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Doctor Who: The Timeless Children (2020)
Season 12, Episode 10
ironically The Timeless child is already dated
23 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
First things first plot holes This doesn't even make sense as Clara went through all of The Doctors history and didn't once go wow your millions of years older than you thought. Also why does the Ruth doctor have a tardis that looks like a police book when she came after one. Who was the one who had there tardis malfunction.

Therefore Ruth tardis should not look like that. Also why does the memory machine overload. It was designed to store the memories of millions of timelords. Why would one more timelord break the machine.

Also I'm confused why does the doctor not kill the master. Is it a reference or rip-off of that season in season 1 where the Doctor doesn't kill the darleks. Because if so it doesn't make sense as that as the stake are different. There the entire earth was in danger here nothing's in danger. Is it because the Doctor doesn't want to kill her friend. If so it doesn't make sense for her to let someone else do it. Is it because she doesn't want to die. If so the master would kill her anyway. Is it because she doesn't want to kill her enemy. I mean she has shown she is willingly to kill her enemies before why make the destination here. I don't get it. Also why does the master want to blow reality up last time. He wanted to rule it. Hasn't that been pretty constantly his motivation.

Also if time Lord regeneration is genetic. Um River song. Like he would have done it with his own daughter. (Given river can regenerate). It kind of makes Rory's act in the Impossible astringent 2 parter quite funny. Like he had to learn that His wife really does care more about him than the doctor. That he's her man. But now it's like no they really were going at it. Sorry Rory.

Also Yaz wasn't the one who said the doctor is the best person they've met. That was Graham.

Also I'm pretty sure in the timeless child section we see Yaz, Graham and Ryan seeing Jack. I don't understand why this is playing for the Doctor Memories. As she wasn't there.

Also if the doctor has infinte regrenantions. How was the grave at Trenzalore able to exist in any capacity?

How does the doctor remember the Morbius Doctors if his mind was wiped.

How come the Cybermen suddenly can't hit anything despite being shown to have remarkably accurate and pin-point aim in the last episode?

How did the Master deduce that the Doctor is the Timeless Child if all records after the regeneration legend had been redacted?

Why did the timelords not redact the timeless child from there history. They clearly have that ability as seen with the division.

Why does the master not kill the old guy while the doctor and him are having a long conversation. Wouldn't it be better to kill him before he's given the dead man switch. It's not like the master doesn't have the opportunity to do so.

In the trial of the time Lord. The 6th doctor states that its taken million of years for the timelords to become corrupt. If the doctor has been alive for millions of year why keep him around. Wouldn't he be the personification of everything the timelords hate. Why let them live for millions of years.

Side characters are terrible as is the editing and main cast and the master so you know about everything.
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