
24 Reviews
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The Nun II (2023)
3 November 2023
I mean this is "R" and in 1 hr 50 min there was maybe 21 minutes of horror, the black and white credits at the end were scarier. This is very mild. I wanted to be scared like The Exorcist scared us once.

I've fallen asleep twice on it, finally got through it, and the best part was the goat creature and when the wine all exploded onto Valik. Still just very VERY mild compared to the other conjuring universe movies, which this is a part of .

I didn't even feel like giving it five stars, but Taissa Farmiga's and Maurice's acting was well done I will say that. Looking forward to scarier horror soon.
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Nope (2022)
Entirely Different take on Aliens....
30 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Jordan Peele is a breath of fresh air in my opinion for Hollywood anyway, who does so many repeats and remakes and action movies that I could literally sleep through.

But this movie kept me attentive just to see what he was going to come up with, give it a watch and see if you don't get surprised. It's not your typical alien visitation, but it does have the horror element definitely. The beginning of it with particles flying around and into things I thought that was a genius opening .

I look forward to all his movies, "Get Out" surpassed anything I'd watched that year! Keep on keeping on Jordan.
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Not Scary at ALL
2 February 2023
I don't get the hype or the scare, I've tried to watch this twice it is so boring has no scare factor to me at all.

I don't like found footage films anyway. But not many films scare me anyway, not Jeepers creepers, not very many I will say silent Hill did a bit, the strangers definitely, but I just don't scare I guess.

I'll have to give this another try I watched it about 5 years ago, I'll rewatch it and then maybe I'll edit this one. I'm a horror buff I've watched thousands maybe I've gotten desensitized. It's my favorite genre horror, thriller, mystery, sci-fi, anything but romantic flick.
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Grimcutty (2022)
Gru.......from Despicable Me....
18 October 2022
I had to laugh at this premise, yeah he is creepy looking but I'm a horror buff on all kinds of scary movies so maybe I'm desensitized more than the average.

But I'll say here that the writing the dialogue was pretty bad and it kind of jumps out at you. I like Shannon Sossaman in the movies she's grown up playing a mom here, but even she couldn't save the movie.

It wasn't so much the Grimcutty character I mean he was well done and with another better script it could have been decent, along the lines of Lights Out or The Boy along those lines but this one was silliness to me. Kind of insulting.
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5 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, at first it was mildly entertaining the carnival was so-so some cool cosplay going on, but once it got to the escape room/house it went downhill soo fast it burned rubber. First one without Breck as the Creeper and you could tell.

I mean I can enjoy a B-horror movie as well as the next guy, but this was really not gratifying at all to watch, the activity at the escape house was boring to say the least.

They needed more visual scares than they had in it, first time that the last 20 minutes of a movie was painful to watch and I'm an avid movie watcher. Really not that scary first time!!!
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KTWK (2019 Video)
18 September 2022
Well of course Spacey is good at acting he's been acting his real life to paint a picture that he's normal when really he's manipulative and deceiving others, that's why he's good on stage. I don't feel sorry and I don't miss his acting. There's too many times Hollywood and the public has ignored it.

If you really watch his mannerisms and listen to his smooth talking he tries to pull you into a false sense of security, but predators always manipulate very well. If you think Spacey is innocent, think again. I still can't believe he can sit there trying to look innocent. It caught up to him....
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Watcher (I) (2022)
HOLY...Fasten your seatbelts
3 July 2022
I'm an avid movie watcher and I get desensitized at times and I'm hard to please with thrillers but THIS one oh my god it's suspense and characters are riveting, and chilling I had goosebumps an hour after still. Amazing job!!!!
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I Liked It......
30 May 2022
I love this movie because it's a mind**** - sometimes I like the B-horror movies and this one I wouldn't really call a B more like an A-. It's fun with a couple friends and some munchies. I think Candyman is a much worse film.
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Slow Horses (2022– )
21 May 2022
Ok I haven't found a series in awhile that I've enjoyed this much mainly because it's just entertaining, remember when shows entertained us as they should? Though it's a drama/thriller Gary Oldman is a hoot in this. What's more is I've actually seen bosses like this before they've slid into a stupor of a washed up has-been but lovable one if you will. While others want to pick apart every nuance in this show I'll watch it for the sheer joy of good acting. Bless you Gary! You can do anything, from vampire to Beethoven, and now your first television series ever.
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Grave Misconduct (2008 TV Movie)
It's not that bad.....
15 March 2022
It was entertaining at least. Maybe the zeal and passion could have been more but it's not garbage, it's a good lifetime type like movie, a who-dun-it mystery.
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CSI: Vegas (2021–2024)
Twelve Years later .....
12 November 2021
Remember guys, it's been 12 years since Grissom left the lab. Now returning you wouldn't be the same person you were in 2009. The magic is still there it's just changed a little bit because the players are changed, but I'll tell you it beats all the crap I've been watching on TV!! Enjoying the hell out of it one friend told me it was too graphic well that's what I have always enjoyed about this show it doesn't hold anything back.
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5 November 2021
This is why I've been watching all these years since season one, you have to admit the writing in this episode was great. Liv is badass and it's great in relation to the powerful men criminal element. I wasn't into season twenty two but this one is amazing.

Ask yourself why it's been running 23 years well watch this and you'll know. Reminds me of Stabler's antics only it's Liv.
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Worse one of all imo....
8 October 2021
The first two had some acting talent but where did they get these guys - the actors are so terrible. I guess because it's 3D they felt it would make up for it, wrong! Watch it if you can. ;)
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The Mummy (2017)
Visuals Alone
2 October 2021
I'm picky too. But the visuals kept me watching it, storylines pretty good, Crowe excellent, if only they keep the comedy less it would have been better, but it's a decent movie. I wish they would make a more serious mummy movie about Egypt, they're all pretty campy.
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Satisfying Hitchcockian type.....
31 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Being a huge Hitchcock fan, and I'm not one to waste time on poorly acted movies but this one though I won't compare it to Hitchcock's genius, still it was a really fun watch for me, I know someone who this could have been about her life so it's well done on the agoraphobic woman with mental problems. I gave it a ten because it was very decently acted and had some unexpected surprises. Give it a watch I'd say and I'm picky.
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Escape Room (I) (2019)
It Got Better......
26 July 2021
Ever rent a movie and halfway through you can't wait till it's over, then somehow it got better, it was an tense kind of movie though I was holding my breath in a couple of scenes surprised myself I don't usually get that caught up. If you're bored it's a good thriller to watch. I liked it okay.
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The Toll (I) (2020)
22 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Hey I'm particular but even some B-horror can be fun, but this one was a breath of fresh air I knew someone was going to do a spin some day with an Uber driver because what's not to fear there, I mean it could go very bad.

If a movie can keep you guessing and wondering what's what or who's to be really trusted but your never 100% sure and there's that constant panic feel it's already done a good job. I don't write these often this is maybe only my third one in years but this deserved it had a lot of fun watching this one. Great idea they had here. Only part I didn't care for was all those people standing around yelling & jabbering at her, but the suspense is really excellent.
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28 June 2021
Well I'm a horror buff have seen thousands of movies, and I like the good ones. But this movie was just plain fun kind of like a pajama party gone amok. Get a bunch of munchies with your girlfriends or your teenagers and watch this it's better than 2006 imo, I even had more fun watching this than the 1974 one and that one's good!! Sometimes b-horror movies can be the fun ones to watch. Think of it like an amusement park ride.
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Didn't want it to end.....
31 May 2021
Just a cathartic and phenomenal show, wow. Kate and all involved delivered the best acting I've seen in a long time. A cut above them all!!!!
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Feardotcom (2002)
Not as bad as they say.....
28 April 2021
Hey this movie get's a lot of hate, but it's not as bad as say House of Wax ('05) where the teens are such bad actors you're rooting for the bad guy.

The images and mood alone is worth a couple stars at least, I liked it for the above average b-horror movie. I gage these kind by how unsettling the images strike me and this was pretty creepy.

Even if it's all over the place for awhile, if you want a good b-horror movie on a rainy day this is a good one.
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The Nun (2018)
12 April 2021
I'm a very big horror fan and by now I've seen countless thousands, I don't debate or pick apart or enter politics into any arts, I love pure entertainment value and I'm always generous in ratings, so this was really a first for me, first there was so much more they could have done, this almost felt PG-13, I don't remember being scared but maybe once. Maybe I've gotten desensitized over time. This was mediocre at best. I was so excited when this was coming to theaters. I do think the actress that plays the nun is fabulous. I think Tiassa Farmiga is miscast here. I watched worse but it's a disappointed to say the least.
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It's Entertainment at it's best....
10 April 2021
Just enjoyed this for the acting and story kept you glued to it, just watch without an agenda and enjoy it, yeah remember those days, when politics stayed out of the ratings. Getting back to gritty SVU without the pandemic issue.
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Orphan (2009)
Based on True story, well acted by all...
8 April 2021
Based on the true story of Barbora Skrlová very disturbing and interesting. This movie did really well at every level. Hard to find great horror movies today this is one. I commend all on this one.
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I Designed the living Room....
10 March 2021
It was pretty boring, I never write reviews this is my first but had to gripe about the job on this movie, the main actress was not great, and the visions of La Llorona were mild. This director is making the 3rd Conjuring movie I hope it's scarier than this thing!!!!
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