
33 Reviews
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Ghostwriter (2019– )
7 March 2024
As a HUGE fan of the original, this was complete garbage. Acting, storyline, are both highly disrespectful to the original. I watched a whole season and I am truly disappointed. The creators had a GREAT opportunity to create something beautiful and amazing. They should've had at least one of the old characters in this new series. The kids in this series were extremely annoying to watch. (Deeply exhales) this was a waste. A waste of time. A waste of footage. A waste of funds for even doing this pile of junk. Saddest part is though my kids have NEVER seen the awesomeness of the original they hated this series as well. It's heartbreaking to watch your children throw the remote and leave the room.
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Pearl's Place to Play (1994 TV Movie)
11 January 2024
Sadly they only made one episode and I just saw clips of it in 2024. It was nice seeing THE KING again and hilarious as always. Truly saddened that there is no more footage to view. He will forever be listed, viewed, and named as one of the GREATEST who EVER done it. He definitely is deeply missed. A lot of people TRY but NO ONE can EVER take his place. It's a beautiful thing to witness Bernie and his comedy. I love and admire his delivery and rawness. The show seems to be along the same lines as his show. I wonder what other shows only produced one episode of a series. There is a lot about the nineties that are missed.
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Wonka (2023)
3 January 2024
I'm a major Gene and Johnny supporter of the Wonka character and I honestly thought Jeremy, from The Bear would make an excellent Wonka. But after watching this film, I think it was created perfectly. I laughed, I was invested, I was annoyed, and I found my heart melting. Not going lie, it got a tear out of me as well. I am not BIG on going to the theater and spending money on any film that I can just wait to watch at home but being a Wonka lover, I could NOT say no. Glad I did and even though there were children adding to scenes in their seats at this theater, it added and did not take away a single moment of the film. I am NOT a huge fan of musicals, but this was so cute and lovable.
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Bizarre Murders (2018– )
21 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Even though the names were changed, it was easy for me to find ALL the cases mentioned on this series. I do the slick jokes and the way the past news is delivered. I ended up binge watching the series. With my quick google search I found more information about each case and the acting for the reenactments are actually quite decent. I am also glad that the names have been changed, it creates us, the viewer, to do our own research, and with it, we can view actual crime scene footage, view court proceedings documents, and with that, see the face behind the history of bizarre murders. Please note: ALL cases are in FACT true, you just need to research, example: The drunken Irish, is the legendary Juggernaut aka Michael Mallory and it was FIVE individuals trying to cash out on his life insurance.....he was hit by a taxi, & when they put him outside, it was snowing, they placed 19 liters of water poured on his chest, & left out to die by freezing, and lastly, how was he actually murdered? They connected a hose to his face & had coal gas jets powered on for an hour.
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Friday (1995)
Reminds of my brother
28 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watch this film often because I miss my brother. My only issue is though Smokey owes Big Worm $200, he already had half of it and soon he made a sell to Hector, so he was closer to his goal. Then there was the time when Deebo kept coming by rudely uninvited, the third time he come over to Craig's, he just rode the stole bike passed when Smokey's chain was clearly visible, which tells us he never actually wanted it in the first place. Regardless of the tiny imperfections, it's one of my all time favorite movies. With a terrific cast. Long live John aka Pops Whiterspoon, Tommy Lister Jr, Bernie Mac, Anthony Johnson, Reynaldo Rey, Yvette Wilson, LaWanda Page & from the series, Jennifer Echols, Greg Bronson & gone WAY TOO SOON, Justin Pierce...which this series without them hits a lot different.
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Exists (2014)
15 August 2023
Not bad. I won't lie at first I just turned this on and went about my business now really paying attention. When I walked by the television, I'll glance at it and kept walking. It wasn't until I actually had the house quiet that I heard was going on and to my surprise it sounded like actually real conversations. But I went on to go clean the house. I think it was close to the end that I actually stopped, stared, & decided to start the film all over and give it my full attention. I must say I am very pleased with my random find of the day today. If you know one fun fact about this film is: "Don't start nothing, WON'T be nothing, and REMEMBER, you can start it but I'm going to make sure I end it!"
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30 April 2023
I love how it's a horror film and yet so hilarious. If you're not a supporter of human life, LGBTQ+, then this film isn't for you but honestly, we live in a time where we are all different and we are allowed to love and be loved. You can't call yourself a human being and hate another for who they are not judge them based upon your ignorance. I believe that without them we would still be living in times where other countries come and take over and lie and say they are the foundation. What a joke!!!!! Times change, embrace it, TRUST ME, you'll grow as a person and won't miss the joy and beauty of life and mankind. Overall THIS FILM was relatable, I throw shady, I'm hilarious too. I paid five dollars to watch this on Prime and it was worth it. I enjoyed this film.
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Old People (2022)
25 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's Children of the Corn but the elderly. It wasn't a terrible film, but some of it could've been a lot better. As soon as his girlfriend saw them, the family, dancing together, I knew she wasn't it. How can you be jealous of a family? As soon as she allowed his son, "to be taken", THAT should've been his red flag & let her go. I would've kicked her out since he ignored how she reacted with his estranged wife was attacked. Then she just stood there. I was yelling & cursing at the tv then. I'm glad she got what she deserved but saddened that the kids are orphaned. Relieved to see that their grandfather came back around.
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25 April 2023
I honestly was looking forward to watching this, I miss THE QUEEN, Whitney but this was hard to watch. Based on she looked NOTHING like the late legendary goddess & the acting was terrible. I wish those who have the money to create & make movies, even series actually put THOUGHT into their productions. This could've been a hit but instead was trash. I hope Whitney isn't turning in her grave over this blasphemous act. Then again Bobby Brown was spreading lies so I guess she's looking the other way on this one. It's just sad y'all wasted so much time, energy, & funds on a production that's mediocre!!!!
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Actually NOT bad as some say
28 November 2022
A story about my favorite female serial killer, I am here for it. Characters were great but after seeing Charlize as Aileen no one else can compare. Love me some Jigsaw, to see him differently is refreshing. It was said to see that Aileen couldn't believe she was accepted and be a better person. But you know what, "they", say, "Apple doesn't fall far from the tree". But anyone with a half a brain KNOWS you do NOT grow up to be a product of your environment, you CHOOSE to live that life because you're too closed minded to see your own potential. But, Que sera sera. We each are dealt a hand and how we play it is up to us.
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Black Summer (2019– )
27 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am a sucker for zombies. That's what made me keep watching but as a Korean-American, Sun's character was HIGHLY annoying. I could barely stand Anna and Rose. Just UGH! But during this whole series, Sun was the character I couldn't stand one bit. NOTHING she did was worth anything. I would have preferred her character to have some type of backbone and charisma, what do I know, I just write horror stories as a hobby for decades. But other then those three, I must say the series was worth my time and honestly without them, I would give the series a full ten stars. Now that I have given my unwanted two cents, onward to my main man, Tim Burton, who NEVER disappoints.
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Inside Man (II) (2022)
WHERE is season two
26 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
INSTANTLY hooked! I loved EVERY second of this series! I hope to see more of Atkins' character in the seasons to come, his sarcasm & wit is one of the books! I loved David as Doctor Who & enjoyed his character here as well. Let's not forget the great Stanley Tucci, AWESOME job, once again! My ONLY issue is crazy Janice. But how could she NOT be crazy with a name like that. Dolly Wells played her part extremely well. There HAS TO BE A SEASON TWO because Janice wants to kill her husband and I must admit that this tease of four episodes was a movie and I truly hope to see more of the vicar, Dillon, & Grieff.
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Scream (I) (2022)
17 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well, some of the character's acting was bad at some parts but seeing dude from 13 Reasons Why aka Wes & my main man Dewey pass, hurt my heart. I was laughing at the end when the two killers got what they deserved though. & Skeet Ulrich may have aged but he's still super handsome. Overall, I enjoyed the film.
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Pinocchio (2019)
Lost of brain cells
13 December 2021
I LOVE watching different versions of a film but THIS is by far the most annoying version of a story I have EVER seen. I honestly do NOT understand ANY of the stars given above five. I did HOWEVER LOVE the fairy, but that's about it.
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Not was I thought
12 November 2021
Been a HUGE fan of Clifford since I could remember. I read the books and watched the series. Saw the TONS of trailers while watching other things & so I only got Paramount Plus for my toddler. Wasn't the storyline I thought it would be, didn't like the bullying but I LOVED itthe film.
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Demonic Toys (1992 Video)
11 November 2021
It could've been A LOT BETTER but the acting was TERRIBLE. The toys did an excellent job and the cast was good, just their acting didn't always meet the level of the entire performance. Decent storyline though. Overall it was a good film, especially for the time period.
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Inside Job (2021–2022)
Copycat status
24 October 2021
Rick Sanchez meets Men in Black vibes.....I like both, so this was a decent series. Basically, drunk dad mixed with government theories. So, if you enjoy watching Rick & Morty or even like the film, Men in Black, you'll find this series watchable.
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14 October 2021
I'm a HUGE fan of the series, so this was EPIC, ESPECIALLY with The Doctor, I mean David Tennant being a character too. I LOVED except the trifling lady aka the caretaker, she doesn't deserve to be named. I could NOT stand her. Everyone else was a complete TEN out of TEN!!!
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Black Widow (2021)
7 October 2021
I LOVE the change in, Teen Spirit, really dope. I also love the GOT reference in battle, EPIC. I waited a long time to watch this, no spoilers.....just enjoy. I liked this WAY BETTER than Wonder Woman......I prefer THE OLD WW films.
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Borrasca (2020 Podcast Series)
7 October 2021
First heard of this tale on The NoSleep Podcast. To SEE it & not be my imagination was EPIC.
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7 October 2021
So Wendy burns her hand with hot water, Liz bandages her up, then Liz goes to answer the door & the next frame Wendy's hand is unbandaged but next scene at the shop, it is..... hashtag eye roll. Idk if I even want to finish this.
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Dragon Rider (2020)
2 October 2021
On Netflix it has a different title. Watched with my toddler, he's obsessed with dinosaurs & loves dragons, so I picked this for us on our Friday Night Movie Night. It was a cute film.
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Lucifer (2016–2021)
27 September 2021
I LOVE the series but Chole CONSTANTLY was annoying & so was Eve, but Eve's voice was TOO much. Other than these two, I would have given the series a ten.
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Squid Game (2021– )
Saw on TikTok
26 September 2021
Even though I have Netflix, I only watch when I see a trailer on a social media platform I use. What got me hooked was the simple fact when granny used her bank pin as her grand daughter's birthday, I KNEW I HAD to watch. 6.8 baby here & plus I'm part Korean.
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Fear the Walking Dead (2015–2023)
These people
26 September 2021
So I FINALLY decided to watch, just do I could binge. I did watch, TWD, episode by episode & that has my anxiety level high. Anyways, when I first saw Chris, I hated him & Ironically, he's real name is my ex's. Lol. No wonder I felt this way. I know it's just a show & they just played the role but Lawd have mercy, I KEPT begging for Chris to die. My FAVORITE character & why I remained hooked was Frank's character, Nick. He's such a young Johnny Depp. (He's the ONLY actor I have loved throughout his career, no matter what, besides, Vincent Price, of course). Also Morgan's character, played Lennie was a bonus.
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