
21 Reviews
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Spy Kids (2001)
What is up with the IMDb score?
19 July 2020
Yeah I get the CGI is pretty dated and it's very silly, but look at the movie as it is. People on imdb have a bad habit of giving movies they think are overrated 1s, or movies they think are underrated 10s. This movie is an example of the former.

The kid actors are good, as well as the adults. Danny Trejo is a standout for me. Antonio banderas was great as well.

The villain, Floop, may be silly but you understand his character, which is something MANY spy movies fail at.

Jokes do fall flat, but some do land and are pretty good. The plot is simple and silly and does makes no sense at times, but it's a kid movie: I don't know why some reviewers were expecting an in-depth socio-political commentary on the government and spies. And in my opinion, the plot is entertaining and that's what matters.

I suppose that what movies should be aiming for: entertainment. Obviously a good movie needs good plot; score; direction; writing; cinematography and acting (all of which this movie has), but what makes me actually care about the movie is the question of 'if I enjoyed the movie'

And I enjoyed the movie, a lot
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Mythic Quest (2020– )
Could very well turn into a nine
26 May 2020
This show already is very good . I like most of the characters and found the humor was very funny. It felt very lighthearted, and was fun to watch. It was so fun that, I didn't even know all the episodes have finished.

People may come looking for a community season 7 or a It's always sunny season 15, but they will get a season 7 of Silicon Valley, so be warned.

The cast also does a great job, I personally think David Hornsby was the best at his role. Rob and Danny did great jobs too.

Now onto the problems: The two testers, danna and Rachel seem to be really boring and need to get more interesting in the second season. They did get more interesting as the series progressed, so I have hope.

The shows uses a LOT of sitcom tropes, many of them being incredibly overused. This idea of setting an entire show behind the scenes of a video game company has never been done before, or at least I know about. This creates a whole new set of ideas that the writers don't seem to approach.

Sitcoms with much worse first seasons ended up becoming shows that have been called the best sitcom (parks and rec, Seinfeld, etc....).

I believe this show HAS the potential to be one of those shows. The writing is very good, which brings me to episode 5...

This episode was a surprise. It was much more serious and showed that the writing can be great.

I DON'T want the entire show to be like episode 5, BUT episode 5 shows how good the show can get.
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Money Heist (2017–2021)
Rotted to quickly
26 May 2020
The show started strong but then quickly turned sour.

Characters now act incredibly stupidly and have dumb 'romances' between each other. Whose idea was it to put multiple romances in a 'heist' series?

And more importantly, whose idea to turn a mini series into a 4 season soap opera with a season 5 in the works?

The show must end, this show has the worst case of seasonal rot I have seen. Only the network behind the show knows what may come next, and how bad it could be.

What started as an intelligent intriguing heist story is now just a soap opera.
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Most consistent sitcom ever made
19 May 2020
The fact that the 14th season of the shows is One of the best really tells you most of what you need to know.

It MAY be too dark for some, but that's what makes it work. In other shows, seasons that are constantly seeking 'trends' would be called the 'dark ages'.

For example the Simpson's is an example of seasonal rot, way past its 'golden age'

But it's always sunny, It is IN IT'S GOLDEN AGE SINCE THE BEGINNING.

All the characters are funny. Originally I thought the characters were boring and had one trait and that's it, but i was so so wrong.

One of the best things about the show is The Character development. ALL the characters have developed since S1E1 in great ways.

I do have some criticisms though, such as the series never having any episodes that stand out anymore, or that the humor can fall flat.

But what other rating can I give to a show that is doing so good in its 14TH SEASON
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Sydney to the Max (2019–2021)
18 May 2020
This show is 100% better than the garbage Disney executives call 'sitcoms'.

It's still pretty bad. Same AWFUL child actors. Annoying characters. Poor writing.

One thing I will give it, is that it explores the rebellious side of teenagers, which many shows do awfully, but this THIS SHOW does it fairly well. And the dad is a nice character.

So if Disney decides to air THE NEW PROGRAMMING DURING TIMES PEOPLE WILL ACTUALLY WATCH IT, put it on if you are super bored.
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Rick and Morty (2013– )
Great adult animation
18 May 2020
I avoided this for a while because the first episode I watched was absolutely awful.

BUT... I gave it one more shot and it did not disappoint

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Community (2009–2015)
18 May 2020
A show that never fails to give me a laugh. Some of the worst episodes of series could be some shows best. Dan Harmon knows who to write comedy, and here he does it great.

EVERY character is funny and likable (except for Shirley). Favorite character has to be Ben Chang, he steal every scene he is in.

While I do agree season 4 was POOR, compared to Arrested development which had an AWFUL season 5, community had GREAT seasons 5-6.
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Gravity Falls (2012–2016)
One of the best animated shows ever on Disney channel, or even the show as a whole.
3 May 2020
Amazing show. Just watch it. Characters have a wide emotional range, relatable and funny. The mysterious aspect works incredibly well. Great voice acting. The ending is amazing as well.

Just watch it
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Into the Night (II) (2020–2021)
3 May 2020
Bad writing, poor acting, you name it, this show has it.

Bad choices of all characters are all poor.

The MAIN character (slybie or something) is unlikeable and boring, and at the end, a bad leader.

Awful pacing, some main characters don't get any screen time for half the episode and in the next episode hog the screen.

It starts strongly and gets very sour.

A completey Wretched ending, the choices the characters make are terrible. Ends poorly.

Avoid, don't waste your time, even if you think it is good at the beginning, don't watch the rest. Please take my word
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Good Luck Charlie (2010–2014)
Great Disney show
24 April 2020
Good Luck Charlie was a great show. Characters were well written, jokes actually made me laugh out loud lots of times. It was good to see a show that went back to just a family sitcom.
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Liv and Maddie (2013–2017)
Good show
24 April 2020
Disney seems to have entered another 'dark age' with its sitcoms. Bland shows that last for 2 seasons tops, low ratings and a lack of fresh ideas.

Liz and Maddie seems to be the last good sitcom this channel had. (Not saying that the shows that aired alongside liv and Maddie were good, but live and Maddie on its own was the last good show.)

Dove Cameron plays both roles really well, and the acting from others is fine as well. Some characters can be written annoying such as Joey, but they have lots of charm. Least favorite character was that friend Maddie has, think name was willow or something. Jokes are more hit and miss than I like, but they do hit.

Biggest problem seems to be that it doesn't have the quality the older Disney sitcoms have. And most of those weren't even that great! If it didn't air on Disney Channel, but on Fox or another cable network as a family friendly sitcom, the show would get a 4. I'm just happy that this show was good at the time it aired.
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Jessie (2011–2015)
Disney Trash
24 April 2020
If you ask someone what is the quintessential Disney trash, this is the show.

Acting is incredibly awkward. In older Disney shows the actors had fun and performances were more natural. The Ross kids seem to be forced at gunpoint to read every joke.

Jokes are not funny either. The worst offenders are form Jessie. Her jokes are either: she is from Texas, has a dad in the army or wants to be an actor. No variety to her jokes, just the same thing for four seasons.

Not the worst thing in the world butler is actually quite funny, but only every 20 episodes.
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Arrested Development (2003–2019)
Best sitcom of all time.
15 April 2020
This review only apply's to seasons 4 and 5


This review apply's to seasons 1-3

Incredibly funny. The deadpan humor by Jason Bateman works excellently well. Characters like gob, who in other sitcoms would be the comic relief and annoying, are surprisingly well written. Even the incest jokes are good, this is probably the only show in the history of world television in which that sentence would apply. The show is written incredibly well, anything that happens happens for a reason.

If only Netflix didn't exist to ruin it...........
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Bull Durham (1988)
Best sports film
15 April 2020
This movie is very funny and also has great commentary on the baseball world. Main Characters are great, though a main issue I have is with some of the side characters. They are incredibly unfunny. Would recommend.
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BoJack Horseman (2014–2020)
Near masterpiece
15 April 2020
Compared to the poor adult animation that churned out over the years, this a gem. I have a big issue with the first season, where all bojack does is make sex jokes. However, The other seasons have an unusually good balance of comedy and serious topics. The show never stops to tell a joke, or the jokes stop to tell a message. Characters are exceptionally well written. Animation fits quite well. Great show (excluding the first season)
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Lizzie McGuire (2001–2004)
Excellent show
15 April 2020
One of the best shows ever on Disney channel. Production is done to a high standard and covers lots of topics and the animation is unique. Is it realistic? No. Is it good? Yes
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Hannah Montana (2006–2011)
One of the worst shows ever on Disney channel
15 April 2020
This is very clearly some kind of show that was made by a bunch of corporate people who looked at what 2000s teenagers wanted and combined it all together. Compared to something like Lizzie McGuire which had much more heart, this show is far worse. Acting is dreadful, jokes are really bad, and the songs are complete garbage. Judging by everyone's fond memories for this garbage, the people at Disney did a good job of making a bad show that appeals to the masses.
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Big Time Rush (2009–2013)
Funny show and far better than shows with a similar premise.
4 April 2020
This show is more of a 7/8 than a 9, but I just like the show lots. It's far better than that Jonas brothers show, the boys actually act quite well, and sing well. Show is very funny and side characters can be well rounded. The show does have an over reliance on sound effects, so if you don't like that, this show is not for you. But the saving grace of this show is there is NO LAUGH TRACK. One thing I don't like about this show is that some scene can be unfunny and way too long, and there are random pauses in between conversation, like someone forgot their lines. However these are very rare. Also the boys mention they are from Minnesota and play hockey A LOT in the first few seasons. And this doesn't really have an impact on the show and can feel annoying.

Tye characters are great. The music producer actually has a character arc and a well written character, and is not just there for 'hahaha fat man shout funny' jokes. People should give this show a chance, it's not just some teenage middle class screamy girl series as it looks like at face value. People write this show off far too quickly.
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Great Show
4 April 2020
Probably my favorite thing to watch on Cartoon Network (there are better shows, but gumball has more air time). The show is much more dark and cynical than other shows on kid's TV, which I love. Season 1 isn't the best, but the show makes a big leap in the second season and has stayed at that level for the rest of the runtime. The show also has great voice acting despite various voice changes for gumball and Darwin. The different styles of animation are really unique and makes this show stand out, along with other things. The plots are usually nonsensical and hilarious. Since the show is geared for older children, it doesn't go out of its way to have messages shoved into every episodes (like the Loud house does, however I do like that show). And when messages are present, they are subtle and heartfelt. Side characters also have lots of good roles. (No spoilers) One character who is just a character used in the background, end up becoming the main antagonist, and it's execution is very good. Whole episodes are often about various side characters in gumball's 'amazing' world. These episodes keep good focus on Gumball and Darwin whilst telling a humorous story.

The show did get a bit sour towards the very very very end (last 3-5 episodes, though people would expand that number) of its run, however those episodes were still good. The series finale was a bust for me though. it doesn't build on any continuing story line, so you can just skip it and not miss anything important.

It's a shame CN cancelled it and now the only show leftover the network is the dumpster fire called Teen Titans Go.
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Not that bad
4 April 2020
The show can be funny at times and compares well with other shows on nickelodeon. If you are a fan of the chipmunks you'll like it. If not, there are some things to enjoy. I am personally in the later group. I find the chipmunk songs awful, and they happen EVERY episode. However this is my own opinion, and the chipmunks franchise is centered on their songs so I suppose that the show does it's job well.

One thing I really hated was the animation, it's abysmal and a HUGE downgrade from the movies (and the animation wasn't the best in them either). Voice acting can fall flat too. I would have given it a 6 if it wasn't for these things. If you look past them (quite literally) you'll find an OK show which can be funny.
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Great movie
30 March 2020
I know Alvin Flang well, but this review is not biased. Love on a leash is the best film of all time. Is vErY f.l.ui.d. Acting is above and beyond what I expected. My favorite part was when Alvin flang bought a house in Switzerland
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