
31 Reviews
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Avatar (2009)
I See You
4 January 2010
Avatar is intellectual without being pretentious. It is visually stimulating, it didn't even need the 3D aspect. If anything i thought the 3D cheapened it.

Cameron creates a world that mimic's ours but somehow it is better, because those 'blue people' understand what life is about. It's about unity, and coexisting, and something else we can't even imagine. The commentary Avatar makes on society without being preachy is successful. James Cameron gets multiple concepts across that are worth understanding and paying attention to. The film as a whole is engaging, worthy of every minute it ran past the standard movie length because it was more of an experience than a movie.
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Julie & Julia (2009)
Mrs. Doubtfire in the kitchen
18 December 2009
It's hard for me to give a Meryl Streep film such a low rating because i truly love her. There were a couple of reasons this film was a let down to me: The pacing of the film was slow and did a poor job keeping me fully engaged. Also Amy Admas is adorable but she can't hold a candel next to Meryl Streep. I almost wish this movie was dedicated 100% to the cooking legened instead of being shared with the blogger, because it was all the scenes with Amy Adam that slowed the film down. It is just a hard transition to go from this old woman who is conquering the world because she is so full of life, to this winny, egocentric, blogger who is in her apartment all day.
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Titanic (1997)
You're So Stupid Rose
16 December 2009
Titanic is a classic. I was really surprised that this movie didn't have a solid ten, overall in the IMDb user rankings. Maybe, it's just cool to not give Titanic credit nowadays, but when it was first made it was really something. When the movie came out people flocked to the theaters. When it came out on video my sister and i would watch it twice a day for a month. It was safe to say we were obsessed and for good reason. Some of the disaster scenes were hard to forgot, like the frozen baby, or the guy who committed suicide after killing someone in the unruly crowd. Many people died on that ship, and to convey that on film with the immediacy and emotion it needed is a hard challenge that James Cameron stepped up to. And let's not forget the amazing romance between Jack and Rose. Whether or not their relationship was a figment of someone's imagination it was lovely. They barely knew each other, but they would die for each other. They trusted each other. They sure as hell are giving Romeo and Juliet a run for their money. "I'll never let go, Jack." Titanic is a great film down to it's very core. It is a powerful story told through brilliant acting, excellent cinematography, beautiful music, and a crew full of hard and dedicated workers. It really blows my mind when someone says they hate this movie.
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My Heart Is Golden: Young love won't make it
16 December 2009
The movie primarily is a love story about an actress and a singer meeting at a bar, and than moving in together, but it's so much more than that. It's a movie that tackles abandonment issues,first love, heart ache, ambition, the journey of life and all the questions it leaves us with.

This movie is comical, some of Williams pick up lines were just grand. Overall his character is interesting to watch. A young vessel full of love and rage, an emotional train wreck who fell head over heels for a girl.

The movie is very solid. Full of good acting, good music, good script writing. It's definitely a flick worth watching. The best film i have ever seen on young love.
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The Box (I) (2009)
Someone You Don't Know
14 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The Box has a few things going for it. I have never seen a movie take on amputees and victims of deformity in such an unusual way. At times the movie is hairs standing up on the back of your neck creepy. Still, the movie has a lot of plot holes and is a bit outlandish. The combination of conspiracy theory, aliens, supernatural, moral dilemma, Pandora's Box, the fall of man, causes this movie to have a lack of content control. There were just too many ideas that didn't blend well together. I think the movie raises some interesting questions, but when logic comes into play it's hard to give this movie any intellectual merit in a debate. Also, it is weird to see Cameron Diaz in a role like this. I think the movie was just out of tune.

Would i press a red button, gain a million dollars, and kill a random person i didn't know? Absolutely. I would like to think i wouldn't, but humans are curious creatures. Because of curiosity alone i would push the button just to see if anything happened. Also, humans are self serving,of course i would want to financially better myself, and i would hope for the best. I would hope that the one random person is a rapist. The scene were the kid humiliates Cameron Diaz's character is pivotal. It is there that they discuss how things are not so simple, not just black and white. The world is more complicated than that. It's unfair that the box seemed to only be offered to people who were down on their luck. Hey, aliens every thought about taking a more accurate sample of our species? What would happen if this opportunity was offered to rich people, or bleeding heart humanitarians, instead of people who were barley making it? And anyhow, how arrogant are these aliens, trying to tell us how to live? If we destroy our selves out of greed, that's our problem.
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God is an upside down fruit man
11 December 2009
This movie had a hard life. A lot of people walked out of theaters trash talking it. I honestly think the only reason this movie is being criticized so harshly is because it pokes at religion. It was the best allegory on religion since Cat's Craddle. This movie was interesting, and it really makes the viewer think about human values. Just because a movie mimics reality so honestly it seems absurd is not a reason to dislike something. How do you dislike the truth. I think people should watch this movie remembering it's just a movie. Friendly advice: don't get your panties all bunched up before you sit down in the dark for two hours.

The Invention of Lying, is a hilarious comedy that also offers some thought provoking truths.
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The Notebook (2004)
If you leave here I hate you.
12 November 2009
The Notebook: Everything there is to say about this movie has probably already been said. This movie is timeless. Full of a crazy passion, slight humor, and pure joy. You can't help but smile when you watch this movie, and of course there are moments that will make you sad, real sad. The casting for this movie is superb. Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdam have such a hot on screen chemistry that it almost makes my body ache. Noah and Alley, those crazy kids sure do love each other. The Notebook really captures what it's like to fall in love and be tormented by that love. There is so much raw power in this movie that i don't know how anybody couldn't enjoy it.
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Dark Angel (2000–2002)
Girls kick butt says so on the T-SHIRT
15 December 2008
Dark Angel is a very underrated show.The pilot episode is bad. The second and last season was a hit and mess season, but the first season, there is something very special there. The technical term for the main character Max, is chimera, body of a goat head of a lion. She is supposed to be a genetically revved up girl, but really she is more like a lemon. Max just has a thing that makes her very sexy and illusive,a bit of a human fog bank, hard to get to know, more robot than human. She is very detached at the start of the season, but her journey is about opening up and finding her human side. Her test is to be able to deal with emotions, that is a challenge for her that she overcomes. Oh, her one liners are great by the way. Some witty writing there.

I like the show because it doesn't get into the typical crap most shows do, about who is dating who, and who looks good in what pants. It gets into interesting issues like, damn, what if the world really does go to hell? What if America becomes a third world country? The show just hits very close to home. I feel like the world of this series could easily be ours. We are on that path after all. It's just really powerful and it talks about taboo issues most TV shows avoid. I don't recommend the second season, but i do the first full heartedly.
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Transporter 3 (2008)
15 December 2008
I didn't give this movie a seven out of ten because i thought it was really good or anything. The movie is nothing fantastic. The plot line was typical of any standard action movie ,fast driving, fighting, sex, exc, but it was entertaining. It made me laugh. The characters are really engaging to watch, specially the red head. She was very beautiful. This movie is worth watching because it keeps you on the edge of your seat, it's never dull, and a lot of the scenes are humorous. I recommend this film, specially since a lot of the movies out right now are crap.At least with this one, i didn't feel like i wasted my time and money.
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Death Proof (2007)
The woods are lovely
14 December 2008
Artistically, Death Proof is amazing. It is designed to look like an older film which is a nice break from all the high-tech crap they through at us now a days. Stylistic, this movie is a beauty, the choppy scenes or the skipping/relapsing scenes they use for transitions, the static, the black in white film that eventually turns back to color, all of it gold.

What really makes this movie, and most movies, are the ladies though. Jungle Juice is scandalous, Butterfly is interesting, all the ladies are characters. I like this movie because it's like, finally, a movie that depicts real women. God, most movies got our gender all wrong. They either make us too girly and ditsy or too controlling and bad-ass, like the Jolie flicks, but this film really hits on actual female behavior. I see one of my friends in each of these girls. Not to mention, the dialog is fantastic. All the conversations are so interesting. Each scene is so original.

I have watched this film a handful of times and i never get sick of it. I always find something new, and though it is kind of a horror film, it is so funny, and witty. It's genius how they make the Robert Frost poem so creepy, almost a death sentence.

All in all, this movie is a good time.
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Wonder Boys (2000)
Just watch it
14 December 2008
Michael Chabon's book transfered into a great movie. It remains one of the most powerful and interesting movies i have witnessed. It speaks volumes about the human condition. The story is witty,smart,honest,and emotional. The characters are really well developed. They seem like real people. I have met a James Leer or two in my life. (James Leer) by the way, is my favorite character. I think this movie is just beautiful. It moved me in away i cannot explain, but it touched my soul. This movie touches on so many issues, drugs, homosexuality, careers,love, creativity, but somehow it's not about any of that and that is key. It's not about being a drug addict, or a drag queen, or a failure. It's about being human, and having human qualities. This is the trick to a great novel/movie, transcending the roles we place people in until we hit common ground. This movie is about growth, and choices.
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Wanted (2008)
6 July 2008
Wanted is a very sex action movie. First of all Jolie is a very sexy as the mysterious, and troubled Fox. Beyond the fact that Jolie is reason alone to watch the flick, the story-line is decent, not incredible, but entertaining. The visuals of this movie are top notch. At times the images almost seem 3D. The way the action is set up, is fast,exciting, and totally captivating. Movie viewers will be engaged through the whole movie, holding on with their eyes for dear life. But this movie is more than visuals, or fast paced action,it's comedy. This movie is comedy at its finest. The characters of this movie are developed and likable, which only adds to the movie as a whole. Wanted is a good time.
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Sleepwalking (2008)
You woke me up
26 June 2008
The pacing of this movie is a little slow. There were times when i almost gave up on it, and wanted to stop watching it, but didn't. I am glad i finished this movie because there is something so honest, and pure about the subject matter.

What's great about this movie is it's not flashy like people think movies need to be. It is not over the top, not glamorous. This movie is striped to the bare essence of what it takes to make a good film or better, great acting, and a genuine story line.

The movie has a slow start, but a rapid ending that leaves you wanting more. The characters are really well developed. I feel a close connection to all of them. I feel like they are real people, and that's unusual to feel when watching a movie.

It's a movie about choices, about how one moment can change your life. The decisions we make are not always right, most of them are made on impulse, but we still have to deal with the aftermath, and learn a lesson along the way.
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The Happening (2008)
14 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This move is creepy, morbid, violent, and disturbing, but it's also like a car accident; people can't help but watch. There are those who will want to lower there gaze. There are those who will think this movie is made for senseless shock value alone, but these people are the ones missing the point. This movie isn't about sugar, and spice, and everything useless unless you're baking. It's about life, the tress, the flowers, and what we are doing to it, how we are destroying it. We humans have become a force of destruction, and the earth taking notice, finally fights back, killing us just as we kill the plants. Just as the flowers drop dead, we drop dead.Just as the grass turns brown and dies, we die. In this movie humans get what's coming to them.

Some of the scenes are uniquely engaging, almost like a nightmare, and they will stay with you. I mean the opening scene alone is a handful of people jumping off a building committing suicide. I had a hard time turning the way people die off in my head at first, but a good movie does that it stays with you.

The movie in its simplest form is a campfire story with a lesson to be learned. The moral of it is to remember "The Golden Rule" do onto others as you would have them do onto you.
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Not his best
11 June 2008
Adam Sandler is enjoyable to watch as usual, but this is not his best work. At times the movie is absurd. It's just so off the wall in some areas, like there is this Rocky scene where a character drinks eggs, but when he breaks the eggs, baby chicks come out instead of yolk. The guy eats them anyway, ridiculous. The humor is a stupid kind of funny. It seems like the audience the makers of this film are aiming for is rather juvenile.

This is a good movie to rent for a fun movie night with friends, but i wouldn't spend almost ten dollars at the movie theater to go see it. Put your payola away folks. There are better things to spend your money on. This is going to be a scolding hot summer, go to a water park.
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The Fallen Hero
7 June 2008
For an action movie this is solid, but this isn't a regular action movie. It's an adaptation of the DC comic Superman, and this movie does no justice to his legacy. Superman, known as Kal-El, known as Clark Kent, is a grand-scale symbol. He's kind of like a modern Jesus. I mean his father Jar-El, sends his only son to save us just like God, so i expected more about the mythology behind him. Superman is all powerful. He could easily take the world over, but her doesn't because he has such a strong moral fiber. He does not kill, ever. He could easily bash Lex's head in, but opts not too. He sets an example for us mere mortals by doing the right thing because it's right. I just thought the movie was a let down. Superman has so much mythology beyond him, and the directors didn't even scratch the surface.
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Penelope (2006)
Don't hide your face
28 May 2008
A little boy in a movie once said, " It's not the power of the curse, it's the power you give to the curse." The movie teaches a very important lesson of self love. All of us as humans, seem to be on a never ending quest to find someone to love us, and if we don't, for some reason we slip into self-hate, questions of why am i not good enough? Why am i alone? Why can't someone just love me? And the answer is because the cliché is true, you can't be loved, or in love, until you love yourself. At the core, that's what this story is about, an important lesson to be learned, specially for the younger generation. A generation that is artificial,plastic really.

Side note: Christina Ricci is an amazing actress
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Match Point (2005)
The ending destroyed all
28 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen Match Point, and i try real hard to like it, but at best i am indifferent. At the start the movie is like a firecracker sparking off bits of sun. It is insightful. I mean the bit about luck, and how it determines life, excellent,smart script writing, very genuine. And of course, the character of Nola is very charming and sexy. The characters are all in these very interesting and awkward circumstances. I can't deny that this movie has a lot working, but that's what makes it so sad when it stops working,and starts to dysfunction like a leaky pipe going from leaving a few drops, to puddles.

The whole movie, well, it all falls apart in the end. All the artistic cleverness of this movie gets completely ruined by the murder of Nola. I mean it's like someone took a beautiful picture and lit it on fire, or someone threw paint on an original master piece before they made prints. I think the end is of such poor quality, that it actually drains the beauty out of the entire film, and it is there for shock value alone.
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Baby Mama (2008)
wait to rent
28 May 2008
To be gifted with the ability to make people laugh is an honor, and with films, script writers can't know for sure what will evoke an uproar from the audience. A lot of times things are a hit in miss with humor. I'm not saying this movie isn't funny, because i did laugh. However, i didn't laugh as hard as i thought i would. The lack of giggles this movie inspired in me is enough to provoke me to label this movie as a letdown. It's not that this movie is bad, or an awful way to spend an evening. It's that movies are an art-form and there is no art to be found. I think a movie is great if two days later you're still actively trying to find someone to talk about it with. i was ready for the movie to end twenty minutes before the credits rolled.

I know what you're thinking. It is a comedy.It is not meant to be insightful. All this is true, but it still didn't meet the specific requirement that ever movie has to. It has to be worth the 8.50 cover charge, and it isn't. I recommend taking that money to a local bar, and buying a pretty lady a drink.
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After Sex (2007)
It's genuine
28 May 2008
This movie is very engaging. Even with it's worst story line, it is never dull. The movie is divided into several conversations after sex. The conversations are interesting, humorous, sometimes painful, but mostly the characters are speaking honestly about life, and the wounds it can leave behind. What i like about this movie is it has integrity and balls. It is down right gritty. The director is taking these very touchy/taboo subjects and serving them on a spoon to the public. Some of the scenes may make more conservative people uncomfortable. Exploring gay/lesbian sex,interracial sex and first times, it's bound to make someone shake their head in disapproval, but i for one think a good movie does that. It makes people talk. For a low-budget film, it has a high emotional quality. It seems true to life i guess, which is a rare quality because most movies don't. They are so contrived/fabricated they become hard to relate to. I think this movie about stuff that can/does happen to everyone. It is genuine to the human condition.

The only problem i have with the movie is i want more. This film has these really likable characters, specially, the first couple, but the moments don't last long enough. We bounce from one couple to the next after they have sexual intimacy, but we the viewer never fill intimate with the characters. There is a sense of detachment from the characters that keep the story forgettable.
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It will make you laugh I promise
10 October 2007
I've noticed that this movies rating is awful low for a comedy. Maybe that's because this movie offers nothing of substance. But it's not a psychological thriller, it's not suppose to make you think. It's only objective is to make the audience laugh, and i for one thought this movie was hysterical. There's no denying that Dan Cook is a comical genius. And Jessica Alba is well, Jessica Alba, a Goddess of the big screen. I thought this movie was hilarious, and if you're having a bad day and want your mood lightened it's a good choice. If you liked knocked Up you will enjoy this as well. Granted, knocked up was a lot more amusing than this movie, albeit it's lack of mega star power.
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Donnie Darko (2001)
He moves forward and then back again to right his wrongs
5 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I'm just not impressed with this movie and let me tell you why. It's generic. It's not as intelligent as it pretends to be. No matter what people claim, you don't have to see it more then once to understand the movie. The movie is simple and not complex. I understood it completely the first time. Donnie has to die in order to keep his loved ones from dying. He realizes this, and he's brave enough to sacrifice his self for them. The 6 ft. tall bunny Rabbit named Frank roaming through the movie is annoying. And the costume is just stupid. I thought Darko's imagination would have been able to come up with something better, but i guess i was wrong. I dislike all the trailer park swearing, and how this film tries to prey on common fears that people have like, clowns. And the infomercial that constantly played on a TV somewhere about love not fear made me want to kill myself. The worse part of this whole movie was there were a handful of dead spots. I think they should have condensed the story so my tears of boredom didn't cry on for so long. However, Donnie Darko did have a handful of redeeming qualities, which is why i ranked it a 7. The acting was top notch, and for the most part the dialog was intelligent, and worth hearing. There were scenes that were so emotional and pure that i would recommend this film to be watched. The butter-fly effect came in loud and clear
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Best one yet
4 May 2007
This movie has a lot of irony in it. If you listen to the beginning dialog and then look at what actually happens in the end you will see how truly ironic this film is. I like the trilogy because it gives the audience a sense of closure. It doesn't leave you with on answered questions. This movie has all the necessary genius in the world to be the best comic book movie to date. This movie had a bit of everything. At times i was holding my stomach from laughter, and other times i was wiping my tears away from crying. In my opinion the third Spider-man triumphed over the rest. The visuals alone were amazing, even brilliant at times. This movie is highly recommend to anyone who wants to be visually stimulated and impressed beyond belief..
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300 (2006)
When they odds are against you don't run away fight back
19 March 2007
Recently, Hollywood has been stuck in this rut of making average movies. Nothing great. Nothing worth wasting hard earned cash on. But then a movie called 300 comes along and it has the rare quality of being worth every penny.

The visuals were astonishing. It resembled moving art work in a non-traditional museum. The way they sped up the movements of the warriors and then slowed it down put me right in the movie. I felt like i was one of the fearless 300 battling for the freedom and dignity of my country. 300 soldiers against an army of millions. The enemy just kept coming and our heroes just kept defeating them. One after one the cruel enemy fell a soulless death fit for a group of people with black hearts. The Spartains fought hypnotically with the dignity and grace of Gods as they tore their enemies to pieces, limb by limb.

This movie will grow to the status of legendary. There is no stopping it. It will spread every where. And those whose minds it's already taken hold of can't go against it because it will stab them with an 8 ft spear through the heart well telling them they will never surrender.
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Transamerica (2005)
It had promise, but promises are meant to be broken.
15 January 2007
If your looking to open your eyes on sexual identity then this movie might have something for you. If your looking to learn more about trans-gender people then once again this movie might have something for you, but i would recommend Boy's Don't Cry over it any-day. The story line is thoughtful and pure. It's a tale of overcoming selfishness and lies, to find a solid ground. One that won't crumble under your feet so easily. The movie is about family, searching for acceptance and haunted pasts. It's about doing what's right not only for you , but for people you have just met. The movie is a simple concept, true. But an honest one full of complex characters. And at times it hits close to home with all thats happening under the radar behind the closed doors of America. The only problem i had with this movie is after awhile i lost attention. It dragged. The story slowed down when it needed to move the most. So, what this movie is not, it's not life changing, or cut out for someone wanting to walk away saying wow, that movie was astounding.
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