541 Reviews
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Reacher (2022– )
This Reacher is
29 May 2024
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If Tom Cruise had not -payed the Reacher character in two previous movies, I might have scored this show higher. Too be honest, I never read the books and have no point of reference, but found that true fans of the novels didn't like TC, because he was too small. Unlike them, I felt Cruse did a much better job. What do I know? Sheesh. Anyways, I guess the producers and directors trolled Gyms looking for someone who fit the novel's description, and voila, found a guy who lifts things up and puts them down. Tada - their star shines. Yay!!! It's too bad that the acting requirement occupied the back-burner - I mean the very back-burner. The writing seems lazy, and no sense of humor. Pace is choppy at best. Is there hope - I don't think so. If it was a blank canvas - there would be. But not now.
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WOW!!!!, I mean Just Wow.
4 March 2024
I never claimed to be a cinematic aficionado, at least not in public or hidden from my justifiable narcissism - but from this moment on, I hubrisicly title myself, 'The Fault-finding Bard.' And WHY you ask? Well first, what kind of an idiot would put a freaking jalopy-junker in a shed? Whats even worse, some discombobulated scribe penned this rubbish and prostituted it as art - and someone actually got paid for it, wow. The directing is the program's shining star, sadly even its brilliance quickly dims as the story progresses. Kudos to the shed, very swanky hangout. No, just kidding, that was garbage too. Obviously I'm no fan and have wasted more time writing this review than watching the show.
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Not for Artsy Movie Snobs - It's Too Much Fun.
13 February 2024
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Great casting, excellent storyline with a really good plot, all that, moving at the right pace - what else does one want? Enjoyable? Oh hell yah. I liked this movie a lot. Kidman and Quinn are great, but Sandra Bullock, well she is just plain spectacular. The flick was fun, which means...if you consider yourself a cinematic connoisseur...you'll hate it. Feel like some light hearted fun, with a dash of magic - take this classic for a spin. Every Halloween, or if I just want to really appreciate Sandra Bullock in all her greatness, I will watch this. Now if you want hidden meaning or really desire a show ruined by some social justice backstory - you can catch enough of that kind of trash with more current products flushed out of Hollywierd. Hope you enjoy.
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I've Seen Better and Worse
10 February 2024
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Someone stated earlier, this should have been a movie and not a series. That statement I agree with 100 per cent. As a series, this thing drags and the dialogue is somewhat weak. There are stars who showed up to help the story along - but as good as they might have been - the drawn out length just takes from what could have been some great film making. I watched a couple of episodes, but finishing was too much of a chore. I can see some people really liked this show, kudos to them. I might try again, but doubt I will be able too make it all the way through. The script needs work, and I would say the directing needs some TLC.
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Total Recall (1990)
Arnold Overlooked, Once Again, by the Academy for Oscar
4 February 2024
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In an era of excellent movies, this one got the shaft. Not only did this extravaganza have none-stop action, gratuitous violence and an especially evil Sharon Stone - it also showcased superb acting skills of Arnold. From the beginning to end, a rollercoaster of tense intrigue and great CGI. Unlike current flicks, the authors of this masterpiece made a script that actually followed the plot - amazing. In addition to previously mentioned items, how can one overlook the passion and the sensitivity, I can only imagine the tears gushing from the eyes in every theater. I highly recommend this flick for everyone - especially those tired of falsely appreciating artsy garbage movies. Great movie.
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28 January 2024
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I had to give this spectacle seven stars. Let's face it, anything churned out by Tinsel Town now-a-days usually sucks. Which is not always bad, since if it sucks really badly, the Hollyweird aristocracy will reclassify those garbage-movies as 'art.' This flick might not be academy award worthy, since it was much better than one of those 'art' movies, but it wasn't too bad. So the story is about a wild party-animal, Vlad, running around the countryside raising hell. He takes fun a bit too far and a group of knightly-knights are tasked to reign-in this crazy party animal. The script seemed ok - even if it might have wandered a little now and then. The acting, stiff and preachy. I saw in other reviews that the plot seems to be politically one-sided - meh - so what, I don't care. I don't know much about Mr. Impaler, but he's no 'Barbie'. Good job with the gratuitous blood spatter and flying body parts. Normally I would consider the violence pointless, but we are talking about a guy name 'Vlad the Impaler.' The flick had a pretty good pace, although, at times, I couldn't figure out where the plot was going. Not really a big deal, since once blind wandering took the road towards Lala Land, the tale always jumped back to Vlad. Fun movie. Was it fake? Who cares?
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The Crown (2016–2023)
A Royal Bore
26 December 2023
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To be fare, I would never, ever, ever, EVER, watch anything like this - no action, explosions and/or car chases. Ah but the one who controls the TV, controls the world - and that isn't under my charge. My wife commandeered the TV, and I could not change the channel under the menacing threat of physical castration, which didn't really matter, since it only took one and a half episodes to realize I suffered psychological castration anyways. I guess if one can't help gobbling up voyeuristic lies and/or can't get enough of royal dribble, this baby's for you. The dialogue was horribly boring, the plot I guess is ok, and those 'Harry Potter' actors were, great. Why so low of a grade? I'm no fan of melodramas, especially fake-factual ones. One sided views are always damaging to the other side. Anyways - not my cup of tea. This is a English, British, U. K. thing - who I respect greatly, but it's their laundry - dirty or clean - I do not think they were treated fairly.
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Food Revolution (2010–2011)
A Healthy Food Warrior
4 December 2023
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Jamie Oliver is great. A truly great chef and seems like a cool dad and husband. I've enjoyed his regular shows for some time now, and had no idea that food could be cooked so many different ways - in such a short period. As far as this show goes, he didn't need to do this and it could have been a shot in the professional-foot. If you are a parent and your kids attend public school, this is must-see TV. I'm no picture of health when I was being brought - but folks tried. I also always brought my own lunch. Sandwich, juice, apple, etc., pretty healthy - not crap like what is served at the Huntington school. I know he is hitting his head against the wall, but at least he gave it a shot. Public school bureaucrats have made their own problems, there is no getting around that.
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Body of Proof (2011–2013)
Not My Favorite
29 November 2023
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Got it - she has anger management issues. Great. Police are just so stupid. Maybe that's too harsh. Look at all the similar shows; an author solves crimes - humor added: a faux psychic solves crimes - humor added, and private eyes solve crimes - humor added. All those previously mentioned formulaic shows had - wait for it - humor added. This show does not. It has lots of anger, smugness and spite. To top it off, all of Dana's hastiness is none-stop and way too repetitive. The writers and/or directors did this woman any favors. Apparently the writing was on the wall and no changes were made. I doubt anything could be done to rescue this train wreck from the tracks that were previously laid. Another show I definitely won't stream.
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Losing Interest in All HGTV
15 November 2023
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Not an awful show, just has the same repetitive formulaic blather the rest of the shows have. I'm tired of the same thing over and over. The stars are not my cup of tea, but fun. Whoever came up with this program didn't do the presenters any favors. Talk about beating a dead horse and handing it over to the new kids to ride. This program-plan is so old and warn-out, if it was a squirrel my dog would fall asleep. Come on - give the newbies something interesting. Anyways, I've watched a couple of episodes and it's not too bad. If it hadn't been done a hundred times already I would highly recommend it.
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Bones: The Death in the Defense (2016)
Season 11, Episode 11
The Victim Competition Begins
27 October 2023
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The two main stars are great and I always enjoy their interactions. I know Fox was up to financial shenanigans with the 2 - but stop with the lame politics and the afternoon-soap scripts. I got hurt, wait look at me, I got hurt worse and Hodgins gets hurt the worse of all. This was a light-hearted show and I really loved Bones and Booth. The support team needs to stay in the shadows. I don't care about Cam's love life, or any of the others' little side tear jerking tales of woe is me. The worst is Hodgins, milking his paralysis - come on. From light hearted, fast paced crime drama, to dark sad-storiathon. New writers are needed.
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Castle: XY (2015)
Season 8, Episode 1
If Beckett Had Just Disappeared
26 August 2023
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At this point we're watching two shows at the same time - one that attempts to be enjoyable and the other focuses on Beckett's Lockset. I prefer enjoying TV - not rabbit holes focusing on a whining costar. This show was set up for a great P. I. show starring Fillion and the rest of the supporting cast. I miss the old Beckett, but the new one needs to retire. She was once a valuable asset, but dragged the levity straight into the dirt. Anyway, this episode did have some positives, but the negatives were just too much. Split production must have really made it difficult for the others on the set. Let's remember the name of the show, 'Castle' not 'Castle and Beckett.'
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Castle: Cool Boys (2015)
Season 8, Episode 6
Slaughter - Great Replacement for Beckett
20 August 2023
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It was a no brainer that Beckett was going, going, gone. She was great early on but her multiple melodramas started dragging the show into the sewer. The 'poor me' - 'look at me' focus effectively turned the humorous investigative forays into dull Stana-dramas - BORING. Adam Baldwin's character (Slaughter) was very strong and funny as hell, and with Hayley Shipton's snarky sense of humor, the show easily would have had another ten years, at least. Just to add a tingle of mystery, toss in a couple of episodes with visits from super secret spy, Jackson Hunt (James Brolin), how could you go wrong? Keep the supporting cast, Harve, Ryan and bring back Gates would be such a super plan sine these guys - along with mom and daughter are like a finely tuned orchestra with Castle as the only conductor. Do I miss Beckett? Go back a few episodes, yes - but she should have gracefully bowed out years ago. Too bad too. I hope Nathan Fillion keeps the notion of a Castle (PI) spin-off in the oven. I'll watch.
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Heart of Stone (I) (2023)
Gadot is Always Great
11 August 2023
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Paced at breaknecking speed and superstar Gal kicking bad guys' butts how can you go bad. Oh yeah, there were other people in the movie - can't remember who. The camera work was super and those special effects were well placed and took no glow-power away from Gadot's shining star-power. The laughs were there, not in a side splitting fashion, just well placed and fully supported this spectacular plot and smart writing. Is Heart of Stone my favorite? Not number one, but pretty high up in my scale. My point of reference or bar to achieve, is that masterpiece of cinematic excellence, "Police Academy." Heart of Stone didn't have the passion or heartbreaking moments that Police Academy had, but is was definitely on par with the rest of those moments of heavy drama and edge-of-the-seat suspense. Nice job, loved every spine-tingling moment.
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The Bold and the Beautiful: Episode #1.9063 (2023)
Season 1, Episode 9,063
Hope, Hope, Hope
13 July 2023
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Hope, you are way too good at being bad. Thomas, you got a lot on your plate and I don't think you know what you are in for. Hope is going to chew you up and spit you out like - you know - those animals the chew their prey up and spit the bones out. Liam, it's all over. You've been kicked to the curb; smacked around like a rag doll and left in the gutter - aimlessly babbling. Snap out of it and don't worry - Daddy Deacon may have the answer.

Prediction: Shiela escapes and swoops into your life. Deacon is upset that you're a mess, Shiela loves Deacon and decides she will help him, by helping you. Ha! Devious minds think the same. You may ask yourself, is this the kind of help you really want? Hell yeah! Time to make things right. Hope's a lost cause, so you must allow Shiela to reach into the deepest depths of your soul and pinch any flicker of goodness that lit your life's path. Time for EVIL LIAM!!!
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The Bold and the Beautiful: Episode #1.9061 (2023)
Season 1, Episode 9,061
I Miss A Lot - Real Life Interrupts
11 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
These writers do a wonderful job. I'm not saying the actors are not doing a super job, oh contrare, they are. But mapping out who is attracted to who and hooking just the right people with the correct counterparts boggles the mind - sheesh. So Liam wants to divorce Hope, Hope has fake tears, Hope scampers over to Thomas, they make hamburger - hmmmm - all that with no feeling. Sociopath-much? Having crazy Thomas and evil Hope is perfect! They just need an evil lair and devious plans - watch out, the end of the earth is soon. I kind of don't care about the others, although Shiela is sparing interest.
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Castle: A Dance with Death (2012)
Season 4, Episode 18
Castle's Daughter Kicks Butt - Again
8 July 2023
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While all the hate for Alexis? She is such a cool part of the show. If the show had continued without Beckett, Alexis could have filled the void very easily. It was a pleasure watching the daughter grow into a future PI - paired with grandma. Once the obvious friction between the show's star and the star wannabe were settled, strong support would be needed. The two 'other detectives' were great, Nathan's character would need strength outside of the hallowed halls of the NYPD. Nice vision and planning by the show's management - too bad the plan was never carried through. I think there were at 5 to 6 years more of Castle. OOOOOR - maybe occasionally pair this team up with Patric Jane and toss in his wife. Just a thought.
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The Bold and the Beautiful: Episode #1.9055 (2023)
Season 1, Episode 9,055
Liam - Who are You Not Related to on the Show? OMQ
4 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well Hope, good win for you. And now it is time to move on to Thomas. Chances for any kind of evil DNA crossover in future children seems slim - so go for it. Thomas, you wanted her (or was that the kid you wanted?), you got her, so celebrate another win! You are safe for a week, maybe? Maybe not? Stefanie, stop talking to Liam about going back to Hope - just stop. It is now time to see the "evil" Liam. Yes Liam, show your dark underside swirling deep beneath that funny, sunny persona. Claws out, fangs sharpened and devil-horns-a-glowing -> it is your time to lay waste to those who have done you wrong. Partner-up with Sheila and strike, you got this buddy.
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The Bold and the Beautiful: Episode #1.9054 (2023)
Season 1, Episode 9,054
Liam! Run Away - Run Away
29 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Hope - Liam Saga is just about done. Definitely HOPElessly finished. If they're not done, Liam needs to practice self-slapping. So what will Hope do now? Run to Thomas? Maybe - maybe not. I don't know - I just don't know. Maybe hook-up with that guy who works for her dad? Plot thickens. What will Liam do? Copy dad and work like a crazy working stiff. Hmmmmm, curiouser and curiouser. He's a blood relative to everyone else - who will he date? Aha! An epiphany - he can date Brook. Now that is a plan. That way Ridge can date crazy Shiela. I know, I know - why not. Shiela has to return - that woman is one scary character. You writers and actors - keep up the great work.
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The Bold and the Beautiful: Episode #1.9053 (2023)
Season 1, Episode 9,053
Hopelessly Caught
28 June 2023
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The story is now all about how a rat will react when cornered. Hope is in that corner and Liam is circling like a hungry shark. This is too good. I know Brook has her claws in Ridge and he will be her's for-ev-er...OR for six weeks - whatever comes first. The directors and writers keep the flow moving perfectly. The cast is superb You can tell these people are tight and play their parts like a a full orchestra. Tomorrow looks to be very interesting. What will Liam do? What will Hope do? I don't know, I don't know. My teeth are chattering so madly, my fingernails down to a bloody stubs. Tomorrow - same BAB channel, same BAB station.
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The Bold and the Beautiful: Episode #1.9052 (2023)
Season 1, Episode 9,052
Hope Naughty, Thomas Stumbles - OMG
27 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
To begin, I'm no soap watcher until a year ago. The way writers crank out scripts for this show is amazing. All the twisty-turn plot shifts make my head spin like a freaking top. I really enjoy the backstabbing, there are more holes in the backs of these characters than gym full of whiffle-balls. I really look forward to those dah-dah-dahhhh moments where all the shoes drop. This episode definitely had all those elements. Mild mannered, cute 'never-do-wrong' gets naughty while in Rome - uh oh. Shocking. The writing was on the wall, but the buildup was perfect. Liam is about to have his head explode off his shoulders and Thomas was not the evil culprit Liam thought. Hahahahahahaha - what a goof. Good job to writers and cast. So now - what will happen tomorrow?
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Nice Job Wrecking this Franchise
11 June 2023
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Split story - story 1: hard to follow and/or care about either. Grown-up Rocket is excellent - while the garbage, tear jerky garbage about the character, stank and drawn out. Where were the writers, editors and director? Story 2: special affects and CGI were the overacted stars in this one. The rare good and funny moments the key heroes interacted were way too sparse. I got exhausted watching and listening to pointless explosions, ugliest aliens and stars plugged in for no apparent reason. Love Nathan Fillion, but his talents were wasted on such a useless character.

Bad: way too long, story and plot were omitted, good writing mixed with horrible writing, not enough interaction between key characters and worst, way too much CGI. Also - music? Soundtrack? What was that song? There was so many artists from the 70s and 80s to chose from - and second rate dribble was selected. Painfully too loud. And Groot has spent too long at the gym.

Good: as much as I will miss these main stars in these rolls, they're gone. Chris Pratt is great along with the others. Nice sign-off. The first movie screamed for a sequel and the 2nd was good - not near as great as the first - but good...and another sequel was needed. After seeing this one, the second one should have been the end.

Please. No more GOTG.
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Expedition Unknown (2015– )
The Most Entertaining Show I Have Ever Seen - Next to a Few
29 May 2023
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Entertaining and informative, Josh drags us through the deepest, darkest and scariest of all jungles - ever - finding the most mysterious objects - ever - in the entire world - no - wait, the galaxy - pffft no the universe. Really! No lie. No matter, I love this show. Of course jungles are not the only places he trudges through - often trekking through the ancient halls of some never before seen pyramids, or climbing some unknown mountain, infested with giant rats only to talk to some guy in a skirt or we join him in the discovery of the ever elusive man-bear-pig...no matter...all great. And let's face it, when it comes to the deepest dive of all - Josh straps on on his tanks and beats all dive records, uncovering stuff not seen for 100s - 1000s - millions of years. The more formulaic a show is - the more I like it. With that as my metric, this ends up being one of my favorites.
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Reflects the Now
14 May 2023
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A fun watch with a pretty strong cast. Mr. Sorbo displayed a strong director chops - paired with excellent acting. It is nice that the story was modernized - but it's a potential problem. In this day and age, what deem as technologically new today, might become totally useless tomorrow. Maybe an annual update to the original story might make sense, but then again, who would want to watch the same story, over and over, with changes. Was it great? Nope, but pretty good. I enjoyed the movie just about as much as I enjoyed Cameron's version. Does it speak to me - spiritually? Not really. As far as movies go, we'll done. Worth a look. Not demanding a thumbs up or down, but a show that kept my interest.
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Lou (I) (2022)
A Movie for Many - Not for Me.
19 March 2023
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Why do so many really good scripts come from other places other than Hollywierd? I know boxes need to be checked; Ts need crossing and every lower cased I needs dotting - I got that. 'Lou' manages to keep all over those social guidances. The flick seems quasi-original, so I'm ok with that and 'Lou' is a work with potential - but casting and lamé dialogue squanders any chance of an enjoyable movie. Too bad the cost of a single, overpriced 'star(?)' can destroy acting options. Often the chances of going over budget rests on the demands of weak shouldered exploded egos. That being said, only my observation, but A. Janney just isn't main-star material for a story like this. Her character is too forced. There are too many other actors out there who could have done a better job and probably cheaper. Speaking about other actors, the rest of the cast is ok, maybe. They seem to talk when told too, so that's a plus. I can't tell if the camera work is any good since the thing is so dark, so filming gets a mediocre meh. Not worth my time, but I can see where some people might like this. I am not one of them. 4 stars is a stretch - glad I didn't pay for this.
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