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God of War: Ghost of Sparta (2010 Video Game)
Pure epicness!!!!
20 June 2012
In Ghost of Sparta Kratos takes a second Journey to the psp on with it we get to see sides of him that never before has been seen. According to me, one of the highlights of GOW is the protagonist Kratos, this bitter and sad anti-hero who repeatedly screams out glorious one-liners while he fights against the gods, titans, etc.. But I have to admit that he can become a little monotonous in his pursuit for revenge. So I think that GoS is a very welcome and important part of the series. In GoS, we see parts of him that has not previously been shown much such as love and sympathy. In GoS Kratos is not out for revenge, he just wants to save his brother from his terrible fate. Personally, I actually think that GoS has one of the most engaging stories in the GOW series.

But the gameplay, then, does it hold up to the other GOW titles? Oh yes! I remember when I sat down with Chains of Olympus for the first time, remember the fear I felt that it could not meet my expectations, that Ready at dawn wouldn't be able to fit the GOW experience in a psp. That was a fear that soon disappeared when I started playing and realized that it held up to the ps2 titles, well as far as graphics and control wise go. However, was missing one important component, namely the bosses. GOW is largely about big, fat, epic boss battles and awesome quick time events. These elements were shown very little Chains of Olympus. But it's clear that Ready at Dawn has listened to the fans because there's a lot of them in GoS. GoS contains at least as much bosses and events like their PS2 counterparts. Almost even more. Gameplay wise I thought sometimes that GoS was more like GOW 3. Even the graphic I think, surpassed the PS2 titles which should not be possible, but true nevertheless. A new weapon is also available in GoS, Spartas weapon of choice, the shield and spear, At last! why they did not exist in the previous games I do not understand. The spear is incredibly fun to impale yo enemies your enemies with!

Cons, are there any? Yes, I think so. One of the reasons why I like GOW so much is because I love Greek mythology and on Kratos journeys he usually encounter lots of characters from the Greek mythology like Zeus, Hercules, Medusa, etc.. In GoS you wont see a lot of them, unfortunately. GoS is a tale the concentrates a lot more on Kratos on a personal level and because of that they probably had take a lot of that away, I get that but a few guest appearances would have been nice.

But, that being said, GoS is still an awesome and engaging game that should not be missed out on, and now you don't have to have a psp to enjoy this excellent game as its available on ps3 with HD graphics. However, I think that if you own a psp version, then you should go with that version just to see what is possible to squeeze out the small and the old system. Points, um, it was difficult, but it may be 9 out of 10 Medusa's heads.
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God of War: Chains of Olympus (2008 Video Game)
God of psp!
18 June 2012
The GOW series is one of my favorite once of all time, I love the main character Kratos, I love Greek mythology and I love fighting games that features blood, big-ass set pieces and epic music. GOW 1-3 had all that and lots of it. Santa Monica has always been able to push the boundaries of what the ps2 and ps3 are capable of, the graphic and so on, things that should not be able to be on a small system like the psp. So when I finally sat down with my GOW Chains of Olympus it was with fear in my chest. That it wouldn't give me the same kind of bloody, awesome adventure as the previous games. But as I started playing that fear flew away.

GOW CoO is an awesome psp game, it looks and feels just like the GOW on the ps2 system, which shouldn't be possible. The gods and Titans are in it. The controls are greatly ported, the pacing is top notch. The story is good. The only sad thing is the absence of epic boss battles, just one to be exact. And as I and all GOW fans out there know, big ass boss battles is a big part of the GOW experience. But it's still good, good game that is a must if you're a GOW or a fan of great fighting/ adventure games for that matter. The only game on the psp that surpasses Chains of Olympus is Ghost of Sparta, the GOW game that was released later on the psp. But you should still play both games and begin with CoO.

Thank you everybody and good night!
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Do not, I repeat, do not watch this peace of sh**!
20 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
First I would like to say that I'm I Big fan when it comes to Vampires movies and have always enjoyed the Underworld series. Sure its low budget and cheese and so on. But its just mindless vampire fun and I was really looking forward to see Underworld: Awakening. That being said, Do not spend your time on this horse sh**!!!! The Budget has like gone down to nothing, the effects suck monkey balls and it feels like they've never done more than one take per scene.

Seriously its weird, like one scene where Michael Ealy has gotten hurt and is trying to get up. It looks like he's rehearsing. And the lycans, In previous movies the lycan suits have always looked a bit fake but in this movie they're in a whole different category. It seems like they've just splashed some grey paint on the actors and then given them an over-sized ugly ass hell lycan head, making them look like, well, like actor with an over-sized lycan head and some splashed grey paint. If I didn't know any better I would have guessed Uwe Boll was the reason why this turned out the way it did, thats how bad it is.

The list of reason why not to watch this movie goes on but I think my point has been made. Its a shame really, it could've been so good it just plain sucks. so Do not, I repeat, do not watch this peace of sh**!
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Beyond Good & Evil (2003 Video Game)
I am troubled
10 August 2011
This is my second review on IMDb and its about this game that i have wanted to play for ages and finally have thanks to the wonders of psn that just recently gave out an HD version of Beyond good and evil.

In Beyond good and evil you play as a reporter named Jade who is investigating The alpha section. You see Jade lives on an planet called Hilleys which is under attack by aliens called the DomZ that abducted countless citizens and the Alpha section is in charge of putting a stop to all that. But they are always late to the scene of the crime and in short don't do much good. So Jade whose working for the resistance is investigating what the alpha section really is up to.

Gameplay: Beyond good and evil plays like a third person platformer more or less. Hilleys is mostly made up by small islands and a lot of water. So you use a boat to drive around to different islands where you are to complete different kinds of objectives. On foot Beyond good and evil pretty much plays like a third-person platformer. Jade jumps, uses a Caine and kung fu like moves to take out aliens, soldiers and other aggressive animals inhabiting Hilleys, the unique ingredient is the camera, which Jades uses to collect evidence on the suspicious activities surrounding the alpha section and also to photograph the animal life on Hilleys. there are also a few minigames like air hockey and so on. It all works very solid if a little stiff.

Graphic: HD version looks great and I'm guessing so did the original. with great character animations, environments, lighting and shadow effects. What I missed was the lack of facial expressions and the stiff lips. The voice actors did great job with the characters but the faces are just blank and dull to look at, this sort of ruined some key scenes for me.

Overall the game is pretty solid with good gameplay and nice characters that you follow on a nice adventure, why I am troubled as the headline says is because when I had finished the game I didn't feel anything. Many people have criticized this game for being to short but this is not the problem I believe. The problem is that when things are starting to become interesting and you're allowed to explore this planet it ends pretty fast and also the adventure that Jade goes on never seems that important and dangerous basically because it never gets hard to advance and the bosses, well you pretty much beat them on the first go. Its all very sad.

So I'm not like everyone else say that this game is underrated, I think its overrated. It had the making of greatness but alas didn't make it there, but perhaps the sequel will.
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8 August 2011
So I've been wondering for a long time if I should buy Basilisk or not. Well I finally bought it and have now seen it and I am very disappointed. Why?

First of all there are so many characters to keep track of and get to know in such a short time that you end up not giving a rats ass about any of them. They are all shallow and one dimensional.

Second reason is that its just plain boring. It keeps the same pace throughout pretty much the whole series, and that is a slow and undramatic one. witch doesn't always have to be a bad thing but here it is.

The good things I guess is the animation which are fluid and nice in general. Some of the ninjas technique are awesome.

But overall I thought basilisk was a pretty mediocre and impersonal anime series. And I don't recommend it.
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Why waste money on this?
29 September 2007
Why waste money and time on this crap? When I was going to see this I had so low expectations I thought they could not get any lower. Apparently they could.

The only reason why I saw the movie was because one of my favorite music composers had worked on the movie. John Ottman, he has work on many major comic book movies. Superman, X-men2 and Fantastic 4. So I thought that maybe the music would get me thru the movie. Sadly it did not.

The movie has all the attributes of a bad sequel, a lot of bad jokes, a lot of reference to the first movie. And the thing I hate the most, all of the over exaggerated personality traits. Johnny Storm in particular. He Is Rash and vain without limit. Its always this way with a really bad sequel, in the end of the earlier movie the flamboyant character shows that he isn’t as shallow as he seams. Then in the sequel that quality is gone with the wind. And then all character traits shines thru more than ever. Bigger is always better, or is it?

I mean this might have worked fine in a comic book. But this supposed to be a movie. The only thing that I liked in this movie was the “Silver surfer”. Although I recognized Laurence Fishburnes voice right away, and at first I did not think it suited the character at all. But after awhile it grew on me. So thumbs up for the surfer.

I feel like the people that made this movie thought that: “Oh well they have done Spiderman 3, X-men 3 and Superman… well what superheroes do we have left? Right, the Fantastic four. We don’t know what it will be about but we will spend a whole lot of money making it. We will just copy all of the other superhero movies, that way it will be a sure success. It will be great! Common boys let call up some sponsors” /BR
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Second Avenue (2007–2010)
Ohh my god!
23 September 2007
Why do they spend so much money making this crappy soap opera? That has equal amounts of bad acting as it has a cliché plot. And the worst part is that It’s suppose to be public service television. I mean they could have made something original and good instead of making this weak piece of mainstream garbage that either makes you want to laugh or reach for the remote to change the channel to the “Watching paint dry show”.

It seams to be the trend these days, if you have an idea for a show that covers all topics that people want to see we can grant you a hundred episodes. And it has to be politically correct of course, and every demographic must be included in the show. So if you get all of this in there it has to be a success right? I say, HELL NO!!!
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