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Shutdown Hollywood now
20 May 2018
Well, what to say..... Holloywood, Disney and all these american movie makers have a nack of turning everything into a teen movie. Wheter its great big monsters, in space somewhere in the future, at work wherever. There is no depth to the movies they make anymore, just polish a bit on the surface.

i dont even have the energy to write anything specific about it, just feel that everyone involved in making this movie will hopefully be banned from ever making another movie.
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Black Panther (2018)
Iron Man? Panther man?
4 May 2018
A pattern is shown in the marvel movies now. all heros are getting an iron man suit but made for the hero they are, spider man get a spider suit full with tech, Black panther does too and they are just like iron man but with a other abilities.

I am getting fed up with these movies. When we read these magazines it was for the great stories, now its just senseless action with no brainer script, its made for kids who are about enter the puberty, for them these movies are amazing, But marvel is truly and utterly destroying their good rep with junk like this.
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A small surprise
11 November 2017
I didn't expect much from this one to be honest, as we have seen thousands of movies like this before.

I also lately felt that Ryan Reynolds and his humor in the movies have gotten somewhat overexposed and SL Jackson overexposed period, but these guys somehow pulls this of. its not a superb movie but it isn't bad either.

if you feel you are a hobby movie critic then yes this movie is not for you, simple story, plot holes, clichés so on and so forth. The ridiculous swearing and bad language ( loses 1 point for that ) is annoying, but other then that its quite fun. SLJ and RR do actually work good together.

totally OK movie in my books
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More like a Disney movie for kids
5 October 2017
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I started to read Spiderman around 1979-80 somewhere there. I am not sure if he already then had finished high school and collage and moved on to university. I remember there were flashes tho of his past now and then. I also remember that his most boring period as i felt was in high school and after he got married, the period in between was the best.

this felt like an attempt of a semi funny Disney movie for kids where spider man or peter were squealing like a little girl during most of the time. i get that in this movie he is a little kid, but still he even in this age are supposed to be extremely strong, flexible almost impossible to hit cause of that and his of course famous spider sense that is totally forgotten.

I am not to keen on how they mix the original stories in with new, i felt it was pointless to drag in Ned Leeds into this ( its for us who read the magazines, to recognize the familiar caracthers ) as he was a journo at daily bugle much later and got involved in the hobgoblin mess which later got him killed.

Same with Iron Man and Tony Stark which although where mentioned now and then back in the days of the magazines, didn't figure much into the spider man stories. those heroes who popped up now and then was daredevil a blind leads a blind and other stories, punisher ( although as a villain )the Torch and Captain America.

i bet that when they bring the black cat into the picture they will focus on the most boring story as well, with the romance as always.

I do understand to make it movie worthy things needs to be changed although i do think many spider man stories are good as they are.

This vulture didn't feel like the vulture but more of a cross between Iron man and the arch angel.

Sorry this movie wasn't for me, it was a disappointment
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A boring comedy
10 July 2016
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Seriously this movie was to boring to really follow as not much really happened, it was more about the interactions with the young cast of the movie a little love here and a little aggressive there and in the end they are all friends laughing and having a good time.

why do Hollywood insist of trying to make it into a comedy in every single scene? especially since they apparently got no humor whatsoever.

But we have seen all this a million times tho, its just a different background, this time it was a giant spaceship, in the past its been terrorists attacking, Russians attacking from the sky and oh yes a giant spaceship as well. Cut all the humor, cut all the cheesiness between the characters, do something different for f**k sake or resign from your jobs!
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Confessions (2010)
Another good Japanese movie
9 January 2016
I liked this movie a lot, as with many Asian movies you think a lot during and after watching it.

I don't find anything seriously bad with it, i seen people who feel annoyed by the slow motion scenes, but for me i felt thats exactly how the movie should be done and i also felt that the slow motion was due to the confessions being told in detail instead of real time as being told without specific detail, almost like when someone write in caps and you feel the person is screaming. So for me the slow motion was perfect.

As always i get a weird feeling after seen a movie like this and this feeling has come in a flurry no as i watched this one, memories of matsuko, the world of Kanouko and memories of the sword, the latter one is a Korean movie and much lighter, but all of them makes you or at least me think.
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I hardly don't know what to say
8 January 2016
I just seen the movie and i am speechless, one thing tho it made me scared of good looking Japanese women. Seriously after the movie i felt you cant trust anyone.

There is a mixed emotion and feeling after i seen it and i ain't sure what to say. I do like Asian movies as they are different, they make you think, sometimes to much. When it comes to the disturbing parts of the movie and then i don't mean the bloody parts, its a bit like Swedish movies who can be when they put their mind to it very disturbing, you get a bad feeling in your stomach.

Like in some other reviews i also felt a bit Tarantino over it and i cant say i think Tarantino makes a lot better movies, more rather if he seen this i believe he wish he had made it.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
Thought it was fantastic
7 January 2016
I read some reviews on here and they are pretty mixed, i however loved this movie. I didn't miss a second of it. I guess i am getting tired of the Hollywood action movies with a teenage romance aspect filled with tons of jokes made by men with no touch of reality, like the new Star Wars movie that was utterly butchered.

Di caprio and Hardy's acting alone is awesome but so is Domnhall Gleeson. I want more movies of this kind, i am tired of the light action love comedy movies that Hollywood spew out thousands of each year. I don't get why the kids don't grow tired of seeing the same thing, wheter it takes place in space or in school or at a police station.

This movie was totally my taste and i couldn't get enough, had no problem whatsoever with the lenght of it either.
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Somewhat disappointed
29 December 2015
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I grew up with Star wars and i just love the series and Think it should go on forever. Yes i gave it a 7 after all it is Star Wars. But yes i agree with someone saying the Star Wars feeling is almost non existent, cause it is. This is a regular Sci Fi action Movie. Just because you talk about Jedi and the force doesn't really make it Star Wars.

Star wars Movies are usually dark and Heavy and full of betrayals, this one is light more humor then necessary and it just rolls on carefree. If someone trained under Luke since he was a boy and are strong in the force obviously he should have no problem defeating a rookie girl. Even so there were no mystery, i knew and we all new what would happen, it was so predictable that no one sat there anticipating how fights or story would go, we all knew.

I hope they go back to the dark heavy side of star wars, cut down on the jokes and yes make it less teenage love story then it now is. Disney make sure you don't butcher this series of Star wars, you get a lot of extra cause its Star Wars, make sure it lives up to it cause right now it doesn't.
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To much is changed
28 August 2015
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So well since i liked the first Avengers movie, id was hoping for this one to be great. Sadly its not, they need to learn that there doesn't have to be a funny comeback or a joke every 5th min, thats something thats just tedious. To much is changed of the original story and when movie makers starts to tamper to much with an already good story you rarely get an good end result. Ultron then one of the most dangerous non heroes there is, sadly not at all in the way he supposed to be. Ultron were really lame and and other villain would have posed the as a bigger threat. These are already taking the turn of the Transformers movies, Action, action, jokes, jokes, action, jokes and no story.
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Last Knights (2015)
Like G. Ramsey says, its bland bland bland
20 June 2015
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There is no story really, the movie just plows along...oh wait yes it is a simple revenge story actually and i don't know, i just felt seeing Clive Owen...he doesn't feel trustworthy as a knight, not in this movie at least.

They even tried to implement all the clichés as well, but couldn't even pull that off, i don't know how to best describe the feeling of watching the movie, but all that comes to mind is like walking mile after mile in mud, makes any sense? No? neither does the movie.

There is one perfect review of this movie, its honest and its exactly how i think most ppl feel and think about the movie after watching it and its made by davish_wulf-1 from Portugal, read his review cause he sums it up very well
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013–2020)
As most American shows
15 February 2015
There are elements that just needs to be in almost American show, it just have to. Like the nerdy kids or youngsters, they have to be somewhat clumsy and not really professional at all, and its like that almost Always. i wonder do the American people find this element funny? as TV show creators Always do this, do they ALWAYS find it funny? I can tell you that the rest of th World finds it boring, annoying and irritating. Instead of making this so plastic as they have, they could actually made it like S.H.I.E.L.D actually were a professional organization instead of a bunch of clowns. Shows that really stands out are shows like Game of thrones, Sons of anarchy ( ended ) cause it ain't plastic and cause it isn't so American cliché based. Make the carachters more professional, no more stupid lines as this is filled with it, you already have a million shows like this, this just happen to be about S.H.I.E.L.D. make it stand out.
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A movie for 6 to 7 year olds in Europe
11 October 2014
The American humor is sooooo bad and on such low level that its basically like walking into a kindergarten in Europe, its about the same level. Is this really what the people there like? Somehow i don't think so, i just think they are fed this crap so often that its useless to resist. no one above the age of 14 can like this, i would be amazed if that was the case. Why does everything has to be so overblown in their comedies? I don't get it, people aren't that stupid, try to make quality comedies again, if your capable of that. I didn't finish it, was impossible to do.

Please make 1 decent comedy this year
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Bad Bad Movie
19 September 2014
Its not much about Autobots VS Decepticons, its more about the people. Why? isn't it supposed to be about the transformers? this was almost like a war movie but with robots, boring really boring. MR Bay should retire if he keeps continuing doing crap like this: When are you gonna do a transformer movie and one with a decent story? Are you really proud over this? or are you just laughing all the way to the bank? the Voice overs where terrible, don't hire those guys again, and why this extremely boring sense of humor your trying to sneak in these movies? its not funny, learn for god sake.

This time you hardly got to know who was fighting ( which autobots ) against who. Only one doing a decent job was Kelsey Grammar, but not even he could lift this pile of crap.
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Same story, different job
11 April 2013
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How many times have we seen this movie being released from Hollywood now? a gazillion times. They are divorced since million years back they have a child who of course wants the parents back together, she has met a new one that she will marry. The one she will marry they have been together for years, but she doesn't love him, they guys she once divorced he still loves her and only loves her and she is the only one he has ever loved and she still deep inside despite everything loves him.

This move has been made so many times, and the dad is always a f*** up, but he has straighten things out.

Please i beg of you, don't make this movie again, change it if you must. she loves her new guy dearly and will marry him or, he will find a new woman, or they never really loved each other, there are tons of ways to change it, why is that so hard for Hollywood film makers? and yes the new one who she is supposed to marry is always just there and then tossed away like the easiest of things a few crocodile tears and then its back to normal. I think there are children with better imgaination of stories then these people who constantly make these movies, its like these movies are like a Big Mac, it never really changes. Bored to death with it.
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Reminds of a Swedish movie called Den bästa sommaren
12 October 2012
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I liked this movie, the only problem was that it reminded me a lot of a Swedish movie called Den bästa sommaren, also about 2 kids running away, There are many similarities between these movies its just that the Swedish movie isn't so spaced out as this one, I would probably have liked it even better if it wasn't for the fact that Den bästa sommaren is 15 times better. Both are good movies and worth watching.

I haven't checked if this is some kind of remake of that movie, it could be. But this was a good movie to watch.

Its not like i was stuck like glue when i was watching this movie, but it was enjoyable, some good actors in it as well.
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Coriolanus (2011)
not great, not good, but rather poor
2 June 2012
I don't really see the point of this whatsoever.

English is not my native language but i could understand most of this, but this doesn't belong in a movie like this, for me it all felt out of place and quite poorly made. It felt like the actors themselves didn't believe in it and only did this to feel they did something deep and poetic. well i can summarize this film easily its CRAP.

these past 2 or 3 years it looks like the Us has tried to take a different angle on movies and its in my eyes not been successful, i think there are coming less good movies now and a lot more crap, but as long as people are paying to watching i guess they feel all is OK.
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I thought they did a rather good job
4 February 2012
I have read the books and seen the Swedish movies.

you know when i first heard that there would be an American remake i thought it would be an action packed crap movie so i am a bit surprised that it isn't.

There are some extremely disturbing scenes in the movie and i feel that the Swedish version captured those a bit better. Overall acting was good, i thought Mara did a good job as Sahlander although Naomi Rapace was excellent and she will always be Sahlander.

I know some complains at the disturbing scenes in the movie and i feel they are even more disturbing in the Swedish version, but a movie that moves you in any sort of way, whether its disturbing, funny, romantic or in an angry way i think is reaching its goal. There are to many movies today where you can just sit and watch and it doesn't affect you at all in any sort of way.

Good job guys!
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Its not about the transformers anymore
6 August 2011
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Why do Americans see the need of adding people as supposedly funny elements in movies? this movie has 3 people who are supposed to be funny and its so forced so silly that you feel those who made this movie are w*****s. Its not funny at all, just ridiculous. What does those have to do with the transformers anyway. In the 4th why not throw in Steve Carell and Jim Carrey since this is becoming a comedy anyway and why not a funny robot giraffe? And its not so much about the autobots and the decepticons either any more, its more about sam witwicky and the people around him. The fourth should be called Sam Witwicky and robot friends.

To squeeze out as much money they can thats what these people are good at but he story sucks and we don't know much about the transformers and we don't get to know much about them, like shockwave that he cant stand Megatron and wants to take over and the different qualities they have. No its more about sam and his current girlfriend and his team of soldiers, the transformers is just secondary, it could just as well had been big gremlins fighting. They have put in 2 small robot gremlins actually who's also supposed to be funny.

To many has beens in Hollywood making movies these days, get a grip.
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The Mentalist (2008– )
It took me 8 episodes to start to like this show, now i love it
6 January 2011
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This show really grows on you, the characters and the actors. I love the childish ways of Patrick Jane or as he has turned out to be, in the beginning he were to much of an unbelievable genius to me, but now he is simply fantastic and Simon Baker a guy i never really liked ever before is born to play this role, he does it fantastic.

I could write tons of superlatives about Simon Baker here, but his performance speaks for itself, the whole unit and the tensions and interactions are great.

The episodes are original and not to spaced out, Americans have a tendency to go to far and make it to spaced out but this one stays within the borders witch makes it watchable for just about anyone.

The hunt for Red John are so far exciting and thrilling, but dangerously close to get to spaced, i really hope it wont, and i also hope it wont take 8 seasons to catch him cause then one might have gotten bored already. 2 things that makes the Red John story so fascinating is his encounters-and interactions with Jane the other is that everyone is guessing who he is and have a few choices, not to many and not to few, it could be Mashburn as some may think, it could also be Hightowers boss, who wants Jane on every case even when Jane himself doesn't want to and red John wiped out a unit just to have Jane working on his case. its fascinating. One thing that can ruins it is if red john has 50 helpers to puzzle the mystery, then it would get to spaced, hope they do as now hold it within the borders.
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Inception (2010)
Different and i liked it
17 September 2010
Unlike most people here i don't feel urged to show that i am not dumb whether i liked the movie or not, it wasn't at all that complicated to understand it.

I liked it because it was different and none of the characters went overboard, most American movies today has that flaw, a comedy characters are to hysterical no realism whatsoever or its all below the belt. in action movies its important to have tons of explosions and be cool and make the new coolest action scene ever, get shot in the arm is OK without any reaction.

sure there was action in this movie as well but i felt it didn't go overboard, its not a movie for kids.
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Miss March (2009)
What a load of crap
4 September 2009
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Seriously does anyone think this is funny? Apparently some does, poop, people who are over the top hysterical and so on, this movie can only work in the United States, where ppl in the age span of 18-60 still fins pooping funny. In the rest of the world its kids in kindergarten who make poop jokes. i watched around 25 mins of it and i couldn't help but thinking is this really the mental state of that country? Some say its a sex comedy, but does it really have to be so flipped out whit over spaced ppl? Its utter crap not funny no matter what comedy it now tried to be. There is noway anyone can relate to anything as no character seemed real, to some ppl that is funny, to most its not.
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What is this? An alternative romantic comedy?
23 December 2008
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This movie has 7.6 in average rating and again i believe it must be mainly kids rating this so high, talking about b***s, c*m and f****** in the movie is not very funny, not if you have turned over the age of 25 at least, this is for kids of for grown ups with an mentality of 14 and an IQ of 99. The whole movie was a waste all this porno s**t and talk was just an 1 hour and a half of waste right up to the very ending when it turned into romantic and loving. For being an romantic comedy this movie is different a whole different story then others, but it wasn't very good.

Seth Rogen is a funny guy and he is funny in a believable way, i hope he gets better movies then this in the future so he doesn't get to waste his talent in movies just talking about his pubic hair and other ridiculous things. i yawned my way through the entire movie hoping something funny would happen but it never really did.
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Keith (I) (2008)
An OK movie
20 October 2008
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Id probably would think it was better if i hadn't seen inside i am dancing, these movies are different, but there are similarities in the state of the main characters of the both movies Keith ( Jesse McCartney ) and Rory O'Shea ( James Macavoy ) I gave this movie Keith 7 and inside i am dancing a flawless 10. This is more of a drama while the other one is both drama and comedy so there are differences. I liked this movie tho sometimes it went kind of slow, but totally watchable.

Sometimes i just felt, is this really how kids in their age would act or think? Adults maybe but kids? Especially the young girl, i don't know about that.
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this movies is for early teens
4 August 2008
Totally awful. I guess the high vote is cause many 13 and 14 year old's love this movie. At least this is what kids in Sweden laughs at: everyone knows that little kids talks about poop and wee and so on and as they get a little older they reach the maturity level as in this movie. The bad part is that you cant trust the grade system of this site anymore, there should be 2 sections on IMDb and this belongs to the kiddie section. I doubt that many over 20 has given this more then 3 in grade, its total dung. To me its becoming clear that US cant make comedy's anymore, every movie seems to get hysterical overdone and ridiculous, the country that does the best comedy's these days are UK
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