
22 Reviews
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3.6 Not great, not terrible...
2 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Neither Good nor bad, just a movie. And by that, I mean it's a regular movie. It gathers some great actors but the story follows the same "rules" as any other action or thriller movie: a dude knows something and he's in danger and can't trust anyone but just the main character with that secret.

In this day and age, if you have a secret that involves the government, the secret services or the illuminati, take a cellphone, film a video and publish everything on the internet. You'll get a ton of media coverage and attention and you'll not be running away like that.

Well, maybe in the case of secret services you'll have to run away (Snowden). Anyway, it's a movie that looks to be something but ends up being meh.
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What did I just watch??
5 November 2022
I can't understand how this movie passed any kind of selection or "inspection". I mean, the writing is beyond horrible. The dialogue is confused, empty and they look like filling the gaps by using the F word a lot. At this level of bad to average acting I think I prefer to watch a woke movie... Even Bruce Willis doesn't seem at the top of his performance here, he seems sleeping during the entire movie.

The Director worked with the crew of True Detective, the awesome True Detective series. Obviously he didn't learn anything.

2 Stars for the cinematography, the colors, the image. Looks like Hollywood was deserted by good actors, good writers. They still have good cinematographers at least.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Here we go again!
29 August 2022
This is a slow burning greatness. The same vibes of the Game Of Thrones, check! Royal secrecy and political mischiefs, Check! Attaching story, Check! Suspense and unpredictable events, Check! Awesome decor and mood, Check!

The first episode is just establishing the mood and storyline, it introduces us to the main characters and tells us who will mess with who but we don't get the full extent of what is about to happen and that's the good news! It's so rich that I can't imagine how the events will unfold in detail.

I was always wondering how Daenarys lost her crown and how all those GOT events happened. What led to all that? I'll be following this series very closely for sure. I hope they don't cancel it or trim it because of financial issues.

This looks epic and very promising!! I hope they redeem themselves after the debacle of that disastrous final season.
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Just another US propaganda movie.
29 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers

Well, If you watched Behind Enemy Lines and the first top gun you have already an idea about what is happening. While watching I keep having the taste of dirty cheap US propaganda.

Taking out 2 SU57 with one F14. I understand the need for Yanks to boost their morale after so many setbacks and disasters, but dont insult our intelligence. And every action is so predictable. Maybe I grew up and I can no longer watch Yank movies without questioning the events or logic. These days you have to switch off your brain to be able to watch any movie produced in Hollywood.

The good guys are talking and interacting and we don't know anything about the other side. We just know that they have a Nuclear underground facility.

Dehumanizing the enemy is the first step for a war.

If you're into pentagone propaganda movies so this is for you.

From a technical point of view this movie is perfect. That's all I have to say.
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Elvis (2022)
Love Me Tender
21 August 2022
Captivating from the joyful first minute to the sadness of the last second.

The director tried to capture a rich and dramatic timeline and compress it into 2h movie. He succeeded in that in many aspects. The fast rhythm and the short cuts were well placed. It's like watching this story through a dream, I can't really explain it but I felt it.

I am an Elvis fan from my young age and I knew from that time the abuse he went through. The movie didn't talk about his life in Germany, and didn't focus enough on the fact that he wanted a movie career without singing. The "colonel" was really bringing him down until eventually, he killed him on many levels.

Anyway, the screenplay, the cinematography, the colors, the vibes, everything was on point. Can't ask for more, unless it's 4h movie.

Good Job!
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Mosul (I) (2019)
Unexpectedly good!!
18 August 2022
This movie portrays the suffering of the people of Iraq under the siege of terrorism. The SWAT team trying to get to their objective in a warzone and while they are doing so, they show you the amount of destruction in the country. You see the world, their world through their eyes. The movie is catching from the first second. It tells the story of the atrocious results of US interventionism in that region.

The cinematography is great, the dialogue is good, and the scenario is unexpectedly authentic. One more thing, no Americans!! And that's a great point since ISIS is a multinational terrorist organisation financed by some Gulf countries, weaponized and trained by the USA. As an Arab I would have been really pissed if the US was portrayed as a savior in a movie like this. Fortunately, they were not present at all. Good.
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A bowl of cinematographic fresh air
16 August 2022
This movie comes from an era when Netflix used to create great movies without caring about the woke mob. Yes, ladies and gents, there was a time when artists created what they wanted without the Ministery of virtue signaling and censorship beating them up (socially speaking of course).

You'll enjoy watching the story of Abu the military kid struggling between his innocence and his role as child soldier under a terrifying and suspect commander. I was thinking, why they didn't cast an African from Africa in the role of the commander? Then I just shut up after seeing the first minutes of Idris Elba's performance. The dude is magistral on screen!

Storytelling, cinematography, atmosphere, everything is there to make you live with the kids. The dont shove their ideas into your throat by force, they dont give lessons, they act, they film and let the movie tell you the story.

At last, I watched a movie and not a freaking dysfunctional speech by a blue haired woman who wants to teach me the "correct way" to think.
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Inside (I) (2016)
My anger issues were tested
13 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Come onnnnnnn, They are literally living in the dumbest neighborhood with the dumbest cops ever. It's a succession of bad decisions made by the dumbest people ever. How the hell does a cop see blood and not call for reinforcements??? How the hell a skinny pregnant woman was able to knock down the woman who took out the two dumb cops and struggled with the male cop. This movie tested my anger and my tolerance toward dumb people.

3/10 because it managed to catch my attention more than a marvel movie.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Just another Hollywood disaster
8 August 2022
In 1979 Moonraker parachute scene was shot in the air by skydivers. This little piece of information is important to show the laziness of this movie. And the plague of CGI in Hollywood. It feels fake, it feels very CGIed. I'll not even write about the cliché scenario. The silly and empty dialogues that try to be deep.

There's a big problem in Hollywood and it's getting worse.
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The Batman (2022)
Big big disappointment
21 April 2022
They call him Vengeance; he rides a tuned automobile. He has nothing special apart from his costume. A farcry from Nolan's Batman. Dont expect to be amazed. It's a slow burn movie, nearly 3 hours of an emo dude wearing a costume. I found it so heavy that I watched it on 3 days. The atmosphere is right, the music is right, the plot is right, the batman is wrong. It's like a secondary character of the movie or a pretext to do the movie. I mean, you can replace him with anyone and it will do the trick. The emo boy of Twilight didn't fit into the batsuit.

Imagine the Batman escorting Falcone out of the night club in a normal way; walking.

And why the hell did you hide Colin Farrell under a ton of makeup? He is a great actor and Pinguin doesn't really need to be a big fat ugly dude!

I finished it with a taste of disappointment.
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Moonfall (2022)
3 April 2022
I was waiting for this movie, and I am disappointed. I think Rolan Emmrich is out of ideas. He is rehashing the exact same plots, all over again: a catastrophe is about to happen, a nerd looser discovers everything and the United States saves the world with the help of the nerd and a good old space Shuttle or ship. Of course, we have to add the dude who will pilot the shuttle, he has to be a hard***

If you watched any of Roland Emmrich movies, it's the same. Different but still the same.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
A bowl of fresh air
25 December 2021
In a horrendous cinematographic landscape and after watching the disastrous matrix resurrection this movie comes like a bowl of fresh air. A politico-social satire. A gloomy dark comedic look at our society, buzz media and social media frenzy. Our priorities have shifted toward what is socially in, funny and, what if we're on the brink of extinction...
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I wanted to leave!
24 December 2021
Matrix resurrection: Huge disappointment, generic, marvel-like, childish and it lost it's soul and uniqueness. I was waiting for the movie to end so badly. I watched the original trilogy tens of times and I always wanted more. But this...I hope they will not make a 5th one.

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Put your brain away and watch it, it will taste better
2 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
You take a bunch of civilians give them guns and send them to fight aliens, and in the future! logic. All the commanding officers in this movie are women in a full-scale war against aliens. Sexist? Not really, but if we check the how the world armies are right now you barely find any women commanding thousands of people in a large-scale war.

Everything is in ruin but they still have an air force and clean landing paths. Also fighting those monster aliens with regular rifles and bullet doesn't seem to be effective at all, they should have noticed that from day one of the invasion (I guess that's why they were losing. Those aliens can demolish humvees but you fight them with bullets...

Just put your brain away while watching this, it will be more enjoyable.
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Hancock (2008)
5 stars for the first half
21 May 2021
I watched this movie 3 times, one when it came out, one in 2017 and one tonight 2021. Same feeling always. First half was entertaining and funny. Second half is so annoying and uninteresting.
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I tried...twice!
27 March 2021
I tried to watch it, really, I did. Twice! But can't go through the first 15mn before thinking about flagellating myself in public for losing my time, TWICE!

I am stargate fan, watched all of them absolutely all of them. Who wrote this? Why, why did you do that? Why did you hire Mercedes Bryce to direct a Stargate movie? A woke move?? Congratulations, I nearly fell asleep!! This thing is far from Roland Emmrich or Jonathan Glassner's stargates...

Now I can understand why Roland Emmrich refused a reboot or a new stargate, he knew the studios are leading Hollywood into a disaster.
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Watch it at your own risk
18 February 2021
I don't know what to say. What was I watching? Was this a movie or a parody of a movie like the scary movies, and even then it wasn't funny. It's more boring than the lockdown.
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Songbird (II) (2020)
Michael Bay, what did you do?
28 January 2021
My boring to death actual lockdown is more exciting than this movie. The beginning was somewhat fast and exciting, 10 minutes later the downfall started to unfold before my eyes...30mn into the movie I wanted to shut it down. I am wondering if all this movie is in fact an ad for a motorcycle. And this is from the same guy who created the Purge???
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Lethal Virus (2021)
3 stars for the beautiful scenery shots.
9 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Its a movie about COVID-21 pro 5G, zombies and lot of shaky cameras

Spoiler ahead, if there's something to spoil...

A guy having a run and obviously zombies running after him It starts with empty streets and then a lot of zombies are running after our jogger. Then a forest and a lot gunshots with, guess what, zombies...the immortals infected with covid-21 are now chasing a girl in a lab-coat. and all that gunfight ends without any explanation...

whoever wrote this scenario was under drugs.
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Meteor Moon (2020)
Avoid this
9 January 2021
Its bad, really bad. The actors are so bad, the scenario is a disaster even for a B movie, I saw kids in African countries making better movies than this with cheap cellphones.

The director didn't get the memo yet: my friend, the USA is unable to handle a virus, yet you're making another movie about saving the world from a crashing moon. The moon bruh, it's not a flying toilet seat its the MOON! Are you serious?
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Skylines (2020)
very very bad writing
22 December 2020
I give you a clue, if you already don't know this: if a movie relies alot on music over dialogues that means the dialogue is terrible and empty, they have to fill it with distracting sounds somehow. Aliens are wondering around earth and they are being led by a human woman, a woke intergalactical invasion...Female lead in movies are fine if there's a good character, story, writing to support it, there are great and convincing ones the Alien series for example, even the female lead of Alien Vs predator was great and convincing!

There's that cliché moment when there's a pause in the action and two characters starts talking about their past and families, this happens in so many movies. Why they have to talk about that in every movie? And all of a sudden someone storms into the scene saying: you have to see this! -- OHH MY GOD I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING!

I think it all goes back to the writing of the role. The first Skyline was a cool indie movie, I really liked it. The second was meh...this one, watch it while cooking something is you want...
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Stargate SG-1 (1997–2007)
re-watching, again and again.
27 November 2020
I've been watching it from when I was young, still watching it today. I just started season 1. It's still thrilling and captivating even after all of those years.

PS: I hope Hollywood wouldn't do a "woke" remake that will totally destroy the franchise as others have.
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