
23 Reviews
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Lars Von Trier does it again
15 March 2024
One of the most fiercely original films I have seen in quite a while. Shockingly unique while also paying omage to the horror genre. A beautiful work of art by none other then the artistic master Lars Von Trier. This movie is incredibly unique, manages to tie beauty into senseless killing and does so all while dazzling the viewer with phenomenal shots and imagery. This movie is beyond one of the best serial killer movies I have seen and I have seen quite a few. Honestly though, if you have not seen this movie at least once, you can not say you have truly seen one of the most artistic killing movies of all time. Thats all, watch this movie, thank you.
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Deadstream (2022)
Its good
2 October 2023
This movie is good! I think thats about all I can say for it. It is a decent movie. The plot was wonderful and enjoyable and the SFX was impressive. I get that they were going for this but I do wish the main character was not such a dick. I mean frankly I didnt care what happened to him. I appreciated the acting. The two "Main" characters were really decent and did a good job. The few people with only a couple minutes of screentime were iffy especially the ones who made videos that were sent to the main man in the live stream but it was fine. This movie was just a silly good old found footage movie and it was fun to watch. Definatly worth checking out!
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Buyer Beware
2 May 2023
This whole movie is an excersise of extreme patient. Not only is it extremely long and confusing, the whole plot is just a waste of time. Though in this painfully long movie about and hour of it is actually good and that is from 1:30 - 2:30. Thats it. When I saw this in theateres a majority of the audience were actually sitting on their phones rather then watching. You want something good like hereditary or midsommar? This movie is not that. Though this directer has immense skills this movie seems to be trying to be artistic and just 100% failing and making the director look slightly bad. This movie is a WASTE of time.
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Wow Just Wow
11 April 2023
This movie is beyond INCREDIBLE. It has layers and layers of power and it is all potrayed incredibly. The amount of emotions out into this film is just wonderful. This film will make you feel and you can tell that the actors really care and are trying to really get in the roll. It seems more like a documentary then a movie as the acting is just so phenomenal. This movie is moving and incredible and I feel like I could watch it 1000 times and still be interested. This is definatly a film everyone should see at least once and I highly recommend you watch as soon as you can. It is incrieible and I can not stress how important this movie is to watch.
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Scream (I) (2022)
Ok so this is not what I exspected
31 March 2023
Well after the first three scream films, the newer ones tend to go more off the rails. This is essentially the rails just disapear and the train exsplodes and falls into a volcano. This movie was just terrible compared to the others. The plot was exseptionally bad and the acting apart from about three characters just totally sucked. I was looking foward to this but it convinced me infact to skip scream six which recently came out. Though there are plenty of stupid films out there, the fact that a film with such a large budget managed to be this bad is just sad for the future of horror. Especially with all the hype to this movie. If you like this movie I apologize. Thanks for reading.
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Taxidermia (2006)
Wow Definatly worth the watch
31 March 2023
Honestly this movie is just so good. It has comedic properties, its disturbing and its honestly very impressivly filmed. This movie has a fascinating plot with three main characters. A Father who is a weird dude with very strange fetishes, a immensly fat man who has a strange obsession with cats and a psychologically abused and skinny man who has a strange passion for taxidermy. Honestly the plot of this is just so incredible and it is 1000% worth the watch. It is enjoyable and interesting as well as attention keeping and passionate. You can really tell that the directer is just so talented and this movie should be cemented into horror history. Please watch this and please enjoy.
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I am going to be totally honest with you.
31 March 2023
As an avid horror watcher and someone who is not yet an adult, I struggled with deciding if I should watch this film or not. I read countless reviews on IMDB and ultimatly decided that I had to watch it. Reading the reviews, this film DOES NOT live up to the hype. While there are a few unessecery scenes added just for shock factor and to essentially go where no one else wants to go, this film is not even close to how disturbing it was potrayed as in these reviews. Just keep in mind if you are reading this, this is MY OPINION, just because I had a fine time watching this, doesnt mean that everyone will and if you are deliberating watching this, I would read the reviews as well as the spoiler parts because that will definatly help prepare you. Does this movie have vile things portrayed? Yes there are some pretty bad stuff involving children if you can guess what I am implying. There is not a ton of gore or anything in this movie so everyone should be fine with that but this doesnt even make top 15 most disturbing films to me. Anyways I hope that this honest review helps and I hope that if you do decide to watch A Serbian Film, you enjoy it. Thanks.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
Impossible Review
14 March 2023
Ok, so to review this whole series without writing like an essay will be very hard but lets give this go. Alright, bottom line, this show is goshdang incredible. The acting is just another level of awesome. And the plot for the first six seasojs is top notch. Though the plot does for sure get worse when the writers change. This is slightly sad but honestly by the time that happens, your so connected to the characters and the plot that it is not hard to keep watching. This is honestly a very long commitment though. I have finally finished it after A YEAR since I started the first episode. Its just a lot and its hard to watch more then one episode at a time. This might just be me though so whatever works for yall. Anyways this is just incredible and it is a MUCH WATCH! Anyways, hope you enjoy this very emotional commitment. The amount of times I have literally sobbed my heart out watching this is just to much to count. It is an emotional investment but it is fully worth it!
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Halloween (2007)
Its Rob Zombie Man
14 March 2023
Firstly, you can't go wrong with Rob Zombie, I mean yes, some of his films are not incredible but this. This is just wow. Out of all the goddamn halloweens, this one definitely is THE BEST. Rob Zombie is a horror icon and the fact he took this on is just incredible. It didnt have Jaime Lee Curtis (Finally) and though his second Halloween was not very great, this should definatly be watched. Honestly even if you were gonna watch just one Halloween, this should be the one. It will leave an ever lasting affect on you and is at least 100 times better then the origanal. Anyways this is just awesome. You should totally watch it, This is just the best.
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6 March 2023
Lars Von Trier has done it again. I have seen a majority of his films and I must say, he cannot fail to blow my mind. Essentially, all his films are just goddamn incredible. I was worried about this one first just seeing that with volume one and two it would feel super long but it was so incredible the film went quickly and was definatly not boring. Anyways I really appreciated this movie and it is a definate must-watch for anyone (Over the age of 18 of course). Anyways this is totally worth watching, it is insanly artistic and phanomenal. This adds another level to everything anyone has ever thought about sex and it IS INCREDIBLE. DEFINATLY WATCH THIS, I cannot exsplain how incredible this is.
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Apocalypto (2006)
I mean its mel gibson
6 March 2023
Honestly before all the stuff about Mel Gibson came out, I thought his things were decent so just a disclosure, I am not a fan of him but I am going to compliment his directing style in THIS.

Honestly, the video shots of this were kind of incredible. I think that it was artistic and interesting while still managing to be kind of accurate. The ending is disapoining because it got confusing cause origanally I thought this was historically accurate. IT IS NOT, this is much more historical fiction and I am unsure if this mistake was on my behhalf or if it was just how it was adverstised. Anyways seeing as it is not historically accurate, I wish that it would have been spoken in english. I feel like if the lines were delivereed in our tounge they could have been more powerful then just reading the substitles. Still this movie is pretty decent. I do not think that the name works because it doesnt really fit with the whole plot. I feel like The Mayans or like Jaguar Paw could have been better but still not to bad. All in all the acting is just wonderful, the whole film is totally worth watching at least once, just know though going in that is is fiction and it will be better I think.
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Ok ok hear me out
18 February 2023
This movie was decent. It was relatively well done considering the budget. I think what happens with MNS is that considering he had a hit at such a young age, he is now trying to one up himself and produce a movie that will get reactions like the sixth sense got. Sadly, that is just not going to happen. Is he a good director and writer? Yes but he gets so caught up in trying to make the new sixth sense that he loses everything. I think that also with this movie he wanted to try and be alternative and like genre changing which is why he used literally three sets and very VERY little gore. I think that honestly he kind of just messed it up though. During kill scenes they just kept cutting away from the gore and this ended up just looking cheap and sad other then cool and alternative. Anyways yea, despite all that, this is worth the watch. Its interesting, its relative, and its something we haven't seen before so check it out.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Definatly worth at least one runthrough
16 February 2023
This was really good. Though at times it can be hard to get through and very slow paced, the whole premice over all makes it worth watching. As a hardcore non catholic person, it also was not obsessive and though it does have religious components, they do not overtake the show. Though some of these actors are a little more well known then others, even the lower ranked actors did really good on this and overall the acting was very good. The plot manages to keep people interested while still adding important dialogue and scenes that may be boring to some viewers but if you really analyzie this as a whole instead of episode by episode or scene by scene, I would say you are likely to end up happy with having watched this at least once in your lifetime.
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X (II) (2022)
Damn West really went there
16 February 2023
I admire Ti West for going to the place where very few directors ever go. He managed to make a porno horror that was released in theaters. That alone is a goddamn acompleshment. Though the whole film all together is just kind of mid, you can tell there was work put into it and I admire that. I have to say the actors were pretty good and as a fan of Britany Snow, she did good. Was it gross that Jenna Ortega had only been 18 for like three months when this came out? Yes very much so. Also weird that the whole rest of the cast is ranging from 10-50 years older then her which once again is very weird, but if sex bothers you or gore, Im not sure why you would want to watch this movie but buyers be where. This is essentially just an high budget porno.
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They/Them (2022)
16 February 2023
Essentially this is obviously straight actors running around having VERY gay sex and talking about how the regret being Gay. Though myself I am not gay, I have a ton of very gay friends and they all love themselves and being gay. Though I do not know anyone who went to gay conversion, from what I have heard, this seems like a somewhat accurate representation, just with a little dazzle and a sizzle of Bacon. Combined with the poor acting and the depressing plot, this movie is definatly not worth watching unless you want to get low key offended and slightly concerned for Kevin Bacons mental health.
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Audition (1999)
7 February 2023
I have a very mixed opinion on this movie and that is for one main very big reason. An hour and a half of this movie is a romance essentially. There is absolutely nothing good about it or remotely scar about it. I watched this movie because I have heard it is immensely disturbing and good though I was very disappointed. Though once you get through the first insanely boring and dragging hour and a half, the last 25 minutes of the film are actually scary and good. Immensely disturbing? Definitely not. If you want to watch this movie as horror I recommend not wasting an hour and a half of your life as you will miss absolutely nothing when it comes to the plot and just skip to the last half hour of the film. Thats all, thanks for reading. Hope you dont waste your time!
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Mother! (2017)
Awe thats disappointing
6 February 2023
I have heard so so many good things about this movie. I have seen it on only one most disturbing movie list but the rest on the list were pretty decent so I thought this would be a genuine disturbing movie. Lets just say I was waiting for the disturb for the whole movie. Though Javier Bardem manages to carry this WHOLE film On his back, it is still relatively disappointing. The ending is just kind of lame for the film and honestly I feel like this switched writers halfway through. Though I do very much enjoy cannibal films (they are one of my favorite sub-sub genres of horror) the fact this is classified as one kind of disgraces the whole sub-sub genre. Jennifer Lawrence was good but not great and as I mentioned before Javier was incredible like he always is.
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Martyrs (2015)
Its decent
16 January 2023
Honestly its not so bad. If you look at this movie as a single instead of a remake then it is easier to watch. This is essentially a "family" rated version of the incredible original. I would recommend to watch this first if you want to watch both. It will make the original seem so much cooler. Troyian's performance was very enjoyable at least and though the story was very different and pg it was still relatively decent. If you are not a fan of gore but you still want to see the general idea of this movie, watch this one and don't push yourself. There is no way to compare this to the original because that movie is on another level but once again, this one could potentially be worth the watch. At least there is a happy ending in this one. But that kind of ruins it honestly.
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Terrifier 2 (2022)
The only thing terrifying is the acting
2 January 2023
Ok, while this movie did not suck, it was very hard to sit through, not because of the gore but because of the dull and boring plot. Though this movie has very little going for it, the gore is about all. It all looks fake and stupid but the ideas are vivid enough to make it ok. Honestly the acting sucked and the characters are very unlikable, at the end of this I was waiting for them all to die as I was so bored, I didnt care. This movie was hyped up so much like "people leave theaters vomiting" and stuff like that that by the time I watched this it was just boring and super disappointing. Honestly though this would make a decent halloween movie night! Thats it, thanks.
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Maniac (2012)
This is definitely worth the watch.
21 December 2022
This movie has a relatively "classic" plot, serial killer and all that jazz but what makes this movie unique and definitely worth the watch is the fact that 99% of the movie is in first person view. This adds a creative twist into what exactly a serial killer sees and achieves something that so few films can pull off. Elijah Wood does an incredible job portraying a messed up man and really gets into the role. All in all the acting was really good, the plot was basic yet somehow very interesting and the filming was incredibly well done. If you have an extra hour and a half this is 100% worth watching.
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Sinister (I) (2012)
Its boring
23 November 2022
Because of the fact that I have tried to watch this movie four times without successfully finishing it, I think it is two stars. Though I have heard good things about it, it is just boring. The first hour of the movie is just painful to make it through and Kevin Bacon shows very little actual interest in playing this role. I find it grueling and annoying to watch. I have heard it's super scary and whatever and I'm sure that it might be to some people but to me this movie and watching this movie it's just a huge waste of time and I've seen a lot really stupid movies so this is saying a lot. Anyways, if you like it good for you, but I prefer more fast-paced movie though I am able to make it through slow burn movies. Plenty of the time this one is just exceptionally bad.
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Barbarian (2022)
Wow this movie sucked so hard
15 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had good potential the 1st 40 mins were great and scary and stuff and then they do all the bs with a inbred kid. I mean so many plot holes I couldn't even count them first of all. Why is a kid who grew up in a cave with no sun drinking baby milk her whole life, grow to be seven feet tall and as strong as hulk? Second of all how does this old man who starts at like 50 live in a cave with no health care or anything eating spam his whole life live to be like 100? Also if you tell the police you think someone is being murdered they will look into it not just ignore you. Also with the weird guy was he just weird or what? Like he acted like a idiot and was awkward af but no one cared also they had phones basically the whole time, why did no one call 911 or something. Also how did the door keep closing by itself. Like wtf. So for the people giving it tens and stuff good for you like like what you want and stuff, sorry to rain on your parade.
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Ok so heres where they went wrong
7 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I know this is from the 1980s and all but the animal killing was very unnecessary and scary. The human gore was fine because it is all fake and what not but I hate when movies have animals dying especially in this degree. I mean six animals are brutally killed and while I watch horror movies a lot, in the hundreds I have seen I have never had to look away but in the animal slaughter scenes I did. The rape was slightly over the top and didn't add much but I cant really complain as its not too bad compared to many movies. Sorry if this bothers anyone. Also for people who do not want to see animals die, theres a death about 30 minutes in of a muskarat and then later in theres about ten minutes when two snakes, a pig and a monkey are killed. But anyway it was good other than that.
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