
14 Reviews
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Only once in a while experience ...
6 October 2007
I am not surprised that some of the people were non-plussed after watching this movie ...Some saw only bcz they were stuck on a 12 hour flight.

To understand this movie u would have to understand the piece of Japanese folk dance at the end[ though that has got nothing to do with the movie ] or indeed the Japanese culture itself.

For most it's nothing more than a mild curiosity or a mere moment of interest, here n there ...

But when u watch it for a little longer u would understand how gentle, how subtle and yet so firm, the emotions are ..

How beautiful the noncomprehending noises r in the background .. N before u know u r floating in a river of solitude ..

Yes! this one is for those who love poetry, who admire beauty. Numbers r not just dead figures but each has a character like a human being ..

We have come to expect a regular dose of sex content in such movies from the Hollywood .. I guess for them it won't do without a boisterous love seen when there is a talk of extra-marital love affair ...

Anyways, there r so many things that I can talk about this movie but I won't, I am not even going to make an attempt.

However somethings I will cherish forever .. Eri Fukatsu's smile, Professor's character, The movie's feel, Root ..

Am I the only one I wonder .. surely it can't be!
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Spellbounding poetry in motion ..
25 September 2007
Whatever I say about Tsogakare Seibei will be I am afraid, won't be enough ... Let me say right off the bat that this is NOT a regular Samurai flick ... It involves a Samurai, a fight but still it's not about fighting at all...rather it's intricacies which makes it a complete retainer.

A story so simple yet so moving, a narration from a grown up kid, acting as real as it comes and a culture so humble and yet so deeply attractive .. This is a gem I have seen in a long time N it's just increased my already burning fascination for everything Japanese ...

It's a shame that people can get there hands on a Scary Movie part, but don't even get to hear about a gem like this ...

If u can have ur hands on this one ... then there is no excuse, watch it!
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King Of Slapsticks... It's pure gold!
17 September 2007
I have thoroughly enjoyed movies like You've got mail, 50 first dates to The Animal and the American Pie series...

However these movies don't cut across the genres ..

Many believe that the previous editions of Austin Powers r the best .. They might be true. But I am grateful to the God Almighty that I saw this one first!

If this movie can't make u laugh and feel a complete sense jubilation than something is seriously amiss with you .. Yeah baby

I have seen it a Gazillion times n each n every time it cheers me up. There is perhaps no other movie of whose scene's I have paused, re winded, seen over n over again ...

N at the end of it you have GOTTA admire this man called Mike Myers... Aah what a man.

It's too bad there have been no more Austin Powers movies .. But this is a character which will not stop to charm u even after a 100th sequel!!

Just watch it ...
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Dororo (2007)
A great movie ... regardless
1 September 2007
I was really pained to see such negative comments about this movie.. by someone from japan itself.

We don't have to feed on eve dished out by the Hollywood.. and we certainly don't have to compare our movies to Hollywood. Sure Hollywood produces top quality movies but then eve doesn't have to be Hollywood style...

Having said that I think Dororo is no less entertaining than any action flick. Sure there r glitches here and there but who cares...

I thought Kou Shibasaki as a wicked crook was both hilarious and brilliant .. Her language [ A local dialect of Japanese ? ] increased my fascination for the Japanese language even more..

Dororo for me represents another aspect of the Japanese culture which I have come to love and respect.

I request to the people who know ... to comment, having a broader perspective in mind ... because for many, this place is the primary contact for information on movies..

Can't wait to for Part 2 & 3 ...
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Death Note (2006)
A 10/10 movie...
25 August 2007
OK, let me get it right out of my chest that I don't know a lot about Manga or Anime...

And may be that was the reason I was spell bound for 2 n so hours..

It's an amazing movie with a script that can make you go craaaaaaaaaaazy! What a fantastic idea.. A death note, Gods Of Death, Kiera, L, Light Yagami... WOW! I found Tatsuya Fujiwara very cool n in fact every one of the characters have done a commendable job..

I was taking a break from Hollywood movies and what a break it has been.. I have discovered such gems from Korean, Chinese and now Japanese Cinema.

This definitely points to our lack of ability to project Asian Cinema around the world. Hollywood does it with aplomb. Of course it helps them that they are promised a ready audience, however films so beautiful as this must have been a phenomenal success all around..

Anyways, I regret the fact that I did not see these movies before but Hey! I am excited as hell to watch more...

Casshern and Dororo are on my immediate search list.. Who knows where these would lead me..

I would love to talk to someone who knows about movies based on Manga or Anime... mail me! If u love thrillers or beautiful cinema, either way this one will not disappoint u.. It's a Must Must must watch....
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Oldboy (2003)
Excellent ... Awful.. Terrible
23 August 2007
This is the second in the "Vengeance trilogy" by director Park Chan-wook and third of my Korean movie hitch-hike.

This is an excellent movie in many aspects. A dark theme coupled with brilliant acting, direction n production system.

It re-defines the age of dark movies. And yet in spite of all that brilliance, for people like me, It just cannot be watched for a second time... Once you know the story.

"Even though I am no worse than a beast, Don't I have a right to live?" asks Min-sik Choi in the end.. The question is asked to the audience as well, challenging morality and given as a justification for the lead characters choice...

No matter what the director wants us to believe, I think it's just not conceivable for a father to choose to have physical relation with his daughter, even after knowing that she is his daughter.

This is perhaps the only brilliant movie by which I was awed and yet promised myself not to watch it again.. It disturbs the very fabric of our beliefs and attempts to provide justification for a father - daughter physical relationship...

On the bigger prospective I have developed a definitive respect for Korean cinema.

I wish I had read the plot before I watched it.. so that I would never have watched it...
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Arahan (2004)
Hilarious .. Funny .. Fantastic!
23 August 2007
This is really the second Korean movie I saw after 'Shadow less swords' n I am amazed at the maturity of Korean Cinema.. Arahan really was a fantastic movie.. The acting of the lead actors was really good... really up to the standards. Seung-beom Ryu as a gawky policemen n ever so wonderful So-Yi Yoon. The treatment of the storyline, the direction n effects.. all fell in line.

To say I am curious about Korean movies now would be an understatement... I am looking for more ...

In fact I would welcome suggestions from some one who can guide me..

Really a superb movie to watch.. just great.
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Awesomw! So-Yi Yoon ... All the way
20 August 2007
I was a little hesitant before watching this movie since I hadn't seen a Korean movie before... and Man was I surprised!! If it was not for a few glitches here n there this could have been a timeless classic! It's been acted out so well by the lead actors. Especially So-Yi yoon. She is just about perfect!!. In fact for me she is way better than Zhang Ziyi..

Frankly, I wasn't expecting the level of maturity shown in direction, storyline n acting. And yes, it is one of the New Line Cinema's. Although this is a period movie I could make out the little differences of Korean culture from Japanese, Chinese or Thai.

Aah man what a movie n what a beauty... I had never praised an actress so much before.. But here I go.. I am nuts about Yoon.

Well.... there isn't a dearth of beauties in good Ol India.... but hey! she knows martial arts too....

I strongly suggest this one for those who liked Crouching... Hidden. While u get the movie I am gonna dream about So-Yi Yoon. Yoooooooooooooooonnnnnn!
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They did a pretty good job...The aliens, in the mother-ship.
29 July 2007
I am watching this movie( for the second time B2B ) and I am at the point where Jack (Cage) and Kate (Leoni) are fighting for a piece of cake... I just could not resist the feeling of hitting the pause button and pouring out my feelings to someone....

God! What a movie. I have made a point not to write something about a movie if I am really not moved by it. And I was on a 'high' after watching this one.

I just can't tell you how beautiful everything is in this one. And I am wondering why is it so underrated....

When you hear about the plot line you would say 'Well... another Christmas movie'... Well, it is and yet so different in so many ways!. When Kate and Jack enter there million dollar apartment for the first time it reminded me of Keanu Reeves and Charlize Theron in 'The Devil's Advocate'. And just when I thought the scene is gonna turn out to be a copy.... it twists. And that's not just one of the twists.

You can watch it over n over again. First for Cage, story, direction and the rest of it.. then for Piven... then for Cheadle.. n then for the little Makenzie Vega..

And not at all the least for Téa Leoni.

Téa Leoni... Wow!. What a women. Why is she not as big a star as Meg Ryan, Sandra Bullocks or even Julia Roberts(Ouch!) and others is a great mystery and a very depressing issue for me. In 'Deep Impact', 'Jurassic Park 3',the one with Woody Allen n of course this one ... I thought she was wonderful. She is a great actress and looks fantastic. Guess people have there own reasons(like I despise J Roberts for instance). I think Téa Leoni is a VERY beautiful women ....among the best!

Well, whatever the reason you watch it for, rest assured that you won't be disappointed.

There is something about Christmas movies and this one definitely fits the bill.

BTW it's comparison with Capra's 'It's a wonderful life' is unfair. It might have the same theme but it's so diff in so many ways...
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Fight Club (1999)
Man O Man O .....
20 July 2007
The movie starts off in a harmless way. Having you believe that it's just another frustrated males twisted life story.

Half way in to it and I was totally possessed by it's disturbing darkness and at the same time the brilliance of it all.

I may as well add that fellas with weaker stomach will find it hard to digest this one.

And towards the end a great depression took over me. I felt 'There is no way this one will leave me with anything but depression, what possibly can happen to alter the course NOW?'. But then, I should have known better....

Having been a great fan of Edward Norton from his 'Red Dragon' days, I know that he has a peculiar taste in selecting films. His movies are anything but ordinary.

The climax of course turned everything up side down and I slipped from the chair and rolled over...

Nothing I say will ever fully describe how I felt. You just GOT TO see this one.

And I never took Brad Pitt seriously before this one, even after watching se7en. But I have developed a deep sense of respect for this guy.

Teens watch out, if you haven't seen this one yet then 'Tyler Durden' is gonna blow you over.

An amazing movie, fantastic script, superb direction and extraordinary acting. This one is a collector's gem.
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Bawarchi (1972)
A masterpiece by a magician.
14 July 2007
If ever fairy tales were told in poetic and yet mesmerizing way than this is definitely one among them.

The word 'magician' in my title could apply to Hrishikesh Mukherji definitely but also to Rajesh Khanna. Aah.. what an actor!.

This is undoubtedly one of Mr.Mukherji's best. You can feel the Bengali warmth all over it.It's subtle and yet so clear, it's humorous and yet so sentimental.

It's a story about a cook who changes not only the tastes of the house but also the hearts.

Now here is a movie u feel deserved an Oscar... but who cares? It's truly a world's loss. But then you can't blame the Oscar jury... nothing much was done in the past to promote Indian cinema on an International standard.

This is a movie you can proudly refer and no such luck for the movies that are being churned out now.
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I hope you are reading this HR...
14 July 2007
( HR is what Himesh is called in the movie, I think he likes it too. ) It's amazing how intelligent people, talented even fall in to the same trap.

I really like Reshamiya. It's amazing what he has done. No one in recent years has come back from the wilderness and made a mark for himself.

And I truly expected a great film ( What with the budget of 50 Cr and the cute actress ). As intense as Reshamiya is I thought, he would excel at a sentimental and an emotional role. Ironically he is depicted the same but for what care? Sheer incompetence, carelessness, awful acting, banal background music, insensitive direction make it a real pain.

Blunders rule. ( Ex. How can German Police issue public instructions on a loud speaker in English? They communicate among themselves in English!) Unfortunately this incompetence has become the standard in main line Bollywood. There are some excellent directors but many a bad ones too. The worse thing is that the majority just doesn't care.

Songs are the only saving grace...

Please don't repeat this HR and find yourself a good director ( low budget.. No problem).

The villain should really have shaved his head instead of the wig you know... after all it's a 50Cr movie.
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A master piece... one of the greatest.
14 July 2007
I had never heard of Akira Kurosava. I didn't know anything about Japanese B/W films at all!.

And it proved a blessing for me as I watched this movie without even so much as battling an eyelid. Growing amazed an appreciative at the same time.

There is a strange kind of stillness in Kurosava's direction. Not the stillness to make you impatient but the stillness to make you feel the beauty of the moment, to get inside the character's mind.

It's a story about a lad who is headstrong but learns the truth of life along the way.

It's a movie about Judo and Jujitsu. It's a movie about budding love. It's a movie about a student and a great master. And it's a movie about Kurosava's greatness.

You can watch it for any reason and you'll not be disappointed. I wish all those movie makers of senseless violence, learn something from this one... while I find ways to get my hands on another of Kurosava's master pieces.
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Magic ! Pure N Simple....
14 July 2007
For a middle class Indian guy like me falling head over heels for Hollywood movies and especially for B/W beauties is like making Ned Sparks laugh.... very difficult!

And yet in love I am with Hollywood for movies like 'The Lady For A Day'.

( What you haven't seen it? Rent it or better BUY it .. Right Now!)

It's pure magic from beginning to end.

Performances are top notch.Warren Williams with his voice n charm, Ned Sparks with his comments and May Robson for her great performance make the film a legend.

Let's not forget Frank Capra. It actually makes you wonder weather it is Capra's direction , the performances or the storyline which sets this film apart.

Capra's brand of comedies is well known. And this one is an out n out success!

Whatever be the ingredients it's poetry in motion. It's a must watch for true fans and it should be made compulsory for the 'Scary Movies Gang'.
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