
47 Reviews
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Civil War (2024)
Waste of time
16 April 2024
Wow this was boring and pointless no explanations for any of the sides and Texas and California on the same side makes no sense ! It's really a film about combat and war journalists that could have been shot in any combat area . They chose the USA in a pretend civil war knowing the way the country is currently divided would sell a lot of tickets . Absolutely dishonest filmmaking and just a greedy money grab by Hollywood D bags and lazy film makers ! Used to like Alex Garland but this garbage makes me realize he's just a hack and a sell out looking for easy lazy cash . If you want to watch a film about combat photography this might be ok for You . Although you will care nothing about these one dimensional characters and no plot ! Worst film I have seen in a long time !
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Nope (2022)
What a boring waste of time !
30 October 2023
So this is yet another Jordan Peele film that is an absolute nothing . I mean it's trying to be so many other things but completely misses the mark in all ways that it could possibly miss the mark . We sat through this completely and utterly boring film with the hopes that at some point it would get good and unfortunately that never happened ! The characters were terrible and completely one dimensional the girl over acted every scene please get acting lessons . Her brother just mumbles lines so much so we needed to turn on subtitles . This guy Jordan Peele thinks he is being smart or witty and writing great films but he really misses the mark . He is still light years away of writing anything even closely as good or in the same league with greats like M Knight Shymalan . AVOID THIS FILM DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME !!!
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1899 (2022)
Waste of time
2 December 2022
This is an example of what's so prevalent today in film making . Boring lazy scripts drawn out in episodes to make up content for Netflix or whatever organization putting it out . I'm sure there is a cookie cutter of characters every story must have regardless if they really need to be in the story or not lots of man on man action and other stuff that the ones in charge demand must be in the story and characters or else we won't buy it ! So you have writers and directors instead of making the best possible story they are falling over each other to see who can put the most aspects social Justice into the story and characters with the hopes of getting picked up by the big streaming services ! So you just have writers putting out scripts to cover all the bases that their handlers require . This 1899 mess is boring lazy preachy and so long and unnecessarily drawn out a waste of time and after having watched the same type of cookie cutter show on Netflix the last three times I'm canceling . I will watch old movies or some foreign stuff for entertainment . It's painfully apparent to me the guys who made Dark (which was great) had way too much "outside interference " to make another great film . Just another lame boring cookie cutter includes all the talking points of the moment series/movie churned out by these streaming services run by execs who only care about quantity not quality !
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Sinatra Club (2010)
Horrible !
20 August 2022
I grew up in that neighborhood and knew most of these guys and grew up with their kids , although I was a generation under them I knew them and saw them most days . Well this movie doesn't even comer close to catching anything authentic about them or the life . It's like a bad parody and comedy so many of the slang words the actors pronounced completely wrong like what they are , bad actors with no idea . From the bad acting to the bad wigs and horrible sets and the absolutely fake contrived New York accents it's just a disgrace . Soooo bad and low budget just terrible !
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Another winner (sarcasm) from netflix
19 August 2022
This was like watching paint dry just unrealistic and boring . The flashbacks were way too many and too long I just didn't care and fast forward alot . Wasted my time on this !
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Wow this was terrible !
30 July 2022
All the great reviews have to be friends and family of people involved in this film . It's low budget with a contrived story unrealistic and clichéd . Also so many inaccurate details and just boring and poorly written acted and filmed bad all around !
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Terrible attempt at humor
10 June 2022
Just overly preachy and condescending social commentary for simpletons with maybe two chuckles and zero laughs . Listen , message to the circus monkeys that perform for us , just entertain us don't preach to us , it's really getting old !
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Dinner Party Wars (2010–2013)
4 May 2022
Another really lame show from Canada , watered down contrived and boring forgettable presenters ! Just the worst of "reality television " Not sure why so many lame Canadian shows like this keep showing up on Pluto ? I am thinking it's probably because they are available at cheap bargain basement prices .
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Italian Movie (1995)
Wow just terrible
6 April 2022
This is full of so many clichés and really bad Italian accents ! Story is terrible bad acting and forgettable characters . The only good thing is You can see James Gandolfini pre sopranos even acting with Vinny Pastore . You can see some Tony Soprano in his character in this movie well minus the bad Italian accent . Overall pretty bad and not sure what it wants to be a comedy or drama .
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Wow boring And unwatchable
22 March 2022
My title says it all I barely watched 30 minutes just absolutely unwatchable . Now that's all I have to say about that. Actors You will not care about or be able to follow and a convoluted story line . Bad production values a waste of time.
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The Outfit (2022)
Good not great
22 March 2022
So I watched this movie and enjoyed it a little predictable but it was well acted by most and although only taking place in a little tailor shop it does get interesting . But I would not watch it again like some other movies , one was enough but decent entertainment .
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Ultras (2020)
25 February 2022
Nonsense movie with bad acting, uninteresting characters about football holigans . Never caught my attention or Drew me in just didn't care about it and was a chore to actually watch until the end . Waste of time !!!
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Troll 2 (1990)
The greatest movie ever made !
18 December 2021
This film is great right up there with citizen Kane and the God father !!! Watch it You will never be the same again 😜 the acting the writing the cinematography and locations , you will never see a film like this again . It changes You and gets in your head , the question is are you ready for it ?
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76 Days (2020)
CCP approved
16 August 2021
Sorry as our brothers in Taiwan know there is little to trust or believe from main land China and the CCP , this film is ofcourse produced with CCP cooperatIon and nothing here would not be shown without their approval . The people of China have to live with the CCP and must obey and the world suffers because of this evil organization . I will wait for more independent documentaries to watch , this film I believe to just be CCP propaganda made to save face .
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Sucker Punch (2011)
Wow this was BAD
23 July 2021
I will keep this short and sweet this is just awful . Ok it's got many bad actors like Jamie Chung in it so I wasn't expecting much but it was worse than I thought it would be . At least they are all pretty and nice to look at but even that couldn't keep me interested . Just terrible all the way .
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I should have known this would be bad !
22 July 2021
When I saw the list of the usual bad actors from B movies I should have known better ! But I decided to give it a try and it certainly lived up to the bad reputation of it's cast ! Boring stupid and poorly put together really just seems like an excuse to showcase weapons and revenge . I can go to the range to shoot or watch you tube videos of people shooting . This is a B movie trying to masquerade itself as something cerebral and thought provoking . Just bad actors muddling through a bad script . DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME !
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Ok to watch if you're up late and can't sleep
20 June 2021
I was up and couldn't sleep flipping channels and came across this movie . I would say although completely unbelievable and not much character development it was ok . I compared it to me and my girlfriend , we are from New York City and had bought a home about two hours away in the country side . Most locals were friendly but we thought a few were a little strange and we joked about them not wanting us city people up there . Then we saw this movie lol so that may be the only reason I kind of enjoyed it and didn't turn it off after ten minutes . Update we have seen no locals walking around in the woods behind our home in pig masks , yet ! 😜
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Howl (I) (2015)
Fun werewolf film
3 May 2021
I was traveling in Asia and due to the time difference I was wide awake laying in bed at like 4:00 am . Turning on the tv I caught this picture just starting and loved it . A bunch of passengers stuck on a stopped train somewhere in a rural wooded part of the UK attacked and under siege from werewolves , fun ! Is this a classic for the ages that I will want the collectors DVD of , probably not . But late at night can't sleep want something fun to watch this is the movie . In a nutshell just a fun and entertaining movie to watch .
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Flyboys (2006)
Hollywood garbage
1 February 2021
Just completely a Hollywood fiction based on real life events so many inaccurate portrayals of the squadron members and of the Germans just the usual Hollywood nonsense . I give it the two stars for the nice airplanes and some battle footage !
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Wit's End (2020)
Why is this on Amazon ?
17 December 2020
So I just watched this , well tried to watch it and wow this must be the worst film I have ever seen and I've seen alot ! First of all it seems like a high school kids project film . Acting awful , plot and storyline non existent , production values awful and totally unwatchable . I would rather watch a stranger's home movies on 8mm from their trip to Niagara falls in 1963 ! Anyway I do believe some Indy films are good and I like them but then there is this pure trash . What a waste of time . The so called rave reviews are obviously from friends and family of the director/writer and not real , some people are so painfully and obviously not meant to be an artist . Please no more of this rubbish .
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Fargo: Welcome to the Alternate Economy (2020)
Season 4, Episode 1
Fargo has jumped the shark
29 October 2020
Absolute unbelievable and incoherent plot . Historically inaccurate and just another Hollywood production sacrificing a great story for some chsnces to preach to us ! They have ruined the series in the name of preaching some wokeness to the audience . By doing this they cram as much BS into the plot and water down a great story ! The actors also just don't fit and act terribly , Rock should stick to comedy he's just completely unbelievable as a gangster . The actor playing gaetano was great in Gomorrah but acts horribly here and schwartzman as a gangster is even more unbelievable then Rock as a gangster . This is the reason I watch less Hollywood and more foreign Films and shows these days .
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The new citizen Kane
13 July 2020
This is film making at its finest and the highest form of the art ! This is right up there with citizen Kane and you will never be the same after seeing this ! From the acting , cinematography , dialogue and story line I'm sure this picture deserves several academy awards and will become a Hollywood classic for generations to come .
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Bite (I) (2015)
Boring and predictable
10 May 2020
Wow I wanted to like this it was boring full of cliches bad acting . Just more awful hard to watch junk out of Canada . Like an amateur movie for a school project I am really starting to hate Amazon prime for putting up way too many of these !
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A high school kids attempt at film making
15 January 2020
Terrible movie and waste of time bad story bad acting just terrible . As an expat who lived for some time in Thailand I can say it's totally unrealistic and the incoherent story is just all over the place . Waste of time !
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93 Days (2016)
Terrible and amateur attempt at a film
26 December 2019
I don't understand the praise for this but it must be friends and relatives of the people that made the movie . Seems like someone's school project more than a real film . Terrible acting and production value .
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