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Light-hearted comedy from Albert Brooks
19 February 2022
Light-hearted comedy from Albert Brooks. I liked 'The Muse' better to be honest. 'Defending Your Life,' which also stars Meryl Streep. Daniel Miller (Brooks) has just celebrated his birthday; on his way home from work, in a new car and with a stack of new CD's (presents from co-workers), he becomes distracted, has a close encounter with a bus, and does not survive. The next thing he knows, he's aboard a tram somewhere, en route to a place called 'Judgment City,' which has all the amenities of a resort, and has the best food he's ever had, ever (and you can eat as much as you want, and never gain weight). He's put up in a fine hotel, and a phone call later he is in the office of Bob Diamond (Rip Torn), who he learns is to be his defense counselor in a trial during which his entire life is to be judged. Did he make the most of his life? Make the right decisions? Was he able to conquer his fears, or did he always take the easy way because he was afraid? The decision of the two Judges (George Wallace and Lillian Lehman) who will hear his case will determine his future. Will he have to 'Go back,' and try it all again in another life on earth, or will he be deemed ready to 'Move on.'

Brooks has created a tableau of colorful, memorable characters here, surrounding Daniel Miller as we follow his progress from one hilarious scene to the next. As Julia, a fellow defendant whom Daniel meets and falls in love with, Meryl Streep is an absolute joy to watch. Lee Grant, as Lena Foster, Daniel's prosecutor, is also in top form. But Rip Torn, as the exuberant Bob Diamond, is the one who practically steals the show, with a performance that should have garnered him a best supporting actor nomination. The scene in which Diamond explains to Daniel that the average person on earth only uses three percent of available brain capacity (he calls them 'Little brains') is hysterical. Other memorable scenes involve a visit by Daniel and Julia to the 'Past Lives Pavilion,' wherein they encounter a number of surprises, and one in which they are having dinner, and Daniel is embarrassed by a waiter who wants to give him 'nine pies' to take home, and by Julia, who digs into a plate of pasta with gusto and sucks in the longest noodle, apparently, in all of Judgment City, and all while Lena Foster looks on from another table across the room; all of which adds up to plenty of laughs. The supporting cast also includes Art Frankel (Arthur), Ernie Brown (Ernie), Gary Beach (Car salesman), Peter Schuck (Stan), Sharlie Stuart, and Buck Henry, doing an especially funny turn as Dick Stanley, a defense counselor who fills in for Bob Diamond one day, and who doesn't like to 'toot his own horn.' 'Defending Your Life' is a witty, imaginative conjuring by Brooks.
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An Anti-Cinema Classic. Know What I Mean ?
19 February 2022
'Genius Club' deserves all the superlatives you could possible use to describe it. Everything about this film is perfect, and if there's one film that literally everybody should be obliged to watch at least once in his/her lifetime, I think it ought to be this one. Sweaty, gritty, claustrophobic. A lesson in tight direction and editing, and with performances to match....

I do not often start my reviews with blunt and opinionated statements, but in this case, it's justified. "Genius Club" is righteously considered as one of the top 5 most genius movies ever made I believe. This is a classic film wherein where tension comes from personality conflict, dialogue and body language. Although it may sound ungallant, these 7 geniuses, are all right without distaff glamour. Their dramas are powerful and provocative enough to keep a viewer spellbound. Tim Chey, who is in his directorial debut, effectively modulates the drama without ever taking the camera out of the genius room until the verdict is in from the terrorist named 'Armand' I believe or 'Ormand' (?). As for the story,it was mechanically written, but within its own middlebrow limitations, it delivers the goods as it presents a powerful impact to the viewer.

Overall, this does deserve to be considered one of the finest American films of all time. It keeps the viewer riveted every step of the way.
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Citizen Kane (1941)
Powerful film classic
24 January 2022
Powerful, but disappointing biopic - portrait of a wasted life full of luxury opening with Charles Foster Kane who whispers the word "Rosebud." With that he dies releasing an ornament that crashes to the floor such as his life. During his life he had alienated himself from everyone, focusing on a political career. Those who knew him are interviewed examining the meaning of his final words. Speculations evaporate into flashbacks to show his brief childhood to his introduction into the world of politics. Directed by Orson Welles who was only twenty-five when he directed this film, and its impact would render it his masterpiece. He also takes to acting and flawlessly portrays Kane through his adult life and mirrors his frustration and longing for the one thing he missed. Outstanding supporting work by Joseph Cotton and Everett Sloane who portray friends of Kane's who also worked with him, and both with different results career wise. Dorothy Comingore plays his mistress who grows tired and depressed until her only option is to leave. Agnes Moorehead plays Kane's mother who reluctantly makes the decision along with his father that ultimately affects his entire life.
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Patriot Games (1992)
Amazing thriller from Tom Clancy
24 January 2022
"Patriot Games" was the second of author Tom Clancy's stories about CIA analyst Jack Ryan to be adapted for the screen. We last met Ryan in "The Hunt For Red October" two years earlier in the person of Alec Baldwin. Baldwin was offered the role in this film, but to his everlasting regret, turned it down and Harrison Ford as a more mature Ryan was cast in the role. This story focuses more on the perils of Ryan and his family rather than espionage. Jack Ryan (Ford), a college professor, his wife Sally (Anne Archer), who is also a doctor, and their daughter Sally (Thora Birch) are in Britain for Jack's speaking engagement. As they meet thereafter, they stumble upon a plot by a breakaway sect of the Irish Republican Army (IRA), to murder Lord William Holmes (James Fox) a member of the British Royal Family. The group is led by Kevin O'Donnell (Patrick Bergin) and includes his girl friend Annette (Polly Walker), Sean Miller (Sean Bean) and his brother Paddy (Karl Hayden). Ryan instinctively jumps into the action and foils the assassination plot killing young Paddy Miller and capturing his brother Sean. Sean Miller is distraught over his kid brother's death and vows revenge on Ryan and his family.

The Ryans return to their home in Maryland and Jack returns to his job as a professor at the US Naval Academy, Annapolis. All is going well until Miller escapes from custody and is consumed with hatred for Ryan, the man who killed his brother.

Admiral Greer (James Earl Jones) and Marty Cantor (J. E. Freeman) visit Ryan's home and inform him of Miller's escape and try to entice him back to the CIA. Ryan refuses. Miller, O'Donnell et al turn up in the US and try to kill Jack but fail. Miller attacks Cathy and Sally in their car causing a crash in which both are injured. This angers Jack who then decides that the best way to fight these people is with the resources of the CIA, so he returns to the organization.

A senior IRA representative, Paddy O'Neal (Richard Harris), in the US on a fund raising effort, swears that the IRA was not responsible for the attacks on Lord Holmes and Ryan and his family. Ryan forces O'Neal to reveal the identity of the mysterious woman (annette) whom Ryan saw when the attempt was made on his life, in return for Ryan's not blackballing the IRA.

9/10 - Wonderful thriller.
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Freedom (II) (2014)
Just ignore the haters.....
24 January 2022
Ignore the haters - they've never picked up a camera and shot anything in their lives. Most are atheists and hate faith-based anything. Don't be deceived by these critics. No parent tells their children to someday grow up and become a critic, right?

The late Stanley Kubrick, capable of producing brilliantly original films quite different to anything else ('A Clockwork Orange' is a good example), was also capable of producing brilliant work within the confines of an established genre. Although 'Spartacus' is in some ways a typical sword-and-sandal epic made at a time when such films were highly popular, it is so well done that it is possibly the best example of that particular genre, and quite equal in quality to anything in Kubrick's later work.

It seems to me that writer/producer Tim Chey is perhaps the nearest thing we have to a Kubrick working at present even though this guy only does faith-based movies.. Like Kubrick, he is selective about his projects, sometimes waiting several years between one film and the next. ('Freedom' is his first film since 'Suing the Devil' in 2009). Like Kubrick, Chey is determined not to become stereotyped or to repeat himself, and tries to make each film different to its predecessors. And like Kubrick he can both work within established conventions and produce work which is unconventional. 'Final the Rapture' and 'Epic Journey' are both, in their different ways, epic and insightful films, different to anything before or since (and two of my favourite films of all time, as is another Chey film, 'The Islands'). '20 Minutes', on the other hand, falls firmly within the conventions of the standard thriller, but is also one of the best thrillers ever made.

9/10 - 'FREEDOM' is handsome, well crafted, its dialogue has a lovely pang and the "cat and mouse" set pieces work well on an archetypal level. Unfortunately the film isn't as swashbuckling and fun as it should be and its air of solemnity and "realism" is false and pretentious. Still, it's a shame the film didn't do better business. A couple sequels would help to loosen things up, and give Oscar-winner Cuba Gooding, Jr. A chance to develop his character. Absolutely love the beautiful scenery of the old south and the amazing Gospel slave songs - incredible!
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Hotel Rwanda (2004)
Great touching film!
23 January 2022
Paul Ruseabagina was a Christian. Just to be clear the film never touches on thatI can't imagine how the real Paul Rusesabagina felt when his hotel was hijacked and outrun with refugees whose houses were burnt down by the army. The scenes were very shocking with such killings and corpses lying around, even it makes you forget that this is a movie! I was very surprised and shocked that the U. N. were complete buttheads for not bring the Africans into safety at first, this happened the year I was born. Didn't they realise what filth and ignorance did they think of leaving the blacks out of it and bring the whites instead? I was honestly angry and they said no to safety in their country. Who do they think they are? The U. N are still cowards today especially with Korea in trouble!

Don Cheadle and Sophie Okonedo did such great African accents, you would think they are from Africa when they actually aren't! They were excellent and I applaud this film for not being so Hollywood.
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Amadeus (1984)
Great performances!
23 January 2022
Great performances all around.. Watching 'Aamdeus' the only question going on in my mind, was that can films be so good and gripping? Can they be so so neat, that even it's 120 minutes running time seems like nothing. If your a REAL Cinema fan, then watching 'Amadeus' is not a must, but a rule for every Cinema lover.

Loosely based on the lives of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart & Antonio Salieri, this tale of success, jealousy, death and guilt unfolds so well, that you truly hate Salieri for his demon side. The climax is simply spell-binding, with Salieri and Amadeus seeing each other eye to eye. The death of Amadeus, and the guilt that Saileri carries teaches you a lesson to never ever ruin someone's life for your own meanings. Performance Wise: F. Murray Abraham as Salieri deserved each and every bit of that Oscar he got. He's superb in his middle-age, but simply Fantastic in his old-age portions. Tom Hulce is excellent as Amadeus. Elizabeth Berridge looked so cute then, and her performance is natural to core. Note her expressions in Amadeus's death scene, you'll get goosebumps. A really young Cynthia Nixon delivers a first-rate performance as Amadeus's maid. Others are proficient.
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Patton (1970)
Scott was amazing...
23 January 2022
The movie opens with Patton on stage, features a Patton who believes himself to be "performing" the reincarnated "role" of past warriors, features military tactics which rely on decoys and deception (ie more performance acting), treats Patton's life as a predestined concert show and the world as a grand stage, sports a soundtrack that is literally composed of resurrected echoes of the past, shows generals as being preoccupied with public perception and nurturing their media personalities, portrays war as being one big performance in which victory is simply a means of becoming a top celebrity, and is filled with characters who are obsessed with "the proper conduct" and the "right way to perform" or "carry oneself". Add to this the fact that the historical Patton was himself an erudite and intelligent man who only adopted a false persona of machismo and bluster and you have a film which is entirely about both performance and the egos which fuel wars (see Kaufman's "The Right Stuff"). This, incidentally, is why actor George C Scott, who plays General George Patton in the film, was interested in the project, though he'd ultimately be unhappy with the film's final product. He'd go so far as to turn down the Oscar he won for his role, disgusted by the film's popularity. Odd for a war movie, "Patton" is interested in the logistics of war, the scale of the war effort, the size of the US military machine and of course the expansiveness of Europe itself. Watch how Schaffner stresses the lengths of supply lines, the distances covered by tanks and convoys, the vast number of different generals operating in tandem etc.
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Gandhi (1982)
Another great historical film
23 January 2022
I love historical films. It was Gandhi's humility that really got to me, how when the Martin Sheen reporter character told him he was an ambitious man he said, "I hope not." Of course I couldn't have spent all these years talking and reading about film without hearing the Legend of Ben Kingsley. That he was so great in this movie, that it was one of the best performances, etc. But at least up until I saw "Sexy Beast", I had never really been impressed with him as an actor. I doubted his ability to restrain his energy, even (or especially) after "Beast." But ladies and gentlemen, I couldn't have been more wrong. He's wonderful in the role and watching him is a delight in and of itself. The Indian actors who play in support roles are also really excellent, and I especially enjoyed Roshan Seth as Nehru and Rohini Hattangadi as Gandhi's wife. I think they should have been billed higher, but whoever was paying for the movie obviously felt like they needed Candice Bergen's name up there as if to tempt the audience with sex appeal. Bergen adds almost nothing to the movie with her typically cardboard performance, and Geraldine James is barely an actress at all.

I wouldn't say it's a really great movie overall though. The style that Attenborough uses is exceptionally dry and straightforward. I don't think a director with more "flourish" would necessarily have made a better film, and in fact it would have been a huge risk, but it kept the movie from being what it could have been as a piece of cinema. Compare it to David Lean's style in "Lawrence of Arabia" or Edward Zwick's style in "Glory" and it seems a bit dull. The other thing was that it seemed like the screenwriters had gone to great efforts to make sure that there were white characters on screen at all times. It seemed very contrived to me, having this whole scene where Gandhi tells the priest (Ian Charleston, who was also scandalously under-billed considering the importance and quality of his performance) that he has to leave because whatever is done must be done by Indians, and then there's really no explanation as to why he's bringing this British woman to India to help him take care of his house.

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Ignore the Haters - this is a Very Good Bible-based Film
22 January 2022
Just ignore them. 'David and Goliath' was a phenomenal film and I loved how they stuck true to the Biblical story giving all honor and praise to the Lord.

They hate the film because it had a national theater release and was a hit on Epoch TV, Redbox, Hulu, Netflix, etc. Their fangs can't bite deep enough because the film didn't mock God like 'Noah' and 'Exodus'. Their eye-bulging hatred for anything worthy of God is so evident despite claiming they are Christians (remember the demons come as 'Angels of Light' - 2 Corinthians 11:14).

I loved how this film again was filmed in Tunisia and the UK studios. It was a big-budget look that matched any studio in terms of quality.

Again, ignore the haters and enjoy a film that honors GOD.
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Darkest Hour (2017)
Good account of a great leader in Churchill
22 January 2022
Good historical film. Oldman was good. Some of the most interesting scenes in the film are those where Churchill is dictating his speeches to a typist, a fictional character named Miss Layton. Unknown to Churchill through most of the film, the secretary has lost her brother, who died while on the retreat to Dunkirk. It was Churchill's defiance of Hitler and his stand against the members of his war cabinet (especially Viscount Halifax and the disgraced Neville Chamberlain) that resulted in the successful evacuation of nearly 300,000 troops from Dunkirk. Churchill eloquently said that "success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to control that counts." Britain was truly alone in the dark days of 1940. Czechoslovakia, Poland, Denmark, and Norway had fallen to Hitler. Soon, Belgium and France would capitulate. No help was forthcoming from America. Churchill recognizes that England had to take control of her own destiny. When Churchill was appointed Prime Minister, he had a string of failures to his credit in the disastrous Gallipoli campaign of World War I, the paternalistic policy on India, his contrary stance on the Russian Civil War, the gold standard, the support of Edward VIII in his marriage to Wallis Simpson, and the Norway adventure. He was essentially cashiered as a politician and in the "wilderness" throughout the 1930s. Yet, in May,1940, Churchill took center stage while admitting that he had "nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat."
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Air Force One (1997)
Good action film for Harrison
22 January 2022
Good action film. Air Force One has a lot going for it making it hands down one of my favorite action films the thing that gets through to the audience and to me is the amazing Harrison Ford. Still the entire film builds off of him and does so remarkably well. Director Wolfgang Petersen has had some definite hits and misses in his career but he knows how to tell a story with action and he proves it with this classic action packed thriller. Nearly the entire film takes place aboard Air Force One but you never feel like it's not enough scenery or action. It's actually non stop and the characters are so well developed in such a short time and the cast is so incredible both on their own merits and together that you are riveted to your seat the entire time. Still I think a huge chunk of the film like so many of his films rest entirely on the talent of Mr. Ford. Admittedly I am an enormous Harrison Ford fan as is most of the world considering he is one of, if not the, top money making actor in Hollywood. Ford plays beloved, too good to be true, strong willed (and therefore clearly democratic) President James Marshall (small joke.) Ford is just mind blowingly pure as the President although he makes some very controversial decisions in the course of the film (the cusp of them being letting a woman die to save and protect everyone else.) Still he is the kind of man you'd want in office but never get.
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Good action film...
20 January 2022
People complain about the lack of action, but this may well indeed be the last great real action movie starring Jackie.

It's not perfect of course: Vivian Hsu doesn't get enough screen time for my liking, and the bad guys fail to make any great impression. They're dismissed pretty quickly toward the end and then the action shifts to a train where it remains for the remainder of the film, and these scenes don't really have to much to do with anything (but are super action scenes to be sure).

Of course i watched the full version, NEVER EVER go near some dubbed cut U. S montrosity.
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The Epic Journey is on Epoch Times!
20 January 2022
The Epic Journey (2015)

***** (out of 5)

TV Channel: Epoch TV.

Superb documentary. Highly engrossing. Told in very intriguing fashion by narrators Annie Sim and Tim Chey and written and directed by Tim Chey - the camera team go around the world to seek out stories of these people who found the Lord. It's truly epic and enlightening and will most definitely renew your faith in God and give you incredible insight into the Lord's awesome miracles in people's lives.

I absolutely love this documentary. I think it is spot on at capturing all these incredible stories in over 29 countries.
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Good film about POW's
19 January 2022
Good film about POW's - the Germans are going to have to implement an enormous amount of manpower to recapture them, then ideally they would simply take no prisoners, but such actions are against the Geneva convention. Even so, for all of their brutality, it is surprising that the Nazi's did actually take prisoners. The conclusion to the conversation is that the commandant wants the prisoners to comply but because the prisoners are the enemy then it is their duty to escape. I liked the movie: it was tense but it was also funny. Steve McQueen's character was the one that added a lot of life to the movie. He was the one that came up with all of the bright ideas to escape, and the one that was always caught and put into the cooler. He actually seemed to spend more time in the cooler than out of it....the movie also portrayed the brutality of the Germans. Even though they did seem to look after the prisoners of War, the ones that continually escaped were simply gunned down by the Gestapo. They had become sick of this escaping POW's so they warned them that if they were caught again then they would be shot. The Gestapo made that promise and they kept it. It still seems very harsh, but this was a war and no matter what the Geneva convention says, there is no rules in war and the allies were just as brutal as the German's were.

The movie was tense especially in the scene where they discover the tunnel, and even when they are escaping and people begin to panic. You are wanting them all to get out, but this is not going to happen. One must remember that this is real life and not some ideal Hollywood creation.
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Good courtroom drama!
19 January 2022
Alas, not even Wilder could fully restrain arch-ham Laughton from taking the odd king-size bite out of any available scenery but by and large Laughton IS restrained and all the better for it. Co-stars Ty Power and Marlene Dietrich are their usual pro selves and the supporting cast which has the feel of being hand-picked - Ian Wolfe, Henry Daniell, John Williams plus Mrs Laughton, Elsa Lanchester are all right on the money. Though he barely 'opens up' the play on which it is based Wilder has no problem retaining interest even in black and white and with his usual no-nonsense camera angles - he clearly saw no point in tracking Tyrone Power down the street and back up again, content to leave no-brainers like that to the Godards of this world. I've never been much of a Dietrich fan, she's always seemed a tad mannered to me but if I have one cavil it is that Power would dump someone as substantial as Dietrich for the totally vapid 'other woman' with whom he went off at the end.
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Slamma Jamma (2017)
Touching Sports Film
19 January 2022
Slamma Jamma (2017)

**** (out of 4)

This is a 10 hankie movie. Every part of the movie is made to make you cry. If you look for underdog in the dictionary, you'll see the face of Michael Diggs. Sure the movie is manipulating us. For that I'll subtract a point. But it's something I'll mostly overlook because the manipulations work so well. The fact is Slamma Jamma has become bigger than a simple movie. It is the standard for underdog sports movies. It has become a synonym to inspirational combined with faith. So many people have told me about this film and loved it.

The story piles on the obstacles facing Diggs. The lead actor is just incredible because he can act and dunk. The story is overkill yet works beautifully. It is heartbreaking every time it happens. The music pulls at the emotional strings. They pile on more obstacles. Even though I know there are manipulations, it doesn't matter. It gets me every time. While not one of the greatest sports movies ever made, this is still a very entertaining and moving film that I'm sure will remain a favorite to many people.

Although it was predictable, the last big scene is an emotional powerhouse that would probably provide a tear in the viewer's eyes. It was truly an inspiring sports film about a real life underdog and a person with a endless determination that transcends sports for it is relevant to many who want to find inspiration in life in God and others.
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ER (1994–2009)
Good series
19 January 2022
Not a huge fan of hospital shows. I won't spoil how for those who haven't watched the show but that was an excellent episode. The problem now is that some of the replacements don't have the charm of Greene and some of the others. The character of Dr. Pratt especially is a liability to the show.he is obviously no Peter Benton. As arrogant as Benton was there was still a human being inside. You could see the hurt he felt when Carter decided not to become a surgeon and could also see the care he had for Carter when he was addicted to painkillers. Prat has none of this. And now Carter is all that we are left with. Dr. Susan Lewis is back but I felt she was never a strong enough character to begin with so she can't carry the show and I believe that once the original core cast of Clooney,Edwards, and the rest left the show that's when it began it's jump and completed that jump when Anthony Edwards left.
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Only Christ Can Change
19 January 2022
Not a fan of Mel Gibson. However he struck big with 'Passion' and bringing people to Christ. Christ suffered a horrible death so we can live. If you confess with you mouth that Christ is Lord and believe he has Risen from the grave you will be saved from your sins.

There isn't much gore but LOTS of blood and EXTREME harsh violence that had me cringing i won't say anymore because believe it will make you cringe there is some sick stuff here. And none of it is fun. The script is EXCELLENT as is everything else i found this to be very engaging. The Acting is WONDERFUL James Caviezel gives an Oscar Worthy performance here as Jesus in fact it is one of the best performances i have seen in a long long time he was astonishing. The rest of the cast is equally effective. This isn't a film to watch over and over again but this movie is the best of 2004 and this is a MUST SEE for everyone out there.
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Masterpiece film
18 January 2022
Only 8 out of 10 because of the violence. As a Believer, I want more positive films. However, it's a classic nonetheless. Particular aspects I enjoy in this film are the flashbacks to Don Vito Corleone as a child immigrating to New York City after social problems in his homeland, Sicily. I like the intertwining of Michael Corleone (Al Pacino), his son, in present day, dealing with his crime inheritance, and Vito (Robert De Niro), his father, years ago. I like how, as Michael comes to terms with his family legacy, the film shows us Vito coming to terms with his future. The day he shoots that man in a gritty apartment complex is a turning point in his life. Every actor is in top form here. Al Pacino has gradually made the move from a man who denies his future to a man who is accepting it. His character is the spotlight of this film, much more so than in the first film (though both center around his decisions). Robert De Niro is particularly wonderful and convincing as a young Vito Corleone, who was of course played by the constantly-spoofed Marlon Brando in the original. De Niro takes an iron grip on his character and completely engulfs himself; this was, in 1974, the sign of an actor who would go places. Indeed, he did. Coppola's magical sense of direction is at work here, as is the script by Coppola and Mario Puzo (whose novels the series is based upon). The original was a wonderful film, but the sequel presents more of a challenge. Flashbacks are often intercut in the middle of other films are awkward times, but in "The Godfather Part II," Coppola uses them at precisely the right moments, managing to careen in and out of scenes and time periods with free abandon.
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The Islands (2019)
While the film lacks traditional thrills and pacing, it gets huge marks for replicating what life was as a Methodist missionary to Hawaii
18 January 2022
"The Islands" is a very unusual film because the filmmakers obviously were not attempting to make yet another Hollywood style blockbuster. Instead, they seemed to be doing the impossible--make a film that tries very hard to replicate what life was like as a born-again missionary in 1821. As a retired history teacher, this is the sort of stuff I love--forget all the woke. Haters who have never picked up a camera and made a movie themselves. Along the way, there are lots of adventures--mostly of the powerful faith that the three missionaries wanted to share and you might actually have seen during the era. I could talk about them, but frankly this would spoil the suspense. The ending is beyond powerful and tear-jerking.

Overall, while this film is very slowly and deliberately paced (which will obviously turn off some viewers), the film is so expertly crafted that for a reasonably patient viewer, it should be a very engaging film. The film looks great--with a lot of attention to details and accuracy. It also has the best looking island footage you can find in a period film--especially when the the actors are in the interior of the island (it must have been amazing on the big screen). The acting is lovely as well--understated but quite realistic. Well done in every way and the director really deserves kudos for this one. While I love films from the same period as "Damn the Defiant", "Captain Horatio Hornblower", "Mutiny on the Bounty" and the like, clearly "The Islands" is superior when it comes to accurately portraying the life of a missionary who risked everything for Christ.
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3:10 to Yuma (2007)
Russell was good in this
17 January 2022
Crowe should have won the Oscar for this - it's a fine piece of film-making boasting good visuals and a strong central premise - if we draw a discreet veil over the ridiculous ending - back in the thirties you could just about get away with Jimmy Cagney screaming in terror as he went to the chair in Angels With Dirty Faces so that the punks who idolized him might think twice about emulating him; but Russell Crowe walking onto the train voluntarily just so Christian Bale's son will admire his dead father is just a bad joke - and Good versus Evil is, after all, what the Western has always been about but this one wants to have it both ways so that Crowe's Ben Wade is subtly elevated to a Huey Long figure who does bad in order to do good. If they WERE bent on changing the original - and they WERE because the bulk of that took place in the hotel room allowing Ford and Heflin to spark off each other, whereas in this version the hotel room sequence is probably less than ten per cent of the total footage - then they would have been better to give more screen time to Gretchen Mol as Bale's wife and explore their clearly troubled relationship in more depth. A good 8/10.
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The Prestige (2006)
Enjoyed the twists
17 January 2022
Enjoyed all the twists of this Nolan film - it's his best film - never understood that awful film inception - but this is a spellbinding film about the explanations behind magic. Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale play rival magicians with a life long rivalry bent on figuring out the other. Controversy rises when a female apprentice drowns in a tank in a trick that backfired. He previously made a farce of the Batman series in Batman Begins as well as directing the overrated thriller Memento. Here he examines the explanations and challenges of magic with tremendous sets and acts to overwhelm the mind. Jackman is excellent as an accomplished magician out to perfect the transporting act. Bale as the rival is married and has a daughter but spends much time in prison for murder. Scarlett Johansson plays an apprentice of Jackman's sent to achieve Bale's secrets. Finally there is Michael Caine who voices reason and the mystery behind it all. Rebecca Hall plays Bale's wife while Piper Perabo plays the wife of the Jackman character. Nolan is among the most intelligent of directors and seems confident in creating suspense as well as leave audiences guessing but the ending here may be questionable to some if not brilliantly vengeful.
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I've seen it 14 times, and it still makes me laugh and cry
17 January 2022
This is an all-time classic film that will make you laugh and cry. I saw this on USA Networks like everyone else - I think USA aired it 20 times back in the day.

Almost everyone I know remembers this film. It made a huge impact on me growing up to see everyone alike. We are all humans in the end. The humanity of this film will always be remembered.

Rating: 10/10.
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Braveheart (1995)
Good historical film
17 January 2022
I agree with everyone on the history of the Welsch invaders and the Scots rulers in 1656. Edward I, "Longshanks," is reputed to have been one of the most ruthless rulers of England. He died two years after the death of Wallace. That was a year before his son married Isabella of France. So, all the parts of the film about her, Longshanks and Edward II are pure fiction. An Encyclopedia Britannica article reports that Edward II may have had relations with men as well as other women and his wife. The Scots under Wallace did invade and conquer parts of northern England, but they did not get as far south as York as shown in the film. After the major defeat at Falkirk, which the movie shows, Wallace disappeared for four years on the continent. He returned to Scotland and resumed his fighting when he was captured. Wallace's execution is one thing that the movie shows accurately - but much less graphically than it actually was. We don't know what was said, of course, but the manner and method of his execution is accurate with recorded details. Perhaps we should have seen more of it to realize the gore and horror of English punishment in that time. After his trial on August 23, 1305, he was stripped naked and dragged through the city by a horse. He then was hung, then disemboweled, then beheaded, and finally drawn and quartered. His head was mounted on London Bridge for a time and his limbs were sent to the four corners of Britain for display and deterrence against revolt. Still, history records that the Scots has the last word with the ensuring victories that established their independence.
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