
6 Reviews
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Purdah (2018)
Absolutely Incredible
30 March 2021
This film is raw, honest, frustrating, inspiring, heartbreaking, and uplifting. In this well-made documentary, the filmmakers step aside and let the family it centers on tell their stories, and the effect is breathtaking. Get a glimpse into the life of this Indian Muslim girl that must overcome the expectations of culture to be the person she knows she is. Even as her parents grapple with honoring their traditions, they still love and support their children in being true to themselves and it is a thing of absolute beauty. Please watch this film.
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An Offbeat Comedy with Vision
29 March 2021
This movie is funny. Sometimes through its own unique voice and commentary on its great premise; sometimes unintentionally. The characters can feel stock or broad at times (notable exceptions being the titular Normandy and her Grandma), but each adds a wrinkle to the concept of teens connecting beyond their digital personas. There are some scenarios they present that I would've loved to see another pass at the dialogue to make it flow more naturally (which would probably help some of the actors struggling to make deliveries sound natural), but some lines that are immediately hilarious and memorable (again, grandma sticks with you). I appreciated the filmmakers had something to say, did it with humor and consideration of different viewpoints, and made some real connections between the characters. A low budget first time feature, starring local amateurs is no easy task, but the filmmaker seems to find his footing a bit with this effort. Looking forward to him honing his voice in future efforts.
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A Sweet Indie Riff on "A Star is Born"
29 March 2021
The star of this movie is definitely the music, and the filmmakers know it. Our leads each perform several songs in their entirety, with concert footage bridging a fairly modest approach to the "Star is Born" formula. There's a few sync issues with sound, but the cinematography is great. Our leads do a solid job of finding sincerity in, what could easily have been, some very melodramatic scenarios. All in all, a solid little story about following dreams and loving others through theirs.
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A Story About Cycles and Futility
10 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this film anticipating solid directing (Steve McQueen) and good acting (Ejiofor, Cumberbatch and Fassbender), if an unoriginal story. Every few years, it seems, we get another installment of "White Guilt: the Movie." I was not disappointed by the former, and pleasantly surprised by the latter. The film follows the slave story we all know(bearing not a little resemblance to Frederick Douglass's more widely known memoir), but with the twist that the protagonist was born free and kidnapped into slavery. We see Solomon object that he is free then beaten into submission, and made to accept his name(Platt) and his station. He travels first to a slave auctioneer's, played by a very understated(and possibly underused) Paul Giamatti. He is auctioned off at a higher price for his ability to play the violin. He goes to a compassionate owner played by Benedict Cumberbatch, who makes excellent use of screen time to turn an otherwise one-note character, into a conflicted man of principles. He gains favor with his master for his intellect, while also running afoul of the wicked overseer(played gratingly by the ever-punchable Paul Dano; seriously I was hoping for Daniel Day Lewis to show up with a bowling pin) for the same savvy. There is a disagreement that leads to the overseer trying to flail him. He instead turns on and whips the overseer. He ends up at the end of a noose, but is saved from death, only to dangle for a squirmingly long amount of screen time, unflinching and unyielding in it's brutality as he shifts from toe tip to toe tip to keep his windpipe intact. This act serves as the apex of the cycle. Master Cumberbatch must then sell him to keep a lynch mob from killing him, but the only master who will accept him is a cruel one. Enter Michael Fassbender, chewing his way through every scene and reveling in the evil Master Epps. He and McQueen could've been content in letting the characterization end there since Fassbender creates it masterfully, but they add in a touch of self-loathing and doubt that makes him a real, albeit horrific, person. His inclination toward his favored slave, Patsey, puts our protagonist into predicament. The cycle comes back around as Platt is forced whip Patsey in the worst flaying scene since "Passion of the Christ." He becomes the reluctant purveyor of the lash. It is now that he breaks his violin, before the talisman that linked him to his old life and his intelligence, and resigns himself to his yoke. He joins in song wholeheartedly, while before he sat in silence. He has become the archetype slave. Earlier on, he attempted to send a letter by way of a white hired hand that had drank himself into debt, who betrayed him to his master. It is later, through trusting a second hired man, a forward-thinking Canadian abolitionist(played to great distraction by Brad Pitt, sounding much more like Benjamin Button than any Canadian, that he actually does regain his freedom. And, as before he had to have the name Platt beaten into him, he is coaxed into revealing his true identity to the sheriff, and taken away home. His reunion scene with his family leaves lingering warm feelings; until the scrolling text reveals that no one paid for this crime. A fantastic film that chose earnest over preachy, and visceral over cliché. The performances were spot on(aside from Dano's screechy one-note and Pitt's aforementioned out-of-place cameo), and deserve both Fassbender and Lupita Nyong'O(Patsey) at least a nomination for supporting actor/actress, while Chiwetel Ejiofor definitely should get a nod for best actor, and hopefully start getting some long-overdue credit. McQueen, meanwhile, remains artful, if not gruesome in his depiction of slave life. He and Nicholas Winding Refn are contending for art-house shudder king. An excellent piece, definitely bringing something more than a rehash of a familiar story, even if the story is familiar.
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Meet Bill (2007)
A man with no authority over his own life takes control-with some help from a kid with an authority issue.
24 January 2009
I rarely comment on movies, but the previous reviewer seemed like a blathering idiot. This movie is excellent, not only acting-wise(Eckhart's transformation is amazing, and keep an eye on that kid) but the story is very real. It contains just enough over the top to remind us that it is, indeed, a dark comedy. But it definitely puts the humor in the right places. The film has a serious message, but a subtly hilarious tone. Though way out from mainstream "succesful" films it is splendidly done, and the ending leaves us inspired to action to better our own lives. Be who you want, and not what others expect. In the end, everyone respects him more for it.
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Worst film ever made?
23 May 2008
I would've given it a zero, except the lowest that can be given is a one. I actually created a profile to write a review of this film, because, previously, it had a six out of ten. I hope to rectify that, assuming that the original score was based off the only other person on this planet that had seen that movie having some sort of learning disability. That being said, I congratulate them on successfully using the internet, they are obviously making wonderful progress. Anyways, if this film has a point, it is lost on me. The story makes no sense to any sane person, and, as an insane person, I think the plot sucks. Its like having a rape fantasy, then realizing you wouldn't enjoy being raped; except far worse, and normally you don't pay to rent rape fantasies(unless no one hugged you as a child) and they don't waste an hour and a half of your life(unless you get very in depth in your daydreams) and make you lose respect for any actor that you see in it. That being said, no recognizable stars in this movie have big parts, so you can't blame them for being in it, because they probably only read enough of the script to do their part, and didn't realize that the script was written by a sixteen year old prostitute on acid. Assuming there was a script to begin with. Well, that being said, it is just one movie-goer's opinion, so, by all means, please watch this film and rate it yourself. Hopefully, those of us with at least 12 percent brain function left can eventually get that star count down to a more appropriate level.
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