
11 Reviews
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The best show on tv in a long time
4 November 2022
SO in Australia we have a Reno show called The Block, please don't watch it, its really gone down hill and its crap. I cannot wait for my fellow Australians to watch WBAFH they are going to love it for what they have missed out on seeing on The Block for a long time - renovations.

Oh but wait there is so so so much more.

There is a wonderful , loving , caring, nurturing and hilarious family involved that will show you how they have fun every day through a renovation of a stunning old lady that is their old victorian house , aka The Funeral Home. Something that well just doesn't happen on our Reno shows, happy people getting along. Never have I seen a really nice bunch of people , a family but also the tradies working together on a beautiful old house and team it with showing us around the community they live in and all of the people who have previously lived or worked at the home telling us stories along the way - it is so bloody fantastic oh and the renovations - I mean WOW - absolutely stunning is an understatement of what has been recreated - the house has been totally respected , nothing silly here , a bit different yes but nothing that insults the fine home but improves and shows her real character and with some really clever surprise "things" that I don't want to give away. Oh and that Kitchen OMG no no no OMFG just wait for it and Aussies just wait for the producers of The Block to set their eyes on it and realise this is how a kitchen should have looked in a 5 million dollar home - viewers of The Block 2022 will know what I am talking about! Please do yourself the greatest honour and check in with this beautiful family and see the love they gave to this beautiful home - 10/10 - Please please please bring us a season 2!!!!
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28 Days Haunted (2022– )
could have been really good I just don't know how
22 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Whenever you see a show about paranormal or psychics you just know its going to be rated down from all the skeptics out there before you even start watching.

So in saying that its a challenge to put good content out there I appreciate that and although I don't know most of the people in this series I came into this with an open mind and thought at the least I would be entertained. I watched all episodes and I feel a bit like my time could have been better spent watching something else/. I am one of those "I want to believe" but "don't bullcrap me" and having had my own experiences with orbs, ghosts, spirits , strange events occurring and even being able to capture what seems to be a ghost child in a photo once I love this stuff because I want to believe and I want proof. But this did nothing to help with that. If anything I was disappointed because I could point out more ways of them faking everything than it being legit! Too many things to list , and the same old they didn't have internet and didn't know anything about the families murdered before going in is a complete crock of crap - because some stories are so very well known you don't need the internet to look up about it - u just know it already -- aaaagggggh crap like that is all the way thru it like a banging noise from another room and even though they have cameras in every room they can only show you after the noise has happened and the shocked looks on their faces, they somehow couldn't show you the noise happening - oh give me a break - - they think we are all so dumb. Insert huge eye roll.
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The Twelve (2022– )
so woke but I need to know more
2 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this then I hated it then I liked it and was meh then I loved it again. I spent a lot of time sighing and eye rolling. I am not going to bore you with why, there's no point, just watch it and you will see. Token token token.

What I will say about the finale is that I still have questions... We did not see a follow up with the father and seeing as so many thought he at one point was the suspect you kind of think a follow up on him would have been in the finale but nope.

Also did Mum burn the negatives because of the affair Kate had with the dad ?? Most will say yeah duh but think about that, did she burn them therefore putting the nail in the coffin for Kate for another reason? Perhaps she herself started to think Kate may have fabricated things to look like the daughter killed herself accidentally? Perhaps she thought good ole Kate was indeed full psycho off her chops and murdered her little darling daughter? Perhaps it was the mum that killed the friend back in the 80's and Kate covered for her? So mum thought Kate paid her back or mum bought herself security? Where was the follow up with the Brother? And The rapist/false accused murderer??? We never really get that clear answer - only Kates word of what supposedly happened.

And still at the end of all of this there is NO BODY - we are left with water and our imaginations. Well thats no fun - is there going to be a 2nd season perhaps? I mean do you all believe the nut job that was Georginas husband is just going to stay away now? Just like that? Pppfffftttt he was an incredible actor btw.

A 2nd season is doable - lets kill Georginas husband and have greyhound Gary and Georgina suspect with the babysitter and her dad involved too , a trial for the tradie for the illegal workers death, a trial for the rich princess who turns out killed her parents , and a new trial after a successful appeal for Kate because not only is it found out about the greyhound Gary taking bribes for sway of jury votes in the first trial etc BUT now the body is pulled out of the water and there's more questions than answers............. .....and maybe just maybe mumma or Dadda killed their own darling daughter after all.........
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Best thing I have seen in a long time
29 April 2022
I wasn't expecting this! Wow! I did not know anything about this show who was in it what it was about - nothing. I put it on by accident and ten minutes in I was locked , hooked, and I couldn't look away. Fantastic actors - it's Spider-Man - wow right and Gil from all those twilight movies lol and Sam Worthington form the Avatar movies - what fantastic casting - top notch - fair dinkum perfection!! I love shows that are about crimes but also from cultures or religions that are unknown to me such as the lds that ordinarily we wouldn't have a clue about or wouldn't care to know , this show tells a great story from all perspectives - it's bloody fantastic - just watch it!
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Roar: The Woman Who Was Fed by a Duck (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
It's not fed , it's effed lol
15 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Oh no no no - surely it's not going there? Ahhh Yes it did! Well I am finally old because I wasn't ready for that and don't think I ever will be lol. Do people really do this kind of thing?
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Dexter: New Blood (2021–2022)
Brilliant rebirth ruined by final episode
9 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was so excited to see Dexter back. I was ready to watch him work in any way, shape or form and the new season did not disappoint , it was bravo all the way through, 10 out of 10 every episode. I loved it and then came the final episode. Now i am not the only one pissed. Checkout each episodes ratings and how well every single episode rated until the final!!! I am still left shocked. What was that? Who the hell was that? Because that was not Dexter Morgan. Dumbed down Dexter really? Dexter that makes mistakes really? Soft Dexter really? NO. NO,NO,NO NO NO! I don't know what they did why they did but right when things got really interesting with the underground showcase of victims and how it could have gone in so many amazing directions , but nobody I know would believe Dexter would be so stupid to make so many mistakes, or leave things messy or just be so blaze about things and to go out the way he did - NO FRIGGEN WAY!!!! Oh and Harrison? NO! If this is what they somehow intend on doing with new blood or not , please don't because he is no replacement for the real one and only Dexter Morgan. Seriously I cannot believe what they did.
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Sister Wives (2010– )
The Robyn show.......
31 December 2021
I watched this show years ago and thought it was great. The 3 wives worked together well and I felt a little envious of them because they had their crap together and even with slight disagreements they were well and truly a family to be envious of!!! Then came Robyn. I continued to watch and saw the decline in the other wives and so many issues arising from the rise of Robyn as the newest wife and how many things she managed to manipulate and change along the way , she is rather good at working her magic and getting Kody to comply with everything whilst making it all look like his doing. After A few seasons of her I switched off as it just wasn't the same. I decided to tune back in recently 2021 and wow it's pretty hard to watch now as it well and truly is all about Robyn as I predicted. And Kody still has his head well and truly planted in her sandlot. And even more recently with Covid added to the situation and everyone having rules places on them. Oh except Robyn can have a Nanny ......... blerk!!!!!! It's the Robyn show in full swing! The other wives if you read this , life is way too short and there is still plenty of life to be had for you all with all your kids, you are no longer wives or partners you are minions and chess pieces in the life and times of Robyn and Kody - get out , get out now, run!!!!!
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Then Came You (2020) Xmas reboot copy
1 December 2021
Love Brooke Shields but the story was too familiar to me after 10 minutes so I started googling and yep it's a co-y at or rewrite or remake , whatever you want to call it . Go look up and watch the original Then Came You with an older cast but some funnier one liners.
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Spreadsheet (2021)
I couldn't turn it off!
26 October 2021
So I binged all episodes available and it's not a 10/10 because that would mean it's the best thing you have ever seen in your life, but it's pretty darn close. I put this on after sifting through everything else available and thought it would be a show to have on in the background whilst doing other stuff - but found I couldn't do other stuff. It's really good! I laughed more than I had in the past year and laughed a bit too loud at 2am but it's that's kind of show where you can't not laugh.

I like the cast , great mix of some well known faces like Stephen Curry and the lady that played boomer from Wentworth, and whilst I don't know of the lead actress she was the perfect fit for this , she is very likeable and funny!

The first episode or so is a bit far fetched or is it? I found I could relate a little too much to be honest and it was funny as hell but yes some may think come on now is she really scoring that many hookups? But realistically yes it happens and I love the humour involved with it all.

Give it a go for 2 episodes and you should be hooked. It's nuts but it's life!
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Sleeper (II) (2012)
Stick with it and you'll be surprised
24 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I have to give this movie some kind of review as it deserves one at least! First few minutes on screen I was drawn into the darkness of it all, I thought ooh this looks a bit like a scene out of The Collector (2009), one of my all time favorite movies. That excitement was soon over. So we get into it, right off I thought Oh My God poor acting, unfamiliar actors, a few lame attempts at being cool (the unnecessary overuse of the word Retard almost made me walk away, so if you don't like that word do not watch) - I mean come on its 2012 and these are adults is this the best they could come up with? lame! I stuck with it and the longer it went on I had a few chuckles at the cheapness and cheesiness, YES I did jump several times so that was good, a tiny bit of gore, nothing that will impress slasher fans, but without giving anything away - there is a twist you will not see coming and it saved the movie! 6/10 the twist makes it worth the watch. You won't want to watch this movie for the scenery or for the familiar actors cause there aren't any, actually the actors are not even that good but watch it for the end and watch it on a night when there is nothing else better to watch and you should be satisfied (not thrilled).
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House M.D.: Lines in the Sand (2006)
Season 3, Episode 4
No rain man here just REAL AUTISM 2006 style !!
14 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
BRAVO !!! Finally we see a low functioning child with Autism as close to reality as possible. For years Autistics have only been compared with the Rain Man , now thanks to House Autism has been shown in a true to life form ! This was a wonderful episode that made me laugh and also made me ball my eyes out crying. So many parents have been in the similar hospital nightmare experience with a child that cannot speak - HOUSE explored this as well as the ignorance that can sometimes come from 'normal' people mis informed about Autism. THANKYOU !! Do not miss this episode ! - this is one not only for all the HOUSE lovers out there but for anyone and everyone affected by Autism around the world !
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