
3 Reviews
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The Classic Remake of a Classic
3 April 2004
Having played both the original Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty - Substance and now Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, I can safely say that this series is a high point in all the history of video gaming.

What makes The Twin Snakes so good?

Is it the over-the-top cut scenes, redirected by a genius in animation? Or maybe the new mechanics, added from the sequel? It could also be the enhanced AI, or even (and most noticeably) the improved graphics.

Well, it's all this and more.

The re-telling of the original Metal Gear Solid could have easily gone south. But when you think about the amazing company that was in charge of doing it and the experienced people involved in the project, you just know it's good - actually great.

Everything that has been changed from the original seems to have been improved for the sole purpose of showing MGS the way it was meant to be played and experienced and, in that respect, it works like nothing else. You'll quickly forget fighting the ninja and the bathroom scene of the original (for example); after you've seen them here. And the fact that enemies don't give up chasing you if you crawl inside a duct and actively try to flush you out by throwing grenades and spraying the whole area with gunfire makes the experience seem much more believable.

While it doesn't make you question everything and everyone the way Sons of Liberty did, its story is not nearly as hard to follow and proved ample room for excitement, adrenaline pumping and heart moving moments.

All in all, this is an indispensable item for anyone even remote interested in a fresh story with memorable characters and for all those Metal Gear fans that want to see Solid Snake as he was meant to be seen, from the beginning.
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A Beautiful Movie
28 February 2002
A Beautiful Mind is definitely a beautiful movie. Please note that when I considering seeing the movie, I raised my expectations considerably. I knew how great the cast and crew were but was afraid of being sorely disappointed. Now, as I look back on the movie and some particular scenes all I can say is that there is no excuse for not to buying a ticket and sitting through two and a half hours of one of the most beautifully crafted, acted and directed movies of all time.

A Beautiful Mind tells the story of the 1994 Nobel award winning Mathematician professor John Nash (Russell Crowe) since he arrived at Princeton University until today. Right from the beginning of the movie you understand that Nash is different from everyone else, but only about halfway through the movie do you understand just how different he is.

Russell Crowe is absolutely brilliant as Dr. John Nash and is to be put on an altar somewhere for every other actor to idolize. From the first moment you first see him in the movie until the ending credits you understand that he's not Crowe, he's John Nash. Jennifer Connelly is amazing as Alicia, Ed Harris is incredible as Parcher and so are all the other actors (especially Paul Bettany as Charles!).

A word of warning, though, this is one movie that will definitely mess with your emotions and requires some kind of patience. But believe me, this is one of the most amazing movies ever. It definitely dethroned all my other favorite movies, shooting right to the top. If you see one movie this year, make it A Beautiful Mind.
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Myst III: Exile (2001 Video Game)
8 October 2001
By far the best Myst game, Myst III: Exile tells the story of a man separated from his Age (Brad Dourif in an amazing acting performance) and how Atrus's (Rand Miller, one of the creators of Myst) sons Sirrus and Achenar corrupted the people of Narayan and twisted the lessons they were to learn in each of the Ages their father designed.

The graphics are superb, the story is told in an interesting way, the sounds and music are incredible and each Age is so different and unique from one another (in puzzles and atmosphere) that you really feel like you're there.

Some odd puzzles of trial-and-error mar what would otherwise be the perfect adventure game.
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