
225 Reviews
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Skyscraper (2018)
Fell flat
19 May 2024
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Except for some pretty intense action, sequences, climbing the skyscraper, the rest of the violence was pretty much typical shoot them up, slap them around and didn't do much to drive the plot or add to the tension. As far as I was concerned the only time it got interesting was, when he was hanging off the side of the building that was pretty good so I rated it a six otherwise it wouldn't have gotten that far that the actors were bad. They just didn't have any kind of script to work with whatsoever. The idea the concept was pretty cool , but they didn't do enough to develop the characters and make it interesting to care about why there was the set up in the first place and whether or not the people were going to survive the kids were cute but again no character development just a brief sketch at the beginning showing a moment that was later reenacted toward the end, but not enough time developing the relationship that he had with his family that made you care that it was all on the line at the end not to mention the other characters involved and why they got set up in the first place.
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Noah (2014)
Beautiful visuals but plot? Not...
18 May 2024
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So the premise is that everyone but Noah's family dies and then he's willing to kill mankind and let the animals take over the world again but divine intervention through Methuselah makes a baron woman fertile and lo and behold. There are two girl child born into the family. How are they going to re-populate the world interbreeding? Yuk. They really needed to adjust this plotline since they were already taking so many liberties. Perhaps the fact that ham goes hiking often into the wilderness, leaves an opening for him to discover some other female, but it really doesn't explain a lot since supposedly all the other human beings on earth had drowned in the great flood.

But that major aside, there were some great moments. It just could've been so much more definitely not the epic it might've been.
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Uncut Gems (2019)
Adam takes a walk on the dark side
5 May 2024
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A very different type of Adam Sandler film that's for sure. Most of the time I stay away from his comedy films because they're too juvenile for me although every now and then he hits one that is soft and squishy and character driven to engage me. This film is totally character driven if to the edge of madness and it wasn't a fun watch for me to watch someone self-destruct, but by the end I couldn't help but pull for him, it was pretty excruciating and I wasn't looking forward to watching the last hour honestly but by the time the ending came, it took me by surprise and I had to give Adam Along with the rest of the cast props for a job. Well done.
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Audrey (I) (2020)
So disappointing, please cut the ballet reenactments
2 March 2024
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It was wonderful to learn more about her early life and see footage of her during her early life and later years, however, the reenactments were very distracting and irritating. They would've been better served to go deeply into her life used that time with regard to her life in Hollywood and afterwards, there was not enough time spent covering her career and memorable moments on screen. This could've easily filled the time that they spent doing these pointless ballet scenes which were supposed to be some artistic representation, but it just didn't work. Even a black-and-white still photo of her is more mesmerizing than watching these people dance who you know or not her.
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Burnt (I) (2015)
Left a bad taste
5 February 2024
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My favorite scene was when his enemy takes mercy on him. That one felt like there was some real catharsis happening between these two people and it was touching the rest of it just didn't ever quite get there. I'm not sure why because all the actors were really good, but it perhaps was just so formulaic. It didn't allow for that chemistry, or as the movie was for with the food not just about watching a movie, but a movie that kind of takes your breath away with it moments of truth the only moment of truth that really felt real to me. I've already mentioned, so I was kind of disappointed, because with the cast it should've been There maybe it was just the way it was filmed the screenplay the directing. I'm not sure I enjoyed it though and I had to give it seven stars not six just because it was engaging. It just could've been so much better.
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Real Steel (2011)
Too long
4 February 2024
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This movie started out promising. I had no idea what the plot was and I was pleasantly surprised the acting was good. I liked the kid, but the opportunity for turning into a real story about people with Passed Over for cliché after cliché not to mention a ton of plot holes, the whole legal procedure for example where custody was determined in and out of the court you had to just go along with that for the sake of the story to work. Given that it was done in an interesting way as far as the filming it just went on too long and became super redundant and boring. I kept pausing the film, watching it on streaming and then I'd go back to it later because it didn't really keep my attention or suspense. It was pleasant enough, it wasn't a complete waste of time, but it could've been accomplished and an hour and a half instead of two hours based on the material they were using if they had chosen to actually the conflict between the characters to something real instead of cliché, that would've been more interesting.
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Black Swan (2010)
Worth watching more than once
19 January 2024
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When I first saw this, of course I was hugely impressed by the sheer magnitude of Natalie Portman's performance, incredible transformation. That's what I remembered the most about this movie. I wondered whether I would watch it again because it is not the kind of movie that leaves you with warm, fuzzy feelings at the end Also having gone through many changes in my life in the past 10 years, approaching this movie from the perspective of an aging performer myself lent a whole different connection to the feeling of desperation she had - her need to find the perfect flier. She always felt that perfection was just out of reach because she couldn't surrender and lose control of her fragile psyche. I thought, watching it a second time I would be able to much more clearly differentiate between what was real and what was her hallucination, but I honestly could not and even though I knew what was coming, it kept me confused And not able to figure out if what she was seeing was in her mind or real. She did such a great job (and I'm sure the Director had a lot to do with that) of pulling you into her confusion. I'm really glad I watched it a second time I am enthralled by this cast -the ensemble and Tchaikovsky as background - two thumbs up !
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Arctic (2018)
13 January 2024
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Leo got an Oscar for his performance in The Revenant -I can't believe Mads was overlooked for what he did in this film- his performance completely mesmerized without much in the way of dialogue. He totally nailed this struggle of man against nature, struggling for survival, and desperately wanting to connect to another human Enough that he would not leave the wounded woman behind. Yeah, there were some things plot wise that had me shaking my head, ..pretty much Everybody knows that leaving the place that crash is a fools errand especially in those kinds of temperatures and it wasn't clearly enough explained why he determined he would be better off, leaving the shelter of the plane and bringing her with him, as opposed to staying there, where he had a food source and could keep her warm; continue to try to access the radio ... that choice never made a lot of sense to me, but nonetheless, he committed to it, and then refused to give up no matter what the odds -it was really very touching and gripping in terms of the intensity that built very slowly as the movie progressed. The first time I tried to watch this I was very tired and it just put me to sleep The music background score is wonderful but I had to watch it again because I missed a good half of the movie after the other helicopter crashed and I'm so glad I went back and watched it again. I think the ending leaves you to determine whether they made it or not , I being a Pollyanna think that they were rescued before they had died, but they didn't know it when they gave up and that's kind of a metaphor as well ...
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Ma (I) (2019)
Really love this film and that is cracking me up
3 January 2024
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I am not a big fan of horror films. I love a good psychological mystery, though this one managed to walk the edge of both of those genres Octavia Spencer was the reason I watched it and she did not disappoint. She was fabulous and made the movie work. Any other person playing this character would not have had the nuance she brought to it. I'm happy to say that at the end of this film I gave it two thumbs up. I don't do that very often, but this one really surprised me even though it was predictable, I suppose that's because of the incredible lead actor and what she brought to the film elevated it, and the supporting cast was elevated as well.
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Get Out (I) (2017)
Wow... totally unsettling wild suspenseful story
2 January 2024
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I really didn't know what to expect. I hadn't read any reviews and at first it just seemed this was going to be a story about an interracial couple dealing with her supposedly liberal progressive family and of course there was the element of race used in the story, but it was beyond that kind of a Stepford wives field to it, and quite a mystery to unravel what was actually going on everyone just seemed a little bit off. By the this suspense is gripping and even though it's not a total surprise what's coming, you want to see the guy who figured it out get away so you're rooting for him even though it's not completely a mystery anymore and that since I guess you could say it's a little bit predictable for a thriller genre just with a little bit different cast of characters. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. I'm so glad I watched it completely entertaining and the Oscar was well-deserved for the original screenplay bravo !!
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Role Models (2008)
I liked it and I hated it
30 December 2023
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I couldn't decide whether I was going to keep watching this film for a while. The language just put me off, especially hearing the garbage coming out of such a young child. Yeah I know it's supposed to be funny but less is more and gets the point across but then a connection began to happen between these men and their Littles, and the movie actually became interesting And I wanted to see what was going to happen I started to care about whether or not the boys would redeem the men and vice versa so the movie wasn't a total waste of time however, I really had to overlook the overwhelming use of bathroom sexual humor again less is more as possible to Write a funny script without using foul language every other word it becomes unfunny really fast.
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just another campy reenactment
26 December 2023
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Not as bad visually as the attempt at Jaws 3-D ; obviously not real and not really meant to be -how could it be a surprise after this point in time? The first Jaws had the element of surprise working for it but now we all know what's coming and that's why we're watching so there's really no way to make it scary in the traditional shock value sense .

Plot wise who cares we all know what we're watching - a humongous Shark hunting people down, but there were a few questions that came to mind as I watched what was predictably unfolding.

Is it the actual shark who keeps coming back after exploding a gazillion times or is it in the species memory? They could've had more fun with it if they had done it more as a character film exploring the psychology or philosophy of that question I suppose, perhaps scientifically trying to research how the Shark could continue to seek out these people ? How do sharks know that Brody's are on the menu? Something like the hundredth monkey theory? But sharks are only fish not mammals -does that mean they can't have some kind of species intelligence? But this isn't trying to be an intelligent film in anyway whatsoever, so anyone who watches it and complains about how bad it was should ask themselves what they thought they were going to see... it's really just a matter of watching it for the fun of seeing another shark with massive Bite radius having a hunting party. The acting and script was phoned in, but this isn't meant to be a film that has you caught up in a character arc while you're watching it. It's all about a big scary shark on the prowl yet again, kind of like the Godzilla of the Waterworld.
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Jaws 3-D (1983)
LOL so bad it's comical
26 December 2023
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Anybody watching Jaws 3 is not going to be scared of the shark by now. If you don't watch this movie with the desire to be scared of the shark, but rather to enjoy the whole campy attempt to reenact a scary shark, it isn't all that bad I would never want to see it in 3-D, and watch guts and chum and body parts, flinging at my face, but watching it on a high de TV Added to the comic value of the whole production Forget about plot- plot it is really nothing to do with why you're watching this movie. For me It wasn't as bad as people had said, because I had no expectation of it being a scary film let's face it even watching Jaws 30 years after it was released didn't scare me like it did the first time I saw it. In someways the sequels had more fun with the special effects and the original downplayed them and left more to the imagination but now that has been so burned into collective memory of our culture, There's a way to make it surprising anymore, so just go with the campiness and have a good time. It doesn't make any more sense than the ring or some other horror character that doesn't die and keeps coming back ..,
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Love CCR!!
16 December 2023
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This was a great trip back into the origins of this iconic band. The only thing missing was the rest of the story and I would enjoy a documentary that covered that as well as the solo career of John But it wedded my whistle I'll be listening to CCR on Apple Music today while I'm working around the house timeless groove and still relevant to our times today!

Now I am BD wants me to continue to say stuff about this documentary when I really don't have anything else to say but I have to come up with something in order to post this review so that is what you're getting now. 24 more characters required.
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Kath & Kim (2002–2007)
Cringe worthy yes L O L funny no, but I couldn't stop watching
16 December 2023
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It was kind of like I was mesmerized with horror and although I understood intellectually the sarcasm and humor that was going on and did find that irony appealing the delivery was just so over the top. It was horrific and yet I couldn't stop watching it. I was really disappointed toward the end because it was just a lot of rehashing of what it already been done and nothing new, and it became really Really unpalatable the second time through. Props, though to the two lead actresses in their ability to create persona and characters, script, wise, I think they could've used a little help to really take this to another level that would've been evolved beyond caricature.
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Sing 2 (2021)
30 November 2023
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It's really hard for me to get into an animated movie most of the time I fall asleep, get bored, and just quit watching but not this one let's face it soundtrack sold it, and the actors who are voicing were so good you didn't necessarily recognize them in their human forms, and the characters just came to life the story, the plot although cliched and predictable was good, and Kept the story moving, if not full of surprises there was still enough interest in the characters to watch the outcome unfold. So this was enjoyable all the way around and had a good message about following your dreams, and being willing to keep trying even when things don't appear to be working out.
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Ava (IV) (2020)
Wow - intense action -great cast and interesting plot
25 November 2023
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Absolutely love the scene with Geena Davis and Jessica Chastain finally breaking for real with each other as mother and daughter very very well done. It gave meaning to the whole trajectory of her career as an assassin.... The fight scenes were so intense not only with Ava's character, but John Malkovich, fighting with Colin Farrell, pretty intense! I don't generally like fight scenes, but this movie kept me on the edge of my seat anytime you watch a film like this you have to be willing to suspend disbelief to just enjoy it and I certainly did don't understand the low. I am BD score honestly with this cast the script was OK. The weakest character being the boyfriend but over I've definitely seen worse.! Due to the great dramatic scene between mother and daughter, combined with intense adrenaline factor I bumped it up an extra star. Don't know if Ms Chastain did her own stunts in this film, but they option was intense.
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Casting did not work
25 November 2023
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Luke Bracey looks NOTHING like James Marsden. That casting choice totally wrecked the movie for me because I just couldn't except that 20 years later he looked like James Marsden and it just took me out of connecting with the characters and the whole thing felt contrived and stupid which it's a romantic Hollywood flick so you expect it to be, but if you can't connect to, the characters it's so much worse young Amanda was so gorgeous, but she did look a little similar to her older counterpart Michelle Monaghan. I kept thinking I'd seen young Amanda in films before she looked a little bit like Kirsten Dunst. I thought it might be her, and then realized it wasn't surprised I haven't seen her in any other films. She was really good in her role her acting did not seem contrived, and she was charming and charismatic, although her looks were similar to her age counterpart. Michelle was so much more repressed, but that worked with the character so I could accept the meta-Morphis of the female lead but the male lead never worked.. the rest as far as the plot went, was obvious to figure out before it happened and requited love the theme of the day. It had some nice moments as a movie, but it felt like a drug gone too long, and there were no twister surprises even at the end because we could see it coming.
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Cut Bank (2014)
Great black comedy!
19 November 2023
So glad I didn't pay attention to the IMBD review score, and decided to watch it because of the cast. I was surprised at what a delightful movie This is. You just can't take it at face value, (and it doesn't ask you to). There's enough Caricatures of Characters here to make it humorous and at the same time it is compelling because the acting is so good.! Also, the story (because I didn't read any spoilers before I watched it. I had no idea what to expect and that was part of the fun). I think this is a classic black comedy, and deserves to be recognized as such! At the same time, there was enough suspense, and surprises to keep my brain curious as to what was gonna happen. Next sure, if you look back at it in retrospect, you could call it predictable but if You allow yourself to be drawn into the world of the film, you will enjoy yourself and have a good time watching it -just don't take it all too Seriously and enjoy some great acting and filmmaking.
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Damnation (2017–2018)
Great historical "fiction" series that grows on you
5 November 2023
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This series did a great job of pulling you into the time and place of the narrative. It took a while to warm up to the characters, but once hooked, I was eager for more only to find out they didn't renew the series. That was really frustrating and part of the reason I didn't give it a higher score - that was really disappointing actually. As for the politics, the struggle is real. It hasn't gone away in 100 years. Here we are still dealing with the basic issues. This series is dealing with. It's worth watching just for sparking conversation and challenging. What do we stand for regardless, of which point of you anyone holds. To the creators of this series thank you for bringing history to life.
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47 Ronin (2013)
Could have been epic, but missed the mark
9 October 2023
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The cinematography was beautiful, the visual landscape and cultural immersion. Very interesting, but the story just seem to plod along. I didn't care about the obstacles that were placed in front of the protagonist Keanu. If you like fighting, then all that testosterone fighting would probably be enjoyable, but I'm more interested in the stories and the individual character arcs, and it was more like a sketch of these people, and the fact that they could not be together on the old Waze, and the prejudice about allowing some half breed to be Involved in their sacred rights much less involved with royalty. But there is a story here that would've been really meaningful. If it been told, why did the king allow this half bread to come home and live with them when it was break in tradition did he struggle with that and with the relationship that grew between his daughter and the half breed.? Then of course, we skip a lot of time in order to tell what happens after his death, and the importance of the witch was never really explained like, why did she care? Was someone manipulating her behind the scenes or was she just some demon that wanted to interfere with the human trajectory the special effects were cool, but the whole thing was just kind of detached, and I never really felt emotionally connected to any of the challenges they went through or the decision to die with honor at the end she was very sad one could see that, but I did not feel empathy for her at all perhaps that's the Japanese reserve That is worn like a mask over authentic emotional expressions, but she was obviously crying and at the same time there was no question of not bowing to the tradition and so it kind of felt like an oxymoron at the time the end came ....
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Bridesmaids (I) (2011)
Seriously funny
26 September 2023
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As a rule, I don't care for slapstick or bathroom humor, both of which are in abundance in this film but the reason it rose above those challenges and became really really funny is that the characters were three dimensional people that I could relate to, and I have to say that for me, Melissa McCarthy was absolutely amazing. She should've won an Oscar for her performance, I won't say anymore except that she is exceptional and made this movie. Laugh out loud funny more than once so part of that is her skills and actor and the other part is a great script. I noticed a lot of reviews on here are bashing, both the script and the acting but for me I laughed out loud on several occasions and sure there was plenty of other misses, but that's the way the comedy game is played , and when all is said and done this was a feel good movie that had a message as well as being funny .
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Ted (2012)
I know it was trying to be funny, but it just didn't work for me
24 September 2023
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The special effects for the bear were pretty cool and I usually love Mark Wahlberg movies, but this is the first time I put two thumbs down. It was just so freaking lame. I didn't appreciate all the cussing and sexual humor it truly lame isn't it possible to make a kids movie that doesn't just subsistence fart jokes and other sexually depraved humor yeah, it was an adult movie but it was junior high level just like the character in the movie who never grew up props for trying I guess you get one star for me but honestly, it was painful to watch this Mark if you've got comedic talent, this wasn't the vehicle to show it as far as I'm concerned.
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Important topic, great musical soundtrack choppy story
23 September 2023
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I wanted to like this film it's an important topic, and it had a lot of good information, and a lot of the footage was very moving, but the way the story was told from the beginning credits it chopped in an out of narratives, sequences interspersed with film of women giving birth. Sometimes doctors were interviewed. Sometimes the women who had been violated. The stories were all very important. I just felt the way the film was put together detracted from putting it out there in a way that perhaps it could have been easier watch and follow and would reach more people. So I don't know if it was the screenplay that just made a patchwork quilt out of all the documentary footage or if it was the way it was edited either way it was kind of painful which was sort of the point they were making I guess, but in a very roundabout way, the positives being the benefits of natural birth, and the ways that education is changing things. This focused a lot on women in Brazil in the healthcare system there as a woman in the US I Experienced violation in my birth experience, back in 1979 and it affected the rest of my life... and my child's so this is an important topic... especially in our current politics 2023, where women are basically being given less options, in terms of whether to give birth, or not in the first place, the way the births take place is equally important to the mental health of mother and child!
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Earthquake (1974)
What a hoot! Fun to watch for the laughs
21 September 2023
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Back in the day I guess this was a really big deal since it actually won an academy award- Special Achievement Award Winner 1975 For visual effects. By today's standards it's truly hilarious. The blood spatter in one scene made me laugh out loud and I'm usually pretty squeamish about that kind of stuff. Anyway it was kind of fun to see all the old actors who aren't with us anymore in their cameo parts and The earthquake and flood action was pretty good although it lasted way longer than a real earthquake would -can you imagine if a six point earthquake lasted for a half hour? But they were just showing all the different people impacted -so scene after scene after scene- I didn't time it but it truly was not realistic to think that it would've lasted that long. Everything would've been happening simultaneously but the way it was filmed it didn't exactly give that impression it just seemed like it went on and on and on just-- like the movie ! But fun for a laugh almost 50 years later.
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