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The Night Before (II) (2015)
Glorification of Drugs
6 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie ranks at the very top of my list of all time stinkers. It's supposed to be a Christmas comedy but is mostly about indiscriminately taking drugs leading to sweating and bleeding out your nose into someone's drink. If that is supposed to be funny then I'm missing something. The whole movie is geared to the mental midget crowd that only find things funny when their excessively gross, slapstick, and something a two year old would do. Sorry folks Seth Rogan is not a funny person. Stupid is not funny. I usually don't put spoilers in my reviews but this movie moves me to do so. With so many people dying of accidental overdoses due to taking drugs without knowing what's in them I just don't see the point in a big star like Rogan turning it into a comedy and a Christmas one at that. Some lame brain may argue this was a buddy movie but it was just too stupid to be anything but absolute crap. And speaking of crap, given a choice of a free DVD of this movie or a bag of Doggy doo I'd take the Doggy doo and thank you.
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The Nice Guys (2016)
Great Buddy Movie
6 July 2016
Surprisingly I really enjoyed this movie. It had an excellent plot and it was genuinely funny! Crow and Gosling have chemistry and I look forward to a sequel. The action was good and the movie was unpredictable which for movies like this is amazing. Go see it, you won't feel you got hosed and want your money back. The laughs are plentiful and very well done. Both Crow and Gosling are funny people. Some actors are just not funny such as Seth Rogan whom I find just plain stupid and vulgar. Comedy at it's best is about timing, like in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. This movie has a bit of that magic to it.
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Skyfall (2012)
Same old same old bond movie. Snore!
9 January 2013
I was hoping for another Casino Royale but it was not to be. The song by Adele was the highlight of this Bond movie. A mindless plot, uninspired fight scenes, Judy Dench with lines that I'm sure she tried to forget. No tension, predictable twists, senseless violence and boring chase scenes that go on and on and on and on. The villain was a gay ponce who was about as menacing as Mr. Magoo, he did however tell an interesting rat story. Back in the old days you could go see a Bond movie at a drive in theatre. In-between necking bouts with your girlfriend you could keep up with the standard simple plot of Mad scientist tries to destroy or take over world. Back then you never noticed all the imperfections as you were usually distracted, now you sit and watch the whole thing and realize just how bad they are.
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The Grey (2011)
A lister Neeson making B movies
17 October 2012
Liam Neeson has come a long way down from starring in shows like Michael Collins and Schindlers List. This movie makes very little sense and has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. It will not be added to my collection of movies as I really don't want to watch it again no matter how much time go's by. I never really warmed up to any of the characters let alone worried about them being eaten by wolves. For a brief instance I thought that it might get interesting if these lost souls actually used their brains to fight back but no, they just ran away whenever the wolves showed up and whoever happened to be the slowest runner got eaten. Stupid!! Also I do love the thought of Wolves living in their natural habitat and this movie portrays them as man eaters one and all. So don't go in the woods! More stupidity! And my final point is, in a plane load of Red Necks the character Liam Neeson played was the only one carrying a gun, how can this be, this movie was set in Alaska home of Sarah Palin, realistically the guys on the plane should have all been packing rifles, hand guns, mortars, grenades and surely surface to air missiles to take down those nasty leaping Wolves.
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August Rush (2007)
Music makes the world a better place
17 September 2012
This is an amazing movie with great acting by everyone! The music is superb as is the plot. Make sure you have plenty of Kleenex's around when you start watching this film. I had a good friend who never listened to music and had no favourite songs. That was as foreign to me as someone saying they didn't need to breath oxygen. I can remember as early as 5 years old hearing the song "The battle of New Orleans" and thinking "that sounds good". This movie is all about music and how important it is to humanity. We are a musical species! If Aliens are travelling light years to get here it's probably for the music, as music is the universal language that requires no translation.
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Fantastic Mysterious Tension filled Movie!
19 July 2012
I don't give very many 10's but this movie deserves it. I watched both versions the Swedish and the Hollywood remake back to back. Both are excellent! Alfred Hitchcock couldn't have made a better movie. Great acting, a plot that made total sense and kept me wondering where things were going, and tension that had me sitting up at the edge of my seat. Don't watch this movie if you have an aversion to brutal violence. Some scenes are very very graphic. Hollywood is into remakes these days while great stories like this are being made into movies in foreign countries. There are thousand's and thousand's of other untold great stories out there but Hollywood is only interested in reproductions catering to young audiences that have never seen the original. Add new up and coming stars and Jazz the old movie up a bit and yes they probably make money, but in the end they have soiled a work of art. No one has chosen to re-write "War and Peace" or a Tail of Two Cites" no one is repainting the "Mona Lisa" so why is Hollywood so eager to redo old movies that are works of art.
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Another Needless Remake!
19 July 2012
Hollywood is sorta like a big factory building widgets(movies) and they have a certain quota to produce. These remakes are an attempt to fill their quota without much effort. No need to be creative! Just take a movie, any movie, add some new actors to it and voila! What a pile of horse manure. This movie should never have been made. The fight scenes are boring, the part where the construction workers all turn their cranes in certain direction to help a half dead spider man get back to fighting the lizard and save the girl was just so sappy it made me want to hurl. I read all the old Peter Parker(Spider Man) comics when I grew up and the Toby Macquire portrayal is more in line with the comic books. This movie made no sense whatsoever. Here is this mad doctor trying to find a way to make people stronger, and he's been looking for it for 40 years and all Peter has to do is wander into one of the doctors lab's filled with spiders and get bit and he's turned into Spider Man. In 40 years the mad scientist didn't get bit once....mmmm. Also the Lizard turned a whole bunch of police officers into lizards, why didn't they attack Spiderman as well. And what is the point in the Spiderman mask if he is telling every second person who he is. Hollywood and the whole movie industry doesn't value it's own work. Movies that should never be remade because they are works of art are redone for the sake of widget production quota's. There are countless great untold stories waiting to be turned into movies, but Hollywood chooses the easy way out. I gave this movie a 5 only because is did have it's moments.
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Amos & Andrew (1993)
Superior Comedy that makes you think!
27 April 2012
This is a very good comedy that has you laughing regularly! The acting is superb! The plot is excellent with an accelerating number of screw ups that in the end reaches a very satisfying conclusion. A lot of so called comedies have one or two laughs in them and they've gotten better ratings than this show. This show is full of laughs and crazy situations that leave you wishing they had made a sequel. I have watched this show several times and will do so again because it is that good. If I have company and people want to watch a comedy I may drag this movie out as not many people have seen it. It always gets a positive review and a lot of laughs. Anyone rating this movie less than a 7 at least should see a therapist!
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Crash (I) (2004)
An all time great movie! A well deserved Oscar!
3 January 2012
You can watch this movie over and over again and never get tired of it. The acting is extraordinary, the topic and plot realistic and gut wrenching. This movie is not just about racism, but more about people making choices based on limited information and knowledge. They judge others before they've walked a mile in their shoes. The show is also one that envisions negative actions as having negative results, that is you reap what you sew or to put it another way, life is a circle and things come back around to bite or reward you. Further to this, one of the most profound lessons to learn from this movie is that we humans are a mixture of villain and hero. We have the ability to choose which we're going to be at any moment. Not many movies being made these days make any dent in our self indulged semi-conscious lives, but this show does. It makes you think and demands your full attention. Don't watch it with someone who never shuts up or has the mental capacity of an Amoeba. This is a movie to share and to discuss long after it's over.
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Drive (I) (2011)
Confused Over rated Movie!
28 October 2011
The one redeeming feature of this movie is the action which is done very well. However this movie is definitely conflicted on what it set out to be. Was it about an up and coming race car driver, a stunt driver, or a driver for bank robbers and other assorted criminals. Was there supposed to be some romance? Was this a Organized Crime Drama or maybe a psychological thriller, but in the end it was disorganized pieces of all of these things and thus really about nothing. Very unsatisfying ending. Lousy acting on the part of the leading man. The strong silent type has been done by much better leading men, such as Clint Eastwood, Ryan O'Neil, Audi Murphy, etc. This attempt by Ryan Gosling does not work. He should be cracking jokes and smiling a lot more, that's what suits him, he is not menacing enough with his pretty boy looks. The movie "The Driver" with Ryan O'Neil has been copied to quite an extent by this movie. Shame on Hollywood. This movie is just another unimaginative remake of one or two other movies. Wait and rent it, or just watch The Driver and instead of being disappointed you will be thrilled.
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True Grit (2010)
A movie that should never have been made!
28 October 2011
Boring, boring, boring. Movie's are an art form and as such should be treated with more respect, in particular those movies that are perfect in every way, such as the original True Grit with John Wayne. To remake this movie is like trying to supplant Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa with a new painting with Mona in modern dress. Most of the dialogue in the new true grit is the same as the old. However John Wayne's delivery of these great lines was funny and touching, while Jeff Bridges are incomprehensible at times and not funny in the least. It's amazing that Hollywood is running out of ideas for movies and doing all these remakes lately, while TV seems to be blossoming with great stories such as Spartacus:Blood & Sand, Boardwalk Empire, Deadwood, and many many more. I've read many many good books that have yet to be made into movies. Where are all the great screen plays of these books. Hollywood if you want to make remakes, make them for movies that originally sucked. I'll give you a good example, "The Keep" was a fantastic book but the movie sucked badly. Peter Sellers must be rolling over in his grave to think that his Inspector Clouseau movies are being remade. It's Blasphemi!!!!
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Colombiana (2011)
Good start bad finish!
2 September 2011
I enjoyed this movie for about 2/3rds of the way and then it was as if they had run out of ideas and money and just wanted to end it as soon as possible. It went from being original to being a Rambo, Commando, Jackie Chan clone. Fight scenes that go on and on and on and on and on and machine guns that only kill the bad guys and bullets flying everywhere that never seem to come close to hurting the star. Booooorinnng! This has elements of "Salt" in it but in the end never comes close to being as good. What is it with movie makers these days, they can't seem to sustain even a very short movie. I compare this movie to Legion which started out strong and went downhill rapidly after the first hour, and became actually a completely lousy stinky movie which should never have been made nor should it be watched. Before this movie started there was a preview of a remake of "Straw Dogs". I guess that's what is happening more and more these days. Everyone is into remakes with no original ideas to be found. Columbiana is just that, a remake of many other films which are much much better.
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Violent nonsensical historical crap
12 October 2010
If your going to make a movie about a time in history you should first be able to tell a story, and it should be interesting. This movie made no sense whatsoever, it was just a bunch of scenes which were shot for bloody effect. The characters held no appeal whatsoever. A movie with the magic of making audiences care about the characters being portrayed is truly great. I didn't care whether any of the characters lived or died. I kept waiting for something to happen that would help this movie redeem itself but it never did. It just went from bad to worse and back to just bad again. If you want to watch a truly incredible movie about the gangs of New York, watch The Warriors. By the end of that movie you are "one" with them. You want to be a warrior. The name Scorcese associated with this movie has caused it to be way overrated. Mr. Scorcese you should be getting better at your craft but your not, your movies just keep getting worse. Overrated lousy piece of crap.
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Let Me In (I) (2010)
Finally a scary vampire movie!!!
7 October 2010
We movie goer's seem to have a love of Vampires. I think it's because at some level we would all like to be one. However this movie definitely points out being a Vampire has it's drawbacks. This is a superb movie with great acting. For a movie to be great it must make us give a damn about the characters being portrayed. A great horror film must have tension, this one has plenty to spare. Very few horror movies are truly scary, this one was. As I read some of the reviews for this movie it struck me that everyone has seen the Swedish version and is comparing this movie to it. The rating of this movie is being hurt by this. I'm glad I haven't seen the other version and don't have to do comparisons. In fact I probably will never seek out the other version as I like this one so much. I just watched another horror movie called Devil - written by M. Night Shamala, it was very good and I gave it an 8, however this is a much much better movie.
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Devil (2010)
Very Scary Movie with a moral to the story!!
24 September 2010
There are very few scary movies being made any more, but this is one of them. Hollywood thinks that slasher movies are scary but their way too predictable to be scary. This movie has some good twists to it and the plot was quite interesting and "bonus plan" a moral to the story. A good horror movie requires lots of tension, this one has plenty. The younger movie goer will not like it as they don't get to see the monster/devil until the end. The younger crowd with no imagination has to see the monster right away or they don't like the movie and give it a bad review. Good acting by the cast! I will add this movie to my collection as it is that good. I wish people would leave M. Night Shamala out of this(listen up movie morons, you know who you are, he didn't direct this movie) and not judge this movie based on their innate dislike of him. He makes a great movie like 6th sense and then all his other movies are slammed because they somehow don't measure up. Other directors don't get this kind of abuse. Look at Scorcese and some of the dud movies he has made, or the Cohen bros. but they are somehow Icons and cannot be criticized. Go see it, some movies are not worth the price of admission let alone popcorn, but this one is.
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To save the day give me Dirty Hairy!
5 November 2008
Everyone knows you always save the lady not the guy! Except whoever wrote this script I guess. This movie is way overrated by movie goers. I don't know how to explain what is happening out there in movie land but movies that at best are good are getting these rave reviews. Dirty hairy would have shot the joker in about the first 5 minutes and saved us 2 or more hours of absurd violence. Let me see if I can sum this movie up, the bad guy is killing dozens of people, while the good guys including the so called Dark Knight are wondering around doing nothing until all hell breaks lose. The basic story line of this movie has been done before and better in the Crow. At the least the Crow knew what to do with bad guys, you kill them. This Batman was the wimpiest yet and got his ass kicked several times. I think Adam West from the 60's batman farce and whoever was Robin could have done a better and quicker job of mopping up this Joker. Heath Ledger got a little to preachy for my taste, just shut up and be bad. Oh and for those who read deeper meaings into this movie, like the Joker representing world wide terrorism and Batman using unethical methods to combat him(monitoring cell phones) give me a break. This is a comic book hero, no wonder I bought Marvel comics as opposed to DC 10 to one.
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Overlooked underrated gem of a western!!!!
2 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched this movie many times and enjoy it very much. It has great action, good acting, a superb plot, and a satisfying ending. Burt Lancaster is fantastic and show's why he is and was a superstar. This western is gritty, tough, bloody, and believable. Some movies should only be seen once, some such as this one, many times. This is not a spaghetti western!!! I think that spaghetti westerns have been way overrated. This western surpasses most if not all of the spaghetti's. Why you ask! I think Spaghetti westerns lack believability, you know the good guy is never gonna die, while in this show the good guy takes a beating and loses at the end but wins as well. Great unexpected ending!
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Not a western! Not a western! Not a western!
5 September 2008
I watched this movie finally on DVD and while it had some good not great moments it lacked something. Let me see now, there was no plot, no real tension, the dialog was absolutely boring, no action to speak of, the characters were one dimensional, and the so called Hero(Jesse James) was despicable. Not one character in this movie inspired any remorse in me at the thought of them dieing. The one train robbery that took place was so boring and stupid that it defied logic. Brad Pitts acting abilities were wasted on this show, he did a much much better job in Portraying Achilles in Troy. That movie had some great dialog. In the end this movie can be summed up as a portrayal of one backshooter shooting another backshooter. John Wayne will be rolling over in his grave to think that this movie is called a western. Great movies must have some memorable scenes, memorable dialog, characters that rouse our emotions and we care about, a plot that has us on the edge of our seats, and a purpose for making it. This movie has none of the above and thusly can be said to be mediocre at best.
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Controversial but exceptional comedy!
26 August 2008
Ben Stiller has done it again with this comedy, he has once again moved to the top of the comedy heap. This movie will become a cult classic it is that good. I have read several of the reviews for this movie some good some bad. It's usually that way for exceptional and groundbreaking movies, some people love them some hate them. This comedy makes fun of a lot of things such as washed up actors that appear in really bad movies, and actors that have to prove that they are great actors by playing a mentally challenged person, and war movies that try to be "so realistic". In the end people should wise up and realize that at the core this is a spoof on Hollywood, it is not trying to make fun of blacks or mentally challenged people, it's poking fun at Hollywoods portrayal of them. Example: In the 50's white guys used to play Native Indian roles in Western's. That has since stopped and Natives are used in Native roles as it should be. So why do Hollywood actors and critics and the public still think that it's OK to have the mentally challenged portrayed by normal average people trying to prove that they are great actors. Some have even won Oscars for their performances, this movie pokes fun at that!! Jack Black, Downy, Cruise, and Stiller give great performances and the laughs never stop coming.
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The Happening (2008)
Not for Neanderthals, but for Homo Sapiens!!!
7 August 2008
Once again the average Neanderthal that writes these reviews has slammed a good movie. Not enough blood and gore and the monster didn't show up. They want a monster that shows up immediately and starts killing, or else it's no good. This movie had plenty of tension, mystery and good acting. The plot was logical and made total sense, and really made you think about man kind and his existence on this planet and just how tenuous it is. The premise of this movie is that mankind has not been a good caretaker of the planet and has gotten a warning from nature. That's pretty straightforward and should be easy for even the Neanderthals to comprehend. Too bad their so easily confused. Listen up those of you who have split off from the Homo Sapien branch, in future don't bother going to see anything by this director as he is far too deep for you, stay home and watch reruns of Mr. Bean. A lot of the critics of this film make an argument that this could never happen, and they point out all sorts of scientific reasons why not. The point that is being made by this movie is that when mankind's doom comes and it may never come, it will be from something that we least expected and weren't prepared for. Look at the black death that has killed millions over the centuries and the influenza outbreak at the start of the twentieth century, both of these mankind could do little about at the time. Also there is a lot of criticism of the acting, which if you reflect was pretty much how all of us would react in this situation. This wasn't a Bruce Willis movie where everything he does is spot on and he saves the day because he is so all knowing and brave and Johnny on the spot. No this was a movie about ordinary people coping with extraordinary times, and not doing a very good job of it. The encyclopedia says that the Neanderthal is extinct, by the reviews this movie is getting I think not.
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The Boxer (1997)
Classic story of conflict in Northern Ireland
28 July 2008
This is a most excellent movie and should garner a higher rating. The acting is superb by everyone. This movie really opens your eyes to the day to day living conditions during the days when terror reined in Northern Ireland. It has a great plot and some good boxing scenes and more then enough tension for us old timers who still remember what that is. Yes the tension in this movie builds and builds to the final conflict between the forces of change and those that want things to stay the same. This movie is one that I could watch again immediately just because it is that good. I will add it to my growing collection. Some will find this movie slow moving and perhaps even boring but thats typical of todays movie goer's. They want to see the monster immediately and there must be at least 10 violent deaths per minute or they fall asleep and give the movie a bad rating.
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Chato's Land (1972)
A most excellent western!!!!
3 June 2008
Once again this movie review sight has given a superb movie a lousy rating, and once again I blame the morons that write these reviews. Clearly the coming of brain transplant surgery will be none to soon. This movie is what westerns are supposed to be like, gritty, tough, sweaty, with no holds barred and plenty of action and blood. The plot is simple but works well and does not treat you as if you're a dummy, everything that happens makes sense. Bronson definitely looks and acts like he is an Indian living off the land, he does a superb job and I defy anyone to think of another actor who could play this role. The ending while immensely satisfying also leaves you feeling quite empty as the hero may have won, but why did it have to happen in the first place. Hatred, discrimination and overconfidence were the root causes which drove the posse to chase this fugitive into country he called his own, and in the end they paid for it with their own blood. So I guess you could say this movie also makes you think a little as it does have a moral to the story, which most of the new movies do not.
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Amazing and Unique!!!
28 May 2008
This film is a pleasure to watch, I have done so more than once. The acting is superb and the plot thought provoking. What really stands out is the dialog which is several notches above the usual drivel that comes out of Hollywood. Very quickly you come to like and care about the characters in this film and by the end of this film it is very hard not to get weepy eyed. I have never really noticed that this movie is long and I don't think it is possible to cut any parts out without losing something important. Very few films have profound things to say besides being entertaining, this is one of them. The low rating on this site is reflective of the problem with society today, we have to many people who require special effects, several dead mutilated bodies, car chases, graphic sex, and foul language throughout before they can enjoy a movie. They then rate this movie based on the lack of the things I just listed.
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Jumper (2008)
Superhero Movie, "Not"
20 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The action and special effects are quite good but beyond that the movie falls far short of it's potential. This is not a superhero movie folks, the so called good guy is not really good he just gets more lines than the so called bad guy. I don't really understand the purpose in making this movie, it accomplishes nothing, it doesn't even drum up enough interest in audiences for a sequel. I too wondered at the message being sent by the television sequence where innocent lives could have been saved but our so called hero ignored his chance to do good. Instead he puts IOU's in bank vaults that he's cleaned out. Reminds me of Dumb and Dumber but at least that was funny, and I have no doubt that they would have put the money back if they had it. The potential here was incredible to make a movie that was memorable and compelling, but it was not to be. Movies about people with superpowers are supposed to be about the eternal struggle between good and evil, good guys with superpowers battling bad guys with superpowers, that's why Marvel has been so successful for all those decades. Why screw around with that formula! These guys decided to do just that and what do we have to show for it, a mediocre movie. Nuff said!!!
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Truly amazing movie
15 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched this movie many times and it gets better each time. At the end of the movie when George Kennedy comments that Luke was a world shaker, it becomes quite obvious the plot line is meant to remind us of a similar story of Jesus Christ. The moral of the story: Well, sometimes prophets are more successful than other times. Sometimes their message changes humanity and sometimes they just get dead, as was the case for Luke. This is one truly great movie. To think that movies like "The Departed" and "No Country for Old Men" are winning best Picture awards while this picture did not, mmmmm what's the message here. Hollywood does have it's moments such as "Crash" of 3 years ago, but seems to be rewarding mediocrity more often these days.
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