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Better Call Saul: Winner (2018)
Season 4, Episode 10
Stunning end to a mediocre season (minor spoilers)
9 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It appears that if you dont think every sleepy, boring episode of this wasted season was a masterpiece then you are a troll. I will refrain from passing my true opinion on those individual episodes to avoid the usual defenders screaming murder.. and focus on the positive.

The last three episodes were fantastic, true BCS at is best, the first seven episodes could be used as an aid to sleeping..

BCS is just too damn short at 10 episodes to spend half of each episode with poignant (read painful) silences and long stares and nothing actually happening.

The Wife and I watched the first episode, bubbling with excitement... we were late to the party as we were finishing something else and only watch one major series at a time.. and after the first episode of.. nothing happening we both just stared at the screen. We looked at each other and basically said 'erm.. wtf?! that was DULL!'.. then it just went on.. and on.. and on.. to the point we actually discussed stopping watching it.. Everyone screams character development, cinematography.. as though everyone watching this is not a massive Breaking Bad / Better Call Saul fan that is aware of how the writers / producers do their work.

The story that Gus tells Hector I am sure is supposed to be super menacing and chill inspriing, and people will scream AWARD AWARD.. but I actually found my mind wandering during it.. dull monotone and just missing the mark.

Season 4. its too much.. scenes drawn out just a little too far, silences just a little too long, story arcs just a little too drawn out and only a handful of hours that made you BINGE!.. and then... its over.. see you next year.

However.. the last 3 are true to form.. and close to perfect and earned enough brownie points to look forward to next year

In these three we see that Saul has almost literally lost his soul and on track to becoming the lawyer we know and love, only rooting for the bad guys who hs understands perfectly. HIs defense of the girl in thje scholarship meeting and the meeting after was like Saul Goodman giving his younger self a pep talk and then leaving that part of his past behind.

We get to see (well reinforce) just what an evil f**ker Gus is, and also.. to my great sadness, see what Mike will do for gus.. and that left a bad taste in my mouth. I have no problem, seeing bad guys popped off but this...

anyway, enjoy and see you next year.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Zeppo (1999)
Season 3, Episode 13
How has this got any rating above 5
25 February 2017
First let me lead with BtVS is the best TV series in history, and I watch all seven seasons annually.

And this is the episode I dread and have skipped on more than one run through...

...but amongst the stupid overacting of the main cast, the horrific story, the bizarre music score, and did I mention the cringe-worthy acting of the main cast.. there is one important occurrence that is vital to the season overarching story.

Any great moments are Xander moments, but they are few and far between.

Regardless of the reviews above which score 9 and 10 (I am going to assume these are joke reviews), this is the one and only low point of a legendary series. Watch once, then avoid.
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Get Over It (2001)
Oh-No another US Teen movie.. hang on it's GREAT!
9 July 2001
I was bored, Its Sunday, and there is nothing on a out local Cinema (a rather run down dump).. oh hang on.. 'GET OVER IT'.. didn't I see that advertised on the side of a bus shelter? Another teen flick, slumber parties, perfect women, smart ass teenage lads.. Well at least its warm.. lets go and pass an hour or so.. So in I went...

I damned near laughed myself SICK!

Join Berke in his attempts to regain the love of his Childhood Girlfriend (Alison - played by Melissa Sagemeier) by joining the school drama production.. however he is thwarted by the Super Smooth Straker.. but its not easy as Straker can sing, dance, play the piano, and was a member of a boy band.. Berke is Helped and Hindered by his friends along the way leading to some hilarious scenes.

However, Berke is so blinded by his love of Alison, he completely misses Kelly's (Kirsten Dunst) attempts to gain his affections.

However Best-over-acting-and-getting-away-with-it award goes to Martyn Short, who steals the show as the manic producer of the school Drama based on Midsummer Night's Dream.

As the film progresses, so does the humour.. cumulating in a production-within-a-film of the Schools play. Brilliant songs and musical score, however I challenge anyone not to be enraptured by Kirsten Dunst when she sings 'Dream of You' SIGHHHHH!!

Give this film a try, it does not use Semi-Nude girls to sell the film (there is one short swimming pool scene which is Most Pleasant (DROOL), but thats about it.

8/10.. Funniest film I have seen this year
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