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NCIS: Sydney (2023– )
I agree with all yhe 1 star
3 December 2023
I've never been a fan of this franchise. Hoped the location, writers, producers would make this more interesting.

They think it's a RomCom. Too much funny feelings, interpersonal relationships over any crime Detective.

It is so formula & bland. AV12 y.o. With little or no life experience WHO never watched this 1000 times done better, might find it entertaining. Yes, the 1st episode tries 2 be big, but otis unrealistic.

And do the Aussies really resent Americans? I thought they liked us.

I don't know, given the franchise success, it may last. I hope not, but I don't care bec I won't watch it.
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The Iceman (2012)
Very Loosely based on the Iceman
11 November 2023
HBO 2 separate interviews, later shown on A&E. The Iceman Killer bec he froze his victims, & later when thawed bodies were found, time & place of death was impossible.

These interviews were horrifying. The 2nd interview he asks the psychiatrist why he was this way. This psychotic psychopath, no empathy or normal emotions was beaten daily by a psychotic father, combination nature & nature.

He started killing by 12 yrs old. When asked how many people he killed, 100, 200. He laughed, had lost count, by 19 over 200. He nursed imagined grieves, like someone knocking into him, in passing at a bar. Would stalk & kill. He was proud of his meticulous methods. He was incapable of remorse. He liked killing & made up targets. Once focused on someone. They were doomed. So he took this love if killing and became a mafia hit man. He became more & more sadistic, and filmed prolonged deaths. So harrowing, I can't repeat it.

He says in film "all I care about is you [wife[ and the girls" never! The real Iceman, He beat & abused his wife, while his 2 daughters watched. They won't have anything to do with him.

So he was never a loving husband &family man that flew under thr radar. He was a mass murder before he become a Mafia hitman.

This fantasy of a Mafia killer is not remotely the life of The Iceman, The most vicious psychopath mass killer. No one comes close.

Some like Green River Killer, married, am elder in his church, is never normal or loving in his family. The Iceman was known as a vicious Mafia hit man. They used him like a lethal weapon, deadly killer with no remorse.

This film though violent sanitizes the extreme violence & SADISM.
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The Golden Bachelor (2023– )
GERRY is a Fraud, 70 the forgotten demographic
27 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I never watch these shows. Being a mature woman, I was drawn to this like a car crash. 50, 60+ the forgotten demographic. They say there's a lot of sex activity in retirement homes.

The producers didn't do their due diligence.

**There will be an Act 2 next year. "GERRY changed after we got married. My dream became a nightmare." I wiil now say, after the finale &information on line, I called it. I didn't buy Mr Perfects act, or his last attempt at love after his wife died, Suddenly 6 yrs ago.

Comes to light he had a live-in fiancee for 2.5 yrs shortly after his wife's death (there is an inference on line, suspicious. ) She left him for being too controlling. He is manipulative & looking for a Cash Cow, started seeing her shortly after his wife's sudden death. He may have thrown the Girlftirnd/fiancee down the stairs, she was injured, when she wanted to leave. He told the last 3 women, I LOVE you, U R THE ONE. Someone suggested they hope these women are actresses. Not to be the pot who calls the kettle black, they are very Naive. He let each woman think they had a "special connection." Mr. PERFECT in a controlled circumstances, only a few hours contact. He seemed very inauthentic to me.

I wrote after Episode 6, 3 left- Garry is so touchy-feely sentimental. I dont believe it. He makes the woman, at least on camera, think he is THE One.

He looks better than average for 72, Tall not pauchy, not too jowly (skinny bird legs). On camera he says what they want to hear. He is not Retired, I assume solvent. Most of the women look like they've had plastic surgery & knee surgery (the knees go), mostly thin, 61 to 74. All the women think they have "a special connection" and most are declaring they are (falling) in love. After each date, that one relates to the others how magical it was.

He picks 3 to meet their family, After 2 "private dates". Of course he gets along with all families He is a manipulative camilian. Truth is, a few short dates is not enough time to know anyone. What you don't know, ur brain & ur hopes fills in.

This creates an artificial situation In which the women vying for his attention have a must win. It is a competition. "Choose me" I want to be the winner. On outward appearance & limited contact, Gary is the perfect guy.

SPOILERS He declares strong feelings for each one, as they each declare their love. Without making a commitment. He won't move to be close to someone else's family, but 2out of 3 expect it. What they do not seem to realize, he was cast for a reason. They hope, think he will be their last great love. They all seem like nice, ordinary women, surrounded by family, which is not always the case as you get older.

Gary is a potential for all the women. Potential love is not love, If he even really feels anything. Now he is supposed to choose last 3 after 2 private dates.

Spolier- last 3, he drops Faith who was sure she was chosen. Broken hearted, but you missed a Bullet, Faith.

Last 2 overnight private dates. Leslie clearly slept with him and Bought a 60k wedding dress, you can't take it with you. He also sleeps with Theresa, and after finding out how financially successful Theresa was, he chooses his Cash Cow.

Someone gave him a tag line he overuses, looking for the one, Not that he can live with, but who he can't live without. LESLIE You escaped! You wanted to believe, I understand.

In real life, initial chemistry is not enough for marriage at any age. And no one knows anyone, yet.

They have scheduled a TV live wedding Jan2024. THERESA RUN before it's too late.
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Der Tatortreiniger (2011–2018)
Ultra Raw 10 stars German Comedy
21 October 2023
Who knew Germans can be this funny, existential, a bit of fantasy, surreal & explore life in a meaningful, not steteotypical way.

SCHOTTY, you have to love him, Kind, caring, seemingly Euro Male, relates to all kinds of people. Also shows, he is educated & perceptive.

MHz shows 3 seasons, thete are 6 or 7. Where are they.often hilarious. Who though German Nazis could be funny. SCHOTTY is always on top in thw end, no body's fool. Well cast, the lead, & each epidode. Well written, directed, a woman with womans sensibilties, strong; kudoes to rhe show runner I put this with all time favs: Faulty Towers, Absolutely Fabulous, Baskets, 10s.

In the 9+ Young Sheldon.

Homicide Hills, Big Bang Theory 9.

Last episode, Season 3, the dog us playong with the giant inflated penis ballon, one if the small touches.
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The Cleaner (I) (2021)
Slice of life French, European style film
19 October 2023
Reminds me of European, French, Italian film. No real action, except at the end. Moody Study of human nature. Thoughtful. Well cast, good actors.

Seems to be 2 camps, those who like it, and those who thought it was like paint drying, & want action & high drama.

This film is not for the 2nd type of viewer.

I liked it, and would like to see more from this writer and Director. I thought it was entertaining.

If you like the European style slice of life movies, this is for you.

Lynda Carter, now 72, looks & sounds great. SHELLY Long, 74. Looks her age; As the mother, she is great. Nice little gem of a movie. Good ensemble cast. The msle lead I s well cast.
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All star my left foot
12 October 2023
I think 3 stars is generous. The mental trip these designers make is, often, not interesting. The complaint I have, is also for the regular Runway.

Yes, I know the time & project is challenging.

They have a dress, outfit, on a 5'11" super thin, flat chested model & think a normal woman with breasts can wear it.

What bothers me most, is often, & these are "all stars", is unfinished, sloppy seam & hems, sorry tailoring comes first. AND the bust lines. I would say at least 75% have bust line issues. Some ill fitting or band of fabric, on tiny breats, &these empty unstructured tops with thin straps. Unattractive, unflattering, often the design is meant to be reproduced for real women. Heidi being a swims suit model has breasts. Also, the designs are often pedestrian & ill fitting.

These are supposed to be professional or at least out of design school.
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Werewolf by Night (2022 TV Movie)
HUMANITY can be found when least expected.
7 October 2023
Surprisingly good. This is worth watching, for people like me who are bored with super hero, and villians. And those who do like action fantasy. A sort of violence. This theme, initial premise, characters & a "monster", I was expecting something else.

For those who gave it a low rating, I wonder if they watched it through, & missed the point. It is not Shakespeare. Some of the Monster was cliche but appropriate. This is a comic book fantasy with established characters.

With the highly acclaimed Garcia Bernal, it was interesting, thoughtful, along with the fantasy, action, special effects & blood & death.

Interesting in black & white, lent a timeless to it. A throwback to 30s monster flicks. The Red stone glows Red.

In it's way, It says things are not always the way they seem. Humanity can be found when least expected.

Surprisingly, It is touching & charming, while being a supernatural fantasy & action filled.
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Watched 1 episode
6 October 2023
American Ripper was a serial killer. But not the same as the"Jack the Ripper" London.

I saw a compelling docu, that the man believed to be The Ripper, killed his wife, & left London w/ new wife for Austailia. Compelling. Of course, London killings stopped when he left UK. He continued to kill in Australia. He had syhyliss he caught from ptostotutes. Syhyliss you lose ur Nose. Many prostitutes wore a fake nose. Also I you go mad. So that is why he killed prostitutes & cut off noses. What must he have been like, To get another wife.

On line, there is a man now named as The Ripper by DNA evidence. Also compelling So while I believe this one was a mass murder, 1st serial killer recorded in the USA , I think both the other 2 are more credible.
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Workaholics (2011–2017)
Slacker stoner comedy
4 October 2023
Meant to be Animal House American Pie come to TV.

3 adult male roommates who work in the same office as Telemarketers, who have never grown up and dont understand basic elements of adult life in our society. I can see where this off the wall comedy could appeal to a certain group. I saw American pie w/ a guy who laughed at everything & said he went to college & all his frat bros were like that.

I don't mind the slapstick or even the premise. It is just so silly. For me the jokes fall flat. Someone said its like Seinfield with 3 Kramers. Of course, Kramer had much funnier body language & he was balanced out with an opposite form of wierdness.

Watching a few show, each one gets more tiresome, Unless you are a teenage guy, or the guy with the frat bros. They take it to the Max. Occassionally they hit a joke that works.

The 2 things I like is the woman in the office who is an ally, like them but not, and the lady boss who doesnt like them.
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Billions (2016–2023)
Another show. Men behind Money & Power
29 September 2023
This is a fantasy based on what I expect is a composite of stereotypes. There are no spoilers unless you havent seen earlier seasons. The synopsis gives the outline.

I liked it better when it had Damian Lewis, who left, in real life losing his wife to Cancer, he wanted to be in UK w/ his children. It wasn't a great show, but I like Damian. I didn't especially like his character's story arc. At least I could buy him as a maker shaker, and Paul Giametti's obession. I liked the character better when he had a strong bond w/ his wife.

Giametti's character & his father, an odd pair.

Prince bring a meglamaniac, wants to run on a 3rd party for President, if he can't get a party nomination. I missed which party. It smacks of Trump. But the difference is Trump is a failure at business & not a billionaire and cheap. PRINCE is so rich he can spend or lose $Billions. He seems to think he is the savoir of the world, Rather than use POTUS as his own personal bank account to make millions/billions. As did the Trump family.

Wendy no longer w/ Giametti character, I just don't know. AXE, Damian, wanted her 2 go w/ him when he left w/ his $2Billion, much less than his previous assests. She wanted 2 but couldnt leave her children.

The Prince character is driven, but the writing is confused, I think.

Season 7, epidode 8, maybe no season 8, cant tell how many more (4?) To finale. So I expect they have to wrap it up.
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Hawaii Five-0 (2010–2020)
sad remake
18 September 2023
How did this remake get 23 Emmy nominations & 18 wins. And do 10 seasons 2010-2020. 1968-80 is iconic. Jack Lord in a suit in Hawaii. 5-0 for the cops in lexicon. Lord had a kind of gravitas, That Alex doesn't have. Of course they had to update it. 5'5" Scott just isn't the Danno we loved. So many shots, he looks so small, near 6' Alex & others. OK, it's his brain that is the detective. He is James Caan son. Ironically, the old Danno was Helen Hayes' son, 5'7.5" was also towered over by Lord. The worse part is the dialogue. Lots of cliches. The situations, well there are so many crime, detective shows, it's hard to come up with something new &interesting, 5-0 is a special task force, under the Govenor.

Because there is so little to watch esp now with the strike, I was watching some shows.

So Grace, Det. Kono has a boyfriend, Hawaii mafia (/) coming out of jail. And everyone is OK with it. He wants to leave the family, but it's complicated(?) Danny has a child in Hawaii, ex-wife problems. He hates Hawaii, there for his child. Daniel, Chin is fostering a child, parents killed, but relatives got custody in USA. OK, I got it. But this isn't a soap opera. Or is it?
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Do a remake, make it better
15 September 2023
This does not have the edge of the original. And 1987 Glenn Close is a classic of narcissitic, love obession, wronged woman, Creepy. Timeless, the dead pet rabbit cooking in the pot on the stove, or did I imagine it.

As a woman, there is a part of me that applauds the scorned, used woman who takes revenge on a married man.

This is confusing bec it time jumps. Lizzy is dead, then alive, then dead. He is convicted, then he is out, no retrial, exonorated or not? I am confused.

I missed it, he did or didnt murder her. Not a good sign when you lose track of the plot line.

And episode 7 & 8, lots of scenes &stuff about other people. Weakensthe story & the Impact.

Just bec you are paranoid, does not mean someone is not out to get you.

As I said, do a remake make it better.
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The Whale (2022)
Good but not Great
9 September 2023
If you have watched TLC My 600 Lb Life, this is not shocking. They show varierious very broken people. Usually early, long, sexual abuse. Often obese children, abused at home ostracized at school, rape victims. Death of a parent, we all have to endure. Some have severe personality disorders, bi-polar, Clinically depressed, borderline personality. Food, sweets, or high fat fast, "comfort" food, changes brain chemistry. MOST everyone enjoys these foods. There is no off switch. So, this is a very shallow depiction of the morbidly obese.

His gay lover, went into a decline, committed suicide. It is this loss that has driven him. He abandoned his wife & young daughter for the gay lover. He now regrets. The daughter shows up. I don't know that I can buy this relationship. Sure there is ambiguity, hate, anger, love. But the writing of the character is confused. He has saved over $100K for her. While he may go no where & have a modest apartment, eating 10,000 calories a day take-out food is very expensive. He teaches virtual English classes. The nurse, sister of the gay lover may be the strongest performance. The deserted wife shows up, briefly. The young Morman guy who keeps coming back. Also confused writing, Motive.

Based on the TLC show, while they try to sensitively and realistcally depict the life of a depressed, shut-in, morbidly obese person, I think it is shallow & misses. Ok, he lost the love of his life, & watched him deteriorate. How many people are war widows, lose partners to violence, are divorced and deserted, left with children to care for. So this, I think, misses the mark on many levels. Brendon gives a solid performance.
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Yellowstone (2018– )
7 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Some of this is ridiculous.

They recruit young men, homeless, rudderless, indoctrinate, then pemanently brand w/ a big Y & they are there for life. So all the hands vow. Blood in, blood out. Absurd. Often, they kill to keep secrets. They are just ranchers. It is a bit much.

Beth is an angry hard drinker. Brilliant. The reveal that when 16 she had an abortion. & her n Brother, adopted. Decided she should be sterilized. He's just a litlle older, not her guardian, how did he have the legsl authority? Absurd. So, of course, she is furiois, & acts out. I think Beth is a reasonable character, as this explains, the angst, the anger, the vulnerability. She flips between bring against the ranch to ne fiercely loyal. That part is confusing. Unlike some others I like her Some of the drama is interesting. Series like this will always be overly dramatic & Often over the top.
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Breeders (2020–2023)
Not funny, boring, mundane drama
7 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Some love this, I do not. I like Marty Freedman, Sherlock Holmes. The Office. But this is slow drama, not comedy. But bec there is so little new to watch. I have slugged thru it. I think this is supposed to be a slice of life that we can relate to. Earlier seasons, the lids were younger. Now young adults.

I don't like Daisy. I find her dialect &speaking rhythms, annoying. Both mug. That is not good acting.

It wasn't so bad 1st season. Showing season 4, episode 6 all about Daisy reconnecting with old best friends, 3. She has lost touch. Boring & no break from Daisy's droning voice. Episode 7, they go on vacation, no kids who are now 18. Their situations make them seem like, I can't find the right words... inconsiderate Idiots. Episode 8, 18 y.o. Son is new father, drops out of Uni, for me it is just boring. Lesbian daughter has come out. Good for her, but it doesnt add anything. Marty & Daisy had some conflict, now resolved. Patents getting older. Mother in early stages of Alheimers.

Can you call something that isn't funny, a comedy? That tries to be profound, but is mundane & pedestrian drama.
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All in the Family (1971–1979)
Ground breaking & Funny & relevant
7 September 2023
I warched it religiously on TV. Genuinely funny.

S. O. Who hates the show, said the characters were unlikeable. I disagree.

Archie is a man of his time, a dock worker, working class who doesn't want change. He wants to live in his familar world. He is not an evil man. He doesn't hate. He sees the world according to Archie.

EDITH is a gem, very likeable. She loves her husband & her daughter, & son-in-law. I think she understands him, & indulges him, even when he is critical of her. Archie is confronted by a viper in his nest when his daughter marries an educated NY liberal, Archie call meathead. So he continuely confronted.

Yes, it is ground breaking. And addresses current issues, including racism at a time when sitcoms were some idealized family or detective crime dramas. And avoided social, political issues & changing times.

It was also funny & entertaining.
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Moving On (III) (2022)
They erased my review, not a Comedy
6 September 2023
I dont think I have the patience to rewrite.

There are some nice moments, some shumltzy, over sentimental, to be expected. Shows what life is like in your 80s. But the two women & the 2 men. All live comfortably. Lilly, widowed from her wife, no kids, alone, but Living comfortably in a nice private assisted living apartment, has a pension.

She couldnt keep up her house, which is really too much for a single 80+ yr old With limited income. So for me, not a loss that she no longer has her house.

Many, most Seniors, depend on Social Security, live in poverty, barely managing. If you can maintain an apartment, or house mortgage, there is assistance to manage. If you are homeless, not so much. The gov't supported assisted living is limited, not enough.

So while they show some of the challanges of aging, it is a narrow statement. But a movie cannot be all things to all people.

Lilly 84, 83 here, & Jane 85, 84 here, walk without a cane, Jane seems to be able to bend their knees, & step up & down. As do the 2 men. Many of us live to 100, or almost. But few have that much mobility. Great for Lilly & Jane.

As this is mentioned in synopsis, & reviews, I wont take it as a spoiler. Malcolm is still telling himself, his drunken rape of Jane, his late wife's best friend, 45 years ago, was consential sex and she wanted him. Typical. As an alcoholic. Does he know? He ruined her life which affected her marriage. No longer living in the state, she reconnects with her ex husband.

Some doesnt make sense. Why when Malcom, on brinf confronted, seems to have a heart attacj. Its mirw a psnuc attack. But rsther thsm murder him, she calla for help. In the end, she doesnt kill hum, so we can contnue to likw hwr. But he is hit by a car trying to avoid her, & dies. 80, recently widowed. He ia never remorseful.
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But i do not like Tom Cruise
5 September 2023
Since Risky Business, I do not like Cruise.

They let him at 59, age in2022, be a military test pilot. I seriously doubt it. He is flying a stealth fighter above 4Gs. I do not think so. Here is where age counts; it is physically a young man's game.

Despite the fact that I cannot see a 5'7" hero as powerful. He has never appealed to me. Too old to be an action hero? Liam Nisson 6'4" maybe shrunk over 70 to 6' 1" or 2" tall, has been into his 70s. So I'll allow Cruise can still be an action hero. BUT cannot be a military test pilot or fly a fighter jet at over 4Gs. The Military Intelligence may be an oxymoron, but they are not stupid.

Some other 1 star say what I say, stupid dialogue, cluche. One who knows jet fighters, says Cruise"s stealth fighter could never defeat the new, better equipped fighter jet. Plus his plane is tracked mechanucally, not electronucally.

I expect this like Top Gun is CGI & green screen.

Ok, expense of hiring these planes & doing stunts, astronomical & plane exploding in flames impossible. But, I fo not like action video games.

This film is boring. Big Holywood films care about money, not art. If Cruise can bring the box office. So based on original. They went w/ him.
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Season 3, a bit dusappointing
5 September 2023
I loved Season 1, Sting as himself, as a murder suspect. STEVE & Marty with a gal pal. What could be better.

Once well respected 70 somethings, Director Marty, and Steve Actor once famous for a popular Police Detective show, with neighbor young vivacious Selma. Marty decides to do a true crime podcast, Only Murders in the Building, to revive his career.

Season 2. Still loved it. A 2nd murder in the building.

So excited, yes really, for Season 3. Some of it eally misses for me Maybe, I'd rather re-watch season 1&2.

Steve & Matry play off each other. The situations are funny, but than there are one liner gems. Smart & funny.

The 5star is bec I loved season 1&2. And #3 was just disappointing.
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Better Things (2016–2022)
Half & Half Funny
3 September 2023
Overall, it really is too smultzy, over sentimental & sticky sweet. It gets worse.

It has some funny moments, but not enough. The funny is situational rather than funny lines, gratefully shot as a film, no laugh tracts, very little background music.

I think one of the funniest, season2, I do not think this is a spoiler, her friend's ex-husband, who is sort of a friend, makes a pass, I expected it. She puts her hand over his mouth saying. No, no, no, no.... And this continues. & continues & continues. If there was more like this, it would be a much better show.

As noted by many, the daughters really are self centeted, obnoxious & ungrateful. Season 3, it gets worse. What's more, how is Max the oldest, part Asian, Asian eyes.

BUT I think the worst is the mother Phil. Self centered, delusional, Egomaniac, Also ungrateful, self-entitled. Throws tantrums, Sam takes care of her paying for a house next door, she doesnt need such a big place. Sam does well but is not wealthy A list actress. She indulges Phil, as if she understands Phil has a mental disorder. Yes. It is her mother, but they give Phil a lot if screen time, & she is really annoying. More than the obnoxious ungrateful daughters.

Because she is a fairly successful actress, Her life is not the ordinary of a divorced mother, head of household, with a deadbeat ex-huband. She has lots of supportive friends. Everyone loves everyone. She leaves Her good friend agent for 20 yrs, bec S. O. got her something in an experimental theatre that was out-side-the-box. And the woman agent is totally OK with it bec they are still friends. Oh, come on. Even if this taken from her life. Sam seems to switch agents. But doesnt go back to her friend, long time agent.

Sometimes it just gets tiresome with some light moments. I've seen worse if that means anything.
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Resurrection (2022)
Nasty just to be Nasty
2 September 2023
A good actress & actor. Why did they waste their time making this. They must have had better choices. No director could save it.

The worst film ever. Right up there. One thst I ask, who would want to make it.

The most horrifyong film I have wver seen is Herman " Funny Games". I was hooked & has to see the ending. I swear, I got PTSD, & had flashebacks during the day & nightmares for many weeks. Interestingly, Roth played the heavy in the US English langusge version.

I have gave up after her monologue about her abuse, & part of scene with Roth, the abuser.

I did read a review, explanation, of the end. I do not want 2 waste any more time on this. But I would say the end is her death & descent into madness.

Right up there, one of worse films ever. TerrifyIng just to be Terrifying but using what could be real. Not some alien entity.

It is hard to believe that short, thin, homely Roth could control & captivate a tall, good looking, educated, not mentally ill woman.

And how couLd she belIeve he still had the baby he said he ate. He could have sold a healthy baby boy, so it could be alive somewhere, or he could have killed it. And she did nothing & then feld.

Reminds me of the genre of the Japanese films (emulated by Tarintino) that see how gory & terrifying they can make it.
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Not a Fan.
2 September 2023
I dont care much for Agatha Christie dramas. Because I find the TV & movies so slow, I have never wanted to read any. Maybe the books are better.

I cannot understand the interest in re-doing her famous stories. In many ways, they are not just peRiod. It is all dated.

Moving on, I love David Suchet as Hercule Poirot, & have enjoyed that series. Really bec of him, Miss Lemon & the Major & later his faithful Butler, make Suchet's Poirot hard to match.

I havent seen Peter Ustinoff's Poirot, but Peter is a Master.

So why Kenneth wants to try to do another Death on the Nile, or Orient Express, playing the Iconic Poirot is beyond me. His Belgian French accent is awful. IN actually, dislect would be dirrent than say Paris I an French. It is so distracting. He needed months more with a dialect coach. I am sure he does not speak French, & it shows. Kenneth is a parody when they need a re-incarnation.

And it seems all of Egypt is CGI. Panoramas on location would not have saved it, but given it a few stars.
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The Rookie: Feds (2022–2023)
Sad, really sad
2 September 2023
The FBI Is hirIng a woman in her 40s who is wildly inappropriate. And aN "Ex" well known actor. Neither of whom has any law enforcement experience. The actor was 6 yrs on TV show playing Vampire cop, does that count.

NIecy works on a comedy satire show like Miami PD, but she is too high camp, over the top for anything else.

Based on Pilot Episode -they think that this plus size woman with Huge breasts, Dresses to show off in every outfit would be allowed. As appropriate as a drag queen in high drag. They make her focused on her sex appeal, as if it is a weapon. A junior agent on probation. Would have to leep a lower profile, not flash like a neon sign.

The newbie agent actor, not much better.

It is hard 2 buy they'd get through training, no less be accepted in the 1st place.

The FBI agent heading this department, supposedly taking a new approach, has chosen out of thr box agents. Yeah, that flies. Already, they give him a heart condition he is hiding.

Says, not renewed "yet". Especially with Hollywood writers, actors strike, unlikely it will be.
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Will Trent (2023– )
I find it entertsining
2 September 2023
So many shows sre 2 or 3, even top rated shows.

My advantage is, I havent read the books. Because it seems the main characters are reinvented. & those who have dont like the show much or the casting.

If Will is dyxlectic, How did he pass tests & qualify. If they accommodated him, which they would have had to, why does he act like it's a secret he's keeping.

So that being said, I am O. K with the casting.

There is a lot of personal story, pretty dramatic, if not soapy. But that's drama. Has to create the extreme. But there is still enough attention on the crimes. Episode 3, the original crime had no real motive, even when explained.

I find this keeps my attention.
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Good Behavior (2016–2017)
Not the worst I have seen
31 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Some episodes better than others. Ot went downhill by season 2. All pretty tongue in cheek. She, compulsive con artist, born into the life & her sexy latin European style boyfriend. We are supposed to accept him as basically a good guy.

Spoiler. Season 2 Holland Taylor. 2017 so here 75, Letty's con woman grandmother is married to, dare a say, a rather goodlooking, attractive man, super rich, who signed a prenup that if he cheats, Taylor gets 80%. His lawyers, even if he agreed, would never let him sign such as prenup. Unheard of. Taylors con, she marries rich men, divorces & get 50% of everything. No very rich man would agree. This is not 90 y.o. Billionaire Marrying Anna Nicole. So he knows the con, along with her fake English accent, Marries her anyway, & agrees 2 this aburd prenup. In any state, she would get, at most, 50% of martial assets, gained during the marriage. A prenup is protect the rich one. So why have a prenup that gives away so much. And frankly, super rich, attractive guy, who while not young is 15-20 years younger, would never be smitten. She's not Cher, or some trophy. Then the next episode, Letty goes on a coke filled rampage w/ an old friend & 2 buddies that gives new meaning to "Party on." Lots of screen time. No one tries 2 sleep w/ her. One before, she pretends to be a drag queen. I don't care how much glitter, wigs, exaggerated make-up (I though moderate for a drag queen) she is wearing, she wouldn't pass as a man. Drag queen. 5'8" model thin, she is wearing very slim body conscious outfit. Drag queens wear prosthetics often, to mimic a womans curves. This super thin model could not be mistaken for a man.

Not a surprise show at low ratings canceled. It is the writers' & the show runner's fault.
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