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Unexpectedly Brilliant
27 October 2023
The Alan Becker team has time and time again shown their ability to make the amount of effort needed to beautifully animate their videos worth it through fully fleshed out concepts, impressive sound design, genuinely good writing and the restraint so many YouTube animated projects seem to lack. Animation vs. Minecraft Shorts is the prime example of that, with more contained episodes showing off great visual comedy and the exploration of ideas found in the series' unique setting and more serialised, story-driven strings of episodes that take their time to create an interesting story without wasting a single second. So much love and refinement was clearly put into each and every chapter of this show, it's mind-blowing to think an independent team made it. An easy 9/10, beating the many other YouTube animated series that lack the aforementioned qualities.
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Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake: Jerry (2023)
Season 1, Episode 8
Great Character Work
22 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Easily best episode yet. I thought the Winter King would be the pinnacle of quality but this show just keeps on giving.

As a standalone episode the A, B and C plots are all great. This universe seems to be the last stop in the multidimensional-hopping series of episodes that began in "Destiny", and it's a fitting end. The "What if the Lich won?" timeline is desolate and ominous, the atmosphere really captures what made Ooo 3000+ so great in the Adventure Time finale. The dead treehouse with a single note from Finn saying he'd be right back sets the tone perfectly, and the melted Ice Kingdom now being a pile of Ice King's old stuff is a really cool image and the expired Candy Kingdom is even better. BMO is amazing as always and has a similar reaction to the state of the world as they did in the 3000+. The writers know that they can never make Fionna and Cake as loved as Finn and Jake in so little time, so throughout the show (and this episode in particular) they've been developing them as very separate people. Cake especially seems to have faced her first real serious moment after the vampire universe, better late than never.

The background story of Simon and Betty is also surprisingly heartfelt. It's nice to see Betty actually get an episode that shows her as a person, devoid of magic and time travel.

The small, infrequent portions of the prismatic world was also very fun, Orbo being a highlight character. What makes this episode so great is how the plots connect by the end. The Betty story serves as therapy for Fionna throughout the episode, but just as the portal is closing the story allows Simon to learn why he loved Betty (maybe even though Fionna's similar energy) and achieve his goal without him even wanting to. To be honest I really didn't expect this show to be that good but so far it's blown me away! If episode 9 and 10 follow trend of every batch of episodes getting better, this show will be a 10/10. They have the Lich, Prismo's boss and Golb all about to come into play, so I have faith in the finale living up to expectations.
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Strange Hill High (2013–2014)
We need to bring this show back
25 February 2023
Though a lot of sitcoms try to use the American high school as a setting for stories, it's refreshing to see one set in a British one. Instead of the typical school jock or nerd, the characters are based off common personalities found in the UK and are 100% the best part of the show. I can't think of a single character I don't like or haven't met at some point. You have Mitchel, Becky and Templeton as the main three, Mitchel serving as the rebellious main character, Becky as the voice of reason and Templeton as comic relief, though the other two have many funny moments. You also have the other students. The main bully group of Tyson, the dense big guy, Bishop, who may be my favourite character, acting as the "bling" kid who has literally no knowledge of anything, and another guy who I can't remember the name of but I feel like I've met a lot of people like him. You also have the mean girls, who should be self explanatory. Along with these groups you have some more weird, stand-alone students like Mathew, who is literally just insane, the twins, who are also insane, Gazza, a mute spray-painter, Samia, who is most likely paralysed and is doing her own thing and Donald, a meek student normally in the background. Then you have the staff. You have Mr. Garden, the English teacher, who is way to happy about his situation, Ms. Grimshaw, the old receptionist who is always making announcements and looking for an excuse to give students detention from the cameras, Ms. Grackle, the unfair and cruel music teacher, NIMROD, a robotic maths teacher from the war, Mr. Balding, the history teacher who has probably lived through the events that he teachers, Murdoch, the cleaner who's also a pirate for some reason, the cook, who is pretty normal, the art teacher, who is extremely weird, and Headmaster Abercrombie, who is always trying to get rid of Mitchel. On top of all of this, you also have a variety of monsters, items and strange, SCP like occurrences that the kids either exploit or try to survive. Not only does every character have important roles in multiple episodes, but are developed and fleshed out throughout the show. Every character has at least one funny line, and each story is very unique. The art style is a puppetry-CGI blend too, and every episode starts and ends with a rap unique rap. So yeah, like most great British TV shows, it was funny, smart and alround very unique, but ended far too soon. 9/10.
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29 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, this was worth the wait! I'll give my thoughts on each individual episode, but first about the whole show. The humour and production value were definitely the highlights of the series. Every episode is worth watching, and the claymation was BEAUTIFUL. My one criticism is that the climaxes are always resolved pretty quickly; I wish the episode spent more time on them. The episodes are so close in quality, it's hard to rank them, but I'll try:

6) Friendship. This one is great, but only gets good in the second half. Don't get me wrong, the first half is good, but a little slow. I love the concept and teacher though. Also this is just one long acid trip.

5) Death. The funniest episode of the show. I love stain, the coffin scenes and the mourners. The best part of the episode is definitely the fact that they manage to beat and break the teacher, a nice change.

4) Family. This episode is just insanity. It definitely leans more into horror, but still manages to be funny. The twins are freaky and the style and atmosphere were on point.

3) Transport. This and the next two are pretty much tied, but I think there is a very slight difference. This episode is very fun and the teacher is hilarious, but it really doesn't have to much to return to specifically, it's just good throughout. I do love the climax/ending, from when the bird hits the window.

2) Jobs. Great opener! So much to love, but I've already reviewed it. Tight script, great flow.

1) Electricity. Again, this could go back and forth from 3rd and 2nd and 1st, but this episode feels very important. I personally love how Roy is just a character on the same level as them now, Lesley and whatever's above her are much more interesting and original. And the song's great!

In conclusion, it's a great show that I highly recommend. 9/10.
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Don't Hug Me I'm Scared: Jobs (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Hell yeah!
26 September 2022
WOW is this a great opener. My favourite part is how tight the script is. Everything is used, any character interaction matters in the climax and every idea is well done. The humour is on point and the horror was surprisingly tame, though could definitely still be nightmare fuel. The songs aren't as catchy, but still good. Everything has a lot more personality, and the production value is through the roof! I was cautiously excited going into this, but it managed to exceed my expectations. The claymation throughout the show is also beautiful. My one recommendation: PLEASE WATCH THIS ON ALL 4 TO SUPPORT IT. If you're American, just use a free VPN like zenmate. This is great stuff and deserves many more seasons. This episode is an easy 9/10.
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Easily the best episode yet
18 September 2022
This episode is great! Everything just came together so well, as well as this being an episode: Without a main character, exploring a """side""" character, having genuine emotion, great jokes and a great song. And character development??? All this in the first episode of the season? Great stuff.

The character number is still too high, so I'll talk about the show. This has been my first viewing, although I remember watching a small amount of late season 1 to mid season 2 a couple years back. So far, it's been a fun world, and obviously some nuclear fallout has caused this weird world. On that topic, I like how dark the show is. Surprised it was allowed on CN. Anyway, great episode 9/10.
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Rick and Morty: Rick: A Mort Well Lived (2022)
Season 6, Episode 2
A good sign...
16 September 2022
Season 3 had a great episode selection, but was less than the sum of its parts. Season 4 was season 3 but every episode was around the same quality, and they seemed to have doubled down on Rick's invincibility. Season 5 was a 50/50 split of great episodes and ok ones. It also (for the most part) lacked too much emotion or stakes.

BUT, from these 2 episodes alone, both have put Rick in a position where he could lose something he cares about or his life, and shown him in a more emotional state, all with a nice, yet a little thin, layer of subtlety. What I'm getting at is that the show has listened to criticism and has used the best plot points and traits from season 4 and 5, mixed them with the storytelling and some concepts (the plot of this episode is very reminiscent of the car battery episode) of season 1 and 2, and sprinkled in some good humour that the show has kept.

This review may age poorly, or, and I really hope I'm right about this, the show may use the enormous order from Netflix as a blessing, to help it peak later on and find itself in this season. If you want a piece of criticism for this season so far, it is leaning a little too far into meta humour. The show has always been very meta, but this is a bit too much.

So yeah, I hope the show continues to rise in storytelling and development, and eventually season 6 just may just be the season that R&M is reborn.

Or the rest of the season is terrible, who knows.
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A bit too crazy, even for this show
9 August 2022
After I thought the show was chaotic enough, out comes this episode. I get the appeal of wacky characters killing/insulting popular figures and destroying famous Brazilian landmarks, but maybe a few quieter, more dialogue-heavy scenes could help even out the seizure-candy epileptic kaleidoscope that is this hell of an experience; I almost had a panic attack. I think this is supposed to contrast the long arguments and monologues of other eps in the series, which is a cool idea on paper, and I did enjoy the less druggy, surreal parts but I think it would be funnier if they stuck to their roots and didn't switch perspectives, so we could view them being high and dying and getting hurt. In conclusion, the more calm moments like before the bombing and just at the end after Alan is treating his stab wounds on the plane are the scenes that have the most laughs, but all the other hyper parts I could go without. 8/10.
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Better Call Saul: Nippy (2022)
Season 6, Episode 10
Great (and actually important)
29 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There's not too much to say about this episode. The standout scene of the episode is definitely when "Gene," out of ideas, talks about the events of both shows. To distract the guard, he talks about how he has no kids, his divorce with Kim, how his father died, and more tragically how his mother died (not knowing her final words about him). He then talks about Chuck and lastly how no-one can or will remember Jimmy or Gene, just Saul. This episode is not only an interesting and creative heist story, but an episode where Jimmy slowly gets back into a life of crime, despite the obvious reasons not to and one where he reflects over every single one of his regrets through the disguised words of Gene. It is very close to a 10/10, but the small amounts of fluff and lack of a rewatch so far keep me from calling it amazing. As of now, this unique, vital and quietly depressing episode gets a 9.3/10 from me.
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7 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Though it drops off in humour near the end, I was entertained through the whole thing. The start is probably the funniest part, but every section has its moments. The first bit garnered the most laughs, being comprised of the science fair, the court case and space training. Oh my god this part is funny. Nothing more to say, just on point stupid humour. The second part is also hilarious, being them going to space, getting sucked into a WORMWHOLE and going to 2022, where they are tracked. I also had multiple belly laughs during this part. I wish they followed through with the idea where the portal is on Everest, but that may have been the original plan and was cut. Then they go on a chase through America with a phone and end up in college, where they crash a police car and go to prison. Still funny, but not on the level of the other parts. They then go back to their house and have a fight as the "generic emotional climax," which is so funny since they are reminded of each other through stupid, violent street drama. The finale has a car chase and a final shot of the "B&B multiverse." Overall, an 8.3/10. Very funny.
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13 Reasons Why (2017–2020)
The only show I will ever give a 1
10 June 2022
This show has taken so many more lives than it has saved. It has no consequences and after they finished adapting the book it got even worse. If you want to watch a show about mental illness or dark subject matter in general that actually understands it, please, please watch Bojack Horseman instead. It won't become apparent in the first few episodes, but that show truly is a masterpiece. And the cherry on top is that the writers stay humble about how they have literally saved lives, unlike the people who made this pile of crap who keep bragging about how great their show is and how many lives it has saved. 1/10.
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BoJack Horseman: lovin that cali lifestyle!! (2017)
Season 4, Episode 10
Decent episode, amazing ending
4 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The first 2 thirds of the episode were good. They made me laugh, had some fun ideas and some good character moments. But then the Bojack part started and wow was it amazing. Especially the end. I had really started to not mind his mother but this really showed who she truly was. And Bojacks panic attack, and at the end when she recognises him, amazing stuff. 9/10, I like the other stuff but wish more of the episode was like the ending.
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BoJack Horseman: After the Party (2015)
Season 2, Episode 4
Very underrated episode
28 May 2022
Man, all three stories were funny, interesting and well-done. I personally liked all of them equally, which is pretty impressive since they are so different. This season has been great so far! Excited for more.
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Can people stop seeing this episode as more than it is?
26 May 2022
Yes, it's about climate change, and no, climate change is not "leftist." But that doesn't matter, what matters is that it's an interesting and funny look at how different humans react to an apocalypse. It made me laugh, and the depictions shown actually made sense. That's the point, it's a comedy, where the message comes second. Come on people, it's still funny enough to be more than 3/10.
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Still great, somehow
22 May 2022
At the time of reviewing, this show has had 3 seasons. Season 1 was an amazing introduction to an amazing show. It had 18 anthological episodes, and not one of them I'd consider to be bad. Actually, no episode in this show is bad, shockingly. Many people say season 2 was disappointment, but it was just an awkward introduction to the new season lengths. It got a very bad hand in general, even though a lot of the episodes it contained were great. But season 3, wow, what an amazing season. So many all time classics, it's insane. Please watch this show, you won't regret. The diversity of styles and stories alone should convince you to watch it, let alone episodes like "Zima blue", "Pop squad" and "Bad travelling," which are amazing just on their own. 10/10.
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Love, Death & Robots: Bad Travelling (2022)
Season 3, Episode 2
Holy crap!
21 May 2022
What a great episode. I think as a sum of its parts this is the best episode, but Zima blue beats it with a perfect plot. This episode has a great plot, great characters, a cool art style for the humans and great effects for everything else, amazing atmosphere and score, great performances, great twists and great concept. I also love how the ending subverts your expectations by not having a twist/cliffhanger, which I think was really cool. Overall, very well-written and made episode, 9/10.
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Love, Death & Robots: The Drowned Giant (2021)
Season 2, Episode 8
A look at humans, not for everyone but I really like it!
21 May 2022
This episode is a slow burner about how inhumane the average human can be, and how quickly we can move on from something. At least that's my interpretation. This isn't buried under piles of obscurity or pretentious dialogue, just a simple, interesting idea that I enjoyed. I can completely understand why people wouldn't like this episode, since it's very different to the others, and I don't see myself rewatching this as much as the others but I like it. 8/10.

Oh and people are taking the story waaay too literally, obviously this wouldn't really play out how it did, but this episode isn't about that.
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Better Call Saul: Black and Blue (2022)
Season 6, Episode 5
A setup episode
15 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I think people will appreciate this episode more on rewatches. It has set up so many things while being very entertaining. It shows Howard can actually be pretty cool and Lalo isn't a complete monster (barely). So yeah it was slow but really enjoyable and an allround great episode, reminds me of "Something stupid," in how even less eventful episodes can be well-paced and fun. 9/10.
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Paul (2011)
Just fun
19 April 2022
Just a fun movie. Nothing much more. There are some twists near the end I was not expecting and felt like a shift in tone but I liked it a lot. The ending was fine, but isn't as good as the rest of the film. Some great humour and acting. An all round 8/10.
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The Boys Presents: Diabolical: BFFs (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
4 March 2022
Ok almost nothing on earth is a 1 or 2 out of 10, something almost no imdb user understands. But this wasn't a good episode, and I can only name the few things I liked and you can assume i hated everything else: The start was kinda interesting and funny There were other funny scenes Yeah that's it that's all. I never said it was good. Just don't rate things ridiculously low. Anyway other than this it's a good show.
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Unbreakable (2000)
Shyamalan's best film
22 February 2022
This film draws you in with an amazing beginning, great camerawork and interesting plot, keeps you with a decent middle and then picks up again in the 3rd act with an interesting ending. Like most people, I found the ending really jarring when I first saw it, but I appreciate that it didn't dramatise anything. A very solid "superhero" movie, 9/10.
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Smiling Friends: Frowning Friends (2022)
Season 1, Episode 7
Best episode of season 1
21 January 2022
It doesn't outdo the others in a specific way, it's just top 3 in every category. Fun concept, well executed and Grimm and Gnarly are great. Also boss had his time to shine and for the first time, every character had a role to play. Alan hasn't even had a plot yet so I hope in future episodes side characters get more roles.
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Encanto (2021)
20 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Act 1: 9.5/10. WOW what an amazing start. Up until the dinner party this film is great in so many ways Act 2: 7.9/10. Bruno is fun and the house collapsing is a great setpiece BUT everything else is meh. Oh and "What else can I do?" is good.

Act 3: 7/10? It pretty much doesn't exist. The conflict loses momentum until everyone is just chilling, then everything gets fixed in a kind of emotional scene. The ending was cosy but still just ok.

Overall, this film is an 8/10. I feel like the end of "We don't talk about Bruno" was the climax of the film in quality and plot intrigue. If they swapped the release with another, later film and gave it a bit more time than it could have been one of Disney's best. Still enjoyed it.
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Pretty good finale to a great season of TV
18 January 2022
Look, this episode is decent, so I'll just talk about the whole season here. After the pilot, adult swim finally revealed that they were picking up the show. I was excited but, like most people, nervous that it would lose its flair. So then the series came and...I love it. It's not perfect by any means, it can be a little predictable and some of the jokes are hit or miss but all that is overpowered by the show's charm and wittiness. Great job Zach! Oh and here's my episode ranking: 1) Frowning friends 2) Enchanted forest 3) Desmond's big day out 4) A silly Halloween special 5) Who violently murdered Simon S. Salty?

6) Mr. Frog 7) Charlie dies and doesn't come back 8) Shrimp's odyssey Still a great episode, a testament to it's quality over quantity nature. Though I wish episodes were longer and more fleshed out, this one had too much stuff for 11 minutes.
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Smiling Friends: Desmond's Big Day Out (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
Episodes switching places
10 January 2022
I'm using this review to inform people that this and the pilot are switching places due to a small mixup, so switch your reviews and votes there. The pilot itself is amazing though, so is the first episode.
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