
9 Reviews
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There was compassion
19 January 2022
There was an adult and firm assessment of what was happening, help for those in need. Why did the most popular boy like Prince save Indy? Because family upbringing, education and values have made him so popular. Those qualities that helped him open his eyes to what is happening and conclude that it is wrong In our cruel world, lonely children need to remember that they have rights. They can fight for their lives and for their future.

In general, the film turned out to be more socially oriented than fabulous. But after watching it, the soul remained warm.

I advise everyone who has children. Do not forget to talk to them heart to heart more often, try to be their friend. Don't make their life hell.
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A typical teen movie
19 January 2022
Here you have silly popular beauties of the school, naked guys' torsos, friendship between a boy and a girl, puberty, dangerous love, it's always green on the street (money is found) There was no one outwardly or in the game that I would look at and say 'WOW'. Ordinary people, an ordinary game, an ordinary predictable scenario.

In principle, it would probably not be worth demanding more, since this is an ordinary teenage film, the purpose of which is to cheer up, laugh at absurdities, check out the saturation of the picture as a whole; but certainly not to become food for thought.
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Soul (2020)
Pixar the best
19 January 2022
Have you often throughout your (long or not yet) life asked questions about how right the path was chosen, whether it was a dead end, whether it was worth taking someone for company, etc. If often, then you have no choice but to watch the cartoon "Soul" today. If not, then Pete Docter's tape (after you look at it) will serve as a bulletproof vest to protect you from the issues mentioned above When viewing, one gets an idea of what is really important in life and worth the time spent, and what is not. The cartoon, as it were, gives the viewer the opportunity to turn around and look at his life from the outside, evaluate the decisions made, the chosen paths and the intended goals. And it's amazing! The main thing is never to forget that life is beautiful, and even more: you yourself make her beautiful (or terrible), because everything determines how you look at her, what decisions you make and what actions you do.
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any impressions or emotions
19 January 2022
Guy. Everything is within the framework of tolerance, successful, who has a purpose in life. Although no, his father has a purpose in his life. And here the main factor of the conflict after meeting the girl is that his father does not tolerate any steps outside of achieving the goal.

Girl. She is played by Cara Delevingne. At some point it seemed to me that this film was made for her type, because based on news reports, this is her personality type: rebellious, bright, non-standard.

The film does not cause any impressions or emotions after viewing. After a good drama, you want to think about your life, and about the lives of the people who surround you. This movie didn't make me feel that way.
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Sex Education (2019–2023)
19 January 2022
It is noteworthy that this topic, namely the relationship between men and women / men and men / women and women, is not only within the framework of something intimate, but also just friendship, communication, and love, in the end, not so much content is devoted. What can we say about films / series designed for the younger generation, carrying not only an entertaining interest, but also teaching something.

It seems to me that this is one of the most successful projects. It shows what it is supposed to be silent about, what an unspoken taboo is imposed on, what it is not customary to talk about openly, certainly in our society. Although, what's the big deal? In my opinion, it is better that the "forbidden" topic is presented by knowledgeable people at school, as it is done in the series (God save Europe!), so that young people know everything about the structure of their body, their partner, know how to protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases, be aware of contraceptives.
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the film of social normality
19 January 2022
This film is about what Virginia Woolf's books are filled with, which is reflected in the film itself, when one of the main actors refers to her several times! In my opinion, this film should not be an epiphany and something that should wake you up.

It's all about the human tragedy when you find yourself in a place (metaphorically) where sociality has no power, and people are not able to be useful, as a rule, so that you can return to this sociality back!

For me, the film revealed what is happening outside of social normality, and there are not so many films about it to talk about any cliches! Watch with pleasure.
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first love
19 January 2022
The story of the first love, with a storm of feelings, passion and suffering. The film is about how a brutal, impudent and impulsive macho bully and a modest quiet good girl came together.

We met in traffic, he sweetly called her "ugly." And then in the club, this 'Ugly' and 'Brute' sounded very nice. He threw her into the pool, beat the faces of everyone around him, broke the locks from the "palace" for her, and she ran away from lessons to the races and the beach, waited every evening to go on a new journey. She was threatened by her parents and teachers, but she jumped on his motorcycle and raced forward! It's just like in a fairy tale. One difference, a fairy tale usually ends with the words: 'And they lived happily ever after ...'. Everything turned out to be completely different here.

That, perhaps, is the secret of the success of a good romantic drama - they love each other, but, unfortunately, they are no longer in a place.

You don't just watch this movie, but you live and experience it together with the actors. You transfer it all to your life. It's like you've become happier three meters above the sky. But, eventually, you will return from heaven to earth again. Love, it's only in a fairy tale.
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interesting move
19 January 2022
Now there are so many films about deadly diseases, but this one is not like any other. A true masterpiece of Dutch cinema.

The main character of Ekka is a bright and cheerful little man, she is a leader in her class. And then at one point everything changes, because of the diagnosis - leukemia... And then comes the realization that life will never be the same again.

A touching movie that is worth watching for everyone. It teaches true friendship, faith in the best and the fact that you always need to remain human. In general, the film touched to the core. In the end, I couldn't hold back my tears, and I'm not ashamed of it at all. After all, tears are also a kind of manifestation of humanity, and not weakness at all...
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To the Bone (I) (2017)
The idea of the film is...
19 January 2022
"To the Bone" is a full-length film, is the debut film of Marty Noxon, shot according to her own script. For the first completely your own project - it's just great. There is a residue after watching the movie - a kind of touch of sadness - a big plus for drama, it catches.

There are also disadvantages. Some things are completely incomprehensible:strange conversations about some strangers; a plump patient in a boarding school for anorexia sufferers; an incomprehensible story with a dead girl.

The idea of the film is not in the problem of underweight, but in the unwillingness to live, the fear of not being ideal. As always, the charismatic Keanu Reeves played a super doctor trying to understand patients and listen to their suffering. The doctor does not insist on treatment, does not force, he translates everything into a game, some kind of ritual - and it's more interesting this way.

"If death is what you want, I will accept it" - mother's words, really strong. Yes, maybe it wasn't so necessary for the actress to pronounce them, but the phrase itself and the acceptance of reality struck.

"To the bone" was shot by a woman who also had problems with nutrition to some extent and maybe here she wanted to express herself and justify herself a little.

However, the film is worth watching, there are instructive moments.
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