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Spiral (I) (2007)
Chasing sleep and American Psycho
6 March 2008
Recommended to me by a friend from Denmark who came to stay. I first watched it only in part and found the film to be both amusing and suspenseful. Decided to watch it more sober in full today and discover the end. The film follows the life of a suspicious looking artist who is secretive and closed in person. He also works as a telecommunicator and attracts the friendship of a lively and friendly woman working close by. Together they make a good contrast that keeps you wondering who or what is real in Adam-the artist life. His outgoing boss is all at a loss to why Adam is this way but understands that we all have our problems and tries to help him in brotherly sense. He acts more as a king in his domain and tries to understand the Jack-frost mind of his colleague. The end comes as a surprise by the fact some of the answers to his motives and behaviour was not so well developed as could have been. However, i still enjoyed it. and would say it was not at all bad. Also to say that director Adam green's short film -king in the box- i watched after on youtube was funny and surreal and has a connection with the King and Snowman theme. check it out.
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I am here!
6 March 2008
I really enjoyed watching this mini-series in parts on You-tube. In ten parts and each having 1-5 10 mins video time. First i read the book from chapter one to chapter 7 and while still not from beginning to end i decided to watch this film too before the end of book!!! warning to all about how this can result into a split imaginary thinking when returning to the book. The way i imagined the characters to be was somewhat different to what i read but found the film to be of great comparison. It was fun to fill in with my memory all the details of the weather and settings and recalling beforehand what would be said next etc. i found the acting to be wonderful by all the cast. lively and extravagant in bringing to life all the mad players. Theatrical in dramatics. I was impressed with the CGI and special effects and myself found it them all to be great in bringing to life such beautiful scenes and characters. overall- i'd like to rewatch the whole series after book completion so i can enjoy it again.
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Screen Two: The Firm (1989)
Season 5, Episode 8
How can I put this?
6 March 2008
I watched this last night on digital Film4 channel that are having a season of British Films. I saw it long before but decided to watch again in all curiosity. This time i found it all to be more enjoyable owning to all experiences. Gary oldman plays a hard working sosciopath type who is willing to die defending his status in streets. At war with a home rival gang who they are forever locked in battle. Yet share a mutual love for football

The speed of the film was fast moving and full of tension. Philip davis as gang opposition leader Yeti makes a great contender in contrast to Gary oldman. To see them both in confrontation and each angrily spitting out bitter remarks is funny. in that they are both enjoyable and fun to watch and determined to control a tempest of emotions.
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Mature and Honest animated film.
30 June 2007
I just finished watching this for the first time and thought it was a beautiful film. It's an adult cartoon as well as for kids. It's pretty obvious why this might be more obscure than the previous Water-ship down. For instance, the language by Todd the Irish talking fox, that i personally find entertaining would be perhaps considered too colourful for the kiddies. Also some of the scenes in it are very graphic. Lots of blood and death all around that reflect a great amount of realism which makes it so damn good. The characterization of the animals are deep and emotionally engaging. With story and voices that make it closer to home. I have to say that this is more than just an animated cartoon. It's a rare film that like water-ship has a lot of heart, soul and spirit. Innocence prevails if you have not yet hardened to the thought of animals able to talk like us humans. Well, why not. I found it to be personally deep and very thought provoking. Voices provided by the animals especially have a tranquil and human quality that beats the crap out of any modern Disney rubbish and almost any other cartoon for that matter. Eat it raw. Enjoy. Touch the divine.
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Frogs eyes in a dynamite pond..
28 June 2007
By far the best crazy drug film to be seen. Terry Gilliam is a master magician at creating all the drug induced scenes that flux like a demented stroboscope. Madcap Gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson and his psychotic Lawyer blast off from the start in a car with fiery anus on a roller coaster ride into a kaleidoscopic mouth of madness. Uppers,downers, screamers, poppers and more, all packed in a suitcase in the back of the car -prepare yourself for a thrilling journey with all the better mind altering drugs you wish you could have. Its great how absorbed you become into the film and share in all the good and bad trip experiences. The paranoia abounds and overflows. Johnny Depp's portrayal of Hunter is outstanding. Fresh out from any comic caper you read about in his journals. Always going further into the realms of fantasy and seeing beyond the horizon.
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Macabre tortures conceived by madmen.
28 June 2007
I will remember this as being the film with so much relentless screaming. With torture scenes that remind you of the hell details by Hieronymus Bosch. Particularly unnerving is the horrible Chinese water torture treatment on one luckless accused prisoner - That itself adds so much visual horror to the whole idea if you ever tried to imagine it in effect. It's both depressing and maddening at the same time. Which makes it all so great for being believable and historically true. Perverse Christian officials all running around committing unspeakable acts of cruelty on the innocent they deem as fit for it and to satisfy their own greed and lust. The arrival of Count Cumberland at the helm making it worse. His presence is dark and brooding and we can sense how corrupt a character he is. Another great performance is by -Udo Kier as a young devoted Christian trainee who begins to doubt the ways of Cumberland. The film is well made with good soundtrack that reminded me of the music in Cannibal Holocaust.-Buckets of blood and screaming galore fest.
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300 (2006)
Tell them in Sparta...
27 June 2007
After i read and enjoyed the brilliant Graphic novel by Frank Miller. It was soon after i found the book was made into a film. The same story with the amazing V for Vendetta. And both films versions are truly ASTONISHING. I was looking forward to seeing it as soon as possible and a decent copy was made available with no trouble in no time. The artistic scenes are all perfectly matched to the book, but only better and brought to exquisite life. All the actors are strong and well suited at playing the characters. And the film is loaded with special effects that surpass all three lord of the rings. I buzz with adrenaline thinking about how great this film is. Now, i hope The Filth, by Grant Morrison can be next.
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The King (2005)
Elvis F***ing Christ
27 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this last night on i love-film four, not knowing what to expect. The film has a kind of David lynch two-tone sensibility. A born again Christian father(played by William hurt)living in what at first seems to be a sweet and idyllic world with his wife and two children. They live in a close knit church attending i love Jesus community and appears to all be perfect. Its all threatened by the arrival of Elvis-Gael Garcia Bernal. A somewhat surprise begotten son from a previous affair who turns up after A three year stint in the navy. He gets himself slowly absorbed into the family by falling in love with his new found sister. -A seemingly murderous Cain like figure born from sin and bringing with him a kind of retribution to his father. Or not so much. Anyway, i loved it for being somewhat strange and enjoy seeing both William and Gael perform together so well. Recommended.
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Evil Dead II (1987)
Necronomicon gone bad.
27 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
All ye hail, he who fell from the sky to deliver us from the deadites. Grimly fiendish Evil dead 2 is a stylish comedy horror by director Sam Raimi who wrote and directed the original Evil dead and third film -Army of darkness. It's not so much a continuation from the first but more of a retelling gone into madcap extreme. The horror starts almost straight away after a quick introduction that is alike in essence to the first film. Dark forces are called up from the surrounding woods by the playing of a tape recorder when a hapless couple dabble with it. And so begins the start of a relentless horror which results in one man struggling to stay alive and safeguard his sanity. Ash-Bruce Campbell plays the comic hero to great effect. The zany camera work and atmosphere make the film both haunting and psychotic. All the ingredients in the film amount to make it the best horror show you will ever see. If not. You're going' down. Chainsaw.
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The Exorcist (1973)
Sweet girl gone bad by Devil takeover.
26 June 2007
Truly a cult classic horror film above the rest. The Exorcist is of course one of those films that will always be remembered and will never sink into obscurity. I got the special box-set not so long ago and it includes the book -Out of the shadows by Bob McCabe. A detailed insight into the making of the film and a guide to how it all came about. The film has a timeless atmosphere that leaves a long and lasting impression. The rapid dreamy subliminal cuts will linger forever. its a ride that will never end.

***warning spoilers follow*** A priest questions his faith after a series of unfortunate events that occur in his depressing life, and he begins to have his doubts in his beliefs. He soon comes face to face with a possessed girl who claims to be the devil. It ends in a showdown which restores his Faith as he battles to save the girls life with the help of an experienced exorcist called father Merrin, played brilliantly by Max Von Sydow.
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