
14 Reviews
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It (I) (2017)
Another pointless horror movie.
13 December 2017
The only reason I gave it 4 stars is ,well, the clown (and maybe, maybe the Girl.) His 5 minutes at the beginning and here and there in the movie,-his acting was good.The story...well I got it that there is A STORY with more developed and interesting characters(didn't read the book, sorry) about friendship, and abuse, and fear and murder.But the movie missed all that and some of the characters were just annoying. Hated the CG. Didn't scare me (but I'm never scared at horror movies), just provoked the thought that it could be a much better movie without the gore and childish "pranks". I watched it just to know what the noise and the no.1 in the box office was all about; got to the end, congratulating myself that I didn't spend any money on it,- and maybe I will read the book.Here is a positive point!
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Allied (2016)
I didn't expect Casablanca, but it was not even a war love tragedy
7 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I blame the director,the script,the editors,and the carelessness about details. I love both main actors,- but here they are not coming through as believable.

Marion Cotillard is a superb actress and even in this movie,she does her job,- but even she looks as trying too hard. Brad Pitt is supposed to be "restrained" and cool(after all he is a spy,and a pilot and a commander), but he is...absent,even in the love scenes; and in the end (that meant to be painful),he is not convincing.He seems as if his mind is somewhere else. The story has such great potential, and it is wasted! Their time in Casablanca seems too staged (I loved the costumes, so...); the meeting with the German ambassador is not trustworthy at all, and the attack lacks suspense and goes so smoothly..(empty streets all around, in an Arab city after an explosion; really?) London:the language is too modern, the behaviour of people-even considering the war-is not as open.Women openly together? maybe in Berlin before the Nazis,in Paris or even in London in bohemian circles,- but never like it was portrayed here(in the military?in the 40s?come on!). Even more annoying,- it added nothing to the story! So why I give it a 6.5? Because in general the story is good and has so much more to it(if it was other hands),because the small things-like Max's attempt to find the truth, showed a bit the ugly part of the war (when he sends the young pilot,when he meets Guy in the hospital),and Marion's acting is still worth notice. It is watchable, keeps you interested, but the holes in the story are too big to make you emotional and sympathetic with the characters (and I am a very emotional person), to make it a good movie. 6.5/10
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Crimson Peak (2015)
Not what I expected
28 October 2015
First of all, I LOVED "Pan's Labyrinth", enjoyed "Hellboy", not so much the other movies, but hoped that this one is going to be gorgeous and imaginative as the first, given the theme and actors. I don't like horror movies in general,- unless they are smart and not done for the gore and blood,- so I thought 'Crimson peak' will answer that requirement of mine as well. It was quite disappointing: I could guess from the start the plot development, the brother/sister thing (I think it was so obvious that the protagonist,Edith, should have been very dumb not to see it, and she was portrayed at the beginning as smart). The visuals were beautiful:the outfits, the house, the people are attractive,the bloody images were more disturbing than scary. But my main problem was with the story: Nothing was surprising. And I didn't care about any of the characters. Acting: J.Chastain is the best of them (I think she is one of the best actresses we have now),doing a very nice job, being quite creepy during the movie (not at the end, which was SO predictable); T.Hiddleston was OK,not more than that, and I think he was wasted here; M.Wasilkowska was OK too,but I must admit that I am not a fan (note:gorgeous costumes and hair style for her); C.Hannam looked good... but I thought that he is not convincing in his character. Summery:If you never watched a Gothic romance, or G.Del Toro movie before, you will enjoy it. But from the Master of "Pan's Labyrinth" I expected much more.
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The Avengers (2012)
8.6? What for?
13 June 2012
I like super hero movies; if well made they are lots of fun. If they are done by a Master-they are very good (The Latest Batman, the first X-men,the 1st Spider Man). I watched all of the characters in this movie in their previous solo's: enjoyed Iron Man the most (Robert Downy Jr. is one of the best actors ever); thought that Thor was very entertaining and funny (and definitely a pleasure to look at...);I enjoyed the last Hulk with E.Norton, and watched Cpt.America @ home (saved on the ticket...)and thought it was OK.

We went to watch it after seeing the rating. SO: This movie is entertaining, if you like lots of CGIs and action; there is NO Original/Surprising story. The acting is good (they brought GOOD Actors, you wouldn't expect less). We laughed twice (The Hulk character provided the much needed relief). You will enjoy it on a big screen. BUT THAT'S IT. 8.6? Really? How many times you can watch Manhattan destroyed?! Time and time again in every other CGI movie.Grow up and get more original.(And Yes,AVATAR was better). I gave it a 5 to lower the expectations of people who go to watch a movie on the big screen,instead of watching it @ home.If you like CGIs and a predicted plot it deserves between 6-7. If you expect a masterpiece like THE DARK KNIGHT,-this is NOT. It's not even IRON MAN the 1st. It was very disappointing.
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Shame (2011)
I felt angry
15 April 2012
Angry because I thought there will be a story and a character I would care about. If the director and writer were aiming to leave us emotionally detached, they achieved that goal. The acting was good (loved Carry, as always), and Michael was great at portraying never to enjoy; because his addiction is something that he is very much aware of, -how it is judged by society and himself. I disagree that he is a psychopath,-he's a product of upbringing and the environment he(we)live in. Anyways, I expect so much more from a movie with good actors; and honestly, I think the same results could have been achieved with less sleaziness. I actually thought that the gay scene was expected,and all the rest, when he was on the rampage to punish himself (that's how it seemed to me),otherwise why the breaking down and crying? But I didn't feel any pity or involvement.I just wanted to get some answers, since I already started watching it and the movie was about to end. You get some sort of answer, (his reaction to a woman in the subway, as at the beginning of the movie)- it still left me emotionally detached and like " was it worth my time?" On the positive and lighter aspect: Michael is nice to look at -with cloth and without-as much as he is a very good actor; and Carry has a very nice voice.I gave it a 5/10 because of the actors (including the "boss" character) and because it kept me sitting to the end.
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The Iron Lady (2011)
Stunning Performance
24 February 2012
I can see why people cannot connect with the movie:it is taken from the point of view of the ageing and mildly demented (she's brilliantly fighting and denying it)Margaret Thatcher, with glimpses of her former life. You see an old woman, that is talking to her dead husband -who was her greatest fan and supporter-and it is hard to imagine this little old lady as the "the Iron Lady", who fought the unions, reconstructed the British economy and won Fawklands... For younger viewers it is really hard to follow and identify:they have no idea about the Historical events,- and the movie fails to focus on any of them; as for the personal story of this extraordinary woman,-it doesn't "talk" to them.Women in parliament are not a rarity, and there is no "story" here. In a way it reminded me "J.Edgar"(a great performance by Di Caprio). Meryl gives here an amazing performance!I loved the movie because she makes Mrs. Thatcher so human and touching in her present vulnerability, and so formidable at the height of her career as the PM of the UK. There is NO OTHER ACTRESS this year that deserves the Oscar more!I've seen Viola Davis (I'm a big admirer of hers')in The Help- and it doesn't come even close. Hats Off - Meryl Streep is the Greatest!
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the only reason I write this comment: I am unable to see my vote for the past 3 weeks!
7 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
My opinion is that this is an excellent movie, because it is so different: in it's story line, in it's concept and in making you think. It doesn't follow the regular predictable chronological cannot anticipate how BB will react in every event that accrues in his life: according to his physical or mental abilities, and what are those at this point? The love story is beautiful, in it's way that you need to fill blanks by yourself. It is told for you to interpret, anyway you want. the acting is very good especially by Brad Pitt and Taraji P.Henson (I found Cate Blanchett - whom I admire- too bombastic here). The movie was purely enchanting and beautiful,- in my eyes;the humor was great; and I was surprised that the movie is actually long. I thought,afterwords, about the fact that our life just passes so fast, and it leaves you at the end - if you die "naturally" from old age-helpless as an... ugly baby. Benjamin Button was born as a monstrous baby, abandoned by his grieving father, but he died as a gorgeous baby in the arms of the woman he loved, who during his life was his friend; his lover; his mother. So, was he lucky? It depends on how you accept life...
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Hancock (2008)
took me by surprise
11 September 2008
I was ready for silly jokes and bad CGI; I was sure that (according to the critics)it will be a waste of about 2 hours...BUT IT WAS FUN! First of all, don't take the movie seriously (you were supposed to take seriously "I am legend" and it was a disappointment for me). I liked the fact that there is no big villain character in the movie and no epic battle between the good and the bad (thank you, writer/director/producer!,that's what ruined it for me in "Iron Man"). It was funny and kind of realistic where it concerned media and public reaction. I liked Charlize Theron character, and the scenes between them were good. I found the explanation about their destiny/love story, whatever you call it, stretched,- but at least trying to be different.I found it charming that they are attracted to each other again and again, but when they are together it neutralizes their powers. Maybe we enjoyed it because we did not expect much and were entertained, it was a more fun super hero (charming Will Smith), and aside from the last scenes in the hospital, kept the good spirit including the final Moon Ad. It made us feel good (my family of adults), instead of the uneasy feeling we have after watching all the other super hero's, including good movies like "the dark night" and "iron man" and the last "hulk". The uneasy feeling is because this comic characters are taken too seriously - more and more so- and people relate to them in a real way. I thought it is a good thing to put it back into purely imaginary product, showing the flows of such imaginary hero and the possible outcome of his imaginary deeds.
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a romantic comedy which is not interesting enough
18 August 2008
The only reason I gave it a 6/10 is because Cillian Murphy is always a good performer.He is the only one to watch in this movie. But for an actor of his range, it is still disappointing. I thought that it could be a different type of romantic comedy,- it started interestingly enough- but after you got the point of this girl (Lucy Liu) being "nuts", it is going nowhere. I smiled, maybe, once.The rest of the time I just waited for something to happen. Lucy Liu is not charming enough in this kind of pranks, because she is not a teenager, or sweet, and she is not convincing. I really like her, but she was better in action movies, or playing a more serious character. I didn't find a great chemistry between them. I think that the director and the stars tried to make it work because a story about this weird guy who lives a boring life unlike in the movies he watches (big surprise here...), falling for this 'border-line con'/ grasshopper,- sounded like an appealing and funny idea of a movie - but it didn't work. not for me, anyway.I also have a feeling that this kind of plot was done before, and it worked better.
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I Am Legend (2007)
Will Smith and the dog save that movie from a complete flop
9 March 2008
It so happened that we watched this movie a day after we watched "30 Days of Night" and we couldn't get over the feeling that the same vampires were "borrowed" from the other movie to this one... Even if in this movie the plot is a more intelligent one (thanks to the book?), and the pictures of empty New York are very impressive,-it felt hollow, it left us with the feeling of "been there before, seen it already". It is supposed to make you wary of the future and so on,but the script and the story itself did not work; and since our son (17)watched the movie with us, and he was not impressed either, so it doesn't seem to work for a yonger audience as well. The "anti-humans" look like a bad video game villains, (even in 30 days of night they were more realisticaly looking)and the explanation of the disease/virus was very poor or absent.(that goes beyond saying that the whole thing is ridiculous).

I gave it a 6 out of 10 since the movie is still worth watching: because of some of the effects, because of Will Smith (and the Dog), and the comic reliefs,- we like "Shreck" and Bob Marley too... as to the end of humanity? it will come, naturally, but in the meantime we should look for better movies...
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August Rush (2007)
loved the movie despite the flows
9 December 2007
First of all, it is a fairytale, not a real dramatic story; something for Christmas, that adults -romantic ans sensitive ones, who enjoy music,- will have a good time with. the cast is beautiful, the music is a joy and there is the nice story about a boy looking for his parents through music. Even though the story is supposed to be sad and heart wrenching - it is not. Robin Williams is not "Feygin",and the young protégé is not "Oliver Twist". that's one of the reasons that you feel a bit remote and not involved in the story.(actually I felt bad for the boy who played Arthur, and was the favoured before "August Rush"). The part with the forged signature was completely unbelievable (we are talking 1995 here!), but - as I said, it is a fairytale about people in love, loving music, bringing to the world a wonderful child who makes them proud the moment they lay their eyes on him...are they not a bit like you and me, or who we would love to be?...
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Overall the message is good, but...
8 November 2007
I was quite disappointed. Maybe I should have watched it in 3D, but for me it was not technically better (or worth) than a Pixar movie. But comparing to a Pixar movie it was too much of a "mish-mash", which means the storyline was not strong and engaging, it left me at times quite bored. The family part was very confusing, you kind of didn't see the jokes in the characters and they were not really interesting or important. The villain was really boring. It was very simplistic and predictable and lacked the warmth and quality of a Disney movie...maybe Disney is "moving forward", but it did not reach the sophistication of Pixar and left behind the humour and wisdom of older Disney movies. I gave it 6 out of 10, because I am sure that smaller kids will enjoy it, and the main character and the "little" roommate, were very likable.the massage in the end is also
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3:10 to Yuma (2007)
It was a good movie
9 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the storyline and the suspense, even if some of the developments did not look believable,- like Byron McElroy (Peter Fonda) being fit to ride almost immediately after the surgery; the same with Ben Wade(Russel Crowe) after the torture scene; than, the fact that he decided to support Dan Evans (Christian Bale's character)to the end (he was not "all bad", but it is a far cry from shooting all his gang)-, Well,It is just a movie... Anyway, the acting is very good - that's what actually saves the movie and makes it to stand out. Russell Crowe does a superb job - as always -, Christian Bale proves again that he is a very talented, versatile actor, and Ben Foster - as Charlie- is great. (not surprising for people who watched this actor in other performances.)Peter Fonda is a delight to watch and Logan Lerman is a good looking promise. Definitely a recommended movie for movie lovers, not only as a western, well worth your time.
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great acting but the plot....
14 December 2006
the movie is entertaining,the actors are doing a great job,but the story line is not really believable and very predictable.

some of the things don't work: such as referring to the main character -Anne Hathaway- as "fat",when you see in front of you a slim person; than, her reaction to an opportunity from a famous magazine(giving it up to go to her boyfriend), when on the other hand, she neglects him all the time to slave for something she "knows" is not her true call. Even in a comedy, some things should follow through.

it is a fun,light movie, perfect for video rental,-because of the acting and the great outfits... otherwise it would have been just another romantic comedy.
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