like this all over the world in recent years. Personified the terror they must have felt. Was that really Ethan Hawkes sleeping body? Weird thought in the fear of this movie. Shame the real victims did not have a black phone and the help required. This movie was claustrophobic, dark and terrifying. The mask was on a par with Pennywise and Michael Myers. The young actors were excellent especially Gwen. Bleak ending as their Father was not a great human being. Glad that the ending was not schmaltzy.
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Awe inspiring
16 September 2022
Having lived through the heart breaking reality in 2018, was intrigued to see this movie and how it would be dealt with. A no nonsense, no scenes looking for effect, no goodies or baddies, just a tense and intriguing film. The rescues were amazing, what they had to do to save those boys. A well constructed respectful film, highly recommended. Claustrophobic and the maps gave you some idea of how long each dive was. Only thing not sure about is Colin Farrel' English accent! During the reality of 2918, no information about the water engineer that I remember, and what he did with the sink holes, amazing!
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I love this movie.
3 July 2022
I love this movie and the whole series. Makes me happy. Friendship, fantasy and fabulous music, what more could you want! The animation is superb especially the flying sequences.
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The Rookie (2018– )
What happened....
5 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I never watch series on TV but started watching the Rookie, the premise was great and the first 3 series I enjoyed. But the buffoonery in series 4 is ridiculous. People wandering around the police station, helicopters getting stolen for joyrides and some of the characters are out of bad B movies. A big let down!!!
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Makes him look like a saint!
10 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Interesting to see the story of who he was but did not go into enough detail on the crimes he committed. Lots of allusion and the odd light hearted question but no real interrogatory questions. A better documentary would be to investigate the people who surrounded him and who enabled him to do what he did. For the length of time he was allegedly active, someone must have known what he was doing. The BBC, hospitals, morgues, police forces, VIPs and royalty - someone knew!
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Two of the most incompetent assassins ever!!
19 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The premise of the story is reasonably exciting but the 2 assassins are like watching the Marx Brothers! They start off all high tech and get the job done and then are felled by the countryside! Ridiculous.
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Old (2021)
The pace was incredible until the end
25 November 2021
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The film moved at a very fast pace until the very end. I was Intrigued, riveted and invested. Right up until the last 2 characters escaped (only 10 minutes to go at this point) and then the stuff after that was very disappointing. So many unanswered questions. What happened to the M Night Shyamalan character? How was the cop so believing & compliant? Why did the 6 year old believe them and not react? As with all of his films since 6th sense the premise starts off so well, you know there is a twist and the twist leaves you disappointed.
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11 June 2021
I found this movie gripping, horrible subject matter dealt with in an under played non-sensationalist way. None of the Hollywood treatment, I imagine this is what real life looks like for the folk trying to stop these atrocities, without the killer of course. Was the right tone for me and felt the detectives frustration all through the movie. Very much worth watching.
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Burlesque (I) (2010)
What's not to like!
1 June 2021
Great fun, belters for songs, kitsch, great costumes and dance pieces! Two of the best pop divas in the business! Great! Not a masterpiece but not supposed to be. A real cheer up feel good movie!!
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After Earth (2013)
What's not to like?
29 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Will smith is wooden and cold in his character persona but he is supposed to. He is a ghosting expert and must not show fear or emotion to be able to kill the aliens that smell fear. Given his real life personality to me this was good casting. Jaden plays a typical rebellious teenager who wants his Father to notice him. As the film goes on that happens! Good action adventure - what's not to like?? Also no one likes Jayden Smith so I think that influences opinion!
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If for nothing else....
31 October 2020
What a great movie. It's a drama so slow burning but based on fact. If you watch it for nothing else than the first time the Professor meets the Madman and the wit and conversation between them then you have watched the best bit of the film. Mel Gibson back in his prime and Sean Penn is sublime. Loved it!!
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Gothika (2003)
Love this movie
18 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I am all for psychological thrillers and to me this is one of the best along with What Lies Beneath. The common theme is ghosts so maybe that is it.

Creepy throughout, love the fact that Halle Berry is not heard when on the other side of the fence, what her husband and his accomplice gets up to is very shocking and how it is all pulled together is great. Only downside for me wS the weak ending. Don't understand the low rating for this movie
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