
35 Reviews
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Cute and kinda confusing
3 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the English version of the film. I enjoyed how you're immediately thrown into the casual magic of the world. The final act of the movie confused me, but I was still amused and charmed by the whimsy and heart of the film. Wonderful animation style. I did not like the romance betweens Howl and Sophie. There's no build up at all. Just vibes. Nonetheless, I enjoyed the film enough to seek out more Studio Ghibli, as this was my first viewing of a film from the animation studio. My favorite character was the scarecrow with Flame Demon in second then Sophie. I'm not sure what adoring a mostly silent figure on a wooden pole says about me, but alas.
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An interesting mess
17 April 2023
This movie was bad, but I was entertained. The premise alone had me intrigued, and my intrigue was satisfied. I would recommend this to bad movie connoisseurs. Perfect balance of bad scripting and dialogue, weird premise, yet decent acting made it tolerable. The camera work is surprisingly good for a movie of this budget. I fear they spent most of the money on that and set design and not the writer's room. I know this film is based on a book, so before I place all the blame on the movie's writing room, I have to read the source material.

There were a few times I had to pause the movie and walk around in sheer disbelief that someone looked at piece of dialogue and thought "Why, yes, that's romantic." or "Yes, this definitely makes sense." The ending montage? They truly could have kept that.
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A bit uneven, but still a delight
23 December 2021
This is the second Wes Anderson film I've seen, the first being "Moonlight Kingdom." This movie is not as through-and-through charming as that movie, but it certainly has it's moments. It's a bit uneven but when it's good, it's real good. As someone who is a former journalist and current creative writer, this movie sparked that part of my brain, and I left the theater inspired to write. Highly recommend this movie, especially to anyone who enjoys writing and storytelling.
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This Is Pop: The Boyz II Men Effect (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
A retelling of a WikiPedia page from the band's & collaborators' POV
2 July 2021
I loved hearing from Boys II Men and the people behind them. Their perspectives made interesting what otherwise would have been a visual retelling of their Wikipedia page. Nonetheless, the documentary didn't provide much new information.
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Soul (2020)
Deeper than I thought it would be
26 April 2021
I never thought I'd be discussing the philosophical, potentially spiritual implications of Disney-Pixar movie, but I was with "Soul." This movie has a lot offer beyond what trailers portrayed. It's engaging and funny.

It does annoy me that we have yet another black character in Disney movie that spends a majority of the movie in an inhuman form. Nonetheless, I appreciate that this character also just happens to be black. By that, I mean that his blackness isn't cornerstone of this movie. It is implied that his music tastes were introduced to him because of his blackness (given the scene in which his father introduced jazz to him and the quote the dad said as they were heading into the venue). Otherwise, the main character is a man who loves jazz and happens to be black. As a black man myself, it's refreshing to see a modern film where race isn't a factor in the character's downfall or issues throughout the film. Given the world we live in, a movie like this lightens my spirit.

Definitely will be watching this film again at one point.
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Honest as possible
13 February 2021
Wendy shared her soul with this. I genuinely felt she was as honest with the audience as she is with herself. Great documentary. I have a lot more admiration for her.

I would have liked to hear more about the early period of her show, but that's my only complaint.
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Grease (1978)
Great music, bad story
3 January 2021
The guys are senseless jerks. I want better matches for every gal in the movie. The music though? Excellent for the most part.
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Fun concert footage but not documentary level
31 December 2020
I learned nothing about Ariana, the artistic process behind creating this tour, or the albums the tour centers around. It failed to provide the story of the tour or the London concert(s). That's the purpose of a concert documentary. The concert footage itself looked great though. Wish I was there.
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Fun film but flawed plotline
31 May 2020
Towards the end, the movie started to go off the rails. The twist didn't make much sense. Otherwise, it was a fun film. Definitely a popcorn flick as they call it. The soundtrack was a bit offputting as well, at least most of the Ariana Grande entries. They didn't fit and subsequently threw off the vibe of the movie. I enjoyed watching this film. Didn't take it too seriously, so I was able to relax and enjoy the ride. There were moments of vulnerability that I didn't expect and were welcomed in my eyes. This film doesn't deserve the hate it's received in my opinion. I see what Elizabeth Banks was trying to do. She wanted to create an action packed girl power film. While it most certainly could have been better, she reached that goal. It's not a nail biter. It's not all that visually interesting. The humor is hit or miss. It has heart though, which is something a lot of action films in the spy genre is missing.
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Revealing but structured oddly
25 May 2020
Never heard of these cases! Learning about them made me concerned if what happened in these cases is happening elsewhere.

The Pros: * Giving the details of Forak's case * The decision to re-enact Forak's case. Humanized her instead of making her look like a screw-up

The Cons: * The handling of the telling of Doobak's story/case. Despite her story kinda opening the floodgates of the drug scandal, her story felt like a footnote. Although they had less access to info about her, they made that so clear that they might as well as not mentioned her. She isn't humanized. She is demonized because we lack so much of her story and they put so little effort into telling her story. And when they bounce back and forth between the the Doobak and Forak cases, things get confusing.
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Akira (1988)
Shock to the system
11 May 2020
I need more feature length animated films like this. Gritty, unafraid of violence, layered storyline, and quite detailed animation. What a fun watch! I watched it for the first time in ten years the other day and it stands up to the test of time. Amazing work! Would love to find something else like it.
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Ages okay
26 April 2020
I spent a good bit of the movie being very uncomfortable with how they treat Claire. The ending made no sense with who got "coupled up" and who did not. Is it of it's time? Honestly, it's hard to tell. If it is of it's time, I'm glad I wasn't a teen in the 1980's. I would say that this movie stands out as a more realistic writing of teens by a grown person compared to most teen movies.
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Grandma (2015)
Charming, somewhat authentic
26 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Takes a hot button issue and deals with it in a genuine manner. A thoughtful approach that sends a message that it's not something to play around with, but it is a necessary step that needs to be taken.

The grandma constantly reminding the audience that she's an asshole is unnecessary. I'm tired of the trope of "a jerk with a low-key heart of gold." I feel like her being so aware took away from the naunce of the role. Plus it's hard to imagine and doesn't make sense for the grandma to have been any other way given the relationship with her daughter prior to Violet's death. Also, Elle had no chemistry with her love interest.

Sage's mom felt like the most authentic character. Well written, behavior made sense.

Sage herself was kinda annoying. She behaved immaturely for the most part but had such maturity about her pregnancy? Also the several scenes of her dry heaving? They've could've left out.

Overall, it was an entertaining, interesting film. Despite it's problems, I felt glad that I watched it and would recommend it to others. May start some conversations.
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Dirty Money: The Maple Syrup Heist (2018)
Season 1, Episode 5
Would have been better as an episode of "Rotten"
10 April 2020
Every other episode of this series deals with money being the product of an economic venture. Banking, real estate, etc. This was about an industry where money is the by-product. This episode would have been a weak one for Rotten, a docu-series from Netflix that deals with the food industry, but it would have fit in better there. Because "Rotten" specializes in telling the story of a food industry, they may have done a better job. So strike one (minus two stars).

Usually by the end of an episode of "Dirty Money," I don't feel confused. Here I'm still left to wonder what exactly is the beef that anti-federation folks have with the maple syrup federation. They get a lot of air time, but no party explicitly explains why having a free market is inherently better than a controlled market for the general good of maple syrup producers. Strike two (minus two stars).

I still felt entertained and educated, although the maple syrup puns did get old after a while.
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An improvement
8 April 2020
I didn't think it was funny in an unintentional way (which I usually do with Twilight Saga movies). It has its problems. The way Bella handles her pregnancy bothers me. The way Bella is so willing to marry Edward without meaningful consideration (which is horrid for someone at her age) bothers me. The dialogue is lacking in some parts too. The action is badly handled, at least when compared to the books. There is no tension or excitement really. However, I must say, all of the main actors's acting skills greatly improved. Visually well done.
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Ground-breaking for its time
8 April 2020
Ground breaking for it's time. A beautiful message. I don't feel the actress deserved a Best Actress award. Didn't feel that authentic, but they probably rewarded her for going through the "pain" of being so intimate with a black guy. But everyone else did an excellent job in the film. Enjoyed it.
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Lucy (I) (2014)
Desperate to be smart, but fails
8 April 2020
It tried desperately to be smart, but kinda failed with it's gaping plot holes, unexplainable change of character personality, and fails in scientific knowledge. Nonetheless, the movie was an interesting concept that if executed properly, it would've been the next "Inception." The special effects were great and that's the only quality of this movie that didn't bother me in some way.
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Nonsensical, but a fun ride
8 April 2020
Some of it made no sense. Like, none. But I enjoyed it nonetheless. I just wish there was more Angelina Jolie.
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Fails to Prove His Point
8 April 2020
This movie is poorly constructed and D'Souza proves none of his arguments nor even extensively talks about a hypothetical world without America, despite the film's title and initial opening moments. The reenactments were entertaining though, although they did remind me of something I'd see on an old school History Channel special.
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Bale is stellar as Bateman, but the film favors gore over commentary
8 April 2020
Bale does an excellent job of playing Bateman. However, the movie is not nearly as impactful as the book.
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Marjoe (1972)
Confirmation for the non-believer and not much else
8 April 2020
The movie was funny and an honest embarrassment for all of the people who believed in Marjoe, but I didn't feel like I learned much from the film. However, I now trust megapreachers as and preachers of even decent size churches less (not that I trusted them that much anyway), knowing how easily devotion can be faked.
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Natural acting
8 April 2020
Very natural acting. I truly expected no surprises out of this movie so I was taken aback by it a bit. Beautifully shot film. Interesting to see inside the machine of an actor's life vs. a actor's/celebrity's life.
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Heartbreaking film about an everyday black man
8 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The director took great care to not vilify or make a martyr of Oscar Grant, which is a delicate balance to tread that many movies focused on such a heavy subject matter fail in doing. Sure, the dog scene was extra, but otherwise, this is the story of a black man who is living a hard life and is trying to do right, but gets shot unnecessarily by the police. It breaks my heart to think of how far the black community has come and yet how damn far we have to go. I cried for Oscar and his family. I cried for Eric Garner and his family. I have cried for others. It's hard to understand that even when the bad apple cops know they'll likely get filmed and caught for their wrong doing, they still feel justified in their discrimination and have the nerve to not understand why the threat of prosecution is even being floated around. Too many bad apples leaves a distaste for the bunch, but you still gotta try to appreciate the work of the good apples.
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Ant-Man (2015)
Relatable AND Entertaining
8 April 2020
To me, this is by far the most relatable superhero story so far out of the Marvel movie universe. It felt very organic, which is surprising considering it's about a man who can shrink by the power of a special suit.
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The Martian (2015)
Book and Movie on Par with One Another -- Both Just a Bit Above Okay
8 April 2020
I've seen better space films, but I'm not sure if that's the fault of the film or the book (as it's also not the best book about space).
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