
2 Reviews
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Dreamgirls (2006)
What an Awful Movie
29 December 2006
It makes sense to me that this film is getting raves from Hollywood because oftentimes in Hollywood it's all just a popularity contest. It also makes sense when you think that people who are liking the film may just be reacting to the countless songs being spit out at you rather than story content. Yet, this film is overrated and overblown. Eddie Murphy looks just ridiculous. No way do Jeniffer Hudson and Beyonce Knowles give the Oscar rated performance so many have raved over BEFORE the film was even out. I can't even believe that Condon is being set up to be nominated for a Directing Oscar when all he did was put together an album. Glitz does not replace a nothing storyline. A bunch of songs does not a movie make.
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Apocalypto (2006)
Another Great One From Mel...
10 December 2006
The film was just fantastic. I don't get into the bull about purpose or absolute truth in movies..I mean they are movies for crying out loud and by definition they are not real...and so I was really able to enjoy myself with the suspense, great character development, and creative storyline. Rudy Youngblood did an excellent job as well as the rest of the cast. Mel Gibson's humor played in here and there in just the right places and yes, the scenes of the sacrifices were interesting. I do admit that I have a slight bias as a Chicana who is educated in Mexican History...which is why I was drawn to see it in the first place. But as someone who also loves to be entertained at the theater, this film had just the right tints of truth and fantasy to keep me thinking about it since I saw it two days ago. At this point, for me, what Mel Gibson said and what happened afterward with his profuse outpouring of apologies, is dust in the wind. He's a great filmmaker and as an avid moviegoer, that's enough for me to keep seeing his films on opening day.
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