
47 Reviews
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The Veil (2024)
Great five first episodes....
3 June 2024
On a six episodes runtime, sadly teh last episode falls on its face so hard it is not even funny.

I was capticated for the whole thing ntil the sixth episode that was awfully paced, boring and led to nowhere satisfying. Note that I was not looking for a happy ending but I was looking for something on the level of the rest pf the show, sadly it is below sea level and then some.

I could recommend watching the show for teh decent performance of the 2 lead actresses but the end is that bad that it is a waste of anyonbe's time.

Want to watch a spy thriller? Watch The Night Manager or. The Night Agent instead, way better shows with way better plots that actually stick the landing.
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White Noise (I) (2022)
A movie true to its name.
21 May 2024
From the first few minutes to the very end this movie is juyst that: white noise.

I would probably had better time watching static. And to think some people gave money to produce this.

It sure tries to say something but either don't know how to say it or did not understand what it was about in the first place, a huge waste of time, money and talent I reommend to look at paint drying instead, at6 least you'll get the hiugh of the paint smell.

I rarely seen a movie where so little happen and where I'm left angry at the end for teh waste of time. If you have more stories like this please, pretty please, don't make movies out of them.
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A very enjoyable movie on a subject that we'ce seen too much in films
14 May 2024
Just an enjoyable ride based on a story not that well known of the World War 2.

Cast is perfect, music and action scenes have Guy Ritchie.written all over them. A ton of action but not only, Henry Cavill fits the role like a glove.

Was entertained the whole runtime and it was even enjhoyable for my wife who despises war movies usually but it really is made like an action flick more than a war movie.

I highly recommend it, totally worth watching , not only to learn about that pan of history but also to spend a good time doing it, I wish history lessons would have been as entertaining, I would have retained more.
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Best US Godzilla movie yet
14 May 2024
Finally the monsters take 80% of the screen time and that's a really enjoyable ride.

Sure the plot is cheesy and full of holes but, let's face irt, these kind of movies are there for you to watch big monsters fight each other and tear down cities and, on that point, it sure delivers.

The best thing is, the human plot takes a backseat this time around and we really focus on the titans. CGI is breathtaking at times and the action pretty re;lentless.

Best popcorn movies of 2024 so far, I do recommend it eventho the plot and chartacters are pretty weak. That's a tton more fun than this Monarch show tho.
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The Regime (2024)
Was tougfh not falling asleep....
5 March 2024
... during the first episode. You have only 1 chance to make a first good impression and The Regime failed terribly. It wants to be comedic but it is more pathetic than anything.

Mopst of the cast is pretty unlikeable eventho the acting is good. A waste of anyone's time in my opinion, theres way better shows to watch than this.

I don't even want to give a chance to episode 2 at that point, the subject mater would be treated better as a fully comedy or as a drama but, right now, it really feels like a show that doesn't know what it wants to be and, as such, fails at both drtama and comedy.

If you have trouble seelping tho, it is better than pills, especially for your health.
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Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2024– )
5 February 2024
That's all I can say here, while the movie was not, inm any shape or form, masterpi4ece material it was at least a fun enough watch. This series in counterpart is not even that.

It is slow going with unlikeable characters that we have a hard time caring about (sure the movie was carried by great actors) and they could go place with it but they just don't.

Boring is the nicedst to put it, with dozens of way better shows to watch I feel this one is a trotal waste of your time.

Want to atch great action? Watch Reacher instead, want to watch a mind-bending show? Watch Pantheon instead (you should watch Pantheon regardless tho, like really).

This just ain't it chief.
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The Beekeeper (2024)
31 January 2024
Jason Statham can't save this trainwreck of a movie.

The action is passable but the plot is so nonsensical and the m,ovie unaware oif how ridiculous it is that it is actually hard to watch.

And that's coming from sonmeone who enjoys Statham movies including the ridiculous ones like Fast and Furious. It is not even "it is so bad it is good" it just plain bad with a cler intention to emulate John Wick but without the talent in the writing.

This movie takes itself way too seriously and is a total missed opportunity to touch on serious things like scammers and computer fraud.

Avoid, theres a 1000 way better actioon flick to watch or look forward to.
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Pantheon (2022–2023)
This show is on another level entirely
24 January 2024
Watch the first episode and I was like "there is something there, I want to keep going" but clearly I wasn't expecting how great this show is.

Not only it is totslly relevant to the time we live in and the rise of AI but it is also a damn great story that hits it on the nail and won't leave you unscaved.

Prepare for a rollercoaster full of action, emotions and mind bending moments a la Interstellar. I truly believe this is a must watch and probably one of the very best show I ever watched (certainly the best animation series).

This show will stay with you long after you watched it and you even might want to return to it to pick-up on new things. On top of that the voice talent is on point from start to finish and the animation great.

Can't recommend this strongly enough, whatr are you doing still reading this? Go and watch Pantheon instead!
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Zack Snyder should stick to directing
16 January 2024
This movie is a mess and not a good one, the writing is plain, is bad and is plain bad.

There is nothing here to like save the directing that, while it doesn't feel new since 300, is decent.

Writing scenarios is a real job, let the professional do it Zack and stick at beain behinf the camera, it will make for way better movies because this one suck.

Remember when people complained about The Creator being generic? Wai until you see Rebel Moon. And now they try to hype the "uncensored" version? Who would want to see an even longer version of this seriously? It is already a drag as is and I was unable to watch it in one go.

You can totally skip this and missing nothing, waste of your time really.
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Great action comdefy
19 December 2023
While this is not a movie where you'll be amazed by the plot it sure delivers on both action and comedy fronts and sometimes that's all we need from a movie: to spend a good time laugfhingh and see good action.

A popcorn movie? Sure, but in a wold where,m save a few exceptions, most movies are very slow burns with crap characters only defined by their gender or secuality I'm just hjappy to see a movie that is just a movie.

It has heart too, Michele Monagan never disapoints and even Mark Whalberg does a hreat job as the father figure.

A fun ride throug and through, jighly recommended in these dark times as we all deserve to crack a laugh.
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Even the Russels can't save this trainwreck
18 December 2023
Don't get me wriong, the special effects are good and it is a ton of fun when monsters appear on screen but it is so few and far between.

Between what you ask? Boooooring dialogues between mostly unlikable charactwers that are so dumb rthey should be dead already if they did not have plot armor.

After the slogh that was Invasion, Apple Original sertves another one. I almost think they are unable to get an interesting show runniong at that point. IT IS TOO SLOW, people watvching this are there for the monsters, not the sub-plot about searching the father or a failed romance, having a monster appear for 2 minutes every 3 episodes is the best way to get. Well deserved, trash reviews.

Avoid, watch Godzilla Minus One again instead. It is clerar by nmow that Western realisators and scenarists don't understand this genre.
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That first episode was a banger
22 September 2023
Sure Keanu isn't here but his story it ain't and teh story here is very interesting.

The action, while not toally on par with the John Wick moivies, that are kinda the pinnacle of action movies, is great and the cinematography too

All that is paired with a banging sountrack, interesting characters we want to know more about and grteat set-pieces leads to a very strong show opener that, with an over 1h runtime, felt like most modern shows running for 40 minutes.

If you liked the movies and are remotely interested in this world, this is a must see, let's hope they keep going that strong and it will be, for me, one of the very best shows of 2023.
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Worst Harlan Coben story
22 September 2023
I have ever seen or read. The plot is weak at best and the show only goes downward with the 2 last episoded being the worst by far.

Too bad as the cast is kinda endeering, it could have been so much more but sadly falls very short.

Watch Safe instead, it is a way better show for approximately the same runtime. This was a lost of time, especially if you're a fan of good and intricate stories Harlan Coben usually writes.

Sromething clearly went wrong here, good cast and great writer for a sub-par story with phoned-in ending.

Still 70 characters left? What else can I say? Well, it is not good.
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Til Death Do Us Part (II) (2023)
Noithing to see here....
21 September 2023
.... just move along. Between the incredible long and dull setup and the poor action scenes with terrible dialogue in-between there is clearly nothing in this film that worth you sit and watch this dumpster fire.

Even in these troubled times where movies are ew and far between I'd rather watch a sharknado, at least it will be midly entertaining. This offered nothing, pretty sure my encephalogram was totally flat for the entire runtime.

I'd even rather make a grocery list or doing chores than having to watch another minute of this ... movie? Yes, calling it a movie is almnost an insult to other movies.

Just move along seriously.
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Nothing new to see, just move along
10 September 2023
While I love Jeffrey Dean Morgan and. Lauren Cohan, and they clearly carry the show, it would be nice to see them in something else than these tired old roles.

This show does nopthing new, it is the same old crap in another old crap place of this universe that has been milked for long enough. The cow is dead and not walking, just bury it already.

Please AMC, find something else to do than spin-offs for a show that overstayed its welcome by many seasons. Fear the Walking Dead was funny for half a season, World Beyond was just terrible and this and the other one about. Daryl are just unneeded and unwanted at that point.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
Artsy Fartsy slugfest
31 August 2023
Looked at the reviews here, I did stuck with it until the end of season 1 and that was one of the most boring shows I have ever seen.

Half of the scenes could be entirely removed and the show would opnly be better because of it. Everything is so slooooow. If aliens invade earth I hope thay'll do it a tad faster seriously. Let's face it, if a show takes 9 episodes to start going it can't be good. Like all mediums, going through a slogh to get to the good parts only means it fails to entertain.

There are good ideashere and there, the alien design is interesting but it is not worth going through at snail pace. Watch only if you have trouble sl;eeping, it is better than pills, if you seek entertainment, finds it elsewhere.
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Way better than expected
30 August 2023
Seeing most reviews online for this new unneeded sequel to a beloved franchise (at least as far as the 3 first movies are concerned) I was expecting wqay worse with a movie that disrespected the franchise and characters.

Au contraire, it is a decent movie and a nice sendoff for Indy. Infact I even found it better than the previous one.

The movie is far from perfect, is completely uneeded and is clearly not as good as the original tyrilogy but is a decent piece of entertainment in the end.

It was not worth seeing in theatres but it is still wort seeing for what it is: a decent action flick and a decent sendoff to the beloved character Indiana Jones.
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A loated useless sequel
26 August 2023
While the first movie was just another stupid, but enjoyablem summer blockbuster this sequel is trying to hard and missiong the mark badly.

In fact the meg is pretty much an afterthought and you seen most of it if you watched the trailer. Clearly this sequel does not understand what this movie should be about. Noone cares about the bad guys here or the other boring creatures. The message about ocean preservation is totally lost in this mess as well and was unneeded.

It just wants to do too much but achieves little, even Jason Statham can't save this shipwreck. Watch the first one again instead seriously.
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Downey's Dream Cars (2023– )
Such hypocrisy
21 August 2023
Not only this show has the terrible premise of turning collection cars into RVs (that are in no way shape or form green when we know how lithium is mined) but filming it using helicopters, tanks and other heavy carbon footprint devices makes this show a bad taste oke

Leave these cars alone, the entire world thermal cars are responsible for less than 15% of global CO2 emissions while most modern EVs made in CHina arte done so using electricity produced by coal.

Downey's want to drive EVs? Just buy a freaking Tesla or any Supercar running on batteries, the choice is large. Not only it will give those beautiful classicval cars a rest but will also avoid making shows like this.
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Extraction II (2023)
17 June 2023
It has been a while since I watched a movie that bad, the plot is nonexistant and it is just a chain of events happening to try and justify the next action scene.

The writing is terrible and the action range from Ok to below average with so many no nonsensical things happening like "let's disarm tyhe herop for no reason so we get a hand combat scene" or "let's nopt kill that guy that will definitely come after us later eventho we could have finished it here and there".

Good actors do not a good movie make and even the acting feel sub-[ar in this.

Avoid, theres better movies to watch, most of them in fact are better.
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Jack Ryan (2018–2023)
Worst than the Tom Clancy videogames
21 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After a pretty strong first season the 2 others were so bad I had a hard time to watch entire episodes.

Was willing to give it a fair try on season 3 but first episode starts with a good 15 minutes of exposition before one of the lamest infiltration mission ever put on screen.

So called elite soldiers not covering ther sixes, they are all eqiuipped with silencers but why bother? Let's just fire on baddies without them.

Oh and the mission has no reckon so when they finallky land on a beach in Greece the baddies are there waiting....

Seriously, change writwers, find someone with even the slightest know how in firearms and military operations, this is just terrible.

Sad too as you can clearly see that there is budget behind it with some very competent stunts but that's not enough when nothing else is credible.
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Bullet Train (2022)
Most entertaining movies I've seen in along time
28 September 2022
Wearing its Tarantino inspiration on its sleeves this movie is a puire 2 hours runtime action packed ride.

Great performance by great acactors carries the oberall chaos on screen at pretty much all time.

The trailer hinted at a fun movie but it overdelivered on that promise in my opinion, as I said before this is the most entertaining movie I'vr seen in a long time in a year pacvk full of great movies.

Some people may call it style over substance but I personally think styld is substance in this flick, with so many movies and shows nowadays having pacing issues it is refreshing to see one that is paced like .... a bullet train!

Highly recommended!
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Not impressed so far....
31 August 2022
The show does look gorgeous but, at least in the 2 firstepisodes, it feels like it has major pacing issues.

Peopl;e are saying it is as fgood as GoT, maybe they should rewatch GoT first episode and seee how strong of a start it is in comparison, presenting a ton of new characters without needing so much exposition.

House of the Dragon feels slow, full of painfuylly slow exchanges between characters for exposition alone, show don't tell is the rule I feel was forgotten here.

Hoping it is a slow burn and it will pick up sooner rather than later but so far, not impressed and as good as Game of Thriones it is not.
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Death Race 3: Inferno (2013 Video)
11 August 2022
Let's face it, I cold not muster to watch this movie until the end.

Action scenes contain so many cuts it feels liek watching Laim Neeson jumping a fence in a loop.

The girls are only here to show their breasts and moan, the whole thing is very sub-par and not worthy of the previous 2 movies.

From serie B to serie Z.
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What a movie!
8 August 2022
Living in Thailand I did follow the story of this amazing rescue from just a few 100 miles away.

Still this movie glued me to my seat for the whole runtime, making me feel for everyone involved.

Clearly one of the best movies I've seen all year, probably the best true story rescue movie I ever seen.

A must watch.

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