
76 Reviews
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Black Adam (2022)
Formulaic but fun
20 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'll start at the beginning. It was one of the longest opening narrations in recent memory. It was like 7 minutes too. Dwayne was as good as he could be with the writing. The movie itself wasn't too long and moved along at a brisk pace. But it was kind of all over the place. The action was pretty cool. I'm not sure if Adam either didn't get the concept of doors or if he didn't care because he spent the whole movie just walking through walls. Like from one room to another. Just breaking them down lol. Also Who are the Justice Society? I have a bit of comic book knowledge about them but they sure as hell don't explain them in the movie. They come across like a carbon copy of the X-men. Jet coming out of the courtyard and everything. Atom Smasher and Doctor Fate were the highlights. But Doctor Fate's power set was never fully explained. Leading to a lot of confusion. Hawkman's power set is also unclear. Cyclone is really pushed to the side. I forgot she was there at times. The fight scenes kept in line with the Snyder slow mo at random times. Lots of people getting thrown around and bashed through and into walls. I would've given this a higher score if it wasn't so formulaic. I did however have fun with the insane action and some funny bits as well. Oh and it has an amazing postie. It's mid credits.
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Weird choices make for a bizarre conclusion
15 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It took me 2 watches before I could figure out what I wanted to say about this movie. I'm still not quite sure if I liked it or not.

I wish that they had Corey in the other 2 films that preceded this one. I found it quite jarring to have this movie pull focus to a character we are just meeting. The Myers tag team was almost laughable at times. Also the "passing on the evil" or whatever it was didn't really work for me.

The opening scene, I thought, was pretty good. It made my jaw drop. But it then goes into a bunch of stuff that I wasn't expecting, and not in a good way.

The fact that Michael Myers is a mere footnote in this is criminal. It's like they forgot about him for the majority of the movie. I find it baffling to build up and market this as a "giant conclusion" only to have him show up about an hour into the film.

I'm still annoyed with the Allyson character. She constantly makes really weird decisions and comes off ignorant and impulsive. I was hoping they would've either redeemed her or killed her off. They did neither.

Jamie Lee Curtis is the reason this movie gets 3 stars. She is and always be the saving grace of the H40 trilogy. I enjoyed her final performance as Laurie. I was happy the character was finally able to get her happy ending. The final fight was fun but I felt like they could've done more with it.

I'm fine with there never being another one. Which I know won't happen. But I'm happy to close the book on this trilogy. I'll just miss seeing Jamie Lee in this franchise. I love her so much!
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Don't Worry Darling (I) (2022)
A mashup of other movies
22 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this film for the most part! Florence did a really good job carrying this film. It could have easily slipped into cringe territory a few times, but her performance elevated the material. I have to say I guessed the plot twist pretty early on in the film. It doesn't bring anything new to the table. It's very much a mashup of other movies. It's basically a Stepford Wives remake with a large helping of the matrix and a dash of Hitchcock added in for good measure. The ending was also very abrupt as well. I could've use a bit more there. The other acting was pretty good. Olivia Wilde did a good job acting and I enjoyed her direction as well. Chris Pine and Gemma Chan we really good as well Harry Styles left a bit to be desired for me. Overall I had fun with it.
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Extremely slowwwwww burn
17 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say I enjoyed the film. My only critique is that it took too long for something to happen. I love the 80s aspect and style to it. The satanic aspect is pretty fun too. I enjoy movies that play into the satanic panic of the 80s & early 90s. The movie os not for everyone. Its first hour and fifteen minutes are slow. If it weren't for the audience knowledge of something happening before the end of the movie, I would have shut it off. Imagine if we weren't in the know like the main protagonist. I would've been waiting around forever until anything happened. The last 15 minutes makes up for the waiting for me.
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15 September 2022
Just got out of screening. It's one of the best movies I've ever seen. I loved the story, setting, characters, and the amazing action. It's a powerful story. The acting is top notch. Viola Davis will definitely be an awards contender for her profound masterclass work. I've was so moved by the performances. Lashana Lynch was also amazing in this as well. She is an amazing actress. I've also enjoyed her performances in Captain Marvel and Multiverse of Madness. Believe it or not this movie has got some twist and turns that will surprise you. I went through my entire range over emotions. Happy, sad, laughter, tears, and rage all come to mind. Also this movie is very educational in the aspect of having little to no knowledge of the subject matter. I plan on now going to educate myself. I'm sure you will all want to as well.
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Bullet Train (2022)
A wild ride
4 August 2022
A really fun and funny ride! Add John Wick, Smokin Aces, & Deadpool together and you get this! If that sounds great to you then you will love it! It actually has some pretty great surprises too!
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Nope (2022)
Peele does it again
21 July 2022
Don't want to give away anything. I had a good time. It's not as scary as Get Out or Us. But the further you get into the film the more you will understand. I'm going to need to watch a YouTube break down because I have a lot of questions. Great direction, acting, and cinematography! Another great Jordan Peele film!
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2 Thors 1 movie
7 July 2022
Thor Love and Thunder was an absolute blast! It most a bit too fast for its own good. It's hilarious most of all. The action is very good. But the movie doesn't take its time with the serious things as it should. Natalie Portman and Tessa Thompson were my stand outs. Christian Bale was pretty great as the villain too! Not quite as good as Ragnarok, but I enjoyed it and had fun with it. Bonus points for Thor being naked as well!
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I had a good time
9 June 2022
Was it perfect? No. Was it fun? Absolutely! There will be a lot of things people will pick apart this movie for. I for one didn't mind it. It was a solid closing chapter to the Jurassic World trilogy. It was a nice balance with the newer stars and the OGs. A lot of "hey, I know you from such and such". When the casts get combined I was so happy. I love my OG Jurassic Park crew. They were my main reason for being excited and I wasn't disappointed in that regard. A lot of fun sequences really helped keep me entertained. It could've been a bit shorter but I'm still happy with what I got from it. Go in to have fun. It won't do you any good going in expecting a masterpiece. Plus it has a ton of baby dinosaurs, they were sooooo cute!
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Absolutely Terrifying
29 May 2022
Wow! So good!! This a movie that nightmares are made of! So intense and thrilling! Lots of good scares! Reminds me of the paranoia I had of being kidnapped as a kid. I jumped so many times. Ethan Hawk plays a really great villain!!
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Fantastic from beginning to end
27 May 2022
Wowwwww! I did not expect to like it but I ended up LOVING IT! If you feel like you need to see the first one, you don't. I have never seen number one and followed along with ease. Such an amazing movie. So loud but in a good way and has major 80s vibe to it. Very enjoyable from start to finish!
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Fast and furious!
5 May 2022
At breakneck speed this movie goes balls to wall and I'm so here for it! Wanda is the MVP! Curious to see if the cameos lead to anything more. Definitely ups the scare factor on this one.
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The Batman (2022)
Super long but I liked it!
3 March 2022
No spoilers! I loved this new Batman. Sure it was dark and depressing. The film noir approach was a fantastic idea! The first hour did drag a bit but once the plot kicked into full gear I was invested. Pattinson was great as Batman. I needed some more Bruce Wayne tho. Zoe Kravitz was fantastic as Selina Kyle! Such a great version of the character. I can't wait to see her journey as Catwoman play out in the future. Paul Dano was great as the Riddler! He had an interesting approach to the character which scared me a bit. In a good way! If it weren't for the slow first half I would've given it a higher score. But I'm definitely full on invested into this version of the Batman and I can't wait to see how it all plays out in the future.
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Scream (I) (2022)
13 January 2022
Spoiler free of course. I loved this movie! It has some big surprises! The acting is top notch. The whodunit aspect is better than it has been in awhile. Our legacy actors are amazing and when the casts get intermixed that's when it gets really good! I loved it so much and I can't wait to watch it 1,000 more times!
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It was.....interesting!
22 December 2021
Welp. I wanted to like it. I really did. I did like parts of it. But it was too much for it's own good. I do admire the ambition tho. Love the Neo and Trinity scenes but Wowwwwww did it take sooooooo long to get there!
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Eternals (2021)
Definitely Different
3 November 2021
First of all, I'm going to have to watch this again. There is too much to unpack for just one viewing. There is so much exposition that I got confused often. Especially when bouncing between time periods. The cinematography was fantastic! The action was pretty good. Angelina Jolie was the highlight for me. Can't wait to see fight along side some Avengers. It would have a higher score if it was shorter, had better story flow, & more character balance. I mean, Kit Harrington is barely in it! Ends on a cliffhanger and shows clear direction for where they are going next. I just hope we get to see it!
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It sure does live up to the name!
14 October 2021
Halloween kills is a really fun Halloween film. It sure does live up to its name. It kills, kills, and kills some more. The movie moves very briskly while also kinda feeling all over the place. It's better than the majority of Halloween films. Super violent and gory! Very high on the body count! Michael Myers is like the Terminator at this point. It also has one hell of a gut punch for an ending. If they had utilized Jamie Lee Curtis more I would've given it a higher score.
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It was worth the wait
8 October 2021
I have been a fan of 007 since Goldeneye. There has been many peaks and valleys since.

I would consider No Time To Die one of the better ones. I only have a couple of issues with this. It was so long I had forgotten Rami Malek was even in the movie. Also I feel that he was underused as the villain. For an almost 3 hour movie, you barely even see him.

I would say that this is a good conclusion to the Daniel Craig era of James Bond. I'm not sure where they will take it next.
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Still ridiculous and still fun
30 September 2021
Silly and fun! Fans of the first should be pleased. Still super ridiculous but in all the right ways! Make sure to stay for the post credit scene! Mind blown!
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Malignant (I) (2021)
Different and interesting
10 September 2021
LOVED the villain. The plot was a bit over the top and cheesy at times. I looked at my friend and guessed the entire movie 15 mins in. Soundtrack was really good. Was really bloody and gory. Had a couple of decent scares too. I was also super confused for most of the movie and by the end everything was insane. I had a good time.
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I want to be Shang-Chi!
2 September 2021
Really awesome fights. Some of the best in the MCU! The fact that Shang has a poster in his room, from the movie The Warriors is amazing. I had a really fun time! It was funny and heartfelt. Crossed the line into cheesy a time or two.
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Candyman (2021)
Better than expected
26 August 2021
I had a good time with my friends watching this. There were some really creative scares. It's better than I thought it was going to be. I highly recommend! It's the best Candyman movie.
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I had the BEST time watching this
5 August 2021
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this movie! It's my new favorite of the year! Great cast, fun story, great action, perfect characters, dark humor and an all around great time! It's a movie that shouldn't work but it does on all levels. See it, you won't regret it. I watched it in a theater and it was spectacular!!! Lots of laughs, gags, and tears. Has lots of surprises too!!
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Black Widow (2021)
I missed Marvel movies so much!
7 July 2021
This just after one viewing is one of my favorite Marvel movies! The action and fight scenes were really well done. Quite a few times it reminded me of how the Bourne series was shot. Marvel takes a dark turn with this story. It's probably the most realistically violent in the entire series. There is a lot of blood and broken bones. Which doesn't mean it skimps on the humor! Dave Harbour and Florence Puge are the stand out new additions in this. Scarlett really has embodied Natasha and goes out on a high.
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A fun performance from Salma Hayek
16 June 2021
So cheesy, funny, and over the top. Salma is the best part of these movies. So it was a smart decision to double down on her performance. She knocks it out of the park as this super foul mouthed spit fire. When the three leads are together the movie really shines. I had fun with it.
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