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4 April 2004
I'm not one for girly sappy movies, and I tend to go for the more adventurous or more thought provoking type of movie, that or comedy, and I've never been a fan of Julia Roberts. I was dragged to this movie very much against my will, and then had to be dragged out of the cinema at the end of the credits because I was glued to my seat with tears in my eyes. The story is as inspirational and beautiful as the painting that is its muse, and challenges not the role of woman as house wife, but champions the right to choose your own path in life, whatever makes you happy. The wonderful story is supported by lovely scenery and cinematography, a toe-tapping heart warming (please excuse the cliches) soundtrack, and a cast of actors, who instead of falling into the trap of beautiful but empty leading ladies, truly give life to their myriad of characters. It is a fantastic film that I would recommend to anyone.
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Deep Impact (1998)
True heroism and realism: not a dry eye in the house.
19 July 2003
Unlike the typical Hollywood blockbuster, this film aims not to present super human feats bordering on the impossible that rounds up nicely to a happy ending with a few tears. The characters are more important than the special effects and the tears aren't from the death of one major character, but for the loss of millions and the salvation of billions.

My eyes were filled with tears for the last 45 minutes of this film as impending doom approaches and the narrative takes you through the pain of individual characters, and in the final apocalyptic moments, you truly cry for the people trying to outrun a tidal wave of destruction. The tears that round off the film are of joy, for despite the loss of millions of lives, a viewer feels relief at the saving of a handful of the leading characters (as unlike most films more than just one character sacrifices their life) and at the salvation of the world.

It's a film that allows the audience to touch and feel many characters lives, as each actor, most notably Robert Duval, Elijah Wood, Leelee Sobieski, Tea Leoni and Ron Eldard, create and develop deep and believable characters throughout the course of the film. It is beautifuly produced film and an almost perfect viewing experience.
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North (1994)
A film for the young at heart.
16 July 2003
I first saw this film in 1995 when I was just 11 years old and I absolutely adored it. The idea of a kid divorcing his parents, the cowboys, the Eskimos, Bruce Willis in a Bunny suit,and of course, 'My Crack!' Eight years later, I still love this film. Some may call it stupid, but I call it fun, because I can still remember being that kid falling out of my chair laughing. It's a quirky film with a great beginning, a delightful middle and a surprise ending, and anyone who can still remember what it's like to be a kid will enjoy it.
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A truly touching and hilarious adaptation of Oliver Twist
13 July 2003
We've seen a musical version of Oliver, even an animated series, but an animated musical with a cast of dogs and kitten called Oliver set in New York, you'd think it would be a disaster. But, thanks to Disney magic, this film is a classic filled with songs that are never forgotten as well as that wonderful combination of comedy and family drama.

When a homeless kitten comes across a street-wise dog with a gift for song and stealing hot dogs, little Oliver finds himself the member of an exclusive gang of thieving dogs. But before he even executes his first crime, he is discovered by a lonely little girl in need of a friend. Chaos soon ensues as Jenny and Oliver get caught up in a kidnapping by the classic evil villain.

It's a fun filled romp to be enjoyed by one and all over and over again.
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Cinderella (1950)
A classic film for now and always
11 July 2003
Any child old enough to sit up in front of a screen will be absolutely captivated by the beautifully drawn images and wonderful music in this heartfelt and humorous re-write of the Grimms' fairytale. They'll be singing 'Bibbity-Bobbity-Boo' before they can even formulate a complete sentence and will continue singing it till their dying days. It is a classic for all children, especially those adults who are young at heart.
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The Wonderful World of Disney: Oliver Twist (1997)
Season 1, Episode 9
A brave attempt at the classic
26 June 2003
There have been better film versions of Dickens' classic novel 'Oliver Twist,' and while this adaptation may not be topping the bill, it is a film to be enjoyed. Richard Dreyfuss gives a brilliant character lead portrayal of Fagin that entertains and delights, and Elijah Wood gives a most endearingly wicked performance of everyone's favorite character the Artful Dodger. I would recommend it to anyone
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Beautiful (2000)
Dull moments, but overall an inspiring movie
14 April 2003
For a great deal of the film my eyes did wander around as it is not the most riveting of film experiences; however, the ending was worthy of a standing ovation and tears.

Throughout the story, I found myself wondering whether I should sympathise with Mona, a woman with such a desire to win that she selfishly sabotages fellow contestants and locks her own daughter out of her life. On the other hand, I was able to relate to the story of a woman who strove to be the best only to falter and be dragged down by peers. In a sense, Mona is to be applauded for her determination to shine through a life of failure and loneliness - a true testament to the feats that can be achieved though hard work. Naturally, giving up her child to selfishly pursue a vain dream is almost despicable but it makes the triumphant ending ever so much more inspiring, that this confused human being triumphs not only over adversity to be crowned Miss American Miss, but more importantly, that she conquers her own self-centred frailties to realise the joy to be found in loving the beautiful gift of life she already possesses.
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A delightful and enjoyable film
29 September 2001
A fun filled romp, full of silly if not sometimes cruel jokes. Not the best of movies, but definitely well worth watching. David Niven and Stewart Granger are their usual charming selves with Granger as an especially delightful and ingenious gentleman. Ava Gardner as wonderful as always, with such a delightful character that is absolutely iresistable. The story line is typical, but full of jocular surprises, especially concerning the unconventional relationships between Granger, Gardner and Niven.
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