
23 Reviews
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The Holdovers (2023)
don't let the score fool you
6 May 2024
This movie is not 7.9 it is a solid 0 if you had that option on IMDB. This movie was in the comedy section when i was looking through movies and may i say that this was far off from being funny. It was just depressing and if you read the plot to this movie some people that think like i do will also agree when i say that the plot sounds depressing and its a movie that is depressing. I think the people watching this movie must have been watching a different movie and got it mixed up because i am in shock with all the good reviews that this movie is getting. Even IMDB give this movie a 7.9. I Beg that no one watches this movie and mistakes it for a comedy.
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Dan in Real Life (I) (2007)
Horrible Movie
5 January 2024
I think this movie was horrible. I absolutely hated this movie. There is too much love scenes in this movie and the word love is mentioned way too much. I got it as a dvd and now I want a refund. On the cover of the dvd it said it was really funny. I am starting to wonder if the reviewers were watching the right movie because this movie was not funny. I simply don't remember laughing once. This is one of the most depressing movies I have ever seen. I think this is more depressing then the angriest man in brooklyn and I felt seriously depressed after I watched that. I hope no one watches this movie because I would feel sorry for what they are putting themselves through.
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Decent movie
18 November 2023
I read about this movie and I thought it would be funny. It wasn't as funny as I eventually that it would have been but it was good with a bit of laughter involved. I also decided to watch it because of the star studded cast it had but it wasn't is good as I thought it would be. But it was a decent movie. I also decided to watch it because Keith David was in it and he is in a lot of good movies but I think the movie should have included him a good bit more. Go and watch men at work and you will see why. If he was in the movie a good bit more it would have been way more funnier. I have now learnt that great cast doesn't always equal an excellent movie.
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Orphan (2009)
Really interesting and shocking twist
28 October 2023
This is a bit of an underrated horror movie and I found this very good. The twist is very shocking but I will not tell anyone who may not have seen this movie or want to watch this movie in the future but it is one of the best twists in horror movie history. All of this movie is very good. I knew that this film was going to be very interesting and that is why I decided to watch it. But I have to tell you that this should be known as the second orphan because orphan first kill shows what happens before she gets adopted by this family. It shows the house fire that put her up for adoption in orphan first kill. I recommend this movie for people over the age of 11.
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Halloween (I) (2018)
Could be as good as the original
28 October 2023
This was a really good film when I watched it. The only thing I am confused with is that Jamie Lee Curtis was killed off in the 90s from her character of Laurie strode but yet she is still in this one. But I think this could have been before she died. But it can't be because it's in 2018. Anyway this is a really good film and I was really surprised with the doctors obsession with michael myers. I thought his character would be like Donald pleasance in the movie but I was way off. A lot of kills were made in this movie which I like because you can't have a michael myers halloween movie without a lot of kills. I recommend this movie for people over 11 years old.
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A bit underrated / good movie
14 October 2023
This is a bit of a underrated movie. It's very interesting because the teenager can control things with her mind. It reminds me of Firestarter except for the fact that she could only start fires but this teenager could move anything with her mind. It's another usual Jason movie with Jason coming back to life to kill everyone and then bottle it in the end to go and get killed. I feel like it's getting a bit too easy for people to kill him. Obviously the first one is the best but this isn't too far behind. Although I find it easy for people to kill him but he destroys everyone before the end. I recommend this film for people over the age of twelve.
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Weird movie good twists
6 October 2023
I watched this movie and I am still very confused. How did they make the ending so good. Its like they have put 2/3 different endings in the film. First they say that Rachel killed all the children then Leonardo dicaprio had a daughter named Rachel and then there was a Rachel in a cave. I don't have much to say about this movie because of how confusing it is. But it is up there as one of the best films I have ever seen. This movie should be put down as more of a horror because the setting of the deserted island was perfect and they added the perfect soundtrack. I feel like I have to watch the movie again and again to find out what's really gone on. I recommend this movie to people over the age of 11.
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Potentially best film ever made
26 September 2023
This is potentially the best film ever made and one of the best films I've ever seen. It reminds me of Goodfellas and Casino because of the way they talk through what's going on at the time in the movie. I don't think I will ever see a bad film that includes Morgan Freeman in the cast. It has an interesting story also. The film was that good it has left me lost for words. I wouldn't usually watch a film about being in jail but I've heard that this was a classic and a must watch movie. It was different in many ways to what I would usually watch because what I would usually watch are action and comedy movies. I recommend this movie to children over the age of 10.
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Creed III (2023)
Worst in the franchise of rocky and creed but decent movie
26 September 2023
This movie is the worst movie in the rocky franchise but it's a decent movie. I can't say much about the actors or the movie itself but I can say I wasn't to impressed when I saw this. They are literally trying to copy the rocky movies. The worst part is the jail bars while they were fighting because its a boxing fight in a stadium not a fight in a jail cell. They are copying rocky V when they make creed train Damien because rocky in rocky V decided to train Tommy Gunn. I don't think they should be relating this to the rocky franchise because its completely different. I don't think anyone should relate this to the rocky franchise. If they are to make a creed IV I would still watch it but it would make me nervous for how bad the film might be. I am not recommending this movie to anyone.
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I didn't know God was lost. Ali's character was played brilliantly.
26 September 2023
I know this film is about George Foreman but I wish this film had a bit more of Muhammad Ali in it because in the scenes he is in he plays Ali brilliantly. I haven't watched Will Smith play Muhammad Ali but I hear that he did a very bad job and if I was to watch it I would say that the actor that plays Ali in this movie easily does a better job. I did like George Foreman in the film and I know this film is mainly about him but the actor that played Ali did to much of a brilliant job in this film to not be recognised. But otherwise this film is well made. I think its well made because its made the fights exactly how they happened in real life except for the Joe Frazier knockdowns because there was more knockdowns then what they put in the movie. But the commentary is brilliant in that fight. DOWN GOES FRAZIER !!! I recommend this film for children over the age of nine.
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Underrated movie. I seriously question imdb ratings
23 September 2023
Imdb is a good app to look and find out about movies tv shows and upcoming movies and TV shows. But it's ratings are the worst. People's ratings are worse. This film is brilliant interesting and new to what I would usually watch. It isn't scary but it's a brilliant Sci-fi film. I don't know why people can't see the greatness of some of the movies I have seen. I know that everyone is entitled to their own opinion though. Also I don't know why they had to make so many different endings to this film when it was at the end my dad said that it wasn't the same ending that he had seen and we looked everywhere to find the proper/better ending. The ending that I think was the best was the theatrical cut ending because they just look at each other and walk away that is the perfect ending to a sci-fi film. The oasis soundtrack was brilliant as well. I recommend this movie to people over the age of 11.
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Saw (2004)
Let The Games Begin
15 April 2023
The whole franchise of saw is the best movie franchise I have ever seen. Throughout the franchise none of the films get worse they just all get better and better. But this one will always be the best. All of the franchise looks back on this one. I will always remember being really confused when watching this film. Through the whole franchise I remember being really confused. All of this franchise is really really confusing. Cary Elwes is really good in this movie and I was really glad to see him in Saw 3d I think. I couldn't believe he was still alive when I first watched Saw 3d. I recommend this movie for people over the age of ten.
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Scream (1996)
I Put This Horror Franchise Above A Nightmare On Elm Street
14 April 2023
This is one of the best horror franchises ever. In my opinion this is better than the a nightmare on elm street franchise. I just thought I would start watching a whole load of horror franchises and one of them I started with was Scream. Wes Craven doing a perfect job again at making a really brilliant horror movie well done as always Wes. But something I have liked about the franchises they keep most of the same characters in the franchise until they get killed off. Now don't get me wrong I like the a nightmare on elm street franchise but I would have loved to see a nightmare on elm street 2 with Nancy continuing to be in it. And it would have made more sense seeing that she was in the 3rd one. Anyway Neve Campbell does a good job all franchise. Now I only mensioned Neve Campbell because I do not like Courteney Cox or David Arquette in it. Don't get me wrong i've finished Friends to the end and she is OK in that but I don't like the way she has to act in this whole franchise. You think she is finished trying to make herself lots of money until all of a sudden Ghostface kills someone and she is one the scene. She is nothing without Ghostface in this movie. I don't really like David Arquette because of her. No happy endings for her. Anyway I hope they make a Scream VII because then all of the viewers find out if she is dead or not. Because I heard not a word about her being alive nor dead when I watched Scream VI. I recommend this movie for people over the age of ten.
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Best One In The Whole Franchise
14 April 2023
No matter how many nightmare on elm street films people try and make nothing is ever going to beat how good the original is. This movie is really scary and one of the best horrors ever. It is one of them horror movies that you have to watch in your lifetime. And no one say that Dawn Of The Dead is one of the movies I have to watch in my lifetime. I watched it and its completely boring. Same old zombie movie. Anyway brilliant movie and you just cannot copy it with a different movie. The actors in it were a key part to the movies success. Brilliant acting by everyone. Well everyone except Johnny Depp. I don't really like him in movies because of the way he has to act in the movie. My Dad's the kind of the same with Robin Williams. I recommend this movie for people over the age of ten.
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Really Good Action Comedy
14 April 2023
Now this movie was really good when I watched it but I wouldn't say it absolutely brilliant. It was a good decent action comedy. When I saw the name for this movie I was thinking that it would be a really serious action because when you have the word heist in a movie you usually wouldn't expect a really good action/comedy movie. Christopher Walken as always was really good in this movie and his wife added to the comedy. Morgan Freeman and William H. Macy were the key to making this movie good and really funny. If these usual comedy guys weren't in it at first I probably would have never watched this movie. I recommend this movie for children over ten.
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Way Better Than 3.7
14 April 2023
Imdb is a great movie site. But it makes some massive mistakes. Some great movies are being rated terrible by them. Like Missing In Action 2 The Beginning. Its an unknown movie to people who don't watch Chuck Norris but it is a great movie and should be way higher than is rating. Its kind of the same thing with this movie. I really liked this movie. It wasn't fantastic but it was a really good movie and Nicolas Cage is in a lot of good movies and this is one of them. I would not have watched this movie if he wasn't in it. This movie didn't seem too much of a horror when I watched it I found it just really suspense full. I recommend this movie for children over the age of 10.
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Spiral (2021)
WOW just wow what a reboot
10 April 2023
I can't believe this movie. After Tobin Bell was killed off from the Saw franchise I didn't expect too much because he did a brilliant job playing John Kramer/Jigsaw. But all of the next few movies after that one were great but when I saw Jigsaw 2017 I was happy to see him alive. I was excited because I thought he may be in this movie. That's the reason I gave it a 9/10. Otherwise this movie would have been a perfect 10/10. Chris Rock was Excellent. I was surprised he was in this kind of movie because usually he would be in comedy movies. But his performance in this dramatic horror was part of me giving it it's 9/10 or what could have been 10/10. Samuel L. Jackson was good in this movie and I am mentioning him because I like him because of all the movies I have seen with him in them. Anyway i did not expect him to be in a movie like this because he is usually in action comedies or just comedies. Anyway I recommend this movie for children over the age of twelve.
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Outstanding Action Comedy
10 April 2023
My Daddy recommended this movie to me although he had mistaken this movie for another one this movie was unbelievably funny. Matthew Perry's performance is perfect for this movie. They always make the guy that does not want to hurt anybody the dummy. Bruce Willis is a good criminal in this. Although he is a good cop in most of the movies he is in he does a good job being the criminal for a change. There are a lot of funny scenes in this film although I thought there would be more action than comedy when I first read about it. But I don't think anyone else could have done a better job than Matthew Perry and Bruce Willis. I recommend this movie for children over ten.
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Lost in Space (1998)
What A Brilliant Movie
10 April 2023
Now no one suggested this movie to me but this is weird. I was looking through Matt Leblanc's movies and I found this and I read the plot and it sounded really good. Then I watched the trailer and I could not believe what I was seeing. The trailer was outstanding. So I decided that I would watch the whole movie and I was even more shocked than I was after watching the whole movie. The movie was way better than its trailer. Gary Oldman is in a lot of brilliant movies and this is one of them. His performance along with Matt Leblanc's performance was outstanding. Considering they worked together in friends I didn't think that the two of them would be able to act like a hero. But it turns out I was wrong. At first I watched this movie to see how Matt Leblanc's would do acting as an action star but everyone was really good in this dramatic action adventure movie. I recommend this movie for children over the age of seven.
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Big Nothing (2006)
Really Funny Action Comedy
10 April 2023
Honestly I did not expect this film to be that good at all. But right from the start this movie delivered one of the most funniest films of the year so far. David Schwimmer's performance was excellent. And the only reason I started watching this film was because he was in it. I just saw the movie on Youtube and I thought this might be good and I was right. Simon Pegg is absolutely hilarious in this. When I first saw this poster I didn't think it was an action comedy. There are a lot of funny scenes in this movie mostly including David Schwimmer and Simon Pegg. There is not one scene of comedy where I don't see David Schwimmer and Simon Pegg in it. I recommend this movie for children over the age of 9.
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Worst film i've seen in a while
10 April 2023
I have not seen a bad movie in a while but this gets into my worst films of the year list. I just thought I would watch it because I saw it on Youtube. I read about and it sounded funny but after I watched it I found it depressing. There is some funny scenes in this movie but the funniest includes James Earl Jones in the scene. Robin Williams isn't funny at all considering he is in a lot of comedy movies. Thank god I found another movie to watch after that because if I did not I know I would end up depressed. I don't know what else to say about this other than I do not recommend this movie for anyone.
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Flash Gordon (1980)
Flash Is Unbeatable. Even Though He Doesn't Have Hero Powers
9 September 2022
This Is The Best Superhero Movie I Have Watched In A Long Time. Considering Flash Gordon Does Not Have Superhero Powers This Was The Best Superhero Film Of 2022 And The Year Has Not Even Finished Yet. And I Know This Because I Don't Watch As Many Superhero Films As I Used To. The Theme Song Is Outstanding And The Timing Of When To Kick In To The Theme Song Is Just Brilliant. The Start And The Ending Are The Best Places For The Theme Song And That Is Where It Was Put. The Extended Credits At The Start Were Perfect For The Theme Song The Kick In. But Onto The Review Sam J. Jones Done A Terrific Job At Being Flash Gordon No One Else Would Have Done Any Better Than Him. Volkan's Voice Was Used For The Flash Mop And Cleaning Ads But His Funny And His Voice Were Just Brilliant Especially Near The End That's Where He Really Got Funny And Exiting. Them Two Are The Best In The Movie By Far.
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Ted (2012)
An Outrageous Comedy
3 September 2022
Great Film Good Laughs Good Thunder Song But Flash Gordon Was My Highlight Of The Movie Lots Of Funny Scenes It Will Really Have You Off Your Chair Laughing. When I Watched The Movie And I Think It's One Of My Movies Of 2022. I Don't Think I Will See A Funnier Film Than This This Year. But I Will Never Say Never. Mark Wahlberg Was Really Funny But Ted Was Funnier. Giovanni Ribisi Was Funny But I Think I Prefered Him Being Frank Buffet In Friends To Be Honest. All Characters Were Really Funny. Have The Vomit Bag Out Though For When I Think Were Alone Now By Tiffany Comes On His Dance Is Just Sickening .But Otherwise It's A Really Funny Movie. I Really Recommend You Watch This Movie.
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