
2 Reviews
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Eragon (2006)
Loved it, enchanting and beautiful.
16 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I will up front say I have not read the books. So I know right there I'm going to get a lot of sneers and boos for not reading them. In all actuality the movie has driven me to want to read the books.

Any how to the point. I really loved this film, it was visually beautiful and not over done with special effects. The acting wasn't outstanding, but it was good. Funny to say not much better if not worse than the latest Star Wars movies. The story I felt was rather rushed in the beginning. And it holds a similar theme to the classic "farm boy thrust into chaos being the chosen one etc." Personally I think it's a nod off the the classics, not some cheap cop off.

The story was wonderful, and I'm sure the novel is even more brilliant and vibrant with getting into the intricacies of it all as books usually are. I do think they could have played out the beginning a bit longer, helping the audience to feel more like things have been going on for some time rather than BOOM stuff happens.

I loved the effects and Saphira was gorgeous, she really did seem believable and real, like her own species, Dragon.

Eragon's character was well done, though I'm sure in the novel once again it's much more elaborate. One thing that did bug me was that his wardrobe was awfully nice for being a mere farm boy. That leather?! The evil king, cant recall his name, actually a lot of the names I have trouble recalling they're not very memorization friendly, with the exception of Eragon and Saphira, just didn't seem evil enough. His acting was like Haden playing Anakin, but so much worse.

I guess you could call this a spoiler but to those who've read the novel it's no surprise at all. When Saphira "dies" I personally was quite moved, it was a powerful scene and for me I really could feel there was a strong bond between Eragon and Saphira. Hell I even cried.

The battle near the end was most stunning, and the visual effects helped more than hindered. I really loved this movie. I do however agree even though I've not read the novel yet they could have done more with it. I mean really? How many novel based movies can you say stick to their guns and do full justice? Honestly if it were me choosing the director, I'd pick Peter Jackson, he's a man who's shown us he knows how to stay true to the novel. It just takes a good director and a good budget and someone who's willing to stay true to the books. Not many do that. For what it is Eragon, the film is beautiful and deserves to be respected in its format. Another word on the director, I looked up his page on the site, and he appears he did a lot in the special effects department, so that explains a good bit why the story was lacking. The movie industry these days are so much on visuals and unfortunately sometimes and many times lacking in story. Eragon the novel, alone possesses much praise and adoration and that's what we will always go back to regardless of the film.

So if you're a fan, you go see Eragon, I'm positive you wont be crazy about it but at least do appreciate it for what it is. There's a ton people put into movies like this, from story boarding, to scripting, to making the sets, costuming and filming etc.
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Death Note (2006)
Death Note Rocks!
14 December 2006
Death Note, the movie I though was amazingly done! For the most part it stays very close to the manga and keeps true to the general feel of Death Note. The over all story of DN spans across 8 manga volumes and how they've compiled them has been quite ingenious, Again keeping with the feel of Death Note. If you've read the manga, you will notice certain events, and like with most movies compared to the books, you can tell where gaps are by poor character development, more times than not. With Death Note it's merely seamless.

The characters are wonderfully and are perfectly portrayed! Ryuk is outstanding and rather entertaining to watch, especially when he goes into apple withdrawal's.
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